The Noonday Devils: Understanding the Anxiety Attacks

(THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK 4:22/23 reads…….22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”)

Psychics well know that along with psychic gifts,  sometimes come awful penalties.

Part of the alarming nature of the unknown is its mysterious link to the known; I awaken

each night to a lewd exhibition of the merging.

I open my eyes and turn to see the digital alarm clock, sitting on the lamp table next to

my bed and see: 12:12, and 1:11 am, 2:22 am and 3:33 am and 4:44 am.

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This distresses me so badly, upon awakening, that I cannot think; a wave of panic that

SOMETHING is awakening me, with alacrity, strikes me, as the calculated odds of

awakening each night precisely at those specific times is, without question,

astronomically impossible.

The message intended seems designed to throw me off balance, to keep me wrapped in

fearful confusion; it lets me know that I am being toyed with but yields no greater


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It has taught me that when I sleep I wander amongst adept monsters and psychic beastly


When I experienced panic attacks(long before I suspected I was a “sensitive” and that

free-floating-panic the soul’s reaction, to ‘intrusion’ psychically) smoking pot always

made the anxiety blossom and flower worse.

Sometimes after abductions, the inter dimensional door, left open, invites the gangster

fringe element of the spirit world, worse, sometimes, demons are thrown into the

equation as spite work, for attempts at thwarting abductions.

UFO craft send down scrambled molecules of beings, transporter lights, which

reassemble in  attics, bedrooms and backyards to allow abductions to be stealthy with a

technology beyond imagination,

physical “beam-downs” of critters, from Bigfoot to reptilians to small greys, a technology-  tactic that baffled the human minds,  of Mayan , Sumerian, Aztec and Biblical peoples who  were outright wrongly ‘told’, that it was surely, “God”..

At eight o’clock in December, it began for me.

I saw a flotilla of craft, slowly come in from different directions, to assemble overhead,

round craft bottoms appearing not unlike red balloons.

They floated into a formation of sorts, overhead, until there were a dozen, and then all

bottoms’ red color turned to violet and they darted off overhead together, all in the same

direction, like fast minnows in a pond.

After that amazing sighting, poltergeist nonsense began to occur in my house .

And from then on, I looked up at the night skies only with apprehension…

Things moved within immediate eyesight, knocks on the walls and pings on light

fixtures, small fast footsteps overhead in the attic, and very strong feelings of being watched and nightmares.

Many nights, fantastic vivid nightmares of encounters with non-human beings ensued,

beings very tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character, and who

spoke to me with mind-to-mind-communication..

I was in severe ontological shock…

(Some of the most disguised UFOs appear as ‘airplanes’ that have false engine sounds attached to dissuade any notice, but they move in jumps and starts and reverse flight,  decoys that resemble conventional aircraft, an easy way to violate airspace’s without detection.

But abductees can sense an extreme ‘creepiness’, whenever small greys are local, nearby and soon-to-be around one..)

As my spirituality increases, it appears that I am become more of an increasing beacon, a porch light, for psychic moths and then bats, Dark Force entities.

Amazingly, NOT all of those negative energies afoot, earthbound, are human!

Some are reptilians.

One of my growing psychic sensitivities, an allergy of

sorts, is that as an early warning system, my skin burns locally with a painful ‘buzzing’,

when a negative thought entity intrudes upon my energies and starts a ‘connection.’

In such a moment, if sprayed holy water from a plant misting bottle fails to end the pain,

I seek a sometimes successful ethereal cleansing technique,  of using running

shower water to visualize a ‘wash’, of dark energy down the drain.

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EMF connections are associated with the feeling of a ‘buzzing’, a pinch- painful ‘touch’ of  many predatory, stubborn,

unseen  ‘hungry’ entities.

One particular unseen inter-dimensional entity awed and baffled me when, rather than vanish, it used the

shower water’s energy to partially materialize, for a full moment or two to study me, an

energy lunch which actually resisted, and refused to be nibbled at.

It had suddenly drained energy from me, had burned my skin where connections

touched, and had buzzed me within, psychically; sudden, unprovoked sexual urges and

odd, negative ideation had surfaced.

These are two of the signature symptoms of all negative thought entities.

To my horror and disbelief, right next to me, under the shower’s waters, a creature had semi-materialized.

It had stared me right in the eye, had blinked and had looked again.

It stood under five feet upright, with catlike slit eyes, and had closely resembled a scaled

monitor lizard, in aspect and facial structure.

The reptilian had viewed me with its head tilted, cocked sideways, birdlike; it had

piercingly studied me with an alert intelligence that had radiated a proprietary curiosity.

After a few seconds, the creature had vanished.

Still under the shower’s waters, I had remained frozen, in sheer amazement and could

not believe my eyes; I had seen a creature that I had never imagined existed, similar in

construct to the raptor creatures, in Steven Spielberg’s film, “Jurassic Park”.

A youthful Draco reptilian E.T predator.

It had a proprietary and sinister demeanor and

like  cinema raptors, this short, upright standing reptile had an expression that

mirrored intense saurian intellect, a precise cross between a conscious man and a

physical reptile.

I had been horrified to glimpse a momentary semi- materialized, inquisitive, immature

reptilian ‘alien’, because it had long had a reputation in UFO literature and research, as

an inter dimensional bottom feeder, a sinister common parasite of human consciousness

and a clear overlord of all other alien entities, who often pilot UFO craft.

Their total impunity stems from their

molecular engineering,  in ‘nano-tech’,  exemplified by many of the physical

forms, created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule : a creation of breathing protein forms

of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks.

These beings perceive such creations of life merely as, “containers”, to supplant themselves within  such varied contrived minds and bodies.(

Post abduction, alien abductee depredation, is done through implant energy drains and

by inserting alien energy astral attachments, within the layered human psyche, towards

a goal of partial or total, eventual possession.

After initial physical human abductions, reptilian/grey possessing energies are

subsequently deposited, not unlike the lamprey parasites that they are, within the

multi layered human psyche/mind.

My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing


Source helps those, who help themselves..

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Aliens and their predatory relationships with mankind have always been here and

hollow Earth reptilians are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms;

they are the game wardens of this preserve that we call, ‘Earth, and like good game

wardens, they do not let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.

Reptilians, as evidenced by the shower incident, are inter dimensional, as well as inter

galactic and

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use the same dimension that ghosts and demons use to enter and exit our


The lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, amphibians, insects, mantids are mirrored and

echoed by the higher technological forms which have been seen aboard craft who have lent their DNA to create this preserve.

We , too, are constructs of their creative meddling.

When people ask them,” Where are you from?” Where do you come from?”, they are

often oddly  told:

“We come from within”,

as ‘alien’ energies, planted deep within the multi layered human psyche/mind.

Evil’s definition of predatory, sinister and self-justifying is more than satisfied with these

overlord reptilian entities.

Imagine a city-scape of people, all of who have juvenile saurian parasites ethereally

attached to their spinal columns.

It lends a new meaning of present horror to the concept of a silent invasion.

These bizarre reptilian beings, highly technological, dimensional and intergalactic, use us much as we ride horses.

Unlike the hesitant touch of a lost negative earthbound human spirit, this unseen

reptilian had prevailed with sharpest painful burning, a  stronger negative entity, I

surmised, and  more persistent than anything, unseen, I had previously

psychically encountered.

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Worse, it now seemed stuck like chewing gum, on the bottom of my psychic ‘shoe’.

Morning and night, this persistent horrid entity feasted on my energies like an unerring,

stubborn yellow jacket wasp, fancying me like a can of cola at a picnic with the same

insect stubbornness. .

Imposed nightmares were vivid and dazzling in the extreme.

I had taken that shower out of sheer desperation, and had glimpsed something most

certainly NOT human which had radiated a brilliance of intellect.

(most commonly seen round UFOs, are for human abductions and most pilot predators within are governed by  reptilians.)

I am  sure that my reptoid microcosm experience, one of anxiety, depredation and Dark Force

energy, reflects the greater historical human macrocosm, globally, by such unseen reptilian entities…

I  learned from these encounters, that anxiety, is the soul’s natural

reaction to psychic intrusion; sudden or slowly building free floating anxiety means that

something, an entity unseen, prying and opportunistic, has just entered your energies to peek within.

That took me a long time to deduce, wrestling with horrid anxiety.

Imagine the global implications of such a therapeutic insight, an abject relief to sufferers

of anxiety attacks,  a truth, down a long hall and somewhere else.

This assertion can be tested, simply:

One who experiences anxiety, a panic attack onset, can “order it, away!”, like a fly at

one’s mustache, “in the name of God”; the anxiety will abate immediately and then re-

surge again as the entity responds initially and withdraws and then floats in again.

As its nature is usually sinister, stubborn, and predatory, anxiety levels will climb again.

Repeat the procedure, but now,

with stronger insistence and with more anger.

Anxiety will abate, for a longer time, immediately.

Again, a wave of free floating anxiety will reestablish a foothold, anew, as demonic or

grey- reptilian,  or sinister Earthbound spirits intrude, approach within your energies, again.

Panic Attacks are psychic/telepathic intrusions, astral

hitchhiking, by mean-spirited ghosts, a reptilian or a variety of demoniac energies.

Like yellow jacket wasps at a picnic can of cola, this reptilian entity was unerring,

persistent and sinister; the anxiety and wild vivid “dreams” were mere symptoms, not

the disease, itself, which was reptilian telepathic intrusion and attack.

Knowledge is power, towards attaining spiritual independence.

This budding psychic’s encounter with a juvenile reptilian, when compared to an

encounter with an earthbound ghost, was like the difference between lightning, and a

lightning bug.


No Fish Story, This

I awoke slowly, during the night, underwater; it was an experience that seemed so real, in sensory totality, that rather than a vivid dream, it must have been yet another nighttime OBE.

 These entities seemingly specialize in astral abductions. One’s car is stopped on a lonely road and one ascends into an overhead waiting craft as one watches one’s body in the car below recede from view…
I seemed to doze and float and breathe normally while immersed under a shallow pool  ten feet deep or under a narrow inlet. 
As I floated I slowly became dimly aware that ten or fifteen gray torpedo shapes which had  hovered nearby, now swam closer to me,  nearer than twenty or more feet away.
As I struggled to partially come to my still dull senses, they approached close by with discernible curiosity and I observed that a large school of inquisitive porpoises had come very close, now, within five feet, for a much better look at a half awake me.
At the very same instant that my mind made an attempt to seize upon my predicament, at that very moment, they started, startled away, en masse, as though they were suddenly privy to my mind, and all vanished into the water’s gloom.
Later, upon awakening in bed, I suddenly recalled a line, a sentence that I had very often repeated in my writings;
“In the spiritual hours between two and six o’clock, I have stumbled across many negative thought entities, who were also nighttime bedroom intruders; as for these energies and entities, I have sadly, met predominately sharks and never the porpoises..”
This experience not only underlined their meddling psychic omnipresence but a presumption on my part that this OBE was arranged at the hands of an alien creature with a literal sense of, or a rarified sense of humor…

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, until he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night. Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict inter-dimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.

“For we are fighting with people not made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in high places.

Put on all God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe.” Ephesians 6.



by Paul Schroeder

I force myself to not ‘look up’, anymore.

After an ensemble overhead sighting of nine

craft, I witnessed on December 1st, and after concurrent poltergeist and telepathic

disturbances and ‘nightmares’ that those ‘unseen’ critters astonishingly ‘pulled’ afterwards. .

They seemed to climb down the psychic ladder of my awe, into my house and life.

Poltergeist-like manifestations and telepathic attacks prevailed and intermittently, persist , to date.

I would hear light patter of footsteps in the attic,  while I am in bed, and soon after I
would feel strong electrical vibrations throughout my body to then see my body float out
of my body,  in an astral abduction of my spiritual essence.
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For alien abduction purposes, this astral self retains all of one’s predilections and
discrimination, leaving one’s chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body,  now bereft of spirit,
behind in bed.
At first glance, seeing myself lifted away from my body, I had believed that I had died…
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Out of body, I experienced conveyor- belt-like transit travels, not unlike the way ghosts

(The sheer focus on sightings’ documentation of UFOs,  mere craft-vehicles, without mention of the occupant-

pilots’ tactics and motives, seems an E.T.

Jedi-mind-trick,  to make one

wonder, if there’s intelligent life, on Earth.

Craft, however, are in themselves, astonishing inventions,

as flexibly ‘intelligent’ and as

sensitive as living colloidal tissue, far from the mechanical ” points” one might discern.)

Nightmares after sightings are almost always screen memories to muddle recollection aboard craft or insertion of

core images as a vivid-recollection- trauma, to make connections to one’s mind..

Acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks , used  and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, or make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, or vivid imagery.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional ‘door’ left open, invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world which affixes ‘attachments’ to seek to ‘clamber aboard’.

Your dreamscape scenarios recalled, is the link to such and can with metaphysics, be removed, to some extent..

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

Try to stay ‘lucid’ to interact with them in dream-scape.

The danger in studying these things, of looking up, is a jeopardy ; they can “feel” your psychic attention, focused, even from that distance,
 to climb down the ladder of your awe and your  curiosity,  from those extreme heights, right into your nighttime lap,

out ‘fishing’ for awe from anyone  who spots them, studying the skies.


We are galactic psychic pawns in a telepathic-chess- game against psychic knights and bishops…
Such people who ‘notice’  these objects also  will have buried dim memory stirrings of being on-board craft, and have implants within one.
It’s NEVER an ‘accident , when one with awe and curiosity, sees craft overhead.
It’s choreographed.

To recall odd “dream” snippets that for no logical reason, linger vividly upon awakening,

play that snippet over, and over, like a tape machine until ,

what happened just before, or just after , surfaces.

How to stop, amend and blunt these kidnappings is what is truly more tantamount than resolving deeper meanings..

Spending a lifetime, recalled in snippets, with highly psychic, abducting entities, has
made my intuitive prowess mushroom.

Hazards exist and one can flirt with the beast of madness, when inter-dimensional bleed-through becomes too commonplace.

So vibrate “higher, I must needs do.

One must actively reject and vector away all  untoward thoughts of hate, mayhem, vengeance, murderous violence, malice and revenge, thoughts very often whispered, imposed and broadcast into our minds by outside,  Dark Force E.T. Entities.

Actively supplant and replace those dark thoughts with positive ones;

In so doing, one accepts more complete responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions, a contrapuntal notion to any cynic’s argument.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

I went to a presumed psychic who turned out to be a fake, and who did a cold reading, with almost nothing apropos, from him.
  I ended up by reading him, telling him that a red haired woman (who turned out to be his mother) who was sitting next to him, was unhappy about what he was doing!
He confirmed, with a photo, that his mom, a bright auburn like Lucille Ball, had passed that year, and rattled, he agreed to refund my $300.
After abductions, the inter-dimensional door, left open, usually also invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.

Like an allergy sufferer, psychics have a hyper sensitivity, to the unseen.

A cautionary tale, for sensitives, is that
watching  television, in itself, (like driving, or playing a musical instrument) puts one,

unknowingly, into a light trance  more commonly achievable by hypnosis.

Such trance ‘states’ of mind unknowingly magnify the mind’s power of a sensitive, to

receive and transmit and one’s mind
acts as a light-house beacon which can easily bring in dark spirits, who like sharks, coast in.

Sensitives need this trouble, like a submarine needs screen doors.

Are those who have a developing ‘Third-Eye’ cursed or blessed and
what if it stems from experiences with non-humans?
One technique that I use, is to internally tell myself that I wish to be “open”, and then I
relax, as I await an insight or mind’s eye picture, poised to receive, like a fat catcher behind home plate.
This worked well, and oddly also helped me, at times, to deliver an English college lesson, during a long career, when I misused this gift.
A classroom teacher’s predilection to amaze students, is always an opportunity to make
them pay more attention, as I
gesticulated World, American and English literature, to a student audience below.
I would halt the lesson, when I saw that I was boring them, by interjecting a random
‘read’ of a pupil who was markedly off day-dreaming, eyes out of the window, brain in
the hall, a pupil in a deep literature coma.
As an attention getting device or a means of embarrassment,  I would from left field give him an odd  personal detail of his private family life, a detail known only to him.
It could be as simple as mentioning that he left both a trumpet and a girlie magazine behind, on his unmade bed.
His eyes would be wide open pools of attention, for the rest of the week.
But garnering a reputation, for uncanny mind feats,  once seemed to backfire.
Just outside an English Literature classroom, I was stopped in transit in a busy college
hallway, by an unknown female college student, who grabbed my arm and blocked my
path, to class, and  said:
“Read me; I want you to read me!”
Startled and affronted, I wondered how the student grapevine knew that I would do such
things, and I became worried about my  job security if Administration also were  aware, like this rude student.
I shook my head, disapprovingly, and dismissively and told her,
“Forget it!”
But she physically half-pushed me against a wall, and I felt an almost affectionate female assault.
She insisted again.
“Read me; I want you to read me!”
I relaxed completely, annoyed, in resignation, and was suddenly flooded with the
shoreline image of a vast body of  lake water, a shore surrounded by water, and I was adrift far from shore.
This strong image was  accompanied by a vague feeling of dread stronger than my indignation.
I quickly asked her,”Why am I seeing water?”, to which she shrugged.
I asked her again.
“I’m seeing water, what does that mean, to you?”
She shrugged, again.
“I have no idea, what it means, but you perhaps do”, I prodded.
“Why, water?”
“I don’t know” , she said, again.
“Oh,” she said, “I’m on the swimming team.”
I  quickly told her,”promise me that you’ll never swim in a lake, it’s far too dangerous to
take that chance, in that you might drown,  but also promise me, now you’ll tell
 absolutely no one, about this conversation.”

She smiled and nodded, and I, late for class,  somewhat dismayed, and feeling used, hurried elsewhere,

knowing that I had been taken advantage of.

 A real problem, exists in trying to decipher precisely just what that image, or series of images, might  mean,
 a psychic muscle that all of us have, unflexed and flabby, culturally
under developed.
 Revealingly, for the many alien abductees who report such similar intuition experiences, the double edged sword of the abduction experience, cuts both ways .
Instead of elevated and angelic presences, in these spiritual experiences, predominantly untoward and impish intelligences, prevail.
Not yet able to ground myself, I often find at dusk and nighttime that I’m inundated by
unseen gate-crashers, my energies jumped upon by negative- thought- beings of many ilks, and worse,
juvenile reptilians, who like unerring persistent yellow-jacket-wasps, at a can of cola on a
picnic table, worry and buzz me with pinching and painful connections sought.
As a sensitive, I face the conundrum that hungry spirits who taunt and horrify, who
require that energy,  must at all costs be ‘ignored’,  since my energy goes where my
attention goes,  but it is as hard as walking in high heels, to force myself to focus,
After a stunningly unpleasant  inter-dimensional  alien reptilian ‘encounter’, I was  aware of their unseen inter dimensional existence and diabolical brilliance.
  Afterwards, I was loathe to ‘ask’ within, again, psychically, wary and unwilling  to ‘receive’ ANY internal daydream-like images.
Reptilians’ persistent searing psychic attacks were THAT insidious.
These winged and mean-spirited creatures have uncanny psychic prowess.
Small dark greys as well,  are quite sinister, and equipped with powerful mind-control abilities.
The more I experience “seeing” shape-shifting, involving small grey aliens, during rare
moments of clarity within abductions, the more I am convinced that it’s not  shape-
shifting, but instead telepathic control of our minds.
These beings telepathy is so strong  that they can  force us to perceive/ see what they
choose, powerfully projected into our mind’s-eye.
The spiritual/paranormal aspect in alien-human interactions, prevails:
UFO observations, though non-religious by nature, DO encompass a similarity to the
“spiritual” or semi-religious  paranormal dimension, in many tangential ways.
Part of the phenomenon  involves astral abductions; one’s body is left behind in a car, or
in bed, and one’s spiritual essences are extracted, ‘vibrated’ out of one’s body..
One reports seeing one’s body receding below, as one is ascending into, an overhead craft..
One’s astral essences do maintain all of one’s personality traits and idiosyncratic fine
judgmental qualities.
This astral theft, temporarily, of our spiritual essence, is mirrored and echoed again after
abductees’ physical death when their spirits are garnered to be recycled, bypassing
Heaven , angels and spirit helpers, an abduction again, of diabolical proportions.
And there ARE strong similarities, also, between the predatory spiritual treatment of
abductees by aliens, and the too easily dismissed ancient notions of demonic possession,
because demons and aliens both, are predators, of our spirits and of  consciousness, itself.
For years, at meetings at Bud Hopkins house in New York City, we abductees, over the
years, gleaned that ‘ we are a harvest’, a  condiment in the Universe, an echo of Rod
Serling’s Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man”, because abductees know that UFOs
reveal a reptilian god, who fancies diets of human flesh.
This truth, that humankind has always been a spiritual, as well as a tangible harvest, is
down a long hall and somewhere else, from pedestrian UFO researchers.
(At Budd Hopkins home on the upper West side of NYC, abductees met on weekends to exchange and share and I was there when I heard many echoes of abductees describing seeing human babies being jar-bred, chopped and butchered into edible parts aboard craft, strictly for reptilian diets; small greys bathed in tubs of human endocrines and a soup of body parts(sludge) and absorbed such through their skin.
This is likely the main reason that any ‘disclosure’ may be thwarted because the truth is too horrendous, that we are ‘farmed’ precisely as we ‘farm’ animals…)
“Earth”, as we call it, is a reptilian preserve and these gamekeepers, never let the
creatures within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
I have eyeball-to-eyeball seen,  in one abduction scenario, a small dark grey , arms folded and face scowling,  telepathically
control (with broadcast TERROR)  enslaved human children ( all boys about
ten years of age) who ran to fast unload loaded conveyor belts and then fast ran to then
pile retrieved goods up, in a warehouse type setting.
Slavery of children , in   that
observed microcosm , reflects a wider predatory macrocosm interaction, with mankind,
without a doubt, to my mind..
The lower animal forms seen on Earth, as reptiles, amphibians, insects, felines, are
echoed and mirrored by the higher technological alien types seen aboard craft by
abductees, aliens who lent their DNA to this preserve eons ago, and even as a reptoid craft, engineered
 our moon’s careful placement.

 Earth is a ‘created’ shining jewel of life , comparatively, among  untold countless dead

worlds and Draco reptilian E.T.s are the best of gameskeepers, who never let the creatures within, suspect that it is , indeed, a preserve.

Many inhabited worlds of sentient beings prevail as spiritual beings, dis corporate worlds and our physical “Earth” is a rarity, by  sheer comparison.

E.T.s play at  being, God.

Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical

forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing-heart-pumping-air-breathing  amino-protein forms.

This ‘patent’, allows them to act with Godlike impunity in gathering somatic cells as well as spiritual essences, as a harvest.

“Hard facts and empirical scientific evidence”, have, to date,

failed to reveal humankind’s continued interactions

with non-human intelligence behind our human  history, and

behind our spiritual curtains.

UFO researchers, in this field,  seek only facts and become stodgy and backwards, ill equipped
to understand an environment of an elusive alien hall of mirrors, with a quicksand floor..
Seeking only proofs, counter-intuitively inhibits, rather than illuminates this elusive subject.
The public, blind to an alien agenda, reacts with
 abject ridicule  to the reality of what alien abductees face .
We humans are contrived products of their creative animal  ‘husbandry’,
simians who knot ties and ride public conveyances,
simians who, by our nature, will not believe in anything that we have
not directly experienced, ourselves and thus
 the stench of ignorance prevails,  about UFO alien pilots’ tactics and purposes.
 Psychic and telepathic powers of abductees, an odd human precipitate, in an alien
solution,  is also one which resists “hard facts and evidences”.
(mind control dreamlike core-image-attachment delusion imposed during abductions)
“Bleed-throughs” prevail
At a recent dinner, when a friend mentioned her long deceased brother, a man’s
face slowly emerged from the right side of HER face,
 like double-vision ;  they were identical, and he was a young man.
I was shocked, that he had not moved on, but had chosen instead, to jump aboard her energies and
I stared at her, fish-eyed.
I simply said,”You and he had one face, the exact, same face.”
She said, “yes;  we  looked like identical twins.”
She put down her fork and said,
“There he goes, again, saying  things he could not possibly know,  and where does he
GET those things from ?!”
I did not explain, what I had seen, horrified that he was, in truth, fully aboard her
energies, rather than having ‘crossed over’.

After my mom’s second husband died,

having a dinner at my mom’s house, she pressed cakes and cookies into a take-home bag

for me to take home and I complained that :” I didn’t want to eat such but would , if it were in the house.”

At three in the morning, that same night,watching TV, guiltily eating my mom’s

cookies, I heard her second husband’s voice.

Stanley, aloud asked in his own nasal tonal but dis-corporate voice :

” So, you LIKE your mother’s cookies!?” with a tone disapproving and sarcastic.

I almost fell off of the chair that I was sitting on,  but now  grateful for his

‘coming through’, that death is NOT the end of



I once had a woman contact me who said that she needed “help from witches, in a coven that she had left, because of harassment.”

I privately felt that she was bat nuts but didn’t tell her that, knowing nothing at that time about such things.

Several nights in a row, after some advice I gave her about discontinuing all such

endeavors, after I closed my eyes to sleep, they strongly floated in psychically, to look me

over, with curiosity: a tall thin-haired wispy woman, and a rotund short-haired woman wearing glasses.

Both perfectly fitted descriptions later supplied by the woman who had sought my assistance.
I never forgot the possible potential power of such ‘witch’ people, or  forgot  my then , dazzling


What can one discern?
Who actually micromanages us, and our intuitions, who walks behind our psychic curtains?
After encountering stunningly horrid reptilians, I suspect that E.T.
Dark ones, like gargoyles perched on one’s roof, can see down the ‘road’, far enough to
supply one with near- future happenings, but they are not remotely the elevated angelic souls,  or
ascended ones of LIGHT, that you’d hoped they’d be .
Inter- dimensional  demons and reptilians can and do cruise in like sharks, to cause extreme
psychic distress, panic attacks, nightmares, and poltergeist manifestations,  and living through such becomes wrestling with the beast of madness,   itself.
(The soul’s natural reaction to strong intrusion, psychically, is one of free-floating anxiety.)
 I write about my psychic ‘rabbit-hole’,
having gone so far down that hole, that I don’t have enough breadcrumbs, to find my way, back home.
 Alien abductions-acquired psychic prowess is nonetheless  a spiritual
gift, a gift- muscle to be  exercised and flexed, until Heaven, ready to use us for some higher
good, steps in to make sense of it all, for us.

Simple metaphysics, fighting fire with fire can be useful and the

more time spent visualizing a protective light, the more effective, it becomes.

“Seeing” electric-violet ‘around one’  successfully repels stronger types of demons
who cannot endure such purple visualized high frequencies, for long.
With practice, this visualized technique wins out in any short-lived pitched battle against
UFO beings, diabolically brilliant, insistent and predatory.
Abductees know fully well, that Earth is under invasion, one person at a time, and that
we are all alone, together…..

One must endeavor to stay afloat in goodness and moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having

first won God’s assistance and Heaven’s intervention, because

we are much closer to God, than they are.


Author’s Postscript:
Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I proscribe a required spiritual “shift” , one towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful  defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.
One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.
  For defenses to flare, one must  recognize that one is not a person having troubled alien/demonic spiritual problems, but instead an eternal spiritual soul having troubling human experiences.

From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
as spiritual fruition.

God is imbued within us as a spark and within everything all around us, to be too easily discerned, and that spark has “rights”.

 Put the Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy for

God, is real, but He has always been

down a long hall, and somewhere else..

(child aptly imitating religious pulpit body-language)

1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 : ALIEN TIME SYNCHRONICITY

1:11, 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, : ALIEN TIME SYNCHRONICITY

by Paul Schroeder
(THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK 4:22/23 reads…….22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”)
Part of the alarming nature of the unknown is its mysterious link to the known; I awaken
each night to a lewd exhibition of the merging.
I open my eyes and turn to see the digital alarm clock, sitting on the lamp table next to
my bed and see: 12:12, and 1:11 am, 2:22 am and 3:33 am and 4:44 am.
This distresses me so badly, upon awakening, that I cannot think beyond  a wave of panic
that SOMETHING is awakening me, with alacrity, as the calculated odds of awakening
each night precisely at those specific times, is astronomically impossible.
The message intended seems designed to throw me off balance and to keep me wrapped
in fearful confusion, to let me know that I am being toyed with, but yields no greater insight.
 If you presume that it’s NOT ‘angels’, you surmise correctly..
It has taught me that when I sleep, I wander among monsters and in beastly company.
When one is within E.T.’s attentive and manipulative reach and grasp,  all vivid “dreams”
should be suddenly suspect, ridden with controlled images and vivid delusions.
When one is later temporarily ‘freed’ from reptilian or grey omnipresent proprietary
meddling, one’s foggy and half-remembered normal other “dreams” settle back in.
Their constructs of astral worlds to entrap human spirits, deterred from “Heaven”, are reptoid
brutal , unsettling ‘stage-sets’ ,wherein human spirits reside and unknowingly await
transfers into other physical bodies to continue the E.T. cycle of ethereal ‘milking’ of
energy and somatic tissues.
If one is an evolving searchlight for divinity, one can attempt an equanimity , perhaps, if
one presses the issue .
Although the synchronicity of 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, has widely and hastily been attributed to
positive or angelic energies, one’s sub-conscious response to hearing a barely audible
psychic ‘nudge’ to glance at the clock, just at that time, reveals a fingerprint, a silhouette
of an interloper.
The “call”, itself, may be E.T. proprietary meddling, far from ascended presumed beings ;
because of masquerades and deceptions the meaning of BEWARE, includes be aware and
be wary, especially in this telepathic realm and thus, safety first, always be dubious,
cautious and suspicious FIRST, beforehand..
80% of the human population is so saddled, but unknowingly.
It is an unseen attached energy, of one who taunts and offers ‘peeks behind the spiritual
curtain’, but one who stays hidden.
Nightmares, just as ubiquitous, are well known in paranormal research findings, as
reptilian alien and demonic telepathic attacks, which characteristically awaken one at
3:00 and at 3:33.
Precisely like the characteristic three scratch marks, commonly left on spirit-assaulted
people’s arms and legs, the dark side uses three, as a powerful rebuke, of the Holy
Trinity, regardless of whether one, under such attack, personally believes in that
religious construct , or not.
I resent the imposed confusion that such time synchronizations bring , and realize that
since most people are too afraid to  think about predatory, masquerading entities,  they
too quickly assume that it’s an elevated and angelic prodding.
The truth, however, is down a long hall and somewhere else for research suggests that
it is more  likely ubiquitous, too prevalent grey aliens, and insidious reptilians, who are
to blame, our cosmic ‘keepers’.
The best game wardens, never let the creatures within, suspect that it is indeed, a preserve.
Aliens, ever thirsty for our endocrines, were mistaken as vampires in the 3rd and 4th
centuries, and importantly, raw garlic works amazing well as an herbal repellent against
these predatory grey critters, as it is reputed to similarly do, against vampires.
Time coincidences,  the psychic nudge to gaze at the clock, in a timely moment, according
to cutting edge UFO research literature, is tied to alien creatures, who intimately and
closely micromanage humans.
As inter-dimensional creatures who travel in time and who manipulate time, itself,  their
psychic prod to nudge our awareness towards such synchronous time numbers, seeks to
disorientate us, to raise unanswerable questions that loom and dissipate, and to satisfy
their own proprietary, omnipresent need to meddle in our lives, and our consciousness.
I refer you to two, of many research sources, that  powerfully suggest that such time
synchronicity, rather than coincidences, are instead a signature symptom of larger
paranormal maelstroms: aliens who abduct, and the inter-dimensional door, left open
after abductions , that invites in the gangster fringe elements, of the spirit world.
Beyond prevailing clinical belief, E.T.s can and do affect human beings.
E.T.s  intruding  tampering with us, oddly involves such numerical/time telepathic
A book that discusses time synchronicity, as an element of post- alien abductions, is at
once both an essential digest,  and a wondrous text, titled:
“CE-VI: Close Encounters of the Possession Kind”, by William J. Baldwin, M.D., PH.D.”,
which asserts demon-like,  in-dwelling possession, by aliens, within its 300 documented
case histories, which cannot easily be refuted or interpreted , in any other way.
The second, of many such books, that discuss time nudges, by aliens to their abducted ‘chosen’, is:
“Encounters”, by psychologist Edith Fiore, PH.D. , which describes time/ numbers
synchronicities, as emotional and psychic ‘attachments’, made by errant alien beings, to humans.
Both research texts assert that aliens seek retirement “sanctuary”, within our human
energy fields and multi-layered human psyches.
This innate alien-to-human -parasitic- relationship,  even within the seemingly well
informed UFO community,  is barely recognized and  poorly understood.
These  texts act as floodlights on flatcars to illuminate this UFO/alien darkness, with time
synchronicity, as a tangential,  emergent symptom of alien  abduction.
Aliens invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess, to entangle their energies with
ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras, to give a new meaning, to a silent invasion.

My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic


attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who


strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,


using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

These two books, as research texts, are  an education, in itself.
Many psychiatrists have now begun to understand these phenomenon and to
incorporate therapy towards this previously unrealized reality.
Many suggest other ET ‘realities:
This may well be a reptilian preserve matrix of time and illusion, a dimensional human-playpen-
physical anomaly, when compared to reptilian created synthetic, astral worlds, elegantly
designed to ‘house’ trapped human souls.
I have seen such astral prison realms during astral abductions and OBEs and it is not
dissimilar to this ‘reality’, which if you pay strict attention, also sometimes ‘pixilates’..
The razzmatazz of time with the clock’s synchronicity,  which involves an inner ‘call’, to
witness it,  suggests  other unconscious ‘pulls’, on our minds, and behaviors, and  is the
psychic tip of the alien iceberg.
This nightly assault, a chronos- nagging- tease, fills me with numb wonder, and disabling
awe, and when I do mention it to family and friends, they stare at me, as though I had
lobsters crawling, out of my ears.
Paper is much more patient, than people and
if you presume that it’s NOT ‘angels’, you surmise correctly..
Closed minds will themselves one day have paranormal experiences and then those
closed doors will also be ripped off the hinges
A reader wrote in and astutely commented:
“I don’t think that they are demons or evil.
They are parasites, yes, but no more evil than a tick or a leech is evil.
They are without a soul, yes, which means that as with the human psychopath, they are
fascinated by that which animates us, and envious of that quality in us which is
unknown and unknowable to them, so they use us as a narcissist does a mirror.
But first they must somehow engage our attention.
Time coincidences and other synchronizations are a standard ploy – to which we who
become aware, attach angelic or demonic significance – either way, whether by fear or
attraction, they lead us in a merry dance.
By leading the dance, by usurping that which animates us, eventually, to the point where
they are able to control that which was once animated by a soul is  their “rush”.
The name of the game is: If I cannot be like you, I will make you like me.”
(-Jennifer Graf-)
Many, who battle to shake off sticky and persistent E.T. grey and reptilian alien energies,
commonly have this persistent time synchronicity phenomenon.
Though they pilot highly technological UFOs, they yet walk unseen among us, to seek to
clamber aboard our energies,  to tamper with our destiny and loom as omnipresent,
behind our curtains, to ofttimes prod us to look at the clock, in a masquerade as our spirit helpers or our angels.
Humanity must learn to apply and assert metaphysics to dislodge them, like dogs who
scratch off fleas.
We are wrongly and repeatedly told, that these time experiences are “angelic”
manifestations, “awakening codes”, asserted by self-appointed mystics, however well-
meaning, who prefer to remain  drowsy and asleep, yearning for angels.
The mainstream public audience, in return,  wants to believe that sanguine, Pollyanna
angel surmise about seeing repeated numbers, expressed in time.
To see and awaken to see, numbers in time that echo, IS a version of an “awakening
code”, an awakening away from an unfounded optimism.
It is , in a fashion, an optimism, an hour- glass half full– but filled with something that
might, in good time, try to kill you…


Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I prescribe a required spiritual “shift” towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.
One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.
For defenses to flare, one must recognize that one is not a person having troubled spiritual problems, but instead an eternal soul having troubling human experiences.

From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
as spiritual fruition.

Avoid  organized religions and put the E.T. inspired Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy for

God, is real, but He is down a long hall, and somewhere else.


Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had: a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionales are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays and reptilians can be sinister, dis-corporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of, a silent invasion.
(Author’s afterword:
Personally, beyond belief, several psychics have told me that in my last lifetime, I was a
pleiadian officer on a rescue mission of children, only to be taken and hanged by
reptilians, and this lifetime, I wear a circle of scar around my neck because of  cervical
neck discs that imploded to
pinch shut my spinal cord and after eight hours of emergency surgery to peel those discs
off, which left scars on my spinal cord, I wear a “noose-scar” facsimile today, a reminder
of their malace and vendetta from a lifetime not remembered…)


Under the guise of technical testing, grey aliens create dithers and stress and impose raw anxiety, in abductee’s daily lives to create the juices, the endocrine stress flavors that their nighttime palates crave.

This is a most unique relationship akin to vampires of the 3rd century myths of negative, bedroom, nighttime intruders who crave bodily juices.

And yes, oddly, garlic does indeed repel them when used as an herbal repellent.

Psychic vampires from techno space?

Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer

On display in The British Museum

Sounds like a bad B movie but most abductees are treated as though they were just alien food, ethereal and physical food.

I have eyeball-to-eyeball seen one solitary small dark grey , within a wide storage-type room on board a craft, mind-

control (with telepathic broadcast tsunami TERROR that I also then felt) a group of enslaved human children ( all boys about

ten years of age) who ran to fast unload loaded conveyor belts and then fast ran to then

pile retrieved goods onto piles on the floor, during one God-awful abduction.

Slavery of children , in  that single observed microcosm , reflects a wider predatory

macrocosm interaction, with mankind, certainly and without any doubt, to my mind..


Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing protein forms of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks.

This ‘patent’ allows them to act with impunity:

Energy is drained through implant drains and through alien controls that involve micro manipulations of almost all psychic functions.

The parallel between alien abductions and demonic possession is powerful as both show intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and all without any seeming conscience.

Dr William Baldwin echoes what I’ve separately stumbled upon.

The alien agenda behind the sequence of close encounters, leading to abductions, and then to possession, is similar to their planetary exploits; after exploration, comes conquest.

What follows is phrased from his astounding preface of his book:

“Through the voices of the clients in altered states of consciousness, these alien beings reveal their purposes for being here, they describe their home world civilizations, and many express the desire to go “home.”

In some cases, the ET commandant on a nearby spacecraft, and even the leader of the ruling High Council on the home world, will speak through the voice of the client.

The ETs offer many reasons for their presence here. Many are here to gather data and information on human life forms.


They are technicians and scientists.

There seems to be some kind of long-term genetic experimentation and manipulation in progress.

Some ETs may be able to help troubled humans.

A few apparently have the ability to heal physical ailments.

Some people claim to have been spiritually transformed as the result of an abduction and interaction with aliens.

In other cases the ETs announce they are here to take control, to simply take over the human race, beginning with our client.”

“They often threaten that we will be next. Such threats clearly indicate DFE (dark force entity) influence.

This channeled information could be totally fabricated by the client, consciously or unconsciously.

It may be a product of the collective unconscious mind, triggered by a subliminal mass hysteria over an urban myth of alien domination.

A more sinister possibility reflects the fears of the conspiracy theorists; the alien

abductions may involve elements of our own government who have formed some kind of alliance with ETs, beings from other worlds or other dimensions.

Equally repugnant is the possibility that the entire UFO/ET enigma might be nothing less,

nor more, than field testing of mind control technology by earth’s own intelligence agencies or military personnel.

However, it may be exactly what it appears to be: actual communication with an alien race.”

“Whatever the case, the information voiced through the clients forms a consistent body of knowledge about the alien beings and their motivations for coming to our planet.

[From a case study]

“Mona and the ET Controllers

Mona expressed dismay at her unusually high sexual appetite and her promiscuity.

This condition had existed in her life since late adolescence.

She had difficulty maintaining monogamous relationships and this caused her deep sadness and confusion. In session, she discovered an ET group experimenting with sexuality.

The ET researchers would intensify her sexual desire, like turning up the volume on a TV set, then observe her behavior and her reactions to her own behavior.

We discovered a large network of DFEs [Dark Force Entities] of various levels controlling the ETs in this activity.

This particular experimentation involved a broad segment of the human population, and

Mona was just one of many people affected.

The ET technicians divulged this information, and further revealed a sordid picture of the intrusion.

Some of the DFE-influenced ETs had become personally involved in human sexuality,

purposely stimulating licentious and depraved sexual activities.

Not only were they distorted in their scientific observation, they were participating in the experiments.

Mona was sickened by the discovery of this information.

She had known something was very wrong in her life and suspected entity influence, but

had not dreamed of this kind of extensive involvement, particularly the ETs.

She was deeply relieved to finally get relief from this terribly intrusive and very personal violation.

Human beings are so terribly caught up in sexual issues from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood, even old age as senility sets in.

The entire issue is compounded by the social issues regarding sex, marriage, monogamy,

adultery, promiscuity, the religious taboos and imposed guilt, the very real problems of

unwanted pregnancy and abortion, disease, human possessiveness and jealousy, and other issues.

It is a fertile field for dark force entity influence.

These experiments on emotions and sexuality are ostensibly designed to study human feelings and behavior.

The technician simply turns up the volume on some aspect of emotion or behavior and records what happens with the human subject.

This behavior or emotional outburst causes anguish in the human. This is the desired result.

The anguish is the underlying goal of the project.”

“The energy emanation of the anguish of human suffering is harvested by the DFEs.

It is used as energy, sustenance, food. In most cases we have found, and other therapists

report the same situation, it seems the experiment is a cover for the activity of the DFEs.

This is the true purpose of the “research” conducted by the aliens.

In most cases of ET attachment where such a group is operating, the ship captain or the

base commander may be evasive, deceitful, even defiant, and refuse to remove the intrusive devices and alien beings.

They will usually divulge the information that there is a high dark being who controls their people.

A client will sometimes describe a sinister and menacing dark figure on the craft, clearly

exerting powerful control, and always situated near the ship’s captain.

The ET technician is usually unaware of the dark influence.

The commander of the space craft is conscious of the dark presence in about half of such cases.”


“The ruling council members on the home world are aware of the dark lords in charge at

various levels. They acknowledge that they, or their predecessors in the council, struck

an alliance with the dark forces long ago for the purpose of gaining personal and political power.

However, once that dark contact was established, the DFEs took power over the council.

The DFEs assumed “ownership” of the alien civilization, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

The council members, usually from three to eleven in number (though once it was

reported as a senate of about 1800 members), are grateful for the assistance in separating themselves and their citizens from the DFEs.

With the assistance of many light beings, we facilitate the total removal of the dark force

entities, from the lowliest DFE attached to the ET technicians, through the dark lords on

the craft, to the high-level dark beings wielding power over the council members and the overseers or enforcers who lurk behind the scenes.

After the release of the DFEs from their civilization, the council gladly orders the

removal of the implants, monitors, communication devices, various and assorted

headbands and skullcaps, and the ET technicians.”

“They order the return of all the craft orbiting this world and any other, and the space stations involved in this hideous project.

A tremendous piece of work is completed in a very short time. The effect on consciousness cannot be measured.

Clients have discovered not only these attached ET technicians and their equipment, but also unattended probes and other devices in various parts of the anatomy and in the chakras, or energy centers of the body, both on themselves and other family members.

These probes are non-physical in nature, yet connected in a way which allows for the transmission of information to the ET scientist’s location.

The probe, or connector, may also allow the ET to remotely control some aspect of the physiology or mental/emotional functioning of the person.

In an altered state, a client can visualize the probe, often a black cord, leading to the ET laboratory.

We direct the question to the alien researcher.

This communication passes directly to the ETs along the attached connector, and the surprised ET will answer through the voice mechanism of the client.

This can be surprising and distressing to the client, but with our assurance that the control is only temporary, and that many people have overcome this intrusion, most clients continue with the dialogue.”

This previous excerpt, from the text’s introduction, speaks to every abductee.

One may  wonder about the abject complexity and raw goodness of such rescues,

because Dr. William Baldwin’s book shines a cosmic light into unspeakable darkness, the

proprietary nature and reality of such alien creatures, who  always and forever lurk

behind our  spiritual and dimensional curtains..

To be possessed as well as farmed, throughout the Multiverse by sinister and controlling

E.T.s , as a mere animal husbandry presence on “Earth”, is to be wrongly deprived of our spiritual rights, a denial of  equanimity as a sentient race of beings.

(At Budd Hopkins home on the upper West side of NYC, abductees met on weekends to exchange and share and I was there when I heard many echoes of abductees describing seeing human babies being jar-bred, chopped and butchered into edible parts aboard craft, strictly for reptilian diets; small greys bathed in tubs of human endocrines and a soup of body parts(sludge) and absorbed such through their skin.

This is likely the main reason that any ‘disclosure’ may be thwarted because the truth is too horrendous, that we are ‘farmed’ precisely as we ‘farm’ animals…)

Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing protein forms of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks and this “patent”, gives them reason to act evilly with impunity.

EARTH has been seeded with E.T. DNA to make it a jewel of a Draco reptilian preserve,

and there’s two names:” humans” and “extraterrestrials”, (Draco reptilians, amphibean E.T.s ,

small, dark greys, small slave greys,  very tall Gumby-like greys , Mantid E.T. (medical officers )are just a few

species) because we are NOT remotely them and they are NOT us.

They are the chicken-farmers who never reveal to their captive creatures, that it is,

indeed, a ‘preserve’.

.We are created, as are all physical creatures by an E.T. nano-tech DNA protein-enzyme ‘patent’, that allows spiritual and physical depredation of mankind by E.T.s .

Pollyanna, sanguine “space-brothers” , prevails as a childish delusion, even within the

UFO community; these beings satisfy the three essential rubrics of evil : predatory, sinister, and self-justifying.

These people claim that selling “fear and negativity” is wrong  and that their own sanguine experiences (mostly women) with hatred-radiating reptilians, were placid.

All of my own personal recollections reveal controlling, and fearful E.T. beings with dark agendas and uncanny telepathic prowess to control human minds.


My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

and cords behind each image, using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

These implanted ‘core-images allow access to our multi-layered psyche and as such,


visualized ‘black-cord connections’, must be removed regularly and repeatedly.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

Since E.T.s can travel and hide, within time, itself, they are an elusive target for

pedestrian mankind who must finally accept that much like demons, E.T.s have the same three


qualities, that define “evil” : sinister, predatory, and self-justifying…

It is far beyond time, that UFO researchers, have this needed glimmer into these parasitic E.T. time-travelers’ relationship with humankind and every other E.T. civilization they have infested.

Clock GIF


by Paul Schroeder

Evolution is still touted as the Devil’s tool, debated and refused as required curriculum in science classrooms by religious fundamentalists who refute scientific findings.

Bacterial strains, now able to resist antibiotics, only fifty years in use, and malaria’s total resistance to any of the last fifteen years’ known cures, surely both illustrate and represent evolution, in its clearest sense.

Such minds assert and retort that the Devil plants dinosaur bones to confound us and that our Earth, as the Bible states, is merely 6,000 years old- Carbon 14 dating be damned- that man coexisted, lived with dinosaurs.

What can science do to deter such minds who deny the fossil record and who see, “The Flintstones”, as a documentary?

Family Of Man: Evolution and The Human Genome Project

‘Surprisingly, they may find it hard to deny DNA research findings.


Because even if they will not admit science into their classrooms or churches, they will admit it into their living rooms!

Through television crime stories, they’re well acquainted with how DNA mirrors an individual’s unique identity and now from genome research we also know it reflects how closely related we all really are to one another and to all Earth life.

The Human Genome Experiment Research Project has determined that the DNA relationships among ALL of Earth’s organisms, are almost as alike as we are to all other humans.’

Be it Old Testament God, or E.T.s in UFOs, who are our creators, we are still ‘looking up’, for divine, celestial help.

‘DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid, the building tool of living tissues and all of  their functions, has molecular codes that regulate the output of genes, the timing and extent of protein-making, and these are remarkably identical and alike in almost all aspects from the oak tree to a human being, from a whale to a worm, with only negligible differences.

Despite the fact that we LOOK different, from each other, all over the world, or seem different from a tree or a whale, we, all of life, are a family almost exactly identical in our DNA!

The genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average.

What about being a “monkey’s uncle”?

Darwin never imagined E.T.s.


Was Darwin onto something?

Surprisingly, the species of African great apes, including humans, has a closer kinship bond with one another than the African apes have with orangutans or other primates.

DNA research cemented that fact.

“If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.” Judith Hayes

The scientific surmise and prediction that was made in 1871 – that human evolution began in Africa, has been upheld by DNA research, as well.

Intelligent design theorists persist and flourish.



Because of many billions of years of constant evolution, humans share genes with each other and all living Earth organisms.

The raw percentage of genes or DNA that organisms share, records their similarities.

Of course, we share more genes with organisms that are more closely related to us, but only a smidgen more.

Today’s humans belong to the unique biological group known as Primates, and are classified with the great apes, one of the larger groups of the primate evolutionary tree.

Besides our distinct similarities in anatomy and behavior, our close biological brotherhood with other primate species is clearly indicated by DNA research evidence.

It clearly confirms that our closest living biological relatives are indeed chimpanzees with whom we share many common traits.

However,we did not evolve directly from any of the primates living today.’

Why do religious right folks use the Old Testament, so much?


Preachers, at revival meetings get, “AMEN!” when they hollar from the pulpit:

“Iff’en evolution is a happen’en, why don’cha see monkeys STILL a changin’ to people, these a days!?”

As well as common-sense scientific data ignored, larger

spiritual truths, are also widely biblical neglected.

‘DNA evidence from research clearly shows that our species and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor species that lived between 8 and 6 million years ago.

Also, the terminal, last common ancestor of monkeys and apes lived about 25 million years ago.

Our species’ almost negligible genetic DNA variation reveals a common African root for all people living today.

The movement of humans, the permanent migration dispersal to other continents, from Africa, began only a mere 60,000 years ago.’

The Bible relates an intervention of a demanding, rule-insistent “God”, whom ancient man saw “descending from the Heavens”.

‘Human beings differ widely in skin color and other facile, superficial features, but these characteristics occur as gradients, not as separate geographic clusters; the pygmy and tall Nordic basketball player are closest DNA brothers.

Research into ancient DNA reveals amazing insights about ancient forms of mankind before Homo Sapiens.

Ancient DNA has been found, recovered and analyzed in Neanderthal fossil remains.

These ancient preserved  DNA molecules disclose the status of Neanderthals as a separate species, some characteristics of Neanderthal physical appearance, their likely speech capabilities, and population structure.

One species of humankind, living worldwide, is my family of mankind,
an amazingly adaptable creature, Homo sapiens; written into our genes, and into the fossil and behavioral evidence, is our Family Story.’

Whom the truth authors of our beings are and were is still controversial.

Evolution’s rudiments, can be proved and explained remarkably easily, to any open mind: Ontology recapitulates Phylogeny. It’s that simple.

That is, the stages of development of an embryo, from a unicellular entity, to a fishlike


entity with gills, to an amphibean-like entity, to a primate with a tail, within utero,


mirror and reflect all the stages of evolution from our beginnings in the oceans, to our upright status now, as developing, evolving creatures.

I just heard you say,”Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!”

All forms of life farmed throughout the Universe may well be seen as an enormous


molecular nanotech creation by a intelligent Creator using amino- acid -thoughts, expressed mathematically.

Crick, DNA’s discoverer, perhaps, said it best:

“Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.

They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.

It did, and that’s why we’re here.

The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.

The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering.


The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.

Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called’ simple cell(s).

Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.


They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore “teach” us about ourselves, and how to progress.


For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible.”


“The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.”
Conklin, Edward

Bookmark quote

“Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous.”
Ehrenreich, Barbara

“Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.”
Gilbert, W. S.

“The pre-human creature from which man evolved was unlike any other living thing in its malicious viciousness toward its own kind. Humanization was not a leap forward but a groping toward survival.”
Hoffer, Eric

“I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey.”
Twain, Mark

“We are the products of editing, rather than of authorship.”
Wald, George



by Paul Schroeder
At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic, spirit worlds of
myriad vibration levels and the pictures that you see on the backs of your eyelids, while
you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality.
Like goldfish who never suspect a greater world beyond the pond’s surface, the limited
awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality, groping, mouths
agape in fish ignorance.
whale GIF
After I observed an amazing flotilla of assembling UFOs overhead, it appeared beyond
logic, that alien entities climbed down the ladder of my awe to cause paranormal

I saw a flotilla of craft, slowly come in from different directions, to assemble overhead,

round craft bottoms appearing not unlike red balloons.

They floated into a formation of sorts, overhead, until there were a dozen, and then all

bottoms’ red color turned to violet and they darted off overhead together, all in the same

direction, like fast minnows in a pond.

After that amazing sighting, poltergeist nonsense began to occur in my house .

And from then on, I looked up at the night skies only with apprehension…

Things moved within immediate eyesight, knocks on the walls and pings on light

fixtures, small fast footsteps overhead in the attic, and very strong feelings of being

watched and nightmares.

Many nights, fantastic vivid nightmares of encounters with non-human beings ensued,

beings very tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character, and who

spoke to me with mind-to-mind-communication..

I was in severe ontological shock…

Inter dimensional ‘bleed-through” happened regularly.
My energies, which I cannot  manage to  ‘ground’,  post- UFO craft sighting, became light-
beacons for  negative-thought-entities, from aliens to ghosts tipping my emotional scales
“Who needs this horrid paranormal inglorious chafing?!”
My ‘energy’ shuts off overhead streetlights, as I drive passed underneath, at nighttime, letting me know that “control” of my energy, is unmanageable and far beyond my comprehension.
This is common with abductees for some reason.
Alien abductions open an inter-dimensional door, which left open, ALSO  invites in the
gangster fringe element, of the spirit world.
Sleep is never again, merely sleep, after that.
After craft sightings, knocks on walls, pings on overhead lamps, heavy planted flower
pots moving, sounds of animals running across the floor, rather than abject terror, I  shut
all the lights to wander my rooms, in pitch blackness, with awe, to reach out mentally to
these offenders.
Creepy, astonishing and most revealing , before silence descends, I have unlearned fear
and horror.
I now self perceive E.T. and spirit hypersensitivity, a form of a spiritual inter-dimensional
allergy reaction, a
hypersensitivity,  to those beings, painfully troubled, and inflamed, while most others, in
all their varied pursuits in walks of life, remain dully unaware.
Image result for tumblr gifs of floating ghosts
I would hear light patter of footsteps in the attic,  while I am in bed, and soon after I
would feel strong electrical vibrations throughout my body to then see my body float out
of my body,  in an astral abduction of my spiritual essence.
experience GIF
For alien abduction purposes, this astral self retains all of one’s predilections and
discrimination, leaving one’s chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body,  now bereft of spirit,
behind in bed.
At first glance, seeing myself lifted away from my body, I had believed that I had died…
experience GIF
Out of body, I experienced conveyor- belt-like transit travels, not unlike the way ghosts
move,  terrifying experiences often directly tied to my previously  monitored thoughts.
During my OBEs, I cannot move my arms or legs to move but I can think “I want to go…”
and I float there on an invisible conveyor belt, in violation of the “laws of physics” a
floating motion, which is God, for all intents and purposes..
The following is  one OBE  that illustrates how alien-abductee-proprietary- monitored-
consciousness, is suffered,  and that astral abduction theft occurs, at their  hands:
I awakened slowly, to find myself  floating and breathing, yet underwater,  an
experience  real in sensory totality,  compared to full consciousness.
whale GIF
More than  a vivid dream, it revealed an alien  fingerprint silhouette,  an imposed
nighttime OBE, an astral abduction by
alien entities  predatory of our spiritual essences, essences  we as a race of beings, are
only  dimly and barely aware of.
One’s car is stopped on a lonely road by a UFO blocking the road or hovering just above
it, and one ascends into an overhead waiting craft as one watches one’s body in the car
below, recede from view.
Alien abductees rarely assess such astral theft contradictions of self, in their daily
functioning concepts nor in their reporting of the experience of their alien  abduction.
The spirit ‘self’ , teased away from our body,  preyed upon, retains fullest personality and
memory;   some astral injury is suffered ,when body and spirit are at first separated and
then later reunited by  technological alien contrivance.
And worse, at an  abductee’s physical death, a permanent abduction to end all
abductions, the alien garnering  of one’s soul essence to recycle, bypassing Heaven, a
clear spiritual crime against humanity.
when  we sleep, we wander among beasties and monsters,  with all defenses seemingly
 Aliens, ever thirsty for our endocrines, extracted while we sleep, were likely mistaken as
the classic vampires, body drinkers of  the 3rd and 4th centuries
Image result for tumblr gifs of alien vampires
Impressively, raw garlic works  well as an herbal repellent against abductions, and
critters, raw garlic rubbed all over feet and chakra body areas is as  effective  as it was
reputed to be, against ancient vampires.
(It also works well to repulse any bed partner  to also  seek refuge elsewhere) ..
In one singularly vivid astral abduction experience, a “dream”, I found myself aloft and
submerged under twenty or thirty feet of water,
barely semi-conscious, dully aware.
I  dozed, floated and breathed normally, immersed, under a shoal, deep under a narrow
As I floated  deep beneath  green surf waves,  I became slowly and dimly aware, visually,
of ten or fifteen gray ghosts,  swimming, hovering, in the near distance,
torpedo shapes gently swimming,   watching me, hanging suspended in deeper waters,
to  begin to swim closer than ten  feet
away from me.
Porpoises, with classic grinning visages,  with ten feet long muscular grey bodies,
approached warily,  curious, a school of thirty, gray forms hovered nearby, a distance
away in the inlet’s shoal, under which I dozed and floated.
 I began to struggle to  come to my  dull senses as the large torpedo shaped creatures
swam closer;  they radiated  intelligence and a palpable curiosity.
 A large school of inquisitive silver-gray porpoises,  close now, some within five feet,
swam in gently, for a  closer look at me,   half awake and floating .
The very instant that my mind  attempted to assert a greater awareness to seize upon my
predicament, the  moment  I grappled towards a fuller consciousness,  they  started
away, startled,  two thrusts of their bodies, into the recesses of the shoal, as though privy
to and threatened by my mind’s thoughts.
I at once became forever assured of porpoise telepathy .
With quick tail movements, they vanished into the water’s distant murky gloom.
The experience was as ‘real’ in every sensory realm,  compared to consciousness.
Slammed with a jolt, back into my body,  suddenly awakened, in bed,  oddly and quickly
I  recalled a favored thought-sentence, one I had  often repeated in my paranormal
 “In the spiritual ocean tidal currents in R.E.M.s, between two and six o’clock, I have
stumbled across only deep water negative thought entities, nighttime bedroom
intruders;  I have met  only sharks, and not ever, the elevated, enlightened porpoises..”
At once , the vivid, strange OBE experience underlined  the nature of an alien astral
abduction, but as well, a proprietary  and meddling psychic
omnipresence, to have read my thoughts, a disorder of consciousness depredation, a
signature symptom of alien presences, for abductees.
Image result for tumblr gifs of alien vampires
This nighttime vivid OBE, Out-Of-Body-Experience,  pointed to the silhouette of a
proprietary alien, a
creature, with either  a too literal sense of my overused, too self-important sentence’s
or perversely and stiltedly,
one with a rarefied sense of humor.
I leave it in your hands, to weigh..


(Copyright 2019, Paul Schroeder – All Rights Reserved)

(Edited by Robert D. Morningstar)


(Author’s note: Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, this judgement prescribes a required spiritual “shift”  towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
Unlearning fear, is a step by step acceptance, and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful  defenses mustered by one’s physical self.
Prayer, is fear, gone brave..

I was very recently interviewed by Hayden Topperwien, an Australian filmmaker, who asked me to act as technical/consulting adviser in background research for his upcoming film about “Psychiatry vs. Possession.“

                Below are some of his questions:

Q: In your view, what is the most misrepresented aspect of this field in cinema/literature? Are there any aspects that you feel would be dangerous for public consumption?

A: The aspect of danger lies in this: Ouija boards are still commercially sold as novelty items and remain unrecognized by the general public (viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble) as objects that offer solid invitations (invocations) to dark force entities to approach directly.

Television shows with conjuring themes, i.e. Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, The Librarians, compound the danger as they uniformly suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting.”

But there is great spiritual and psychological dangers awaiting he unwitting in all of them.

These shows project a fake facade of entertainment and impart a false sense of safety.

The truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.

                                                             The Reality:

If you pay attention to the paranormal, it does indeed pay attention to you.

A “ghost box’, however fascinating as a doorway to the unseen is a dangerous opportunity for a masquerading  evil one to enter to feast on your energies.

Ghost-hunters, like those who in rodeos and circuses , watch the abuse of the (spiritual) creatures within, with no notion of rescue for them, under the guise of paid ‘entertainment’, suffer an unrecognized obstacle, to their own spiritual evolution.

I would say that if you had a loaded gun with a hair-trigger and an often used ghost box, that the gun offers less potential jeopardy for permanent damage to you and yours.

The truth about Dark Force entities is that even when one dabbles in the occult it can fully open to one, and demons drift in to feel that tacit unspoken permission.

That occurs and then they feel that they own you.

One’s life and mind suddenly and forever become a nightmarish battleground.

These television shows wrongly create a sense of harmless fascination with the Dark Side and a false sense of honest experimentation with the Occult Dark Side because such open doors invite predatory, negative, bullying entities inside.

Which “Ghost Buster” can one successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point?

One can open doors that are not easily closed again.
The same inherent danger holds true for UFO sky watch group enthusiasts.
A fuller understanding of the nature of the occupants of those craft would quickly cure you of sky watching.

They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens.

They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…

My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead.
The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.

Later, you remain unaware that you’ve been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly ‘research’.

Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky

watch is imprudent;to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.

If one objectively examines the Ten Commandments, the first four, are only focused

around, and about only HIM, and that E.T. reptilian narcissistic self- focus, reveals the

proprietary demanding aspect of the domineering masquerading entities who deluded, humanity, with such (stolen from Sumerian) Biblical “rules”.

UFO greys and overlord reptilians are astounding in their unparalleled telepathic-mind –

control,( mental image projection and impositions of delusional scenarios,) of all

humans, used as a short psychic-leash, beings uncannily canny in reading our minds, and vectoring away our minds.

The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that meddling greys, demons and

other negative thought entities impose into our lives, go unnoticed by most people, but

they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing,   seeking  parasitism of human

consciousness, itself.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional ‘door’ left open, invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world which affixes ‘attachments’ to seek to ‘clamber aboard’.

Your dreamscape scenarios recalled, is the link to such and can with metaphysics, be removed, to some extent..

There are many abductee reported perverse and untoward sexually explicit incidents, where small dark greys( quite sinister) actively participate in orchestrated sexual acts aboard craft, with human kidnapped victims..

I have read other reports (by young women abductees) which recorded their intense rapture in sexual one-night-stand- trysts with presumed young, sexy men, who walked passed mirrors, in women’s bedrooms, to instead reveal images of masquerading small grays, an unrealized sexual entity, one whose telepathic prowess is also heart-bending, as well as mind-bending..

Why expose oneself to that risk under the guise of seeking excitement and fun?

I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.

(When Reptilians are accused of eating human babies they respond : “Just as you do, with lower animals forms, on Earth”.

Raising animals to slaughter for our tables is a moral impediment to galactic equanimity.)

Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.

Some of the most disguised UFOs appear as ‘airplanes’ that have false engine sounds attached to dissuade any notice, but they move in jumps and starts and reverse flight, on a dime.

Pine Bush New York and NYC skies often have such decoys that resemble conventional aircraft, a particularly easy way to violate airspace’s without detection

If you were told that running naked in the woods would likely get you poison ivy, wouldn’t you want to know to amend your impulse to do so?

After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread.

There are highly technological, sentient alien creatures seen aboard UFO craft, by
abductees, who are eight feet tall mantids, who radiate terror and who are medical
Their mantis body shape reveals that its race, along with other
advanced alien races,( insectoid, amphibian, lepidopterous and
reptoid) donated their DNA millions of years ago to create this
preserve, that we call, “Earth”, with lower animal forms of their own DNA .
And it is always true, that the very best of games-keepers, never let
the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed , a preserve…
Our ‘truth’ as a race of beings, is down a long hall, and somewhere else.

I often ask people who want perfect proof of ETs, to look hard into their mirror, because what’s looking back at them, is no more amazing and astonishing a creature creation, than aliens, themselves are..

Q: What do you think would be the most positive outcome of an exploration of this field through film?

A: Darkness cannot thrive and persist where there is much light; to open and forewarn closed or naive minds to the notion that dis-corporate intelligence can influence them and cause disease and mental illness is to surely fore arm such unsuspecting minds.

God sends some of us into darkest corners to illuminate them for others.

Your film should perhaps raise more questions in the audience’s mind than it should supply answers.

Q: Can you describe what takes place in very simple terms, in an event of demonic possession?

If there were any physical manifestations of such an event, what form would they take?

A: One’s thoughts are suddenly not one’s own; facial ticks and muscle and appendage twitches occur as the inhabiting entity tries to assert muscular control to operate the body.

An enabling and warming sense of rage simmers under your surface; lust and sexuality blossom strongly as do cravings for alcohol, drugs, meats, sweets/candy as the negative entity asserts itself under your reactions.

You can feel disconcerted at the internal difference; you feel evilly sated rather than saddened when listening to news stories about lives lost or human suffering.

Very vivid and unsettling nightmares prevail; long lost experiences and long forgotten faces in your life manifest in worst scenario vignettes as the indwelling entity assumes access to all of your memories and your chakras energy points.

Almost all mean-spirited, spiritually-virulent, negative people have reptilian or demonic attachments, without ever gaining a self- glimmer of a hint of this truth.
They wrongly have assumed, quite naturally, all of their lives, that the horrid whispers within, are from themselves, and not ego-alien.

It is a long, almost impossible battle to realize that the “enemy” is from ‘outside’ of one’s consciousness.

Only then, can a winning fight be fought for self-actualization.

Q: In what way does a normal nightmare differ from one which represents a psychic attack?

A: All nightmares are varying degrees of imposed psychic attacks as you are being negatively ‘milked’ ethereally for energy within raw angst, by an entity who you might have picked up in daily transit not unlike dog poo on your shoe bottoms.

Nightmare imposed vivid images cement connections from the demonic to the human host’s energy fields, connections that beyond understanding, give ‘sanctuary’ scenarios for dark ones to inhabit.

The signature function of the brain during dreaming is to maintain the dream state, to incorporate extraneous outside stimuli into a dream, to ‘lie to you’, to keep you dreaming.

If a fire truck’s siren blares down your block while you are sleeping your brain will incorporate that sound into the dream scenario at hand to keep you asleep and dreaming.

The ‘convenience dream’ clearly illustrates how this works.

One’s bladder may dully pulse as full, but rather than awaken the sleeper, the brain conjures a bathroom scenario instead where one ‘dreams’ that one saw the tile floor and even sat down on a toilet.

One awakens much later thinking, with a fuller bladder, thinking; ‘I thought that I just WENT to the bathroom?!’

A nightmare, which awakens one, usually in great angst, violates this tacit basic rule of dreaming by awakening one.

One’s rude awakening instead reveals that nightmare scenarios are being telepathically imposed by a parasitic, dis-corporate entity for its ethereal feasting.

.A nightmare is very rarely a self-created scenario. In possession, the entity is no longer in daily transit to torture another (phantoms fill the air around us), but has settled in and has chosen you, as a ‘host’.

The nightmares and bad dreams under a state of demonic possession seem realistic in every way compared to the intensity of waking consciousness and appear to be out of body attacks. One feels at every nighttime that one flirts with the beast of madness, itself.

Concurrent with such psychic attacks is poltergeist phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping on the walls and a general heavy unhappy creepy atmosphere envelope the house and its occupants.

Pranks predominate.

Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Q: What kind of person is most vulnerable to this kind of attack? How do they become a target?

A: One who leaves one’s front door open to the street will invite in unwanted miscreants, unknown horrid people who wander in seeking mischief and unwholesomeness.

So, too, does one who uses a Ouija board or thinks that it might be fun to have a ghost around easily and unknowingly invites the opportunistic gangster fringe element of the spirit world in.

More so, for ghost-hunters, is the exposure to the unsuspected hazards of illness, infections, depression, anxiety attacks,
energy loss, temper explosions, cravings and poor mental health, distortion of sex habits, caused by disturbed
earthbound spirits and demonics, who can attach to one and follow one home, from badly haunted locale encounters.
To seek out such moments, to ‘hunt’ locales for dark spirits, is to put one’s head into a dirty toilet, and flush it, with the
excited thought: “Shampoo!”

The attack is telepathic in nature.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

Wolves like demons choose the weakest of the flock; young children are special nighttime targets who crawl into bed with their parents to seek protection from their energies, but there is an inverse rule also: people of strong spiritual light also bring these parasitic entities in like porch lights do bring in moths and then draw bats.

The dark side seeks to extinguish light and they attempt to do this by destroying the light in the person.

Thus they will be attracted to people who shine brightly with such light.

A priest, a psychic or psychic healer, or a highly moral public figure in power are much more attractive to destroy than a mere banal person as “the trophy” is more valued.

Q: What is the worst possible outcome of such an event?

A: Murder and or sexual abuse of one’s own children, suicide, mental illness, drug addictions and self destructive habits, jail incarcerations may result.

Q: What kind of mistakes does Western psychology make when dealing with this issue?

A: Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness; a child who hears discorporate voices and sees spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.

Many institutionalized back ward ‘psychotic’ patients are possessed not insane.

Q: What is your view of the origin/nature of these non-physical entities?

A: They are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds. Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:

Cold patches in the aura
Bad dreams and nightmares
Unexplained aches and pains
Anxiety and fearfulness
Obsessive/compulsive behavior
Self mutilation
Eating Disorders
Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts
Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted’ look in the eyes
Drug addiction or alcoholism
Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

Q: Do you think the existence of these phenomena will ever be explored by science, or that it is essentially unreachable by the physical sciences?

A: Science is especially inept in its ability to calibrate the human soul or gauge a demonic possession; it is beyond their measuring capabilities and thus does not exist. ​

To quote an abductee contemporary;

“A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to understand Paul’s warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toe nail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. ”

Q – Do you believe there is any power in archaic protection/exorcism rituals?

How do different traditions differ in their approach?

Which is, in your opinion, the best?

A: Exorcism is similar to extracting a nail from one’s tire and tossing it back into traffic where it will be picked up by someone else.

Q – In terms of public education and safety, what do you feel are the most important points to get across regarding this issue?

A: For those dubious or cynical about the’ realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

It’s sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.

Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.

There are many very powerful unseen entities

and too often, in this  evasive realm, spirits who appear to the uninitiated as benign ‘goodness’, can be the most dangerous, cunning, and diabolical…


Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I prescribe a required spiritual “shift” towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.
One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.
For defenses to flare, one must recognize that one is not a person having troubled spiritual problems, but instead an eternal soul having troubling human experiences.

From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
as spiritual fruition.

Avoid religion’s sinful stance and put the O.T. Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy, for

God is real, but HE has always been, down a long hall, and somewhere else…

Alien Abductions: Hypnosis and Amnesia


Alien Abductions:

Hypnosis and Amnesia

By Paul Schroeder
(Copyright 2017, Paul Schroeder – All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>


  • Giordano Bruno- February 1600 (burned at the stake by Church Bishops for teachings against the Roman Catholic Church) :

  • “Innumerable suns exist! Innumerable earths circle around their suns, no worse and no less inhabited than this globe of ours.

    For no reasonable mind can assume that heavenly bodies that may be far more magnificent than ours would not bear upon them creatures similar or even superior to those upon our human Earth.”


The following account is based on an actual encounter:


Dr. Paul Schroeder and his wife, Susan were boating on North Conway Lake in New Hampshire, near the North Conway mines, on May 13, 2008.

They paddled into a deep hidden canyon, entering between huge boulders which formed a narrow gateway.

It was a place that they had been to before,  to make love in the wild flowers, in a vast hidden field.

Both pulled the boat up onto the narrow beach shadowed by overhanging willows and had a cold lunch of chicken and white wine.

It was a pristine landscape to wander in and dream.

Soon they felt the air vibrate strongly like an explosion’s aftershock.       A wave blast of air and temperature.

“What in God’s name was that?” Susan asked.

Her husband answered:

“Likely, it’s a shock-wave from a dynamite explosion, miles behind us, at the North Conway mine.  But there was no sound, and we’re miles and miles, too far from the mine.”

She added, “You must remember, that mine’s long been closed!”

He thought for a moment, “You’re damned right.”

He climbed the boulder behind him and said:

“It came from just outside this  hidden cove, but I should be able to figure out what happened, if I can see out over the lake, from up there.”

He pointed.

“You’ll probably fall and kill yourself,” his wife warned.

After hard climbing, he reached the top boulder which was split and he could look out through a sharp cleft within the rock.

Two large, shiny, round craft floated on the water just beyond the narrow entrance to the cove.

He didn’t stop to look twice.

What he had seen was so unbelievable that he scrambled down to get his wife.  His astonished aspect, a slack jaw and wide eyes, was all the convincing that she needed.

Both climbed up to the well-hidden vantage point to get a better perspective.

Both metallic craft were fifty to sixty feet wide, twenty feet thick at the center and fifteen feet thick at the rim.

Round, black-edged ports covered the rim at a distance of every four feet.

On the top sides, hatch covers were open, and moving slowly around its surface were spindly creatures, who moved in unison, like robots.

On both ships, over their heads from a central position, was a slowly rotating hoop-shaped object.

When the hoop reached a point directly opposite the husband and wife, it stopped.

So did all of the creatures … Ominously for the couple, the creatures stared toward the couple’s hiding place and remained motionless.

The husband, with a frantic whisper pulled at his wife’s dress:

“Jesus, Lord, get down!”

And both of them did, but they were sure that the creatures had spotted them.

They remained hidden, staring round-eyed at each other, and then noticed a quick movement;  a deer below, had come to the water’s edge, to drink.

They were sure that the strange creatures were instead watching the deer and they slowly rose for another good look.

The hoop was rotating once more, operated by a creature, standing below it, who wore a small, scarlet head covering.

All were small and wore close-fitting dark suits and blue helmets.

One creature placed a shiny green hose in the water, drawing in water and at the same time discharging something from another hose.

Again the hoop stopped and all the figures froze … They stared toward the couple on the rock.

Husband and wife ducked and counted to thirty before they inched up for yet another look.

Two hours later, dazed and confused, missing time, the couple ambled back into their boat and headed for home.

They were both grim faced and neither spoke for the whole trip back, and the further they traveled from the lake, the more their amnesia of the incident grew.

They traveled home, bereft of memories.

A week passed during which each night’s “dreams”  held disturbed and bizarre scenarios.

One night, as his son slept, he stole gently into the bedroom where his child was sleeping, and removed three books, by J.M.Barrie.

He had awakened in a sweat from a nightmare and the stars had been bright against the blackness of the night sky..

Rather than awe, dread had descended to encompass him.

He now felt strongly protective and oddly repulsed by the notion of  Peter Pan, a never-aging figure, who comes down from the sky and floats children out of their bedroom, at night, accompanied by a little ball of light, Tinkerbell.


“The overall patterns in these cases are so remarkably consistent, often down to  even tiny details, that people reporting these experiences often sound so inherently credible that the phenomenon simply cannot be dismissed.”


  • Director of CIA, Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter:

  • “It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.  To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.”

  • pg. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. 30 

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night. Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul.

Our spiritual powers that interest and addict inter-dimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls , stuck to human energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.



Ark of the CovenantThe God Masquerade:


Paul Schroeder

(Author’s Note:

“God is real but down a long hall and somewhere else than this biblical E.T. masquerade, but don’t  throw the divine baby out, along  with the dirty Old Testament bath water…”)

From, “Raiders of the Lost Ark” :

“Colonel Musgrove: Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, right?.
Indiana:  That’s exactly what the Nazis are looking for.

Major Eaton: Now what does this Ark look like?

Indiana: Uh… there’s a picture of it right here.

[ opens a book on the table]

Colonel Musgrove: That’s it.

[ they all look at an illustration of the Hebrews devastating their enemy with the Ark]

Major Eaton: Good God!

Indiana: Yes, that’s just what the Hebrews thought.

Major Eaton: [ pointing to a beam of light] Uh, now what’s that supposed to be coming out of there?

Brody: Lightning. Fire. Power of God or something.

Indiana: I’m beginning to understand Hitler’s interest in this.

Brody: Oh, yes. The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it… is invincible.”

It was the Ark of the Covenant, an alien mechanical contrivance, that called out to

Samuel, a box that acted as a weapon and as a communication device, that called him and spoke with him and Moses.

The skies above were called “Heavens”, by ancients, and that also complicates biblical

remembrances of  reptilian technology, mistaken for miraculous holiness..

The masquerade of ancient aliens as ,”God”, in the Old Testament records, had also

deluded the ancient Maya, Aztec,  and Sumerian world,  as it deluded ancient Hebrews who believed that E.T. technology was surely Holy magic.

The True spirit God  need such no mechanical contrivances.

HE is down a long hall and somewhere else, other than in a “Book” that wrongly delineates and defines God.

The O.T. Bible  stories are identical to  Sumerian writings before Israel, as well as Commandments,  “rules” in Leviticus, the garden of Eden, the Great Flood, and The Creation of Earth.

E.T. omnipresence and controlling behaviors impute  the Old Testament’s legitimacy, as God’s word.


Like the ‘chosen’ children of Israel, abductees are subjected to harsh tactics and controlling motives, seen not as a sentient race, but as a human crop to harvest.

Aliens who masqueraded as God to the ancient Hebrews, indeed fed on them (kosher laws controlled what their  human food ate) and did genetic experiments on them,   gene splice accomplishments.

We reside on a reptilian preserve that we call, “EARTH” and the best gamekeepers never let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.

Reptilians delight in human dishes the way we fancy veal and the truth, is that we were NEVER the ‘top of the food chain’ and for equanimity, in any sense, we as a race of beings must finally abandon slaughter houses and become vegetarians.

Ancient prophets, Isaiah, Mohammad, Ezekiel, Moses, Saul (Paul) and Jesus were ‘ascended’ into craft, to later suffer psychological distress, having met “God, or the Devil and His Angels”.

Ancient alien abductions  and alien showmanship recorded in the Old Testament, reflect religious ontological shock after superior beings with miraculous technology identified themselves as,”God”, Hebrews who called the skies above, ‘Heaven’

Their technology still looks like magic to us,  5000 years after the Old Testament’s documented encounters with this,”God”.

UFO Craft allow abductions to be stealthy with a technology beyond imagination.

UFOs from great heights send lights of white and blue tints which precede physical

“beam-downs” of critters, from Bigfoot to reptilians to small greys, a technology and

tactic that baffle the human mind, today, just as it did to Mayan, Sumerian, Inca and Biblical peoples who thought and wrongly were ‘told’, that it was surely,”God”..

Modern abductees report that during their abductions on-board craft, they often see a frightening winged Mothman reptilian alien race.

These beings radiate rage and hatred, and appear to be overlords of the many alien races who frequent the crossroads of Earth for salvage, and  to abduct humans and these beings command and pilot UFOs.

Small greys, who act in unison like robots, are work beings, designed and created and labeled,’synthetic work beings’.

There are  similar descriptions of these overlords:

Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven or eight feet tall, scaled reptilian beings, with webbing between their claws, who have yellow/red cat-like eyes, upright saurian ‘monitor lizards’, Mothmen, alien reptilians who look upon us, as we fancy veal.

That may  explain the ‘God-ordered’ Kosher dietary laws to strictly  control what human animals ate ,( as we do with snails and Omaha beef) to make them more tasteful and safe as an edible.

At Bud Hopkins’ house, during Saturday evening meetings, I learned that abductees had also somehow  gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of: human young.

It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly, echoed elsewhere, like Rod Serling’s “Twilight Zone” episode,”To Serve Man”, where our importance as a race in the Universe is that of a mere condiment.

It reframed correctly, the true modus operandi behind this particular alien type and its ancient and continuing interaction/visitations with mankind.

We were NOT  ever the top of the food chain..

(At Budd Hopkins home on the upper West side of NYC, abductees met on weekends to exchange and share and I was there when I heard many echoes of abductees describing seeing human babies being jar-bred, chopped and butchered into edible parts aboard craft, strictly for reptilian diets; small greys bathed in tubs of human endocrines and a soup of body parts(sludge) and absorbed such through their skin.

This is likely the main reason that any ‘disclosure’ may be thwarted because the truth is too horrendous, that we are ‘farmed’ precisely as we ‘farm’ animals…)

There are also highly technological, sentient alien creatures seen aboard UFO craft, by
abductees, who are eight feet tall mantids, who radiate terror and who are medical
Their mantis body shape reveals that its race, along with other
advanced alien races,( insectoid, amphibian, lepidopterous and
reptoid) donated their DNA millions of years ago to create this
preserve, that we call, “Earth”, with lower animal forms of their own DNA .
And it is always true, that the very best of games-keepers, never let
the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed , a preserve…
Our ‘truth’ as a race of beings, is down a long hall, and somewhere else

Reading the O.T. Bible, again with alien-fresh eyes, even a non abductee can discern the elusive and controlling reptilian silhouette.

Statue carvings of reptilians display the Mayan ‘God’ and Egyptian ‘God’ who created other similar “chosen people” sacrificial religions.

This reptilian ‘God’, seated within a comparable “Holy of Holies”, in ancient Central America, was the centerpiece of power and evil, poised to eat and relish the Mayan God’s favorite dish, that of still beating human hearts.

This ‘God’ is the self-same demanding, controlling, punishing UFO ‘Heavenly’ “God” who insisted and demanded to the Hebrews that by ‘law’, much sacrificial blood be splashed on all four corners of His Altar, more a demonic requirement than anything ‘Holy”.

Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing protein forms of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks.

This ‘patent’ allows them to act with impunity.

In the Garden of Eden tale,  are clear reptilian fingerprints: alien advanced technological surgery (Adam put to sleep and a ‘rib’ removed for cloning and genetic manipulation) created a human-alien hybrid, the status of modern man and modern woman.

The impersonation, masquerade of ancient aliens as, “God”, helmeted and duped the world in the Old Testament ..

God, our true spiritual father, is much too imbued within us, and within everything all around us, to be too easily discerned.

Humans’ multi-layered psyche, are seen as “containers”, for reptilians to inhabit, infest spiritually, walk into and tamper with, with impunity.

Image result for tumblr gifs of nightmare reptilian

A closer look at the Ark of the Covenant, is more illuminating and revealing towards this realization of non-divine origins of the Old Testament; it was an object that breached the physical world of the Jews and the unseen paranormal world of the demanding “God” who had suddenly burst upon the scene.

Biblical evidence exists that the Ark of the Covenant was structurally designed as superior technology, acting as an alien transmitter-capacitor as well as a alien weapon.

The Ark, lethal when touched, was used to communicate with alien entities who masqueraded as “God”, who insisted a contrivance to be built, which would carry ‘God’s voice’, and aid Israelites when it was carried into battles:

“And they shall make an Ark of shittim wood, two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.

‘And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold around and all about.”

One of the Gold plates was positively charged and one was negatively charged and together they formed the condenser.

If one of the cherubim’s positioned above the Mercy Seat acted as a magnet, then one has the rudimentary requirements of a two way communication set.

The ‘Lord’, this “God”, even detailed what clothing should be worn when consulting “God” through this Ark device, so that no interference would be encountered and to limit the risk of electrocution.

This discussion shall follow, shortly.

Further proof of the Ark’s innate communication function can be found in the First Book Of Samuel, Chapter 3:3, when the Ark directly speaks to Samuel:

“And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of God was, and Samuel was laid to sleep.

‘That the Lord called Samuel, and he answered here am I.

‘And he ran unto Eli, and said here am I, for thou calledst me. And he said. I called not, lie down again. And he went and lay down”.

This repeated itself on two more occasions and eventually Eli realized that the Lord was speaking to Samuel via the Ark, which he then told to Samuel, and on the fourth occasion Samuel was able to converse with the “Lord”, directly THROUGH this contrivance.

The only persons in the house at the time were Eli and Samuel, and it is quite blatant that it was indeed the Ark which ‘spoke’ to Samuel.

This Ark , clearly an alien technological invention, beyond ancient man’s technological understanding, seems a most unseemly ‘tool’ for our true, good and all powerful, God of the Universe, who communicates through angels, coincidences and signs, dreams, infused insights, inspiration and telepathy.

The True spirit God does not need such mechanical contrivances and HE, is down a long hall and somewhere else, than in that “Book” that pretends to delineate and define God.

This machine/ weapon technological artifice was an alien designed three-in-one communication device set, religious receptacle and weapon of mass destruction.

The Ark had these three uses; at all times of communication with ‘God’ and at all times of great battles, the Ark was invariably present.

Unfortunately, not everyone had the same opinion of the Ark as lethally divine in intent.

David decided for safety’s sake, to ‘steal away with it’, with Uzzah’s help, with tragic consequences as retold in the second book of Samuel, Chapter 6:

“And when they came to Nachons threshing-floor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God, and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it.

‘And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and God smote him there for his error, and there he died by the Ark of God.”

Quite clearly the Ark , carrying a massive electrical charge, killed Uzzah on the spot when he touched it.

Theologians mince words.

Why didn’t “the God of the Universe”, kill Uzzah for attempting to sequester the Ark at the outset; why did He have to wait until the Ark was actually touched?

Because, to theologians, ‘God’, accurately described in the Hebrew Old Testament, was a crafty, manipulative, and completely masquerading alien.

Regard this  startling photo of a Sumerian ‘God’, worshiped and obeyed 7000 years before Abraham, Isaac and Moses, with much the same sacrificial orders.

Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer

On display in The British Museum

Good technology always looks just like magic to a primitive.

Consider the WWII “Cargo Cults” that developed in the South Pacific when native islanders took our pilots and airmen for “Gods from the Sky.”

When the war ended, these primitive peoples sought to incite the return of the “Sky Gods” by making facsimile  airplane out of palm trees and fronds.

This Ark ‘contrivance’, from the UFO document of the Old Testament, reveals more about this ancient,’God’ who used the Ark as an alien technological tool to conduct this masquerade.

Insights about this ‘God Machine’ reveal the reptilian alien fingerprint and its fuller silhouette, unfurled in Biblical descriptions, that yield eve more truths.

The Ark of the Covenant alien ordered to be built, was an ornate golden chest used for electrical radiation/  radio communication, to both hear from ‘God’ and to speak to “God”, and was additionally used as a terrible weapon against the enemies of the Israelites.

In order to operate it safely, the high priest from the family of Kohath (of the tribe of Levi), who knew even more of its ‘secrets’, had to wear a breastplate with twelve sacred gemstones called ‘the Stones of Fire’, for his own physical protection.

The ‘holiest’ part of the Ark was called the ‘oracle’, the place where one could literally discern audible orders to Israel from “God”, which were almost totally made through Moses.

When Moses entered into the tabernacle of the covenant to consult with this ‘oracle’, he heard a voice speaking to him from the ‘propitiatory’, a sectional ‘speaker’ that was over the ark between the two cherubim, the wings of which acted as separate battery terminal poles.

This is technology, not spirituality.

Specific directives, given to Moses, would now come from “God”, through this machine :

“Thence will I give orders, and will speak to thee over the propitiatory, and from the midst of these two cherubim, which shall be upon the Ark of the testimony, all things which I will command the children of Israel by thee”.

Unlike orders given from a ‘ burning bush’, a disembodied voice in a laser of light focused upon a bush, all of “God’s” future orders came from this ‘burning’ box , an electronic technological contrivance.

There was an intermittent appearance of a “cloud” between the cherubim and at these times the Ark machinery was considered so dangerous that Moses, himself, would not approach it.

I am personally sure that the accompanying sharp smell of ozone, a characteristic smell of a modern powerful radio transmitter, filled the room,   at such times, as well.

A “fire” which emerged from the Ark of the testimony was preceded by a “glow” which the Bible describes as the “glory of the Lord”.

At such times, the Israelites believed that their holy relic was truly in the possession of an angry God as it surely killed many who approached it .

Moses was able to “receive” but evidence suggests that he must NOT have been equally able to “transmit”, at will.

‘God’ has ordered a transmitter built, so that, remotely, ‘He’ may be obeyed.

This controlling and demanding “God”, elusive, evasive and smarmy from the first ‘encounter’, reflects and echoes reptilian nature:

In the mountains Moses hears a disembodied voice who commands that he worship and obey.Moses, seeking any real deeper sense, asks the entity, a voice in a lazer focused brightly on a bush , an essential question:

“Who, What ‘God’?”, and the elusive quick non response is:

“I am that I am.”

An elusive “God” avoiding  Moses’ direct question,  has in the Ark, designed Moses a physical weapon, proof of “God’s” prowess and promise

The electrical field generated from the Ark that ‘spoke to God’, could be pointed, focused and fired, apparently, from Biblical evidences.

A sacred gem called the “Stone Of Fire” was mounted on the breastplate of the High Priests, from the tribe of Levi, for their protection and for their operation of the “Ark Of The Covenant” when in frequent battles, they carried the weapon ahead of the Hebrew army.

Joshua 6:6 – 15-During the famous battle siege of Jericho, the energy of the Ark was displayed when it was carried seven times around the city accompanied by priests blowing rams’ horns and all the wall’s structures quickly disintegrated.

1 Samuel 5:1 – 6; 6:5-While in battle the Philistines captured the Ark and although they endeavored to keep it they were plagued with earthquakes which toppled their sacred statues, by odd diseases that produced boils and by being overrun with mice, the Ark’s side effects of electrical radiation energy bursts that could damage human skin as well as dramatically disrupt small rodent animal life .

1 Samuel 6:19-When the Philistines returned the Ark to the Hebrews to get rid of it at Beth-shemesh a group of them made the error of examining the chest up close which resulted in 50,000 of their people falling down dead.

1 Kings 8:8-When at rest, the Ark was placed in its Holy of Holies so that one end of its gold-plated carrying poles touched the veil separating the two compartments of the Tabernacle.

This helped to rekindle the energy of the chest while inside by re-connecting it with its re-charging housing.

Leviticus 16-Moses, Aaron and the attending Levite high priests were warned not to enter into the area of the Ark often and to carry out certain rituals only once a year on a designated day (Yom Kippur) as over-exposure to the Ark’s lethal electrical radiation was dangerous.

Numbers 35:5, Joshua 4:5-The Ark was always carried at least two thousand cubits or paces in front of the Hebrew host or army as it traveled.

This area energy of a specific circumference surrounded the golden chest when it was in motion.

Joshua judged a safe distance from the Ark as two thousand cubits distance or close to a mile .

Even when carried, the Ark was covered with a veil of tachash skins and a blue cloth which functioned as an electrical field dampener.

The Hebrews were warned to never remove the poles that the Ark was carried with as they provided sufficient insulation protection.

When Saul’s daughter, Michal, insulted David for dancing before the Ark, she was struck with permanent sterility.

David was wearing an ephod or protective garment, while Michal was not, thus making her vulnerable to the Ark’s radiation long-term effects.

It must have similar to the lead apron which covers the groin area when extensive dental x-rays are taken.

It does not take too much imagination to review what I have said, here, and to begin to rethink your assessment of the Old Testament and this to grasp the truth of this masquerade.

A UFO “God” COULD part the Red Sea, however the sin was to ‘sell the world’, that

God of the Universe  is perverse in His nature, mean spirited, and vengeful, an angry “God”, commanding, controlling and vindictive in disposition.


The true ONE, God of our Universe, in very sharp contrast, is a blinding energy-intelligence which radiates bliss, love and peace like a tsunami, when one stands in His presence.

Who took the Jews out of Egypt’ and micromanaged them with 613 Torah harsh rules and

kept them fed with ‘manna’, wandering for forty years, an accurate life span then, to reap a new generation for a”chosen people status”  of gene splicing and DNA manipulations?

Reptilian aliens, within the Intelligence and the UFO communities, who masqueraded as God to ancients are highly recognizable, diabolical alien entities who have always’ interacted’ with us, as Earth  is  a preserve sanctuary, manned by Reptilian ‘Gods’.

Reptoid “Gods”, manipulative and disingenuous, controlling and devious , and a million years more advanced technologically, than we.

The best games-keepers of the galaxy, never lets the animals within any preserve surmise or  guess that it is, indeed,  a preserve.

The Old Testament Bible represents an unbroken line, from then to now, of a continuity of contacts with mean-spirited, overlord duplicitous grey-reptilian aliens, who view us, historically, in the same way as we view veal.

These entities, not our ‘space brothers’, sought control then, as now, with persistently diabolical, misleading, controlling, vindictive and punishing natures.


Though we are no more than a condiment in reptoids menu, we are also imbued with a soul/spirit, by God, a soul/spirit that is also garnered by reptoids after our ‘death’ and recycled by them.


Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: “It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.

But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.

To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.” p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30



Alien Abductee Assessment Checklist Questions

by Paul Schroeder

Before you deny alien abductions abjectly or even suspect that you are experiencing them, this checklist is engineered to assist in determining if regressive hypnosis or more investigation may be required.

If you can strongly and unequivocally say,”Yes!” to ten or more questions, you may well be one of millions worldwide who has had experiences of high strangeness with alien entities, but one, like most, whom has little idea.

Taken astrally during sleep,  ‘screened’ recollections resemble vivid dreams.
 One may even be physically marched around an alien craft to later awaken in bed with little clue, for aren’t all experiences, during sleep. mistakenly recognized as mere dreams?
These questions point to alien tampering that is very elusive but which in retrospect examinations,  becomes as obvious, as a trout in the milk.
Then, regressive hypnosis will reveal the whole entire iceberg and not just this suggested tip  from an assessment.
Have you ever suffered bouts of severe disabling anxiety and panic attacks?

(for men): Are there lumps or is there a small, hard ‘cyst’ within the skin of your scrotum/testicles?
(for women):
Did you ever suspect that you might be pregnant and learned that you were not?
Did you ever miss a period and were confused about why?

Do you have feminine problems like painful periods?

(for both men and women):

Did you ever awaken with sore genitals?

Did you ever have a diagnosis of low blood pressure, heart rate or body temperature?

Have you ever awakened with soreness, bruises or scratches on your body?

Did you ever on more than one occasion experience a high tone ringing in your ears?

Have you experienced repeated sinus difficulties?

Is your hearing faculty extraordinarily good?

Have you ever had nosebleeds in the morning or later in the day for no reason whatsoever?

Do you awaken more tired than you were going to bed?

Do you awaken during the night with being startled / have nightmares that linger in your memory longer than usual dreams?

Any headaches/pains behind just one eye?

Do particular lights/smells/sounds affect you with a hypersensitivity?

Have you memories/dreams of odd beings?

Have you ever noticed black cars, black helicopters or men in black suits?

Did you ever spot a UFO or seen lights in the sky making unusual maneuvers?

Did you suddenly ever smell rotting odors or the smell of burning wire for no good reason and with no source discernible?

Did you ever see what looked like odd swirling fog or mists indoors?

Have electrical or electronic equipment/ appliances, light bulbs, wrist watches acted peculiarly around you?

Have you always secretly believed that you were truly most “different” than other people?

Are you oddly, unusually telepathic/psychic at times?

Are you extremely licentious /lascivious/sexual?

Have you ever gained or lost time?(such as arriving much sooner or much later while driving somewhere)

Have you ever felt that you must suddenly lay down for a nap feeling dazed or drugged for no reason?

Have you ever experienced what you thought was an out of body experience?

Have you ever felt eyes on you or sensed an unseen presence nearby?

Do your pets react to unseen presences?

Have you ever awakened as if no time had elapsed between going to bed and awakening, with no recalled dreams ?

Have relationships/sex been predominantly discomforting and problematic?

Have you studied the nighttime sky and stars with an over fascination and undue anxiety?

Have you awoken to find random possessions/clothing not where you left them?

Were you ever very insistent about not having children?

Is there a feeling that you know something you should not talk about or even think about?

Have you ever felt that you were being watched by unseen eyes during sex ?

Have you ever ‘dreamed’ of aliens/UFOs?

Do you have difficulties sleeping/unusual sleep patterns?

Are you or have you ever been frightened of closets such that the closet door must be firmly closed before you can close your eyes to go to sleep?

 Have you moved many times/changed your place of residence often?

Are you very phobic of injections and dentists/ medical procedures?

Do you often feel that ‘elevator feeling syndrome’ (of eyes behind you)/ being watched?

Do you go to bed with the light/ radio/ television on or does your bed HAVE to be up against a wall for a feeling of ‘safety’?

Are you much more open minded than most people?

Are there gaping memory gaps around childhood/puberty years of your life?

Have you experimented with altered states of consciousness?

Do you think of plants and animals as just as important as human beings?

Have you had vivid dreams of flying?

Have you dreamed of being chased or of rescues?

Have you dreamed that you were in a classroom /taking odd exams?

Have you dreamed of crowded rides on buses/trains or dreamed you were travelling on a bicycle?

Have you dreamed of catastrophic wars/tidal waves/ mass evacuations?

Have you dreamed about odd or unusual small children ?

Have you dreamed/had nightmares about large bugs or large insects?

Have you ever dreamed of seeing / being aware while being underwater/or breathing underwater?

Have you ever dreamed that you were being surgically worked on?

Are you virtually immune/highly resistant to drugs like Novocain, requiring dentists to give up on you sometimes?

Do you have an exaggerated startle reflex?
For another fast ‘test’, ask yourself:
“where are alien implants, in my body?”
and allow your hands to wander, on their own; your unconscious mind will take over and you’ll notice where your hands reside…

Rather than blatant landings of alien craft on your front lawn (or the White House’s front lawn), the alien human abduction experience is subtle and ineffable, inter dimensional and elusive and predominates when we are asleep in R.E.M.s.

The images recalled as ‘dreams’ are, in truth, alien- imposed  scenarios, ‘tests’ that are so uniform from one abductee to the next they that seem almost stock footage in that so many similarities abound.

The residual post trauma of abductions resolves into a disease syndrome, containing many of the above emergent symptoms as clear indicators.

To those UFO investigators who cling only to ‘hard evidences’, I chide, how

can we ‘prove’, that reptilian aliens reportedly fancy the taste of human beings?


For years, at meetings at Bud Hopkins house in New York City, many abductees, over the years gleaned that ‘ we are a harvest’, a mere condiment in the Universe, an echo of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man”, when it comes to reptilian diets of human flesh.

“Hard facts and empirical scientific evidence”, may assist with collecting evidences in superficial craft sightings, as logistics, but such an approach fails to reveal humankind’s continued interactions with non-human intelligence behind the steering wheels of UFOs.


The “Devil’s hour”, the last REM period in early morning is the worst time.

I and many others in OBEs ghave also encountered reptilian astral worlds designed and equipped to trap people’s souls, worlds almost as real as this one, where humans miserable, lost and frightened reside in darkness , awaiting recycling into somatic bodies for continued E.T. ‘milking’..

Restaurants, highways and large apartment buildings false ‘sets’ are filled with such ‘dead’, not in Heaven, but E.T. appropriated with impunity and proprietary ownership,  like ghosts, unhappy , still trapped and lost souls.

When I recover from such virtual reality 3-D experiences, I remember to request:


” All of my soul fragments trapped in astral worlds are to be first healed, and then returned to me, never to leave, again”,

and I remember to pray for the lost souls who eat, live and travel in such distraction, in synthetic reptilian reality constructs.




It’s illuminating often to see humankind’s resistance to abductions as heroes, rather than as victims.

To unlearn fear , one must  see oneself not as an alien- beset person, with a soul within, but as a soul eternal, who now has  human problems, with  highly controlling aliens.


We  stumble in the dark, blindfolded, all of our lives, only to discover that we are deluded and mislead by those who offered us light, to travel their religious sanguine, Pollyanna path.
Dreams, when one is harassed by these beings, are often  not recollections, but instead  screen-memories imposed, snippets of odd psychic tampering.
Since E.T. beings who see us as a product, not a sentient race , impose dream-scenarios during abductions to delude one as to what is actually occurring, such recollections cannot be trusted to reveal greater truths.
Madness is an offshoot of encounters with them, a retribution for those seeking understanding and equanimity with demons thrown into the equation to muddle the fount such that none may drink.

I force myself to not ‘look up’, anymore at the night sky, after the ensemble overhead sighting of nine craft, I witnessed,  and worse, after  concurrent poltergeist and telepathic disturbances and ‘nightmares’ that  ‘unseen’ critters astonishingly ‘pulled’  and enacted within my home, afterwards. .

They climbed down the psychic ladder of my awe, from that ‘sighting’, into my house and life.

The sole focus on UFOs, the mere craft-Cadillac-vehicles, without any remote mention of  E.T. pilots’ tactics and motives within that ‘sighting’, always seems an E.T. clever Jedi-mind-trick, and after reading endless such reports, makes one wonder, if intelligent life exists, on Earth..

There have been ‘positive’ offshoots for abductees :

an ontological shift unfurling God, far from ‘the-UFO- five-books-of-Moses,” and “New Testament”

an exploration of “dreams-that-weren’t-dreams”,

an awakening of spiritual essences E.T.s are addicted to,

adeptness with hypnosis and metaphysics ‘tools’,

and a comparable recognition of the never suspected unseen goodness, also afoot..

For some abductees, without these UFO/E.T. bizarre experiences and their awful suffering, no wind-attempting butterflies,  only an Earthbound-stolid caterpillars , would have evolved….

Assure yourself, totally convinced, that you WILL remember,  and soon you will begin to recall odd “dream” snippets that for no logical reason, linger, upon awakening.

The simple trick is to play that snippet over, and over, like a tape machine until suddenly, what happened just before or just after , surfaces.


In this way, using conscious effort, one can unfurl a larger segment to see through the disguise.

One can self-hypnotize suggestions to oneself to overcome the blockages.

I have spontaneously recalled my episodes without any regressive hypnosis inductions..

How to stop, amend and blunt these kidnappings is what is truly more tantamount than resolving deeper meanings..



We are in a hall of mirrors with a quicksand floor, and the truth, is that
we are all hybrids, rendered into naked apes, with DNA manipulations over eons, by the reptilian masters of the universe, who created this ‘preserve’, that we call Earth, who see us as a product, a harvestable crop, much as we see chickens.


Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter:
“It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.
But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.
To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.” p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
(“I’ve been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are interplanetary. We are being watched by beings from outer space.” —Albert M. Chop, deputy public relations director, NASA, True Magazine , Jan. 1965. ”)

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.

Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.

Our spiritual powers that interest and addict inter-dimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning, to the concept of a silent invasion.