
Remote Viewing Defense Against Reptilian Aliens, Overlords of Human-Abducting Aliens

Remote Viewing Defense Against Reptilian Aliens, Overlords of Human-Abducting Aliens

 By  Paul Schroeder

(THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK 4:22/23 reads…….22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”)

I used to firmly believe that we as predators, were at the very top of the food chain.

Then, others like me, who also claimed to be abductees, some of who I met through Budd

Hopkins and his weekend house get- together many years ago, told me horror stories about some abductions.

They had seen on-board craft, a Moth-man alien race, an ‘in-charge’ being who radiated demonic rage and hatred,

a satanic, diabolical alien being , overlord of many alien races who abduct humans and who pilot UFOS.

Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven feet tall,

reptilians who looked upon us as we fancied veal, who with technology violated our World’s airspace every night…

(graphic: Earthfiles.com)

These abductees had  gleaned what reptoids regular human diets consisted of : infants.

Just as bad or even worse there was a spiritual/supernatural element, an ethereal

placement of young reptilians along human abductees spinal chords for aural feasting.

Draco reptilians trespass inter-dimensionally as well and tamper with our energies that extend into those other dimensions.

When these or any other inter-dimensional cloaked unseen creatures violate and intrude within our

aural/psychic energies, free-floating waves of anxiety blossom, the human soul’s natural

reaction to intrusion; ask any psychic medium.

That explained why  many abductees have such horrid panic attacks and horrid spinal issues, because

juvenile reptilians make spinal attachments, to tamper with astral energies which often causes somatic injuries..

ETs specialize in delivering telepathic vivid imagery into the mind’s ‘eye’ like

vivid nightmares, screen memories to muddle recollection aboard craft or more likely insertion of

core images as trauma, to make connections to the human mind.

My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

I saw a flotilla of craft, slowly come in from different directions, to assemble overhead,

round craft bottoms appearing not unlike red balloons.

They floated into a formation of sorts, overhead, until there were a dozen, and then all

bottoms’ red color turned to violet and they darted off overhead together, all in the same direction, like fast minnows in a pond.

After that amazing sighting, poltergeist nonsense began to occur in my house .
And from then on, I looked up at the night skies only with apprehension…

Things moved within immediate eyesight, knocks on the walls and pings on light

fixtures, small fast footsteps overhead in the attic, and very strong feelings of being

watched and nightmares.

Many nights, fantastic vivid nightmares of encounters with non-human beings ensued,

beings very tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character, and who

spoke to me with mind-to-mind-communication..

I was in severe ontological shock…

I shared this with Budd Hopkin’s group.

But no one know that I was to employ the psychic energy of a psychic medium in this fool hearty endeavor

They said my microcosmic experience was macroscopic in its universality around the globe with many others,  who were also agog.

Imagine a whole city-scape,  with most people walking around with an affixed juvenile

reptilian attached upside-down to their spines, and all with implanted forgotten

nighttime images; it lends a new meaning to a silent invasion.

It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly echoed,

demonic activity,  but instead from unseen reptoids  who imposed nightmares.

Nightmares are imposed for attachment-

energy-residence , to ethereally “dwell’, within the layered human psyche, as a core image-nightmare scenario.

Turn over each image and sever the connections that rope-like, appear to connect to one.

Astral snakes and other astral wildlife, including greys and juvenile reptoids seeking ‘sanctuary’, are sometimes found, visualized

dwelling ‘behind’ such imagery,  when

metaphysics use of swords or blow torches to sever “connection” ‘cords is employed,  and


This helps..

 When one is within grey and reptilian attentive and manipulative reach and grasp,  all

vivid “dreams” must be suddenly suspect..

When one is later temporarily ‘freed’ from their omnipresent proprietary meddling,

one’s foggy and half-remembered normal other “dreams” settle back in.

To what extent will Darkness delude those seeking “LIGHT”?

I was fooled by a “Christ-Light-figure” experience that radiated bless, and I believed that I

had a celestial and divine experience , only to later learn, from psychic mediums, that

reptilian alien dark ones had released a quantum of my OWN within- spiritual bliss.

Reptilian created astral dimensions, are set up to  ‘trap’ spiritual energies, reptilian  crude

astral worlds used to entrap human spirits,  purposefully deterred from “Heaven”,  

unsettling ‘stage-sets’  dimensions, wherein human spirits reside and unknowingly await

transfers into other physical bodies to continue the E.T. cycle of ethereal ‘milking’ of  spiritual energy.

“Aliens” have long been on and involved with this animal-preserve- planet, eons BEFORE mankind showed

tampering with our DNA to create

a naked-highly-edible ape crop to harvest, a simian race who knots neckties and rides public conveyances.

After a lifetime of abductions and research I have gotten this hard fact from abductees

who have actually had their questions answered by their abductors.

This re-framed correctly,  what the ulterior motive, purpose was behind

The E.T. -given basic religious Biblical insistence that “sacrificial blood be spilled onto all four

corners of the altar” is more a reptilian portal demonic summoning technique, far darker and far

removed from anything remotely, “Holy”..

And the E.T. designed ‘Ark-of-the-Covenant’s power to destroy, is another God- masquerading..

Blind UFO sky-watchers and media, focus solely and

on craft,  as though some alien-Jedi-mind-trick imposed, denies any focus , instead, on the intent of  the alien occupants, within.

It puts one in mind of a Twilight Zone episode called,”To Serve Man”, which neatly

summed up man’s importance in the galaxy, as a mere E.T. table- condiment.

(Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter:

“It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.

But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.” p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30)

Our very young become simian veal, for reptilian palates.

It makes one want to change, to make an apparent moral decision and assume a

vegetarian diet and not ever atavistically revert;

but we too have mouths intended by evolution, equipped with meat tearing incisors…..

Who Could Ever Imagine Such Creatures ?

My abduction recalls were of different entities, also  masters of illusions, ones who

tested me in mind-imposed scenarios, of moral dilemmas and survival values choices.

They calibrated souls and assessed minds with  uncanny, telepathic images projected onto the mind’s visual screen (i.e. the optic lobe).

They were tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character and often,  politely spoke mind to mind.

Years later, I saw a three foot tall juvenile reptilian entity,  during a shower, under the spray,  close up.

I saw it  partially appear and then slowly vanish, like an elf, and it cocked its head at me sideways, birdlike.

I was at once both horrified and in awe, frighteningly aware of their parasitic, bottom-

feeder unseen creature reputation,  from other abductees.

The adults were winged Mothmen, cat-like eyes, scaled and ceiling tall, all quite

demonically possessed, and I wanted nothing, whatsoever, to  imagine about them.

It was surmised by some in the UFO field, at Budd Hopkin’s  abductee-house-meetings

that Earth is a reptilian preserve matrix of time and illusion, a human-

playpen-physical anomaly preserve, compared to reptilian lushly-created

astral worlds, elegantly designed to ‘house’ trapped human souls.

I  stupidly (and recklessly) tried an energy experiment with my mind to try to control a

UFO by remote viewing, a mind flexing field exercise to satisfy  my chronic and profound irritation for

the copious nosebleeds, and nightmares sustained after abductions.

By virtue of the unexpected result, the semi- transparent appearance of a saurian

monstrously tall reptilian in the center of my living room who radiated a loathsome

palpable rage and hatred, shortly after I tried using this psychic technique, I determined

that I would never alone try this mental exercise tool , again.

However, a skilled ensemble- TEAM, might bring  warrior- marvelous -results, because

the unused untapped power of our  human minds is part of the  quantum physics of the universe,

an energy potential with latent power, seen in this power flexing exercise.

The fact, that it brought almost immediate retaliation against me, underlines its potential efficacy.

Will You Attempt To Be as Foolhardy as I?

With  eyes closed, I did visualize an alien craft, a disc-shaped or cigar-shaped large UFO,

and ‘saw’ it perched, then flying above our planet high within our skies, many miles overhead.

I visualized all quadrants of a very large craft, filled with overlord

reptilians and subservient greys, all busy at machinery.

I studied the tiers and levels of it in full detail for a full half minute.

Then, I visualized that a force from my mind sharply hit the ship and jarred the craft

violently, tossed into another section of space, like a football, end over end.

Clearly, I saw it hurled across a short distance in space, at a tilted pitched angle and

visualized all entities on-board now suddenly very startled and frightened.

Imagination, is a word that should be eliminated from our language.

I augmented this visualization and used a quick head tilt to accentuate the strong mental suggestion of the craft’s jump.

I  totally forgot about this experimental exercise within an  hour.

But then between me on the couch and my television set, a creature from a nightmare

appeared and changed my life.
There are moments that define one’s life, moments that one says, ‘this was before that’, ‘this was after that’.

A Mothman-like reptilian, a winged scaled saurian being, ceiling-high, semi- materialized.

Without moving I was suddenly warmed; hatred surrounded me with menace as though I were near a hot radiator.

Its scaled cat-like eyes radiated a palpable loathing and rage, which awed me rather than

frightened me as I had lost my senses to surprise.

Winged, ceiling-high and scaled, with webbing between brown claws,

It vanished after fewer than than ten seconds .

Later, days and weeks later in my life, that saurian vendetta surely and without question

manifested a series of horrid and painful accidents which seemed later to underline the

smoldering, tangible hatred and rage that it had radiated towards me.

In retrospect, those agonies and sudden misfortunes were not worth the risk of what was after all a very foolhardy experiment.

But I couldn’t help but wonder how merely one single human mind could be such a

powerful weapon/tool, to control alien craft, that do indeed respond to powerful

telepathic messages.

And I later also couldn’t help but wonder what more a highly skilled group of focused

minds, an orchestra of minds in unison, might also be able to accomplish.

We are not, as mindless and as helpless against these vile creatures and their miracle

machines, as everyone has thought …

Editor’s Note:

Illustrations of reptilian aliens courtesy of

Linda Moulton Howe’s


(with permission)

(Author’s Footnote:

This being ‘taken’, is continued from one lifetime to another a sort of ownership proprietary attitude that they take towards us all. Extremely vivid “dreams” are imparted to one’s mind during sleep to make connections to them and the best way to detach is to recall the vivid dream, turn it over in your mind and with a sword, cut connections from you to them; it’s involved metaphysics that works after a fashion.)



The Noonday Devils: Understanding the Anxiety Attacks

(THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK 4:22/23 reads…….22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”)

Psychics well know that along with psychic gifts,  sometimes come awful penalties.

Part of the alarming nature of the unknown is its mysterious link to the known; I awaken

each night to a lewd exhibition of the merging.

I open my eyes and turn to see the digital alarm clock, sitting on the lamp table next to

my bed and see: 12:12, and 1:11 am, 2:22 am and 3:33 am and 4:44 am.

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This distresses me so badly, upon awakening, that I cannot think; a wave of panic that

SOMETHING is awakening me, with alacrity, strikes me, as the calculated odds of

awakening each night precisely at those specific times is, without question,

astronomically impossible.

The message intended seems designed to throw me off balance, to keep me wrapped in

fearful confusion; it lets me know that I am being toyed with but yields no greater


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It has taught me that when I sleep I wander amongst adept monsters and psychic beastly


When I experienced panic attacks(long before I suspected I was a “sensitive” and that

free-floating-panic the soul’s reaction, to ‘intrusion’ psychically) smoking pot always

made the anxiety blossom and flower worse.

Sometimes after abductions, the inter dimensional door, left open, invites the gangster

fringe element of the spirit world, worse, sometimes, demons are thrown into the

equation as spite work, for attempts at thwarting abductions.

UFO craft send down scrambled molecules of beings, transporter lights, which

reassemble in  attics, bedrooms and backyards to allow abductions to be stealthy with a

technology beyond imagination,

physical “beam-downs” of critters, from Bigfoot to reptilians to small greys, a technology-  tactic that baffled the human minds,  of Mayan , Sumerian, Aztec and Biblical peoples who  were outright wrongly ‘told’, that it was surely, “God”..

At eight o’clock in December, it began for me.

I saw a flotilla of craft, slowly come in from different directions, to assemble overhead,

round craft bottoms appearing not unlike red balloons.

They floated into a formation of sorts, overhead, until there were a dozen, and then all

bottoms’ red color turned to violet and they darted off overhead together, all in the same

direction, like fast minnows in a pond.

After that amazing sighting, poltergeist nonsense began to occur in my house .

And from then on, I looked up at the night skies only with apprehension…

Things moved within immediate eyesight, knocks on the walls and pings on light

fixtures, small fast footsteps overhead in the attic, and very strong feelings of being watched and nightmares.

Many nights, fantastic vivid nightmares of encounters with non-human beings ensued,

beings very tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character, and who

spoke to me with mind-to-mind-communication..

I was in severe ontological shock…

(Some of the most disguised UFOs appear as ‘airplanes’ that have false engine sounds attached to dissuade any notice, but they move in jumps and starts and reverse flight,  decoys that resemble conventional aircraft, an easy way to violate airspace’s without detection.

But abductees can sense an extreme ‘creepiness’, whenever small greys are local, nearby and soon-to-be around one..)

As my spirituality increases, it appears that I am become more of an increasing beacon, a porch light, for psychic moths and then bats, Dark Force entities.

Amazingly, NOT all of those negative energies afoot, earthbound, are human!

Some are reptilians.

One of my growing psychic sensitivities, an allergy of

sorts, is that as an early warning system, my skin burns locally with a painful ‘buzzing’,

when a negative thought entity intrudes upon my energies and starts a ‘connection.’

In such a moment, if sprayed holy water from a plant misting bottle fails to end the pain,

I seek a sometimes successful ethereal cleansing technique,  of using running

shower water to visualize a ‘wash’, of dark energy down the drain.

follow awaits GIF

EMF connections are associated with the feeling of a ‘buzzing’, a pinch- painful ‘touch’ of  many predatory, stubborn,

unseen  ‘hungry’ entities.

One particular unseen inter-dimensional entity awed and baffled me when, rather than vanish, it used the

shower water’s energy to partially materialize, for a full moment or two to study me, an

energy lunch which actually resisted, and refused to be nibbled at.

It had suddenly drained energy from me, had burned my skin where connections

touched, and had buzzed me within, psychically; sudden, unprovoked sexual urges and

odd, negative ideation had surfaced.

These are two of the signature symptoms of all negative thought entities.

To my horror and disbelief, right next to me, under the shower’s waters, a creature had semi-materialized.

It had stared me right in the eye, had blinked and had looked again.

It stood under five feet upright, with catlike slit eyes, and had closely resembled a scaled

monitor lizard, in aspect and facial structure.

The reptilian had viewed me with its head tilted, cocked sideways, birdlike; it had

piercingly studied me with an alert intelligence that had radiated a proprietary curiosity.

After a few seconds, the creature had vanished.

Still under the shower’s waters, I had remained frozen, in sheer amazement and could

not believe my eyes; I had seen a creature that I had never imagined existed, similar in

construct to the raptor creatures, in Steven Spielberg’s film, “Jurassic Park”.

A youthful Draco reptilian E.T predator.

It had a proprietary and sinister demeanor and

like  cinema raptors, this short, upright standing reptile had an expression that

mirrored intense saurian intellect, a precise cross between a conscious man and a

physical reptile.

I had been horrified to glimpse a momentary semi- materialized, inquisitive, immature

reptilian ‘alien’, because it had long had a reputation in UFO literature and research, as

an inter dimensional bottom feeder, a sinister common parasite of human consciousness

and a clear overlord of all other alien entities, who often pilot UFO craft.

Their total impunity stems from their

molecular engineering,  in ‘nano-tech’,  exemplified by many of the physical

forms, created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule : a creation of breathing protein forms

of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks.

These beings perceive such creations of life merely as, “containers”, to supplant themselves within  such varied contrived minds and bodies.(Earthfiles.com)

Post abduction, alien abductee depredation, is done through implant energy drains and

by inserting alien energy astral attachments, within the layered human psyche, towards

a goal of partial or total, eventual possession.

After initial physical human abductions, reptilian/grey possessing energies are

subsequently deposited, not unlike the lamprey parasites that they are, within the

multi layered human psyche/mind.

My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing


Source helps those, who help themselves..

Image result for tumblr gifs of nightmare reptilian

Aliens and their predatory relationships with mankind have always been here and

hollow Earth reptilians are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms;

they are the game wardens of this preserve that we call, ‘Earth, and like good game

wardens, they do not let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.

Reptilians, as evidenced by the shower incident, are inter dimensional, as well as inter

galactic and

animation art GIF

use the same dimension that ghosts and demons use to enter and exit our


The lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, amphibians, insects, mantids are mirrored and

echoed by the higher technological forms which have been seen aboard craft who have lent their DNA to create this preserve.

We , too, are constructs of their creative meddling.

When people ask them,” Where are you from?” Where do you come from?”, they are

often oddly  told:

“We come from within”,

as ‘alien’ energies, planted deep within the multi layered human psyche/mind.

Evil’s definition of predatory, sinister and self-justifying is more than satisfied with these

overlord reptilian entities.

Imagine a city-scape of people, all of who have juvenile saurian parasites ethereally

attached to their spinal columns.

It lends a new meaning of present horror to the concept of a silent invasion.

These bizarre reptilian beings, highly technological, dimensional and intergalactic, use us much as we ride horses.

Unlike the hesitant touch of a lost negative earthbound human spirit, this unseen

reptilian had prevailed with sharpest painful burning, a  stronger negative entity, I

surmised, and  more persistent than anything, unseen, I had previously

psychically encountered.

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Worse, it now seemed stuck like chewing gum, on the bottom of my psychic ‘shoe’.

Morning and night, this persistent horrid entity feasted on my energies like an unerring,

stubborn yellow jacket wasp, fancying me like a can of cola at a picnic with the same

insect stubbornness. .

Imposed nightmares were vivid and dazzling in the extreme.

I had taken that shower out of sheer desperation, and had glimpsed something most

certainly NOT human which had radiated a brilliance of intellect.

(most commonly seen round UFOs, are for human abductions and most pilot predators within are governed by  reptilians.)

I am  sure that my reptoid microcosm experience, one of anxiety, depredation and Dark Force

energy, reflects the greater historical human macrocosm, globally, by such unseen reptilian entities…

I  learned from these encounters, that anxiety, is the soul’s natural

reaction to psychic intrusion; sudden or slowly building free floating anxiety means that

something, an entity unseen, prying and opportunistic, has just entered your energies to peek within.

That took me a long time to deduce, wrestling with horrid anxiety.

Imagine the global implications of such a therapeutic insight, an abject relief to sufferers

of anxiety attacks,  a truth, down a long hall and somewhere else.

This assertion can be tested, simply:

One who experiences anxiety, a panic attack onset, can “order it, away!”, like a fly at

one’s mustache, “in the name of God”; the anxiety will abate immediately and then re-

surge again as the entity responds initially and withdraws and then floats in again.

As its nature is usually sinister, stubborn, and predatory, anxiety levels will climb again.

Repeat the procedure, but now,

with stronger insistence and with more anger.

Anxiety will abate, for a longer time, immediately.

Again, a wave of free floating anxiety will reestablish a foothold, anew, as demonic or

grey- reptilian,  or sinister Earthbound spirits intrude, approach within your energies, again.

Panic Attacks are psychic/telepathic intrusions, astral

hitchhiking, by mean-spirited ghosts, a reptilian or a variety of demoniac energies.

Like yellow jacket wasps at a picnic can of cola, this reptilian entity was unerring,

persistent and sinister; the anxiety and wild vivid “dreams” were mere symptoms, not

the disease, itself, which was reptilian telepathic intrusion and attack.

Knowledge is power, towards attaining spiritual independence.

This budding psychic’s encounter with a juvenile reptilian, when compared to an

encounter with an earthbound ghost, was like the difference between lightning, and a

lightning bug.


No Fish Story, This

I awoke slowly, during the night, underwater; it was an experience that seemed so real, in sensory totality, that rather than a vivid dream, it must have been yet another nighttime OBE.

 These entities seemingly specialize in astral abductions. One’s car is stopped on a lonely road and one ascends into an overhead waiting craft as one watches one’s body in the car below recede from view…
I seemed to doze and float and breathe normally while immersed under a shallow pool  ten feet deep or under a narrow inlet. 
As I floated I slowly became dimly aware that ten or fifteen gray torpedo shapes which had  hovered nearby, now swam closer to me,  nearer than twenty or more feet away.
As I struggled to partially come to my still dull senses, they approached close by with discernible curiosity and I observed that a large school of inquisitive porpoises had come very close, now, within five feet, for a much better look at a half awake me.
At the very same instant that my mind made an attempt to seize upon my predicament, at that very moment, they started, startled away, en masse, as though they were suddenly privy to my mind, and all vanished into the water’s gloom.
Later, upon awakening in bed, I suddenly recalled a line, a sentence that I had very often repeated in my writings;
“In the spiritual hours between two and six o’clock, I have stumbled across many negative thought entities, who were also nighttime bedroom intruders; as for these energies and entities, I have sadly, met predominately sharks and never the porpoises..”
This experience not only underlined their meddling psychic omnipresence but a presumption on my part that this OBE was arranged at the hands of an alien creature with a literal sense of, or a rarified sense of humor…

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, until he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night. Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict inter-dimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.

“For we are fighting with people not made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in high places.

Put on all God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe.” Ephesians 6.



Alien Abduction Defenses

I was very recently interviewed by Hayden Topperwien, an Australian filmmaker, who asked me to act as technical/consulting advisor in background research for his upcoming film about “ Psychiatry vs. Possession.“

Below are some of his questions:

Q: In your view, what is the most misrepresented aspect of this field in cinema/literature? Are there any aspects that you feel would be dangerous for public consumption?

A: The aspect of danger lies in this: Ouija boards are still commercially sold as novelty items and remain unrecognized by the general public (viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble) as objects that offer solid invitations (invocations) to dark force entities to approach directly. Television shows with conjuring themes, i.e. Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, compound the danger as they uniformly suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting.” But there is great spiritual and psychological dangers awaiting he unwitting in all of them.

These shows project a fake facade of entertainment and impart a false sense of safety.

The truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.

The Reality:

If you pay attention to the paranormal, it does indeed pay attention to you.

The truth about Dark Force entities is that even when one dabbles in the occult it can fully open to one, and demons drift in to feel that tacit unspoken permission. That occurs and then they feel that they own you.

One’s life and mind suddenly and forever become a nightmarish battleground. These television shows wrongly create a sense of harmless fascination with the Dark Side and a false sense of honest experimentation with the Occult Dark Side because such open doors invite predatory, negative, bullying entities inside.

Which “Ghost Buster” can one successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point?

One can open doors that are not easily closed again. The same inherent danger holds true for UFO sky watch group enthusiasts. A fuller understanding of the nature of the occupants of those craft would quickly cure you of sky watching.

They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens. They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…

My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead. The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.

Later, you remain unaware that you’ve been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly ‘research’.

Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky watch is imprudent; to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.

The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that demons and other negative thought entities impose into our lives go unnoticed by most people, but they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing and reflect a parasitism of one’s consciousness itself.

Why expose oneself to that risk just for excitement and fun?

I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.

Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.

Alien Abduction Defenses

After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread.

Q: What do you think would be the most positive outcome of an exploration of this field through film?

A: Darkness cannot thrive and persist where there is much light; to open and forewarn closed or naive minds to the notion that discorporate intelligence can influence them and cause disease and mental illness is to surely fore arm such unsuspecting minds.

God sends some of us into darkest corners to illuminate them for others. Your film should perhaps raise more questions in the audience’s mind than it should supply answers.

Q: Can you describe what takes place in very simple terms, in an event of demonic possession?

If there were any physical manifestations of such an event, what form would they take?

A: One’s thoughts are suddenly not one’s own; facial ticks and muscle and appendage twitches occur as the inhabiting entity tries to assert muscular control to operate the body.

An enabling and warming sense of rage simmers under your surface; lust and sexuality blossom strongly as do cravings for alcohol, drugs, meats, sweets/candy as the negative entity asserts itself under your reactions.

You can feel disconcerted at the internal difference; you feel evilly sated rather than saddened when listening to news stories about lives lost or human suffering.

Very vivid and unsettling nightmares prevail; long lost experiences and long forgotten faces in your life manifest in worst scenario vignettes as the indwelling entity assumes access to all of your memories and your chakras energy points.

Paul Schroeder

M* Enhancement of ET in forest, Sweden 2005

Q: In what way does a normal nightmare differ from one which represents a psychic attack?-

A: All nightmares are varying degrees of imposed psychic attacks as you are being negatively ‘milked’ ethereally for energy within raw angst, by an entity who you might have picked up in daily transit not unlike dog poo on your shoe bottoms.

The signature function of the brain during dreaming is to maintain the dream state, to incorporate extraneous outside stimuli into a dream, to ‘lie to you’, to keep you dreaming.

If a fire truck’s siren blares down your block while you are sleeping your brain will incorporate that sound into the dream scenario at hand to keep you asleep and dreaming.

The ‘convenience dream’ clearly illustrates how this works.

One’s bladder may dully pulse as full, but rather than awaken the sleeper, the brain conjures a bathroom scenario instead where you ‘dream’ that you saw the tile floor and even sat down on a toilet. One awakens much later thinking, with a fuller bladder, thinking; ‘I thought that I just WENT to the bathroom?!’

A nightmare, which awakens one, usually in great angst, violates this tacit basic rule of dreaming by awakening you. One’s rude awakening reveals that nightmare scenarios are being telepathically imposed by a parasitic, discorporate entity for its ethereal feasting. A nightmare is very rarely a self-created scenario. In possession, the entity is no longer in daily transit to torture another (phantoms fill the air around us), but has settled in and has chosen you, as a ‘host’.

The nightmares and bad dreams under a state of demonic possession seem realistic in every way compared to the intensity of waking consciousness and appear to be out of body attacks. One feels at every nighttime that one flirts with the beast of madness, itself.

Concurrent with such psychic attacks is poltergeist phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping on the walls and a general heavy unhappy creepy atmosphere envelope the house and its occupants. Pranks predominate.

Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Q: What kind of person is most vulnerable to this kind of attack? How do they become a target?

A: One who leaves one’s front door open to the street will invite in unwanted miscreants, unknown horrid people who wander in seeking mischief and unwholesomeness; so too does one who uses a Ouija board or thinks that it might be fun to have a ghost around unknowingly invites the opportunistic gangster fringe element of the spirit world in.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

Paul Schroeder

M* Enhancement of Mexican ET Cell Phone Video Frame

Wolves like demons choose the weakest of the flock; young children are special nighttime targets who crawl into bed with their parents to seek protection from their energies, but there is an inverse rule also: people of strong spiritual light also bring these parasitic entities in like porch lights do bring in moths and then draw bats.

The dark side seeks to extinguish light and they attempt to do this by destroying the light in the person. Thus they will be attracted to people who shine brightly with such light.

A priest, a psychic or psychic healer, or a highly moral public figure in power are much more attractive to destroy than a mere banal person as “the trophy” is more valued.

Q: What is the worst possible outcome of such an event?

A: Murder and or sexual abuse of one’s own children, suicide, mental illness, drug addictions and self destructive habits, jail incarcerations may result.

What kind of mistakes does Western psychology make when dealing with this issue?

A: Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness; a child who hears discorporate voices and sees spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.

Many institutionalized back ward ‘psychotic’ patients are possessed not insane.

Q: What is your view of the origin/nature of these non-physical entities?

A: They are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds. Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:



Cold patches in the aura


Bad dreams and nightmares

Unexplained aches and pains

Anxiety and fearfulness


Obsessive/compulsive behavior

Self mutilation

Eating Disorders

Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts

Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted’ look in the eyes

Drug addiction or alcoholism

Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

Q: Do you think the existence of these phenomena will ever be explored by science, or that it is essentially unreachable by the physical sciences?

A: Science is especially inept in its ability to calibrate the human soul or gauge a demonic possession; it is beyond their measuring capabilities and thus does not exist.

To quote a contemporary;

“A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to understand Paul’s warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toe nail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. “

Q – Do you believe there is any power in archaic protection/exorcism rituals? How do different traditions differ in their approach?

Which is, in your opinion, the best?

A: Exorcism is similar to extracting a nail from one’s tire and tossing it back into traffic where it will be picked up by someone else.

Q – In terms of public education and safety, what do you feel are the most important points to get across regarding this issue?

A: For those dubious or cynical about the’ realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

It’s sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.

Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists , nonetheless.


By Paul Schroeder

Paul Schroeder – All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>



Author’s note:

I am “he” 

And this recollection is genuine.

However, I chose the pronoun, “he”, and the nouns,”The Father” and “the priest”,to make this vividly recalled abduction, more easily acceptable to the uninitiated reader.)

Image result for gifs of psychiatrist in hypnosis session

Relaxation techniques, slowly bought him to an altered state; under hypnosis, a series of subconscious motor reflexes, a twitch of a different finger cemented a conversation with the body, not the mind.

Image result for gifs of psychiatrist in hypnosis session

The thumb, indicated “Yes”, the middle finger, “No”, the pinky, “I (can’t) won’t answer”.

This technique would confront repressed fear, avoidance, or directives to forget, and allow direct conversation with the unconscious.

By hypnotic suggestion, the body would answer, meaningfully, even if one fell asleep.

This technique sought to bypass speech, itself, should impasses present themselves.

Image result for gifs of psychiatrist in hypnosis session

Doctor :

“Let’s begin; can we talk about his bad dreams?”


(film shows quick flash of thumb;) “Yes”…


“Go back to the day the two puppets floated outside the window, and, below consciousness, recall what happened, that afternoon.

Show me that you begin by moving the “yes” finger, and the end of that recall by moving the “no” finger.”


(film shows “yes” and “no” twitches)

Mindblown Hypnosis GIF - Mindblown Hypnosis Hair GIFs


“Good; started and ended. Is there any unconscious, additional information, the father has not remembered concerning that afternoon?”


(finger twitches quickly with the “yes” thumb movement)


“What happened?

 See it remotely, as if you’re in a projector booth, watching yourself, on a screen; what happened?”


(increasing stress) “I don’t want to answer digit”, pinky, signal.


“No? You don’t want to tell me? Fine, can you talk to me orally, tell me what you’re feeling?”


(more negative finger) Movements with agonized breath.


“You refer to this as October, 2017.

 Whatever happened was long ago.

 You’re safe and in control;

are you reluctant to talk about it because it’s too upsetting?”



Film records positive finger movement

Doctor: “Freeze the scene and see part in full frame; like a snapshot?

 Is it okay?”

Priest: Film shows a “yes” twitch.

Hypnosis Clock GIF - Hypnosis Clock ClockWatching GIFs


“A still slide projected on a faraway screen; you’re up in the projection booth watching the father in the theater.”

ABDUCTION | Original


“As I was looking through the window, the eyes looked back.

 Staring back.

 The eyes are not normal.”


“Look closer; what else do you notice?”


“The face doesn’t have any teeth, it’s not a normal face. It’s gone, now.”


“Feel the relief that the face is gone.

Now I have a question for your unconscious to answer by finger movement.

Has any harm been done to the father during the faces’ presence?”


(records a quick “no” answer)


“Now what happened, later, that night, when you felt,

sensed something by your bed?

Was there anything done to the father, physically during that time?”


Head is shaking “no” and the finger movement is saying “yes”, softly; “They took my clothes”, sadly “They took my priestly vestments”.


“Who did?”


Very agitated, legs twitching, shoulders twitching. His head shook on a negative reaction.


“Is the “no” for then, or now? You keep shaking your head “no”.

Priest: “For now”.


“You don’t want to talk about it?”

Priest: “No”.


“Do you want to remember it when you come out of trance?”




“Do you want to remember it some other day?”




“Below consciousness, I want to ask your hand some questions. ”

“Hand, in the course of that encounter, did the father leave the house?”


Thumb, positive finger response, “yes”.


“Was he removed from the house?”


(another “Yes” response)


“Would it be all right for him to remember the things that happened?”


(an animated “no” response)


“Without him reliving the experiences, would it be all right for him to remember what he saw?”


The little finger jumps repeatedly with “I don’t want to answer” response.

(Slowly, aloud) “I want to see what happened.”


“Repeat that, please, say it again”.


“I want to see what happened”.


“To avoid reliving; you do not have to relive the experience,

speak of the priest as “He”, it is not you, but a picture”.


‘He’ is flying high over a lush green tree landscape, over rolling tree lined hills and though he knows that it must be night, within the tractor light-beam, under a moving craft,  the fields and countryside below are lit up as though it were day, but he knows it’s night, because he is told that he is dreaming.

 He is flying, floating above a tree landscape.

For a few brief seconds, until he is drawn into the craft, he sees the green granular nature of the trees below, and feels the  visual exhilaration of flying, but rather than fear, he is filled with a combined sense of peace and joyous happiness.

He marvels at the texture and color of his neighborhood, and his movement above it.

He is dreaming, but he is awake.

Going Over A Waterfall GIF - Waterfall Nature Forest GIFs

The smaller craft lands near a much larger ship, hiding in plain sight, in a field.

A long ramp extends from and to the ship.

He is told by a small, dark, grey alien, always just out of sight, that he is to wait on line, for a tour of a country estate.

People stand on the ramp and slowly move forward


He is numb and is  surreal vividly dreaming,  but he feels that he is awake.

He  moves forward, people in front of him and in back of him,   on a narrow path surrounded by a false screen memory of a flat, uni–dimensional static scene,  a photograph of an English garden.

It is hot and humid with the rank smell of soil.


People clutch what looks like brochures and move slowly in a single line, towards the country estate, bored, and only mildly interested.

He approaches the door of the large alien craft.

A ticket taker sits at the entrance way, on a stool behind a lectern, observing the entering crowd, a doorway official seen as a slim teenager.

He thinks it odd, that such a young caretaker should seemingly be in charge, and as he lifts his eyes to meet the teen’s gaze,  the young boy turns into a kindly old man.

“It’s mind control, not shape-shifting”, he is told, by a sonorous tour-guide’s voice, in answer to his unasked thought.

Image result for tumblr gifs of shape shifting aliens

Everyone is awake and dreaming.

Inside is a waiting room, dirty, dull and round, a white room with no adornments and a black floor.

He awakens, dreaming and feels that the room is in flight.

It is a dream within a dream.

Going Over A Waterfall GIF - Waterfall Nature Forest GIFs

Awake again, briefly, he is dreaming while standing upright, walking in his sleep, climbing  a steep metal stairway ladder path-bridge, that leads to a very large room at the top of the stairs.

Someone in front of him dreams, and wakes up dreaming.

He looks to his right, as he climbs, to see  an enormous domed -curved window which makes up the staircase’s whole upper wall of the alien craft, and as he climbs, feeling very numb, he pauses, and stops the line of mass abducted people.

He looks out of the window and sees the Earth and the Moon, opposite each other, hanging in the blackness of space.

He places his arms on the curved railing where the staircase meets the bottom of the window and cups his chin in his hands, to understand the raw beauty of what he sees:

Outside is blackness…

The Earth, in the far right portion of the glass window, hangs suspended in a black nothingness, a planet swimming in blue-white haze, with a large red area, perhaps, the desert of North Africa, or the Arabian peninsula.

A Time-Lapse of Earth taken by Elektro-L, The Russian Weather Satellite that Operates in Geostationary Orbit. (io9)

Silver and bright, the Moon, far to the left portion of the glass, also hangs suspended in a black nothingness..

Far away, violet splashes of nebulae, and points of red pinpoint starlight, intersperse with millions of white stars.

Chin in his hands, he leans over and says in a wistful, admiring tone,

“These people who live at THIS estate have some view; what a view!”

The small, dark, grey alien tour guide became startled and all at once,  the window’s 3-D space scene, becomes  a painted uni-dimensional flat portrait,  of an English garden landscape.

Chin in hands, still looking out of the window, but now at the expanse of poster-like green lawn, of a garden landscape, he dully repeats,

“They DO have a nice view!”

The tour guide, startled to hear him repeat this praise, seemingly unaware that the scene of the garden had already worked to distract him,  knee-jerk- reflex -overreacted; he is slammed with a mind control jolt.

lsd aliens GIF

The alien creature tightens and magnifies its short psychic leash of control to throw him into a vivid emotional ecstasy, and he feels compelled to look down at his feet, and away from the window’s view.

The simple metallic ladder- path underfoot, transforms into carved inlaid wood one, delicately patterned and dazzlingly ornate, an inlaid ebony and maple wood design, cryptic and deeply beautiful in motif and complexity.

He is forced to kneel to examine it, his eyes now fully away from the stars, Earth and moon, seen outside the enormous, curved window .

Powerful awe, love, and wood -admiration, a godlike reverence of wood, flashes through his mind at the mirage of the intricate wood designed staircase, suspended in air.

Opulent stenciled ornament on grand staircase in a elegant Victorian-Era townhouse in Pittsburgh.

Complex, gorgeous and lushly constructed, a staircase in multicolored woods,  forces a religious awe, which courses through his brain to thrill him, a tsunami of reverent awe, for the dazzling wood patterns,  the unknown artist-architect, overwhelms and distracts him, a gifted  psychic tug attempt to get him to forget what he has seen outside of the craft’s window.

The sleeping line of climbing people is now fully stopped by his fawning and repeated examinations, of the simple metal staircase, as he repeatedly retraces his steps to examine it, in a rapture.


The tour guide, just out of sight, presumes that the delusion is strong enough to have worked and he hears a resonant, deep, paternal, impatient voice, now within his head, “Just keep going; it will be there, for you to see, when you get back.”

“But, things change so quickly, in dreams”,  he thinks, “and this gorgeous wood stairway, will likely not be there, when I return.”

He lingers, enthralled.

Opulent stenciled ornament on grand staircase in a elegant Victorian-Era townhouse in Pittsburgh.

The alien ‘ guide’,  who tethers him and all the others, within a snug cocoon of illusions, had deftly made a simple, metal staircase, the un-rightful recipient of that stolen awe, of the magnificent scene he had viewed outside the craft’s window of red and white stars and the dazzling orbs of Earth and moon, floating in blackness..

But when he awakens, he DOES remember the staircase and  his monumental awe of the spectacular space scene, outside the curved window, of the alien craft:

“Astounding creatures, uncanny, psychic, mind-bending, short- leash-controls…”

He  dully thinks, when he awakens exhausted, with a dull headache and a copious nose bleed, more tired getting up, than he had been, going to bed.

 And ‘dreams’, in a gnawing realization, could no longer ever again, be trusted  to merely be only.. ‘dreams’.


Nightmares may be screen memories to muddle recollection aboard craft or insertion of core images as trauma, to make connections to your mind.

ETs specialize in  vivid delivery of such surreal dream-scape visuals.

My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection, using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

However, the silent invasion, of humankind one abductee at a time,

to be possessed , as well as farmed throughout the Multiverse by sinister and controlling E.T.s , as we do with animal husbandry, on “Earth”, is to  wrongly deprive mankind of our spiritual rights, an abject denial of being accepted, with equanimity, as a sentient race of beings.

Author’s BIO:

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night.

Then, I knew that they were more interested in an essence, that I never suspected I had: a Soul.

I saw a flotilla of craft, slowly come in from different directions, to assemble overhead, round craft bottoms appearing not unlike red balloons.

They floated into a formation of sorts, overhead, until there were a dozen, and then all bottoms’ red color turned to violet and they darted off overhead together, all in the same direction, like fast minnows in a pond.

After that amazing sighting, poltergeist nonsense began to occur in my house .
And from then on, I looked up at the night skies only with apprehension…

Things moved within immediate eyesight, knocks on the walls and pings on light fixtures, small fast footsteps overhead in the attic, and very strong feelings of being watched and nightmares.

Many nights, fantastic vivid nightmares of encounters with non-human beings ensued, beings very tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character, and who spoke to me with mind-to-mind-communication..

I was in severe ontological shock…

I have discovered that this ‘reality’ may well be a reptilian preserve matrix of time and illusion, a human-playpen-physical anomaly,  compared to multiple reptilian created synthetic, astral worlds, elegantly designed to ‘house’ trapped human souls.

Can One ‘engage’?

If  you ask: ” Who was I in my last lifetime?”, you will get a memorable vivid roller-coaster ride dream-scape answer, but one that might also be a deception; one must remain skeptical of such tampering entities,

entities who radiate omniscience, and proprietary demeanor.

I was psychically throttled in the womb, with my own queries, questions about their purposes and overall intent, cut off from asking, before I could frame the rehearsed queries.

And I sensed an air of strong anxiety from them, that such things, NOT be ‘discussed’…
I have always surmised that they wouldn’t be so very secretive, if they were up to anything remotely ‘good’..



Perchance To Dream: Alien Abductions

by Paul Schroeder

Alien Abductions are Most Often Recalled as Dreams

Despite my powerful consciousness and my ability to perceive accurately there are many times when I find myself in a dreamlike state unaware in those moments of what is illusion and what is real.

The scenarios of alien abductions, the imposed imagery and the motives and tactics of the aliens reside in the human psyche in a realm similar to dream and hallucination.

These abducting entities engage in commando tactics in the darkest hours before dawn, thus their abductions seem to border on another reality in itself.

One is taken in REM sleep and psychically wrapped in a cocoon; a short umbilical psychic leash, a snug little imposed dream, connects one to the imposing alien mind as one is taken and led around a craft and one is none the wiser.

But one awakens carrying a nightmare on one’s face.

Because of alien imposed hypnotic suggestions and other mind altering techniques and because

the human mind will dismiss that which it cannot conceptualize meaningfully, many terrifying abductions are so cloaked, dismissed as just ‘ bad dreams’. 

It appears that these alien entities are not just extraterrestrial but are also extra dimensional in origin.

This does not negate their reality; they are able to ‘solidify’ when they emerge into our ‘density.’

Ready for an intellectual shock ?

Most sentient races of beings from myriad star systems throughout the universe are commonly non physical; the majority of sentient life civilizations in the universe is carried within nonphysical ethereal bodies and minds.

They are not formless; they are just not physical.

Our physical reality on this planet is only one of a few rare exceptions.
In our universe it is rare to be so physically embodied

Thus, the alien realm is very much another reality.

Abductees are not merely physically taken, but are more often astrally taken; more frequently, one’s ethereal self, one’s spirit is taken in inter dimensional efficacy.

One’s astral energy retains all of the conscious decision making and all of the identity maintaining features of our physical bodies.

Astral abductions are easier than transporting a physical body through walls into a nonphysical dimension.

One’s body feels electrified and is completely tingling in vibrations as the ethereal body is teased away from the corporeal body by alien technology, in a manner resembling magic.
If one awakens in the midst of such a separation, and many do, and sees two sets of legs and two sets of arms one may indeed believe that one is dying.

 The word, “dreams”, used by many abductees to describe their recollections of alien abductions is itself an impotent word in our language and should not be taken literally; it merely describes the surrounding surreal, dreamlike quality of the abduction experience.

While those abductees who use the word,”dreams”, are all too fully aware of the solid reality of their experiences, that other dimension has rules of its own.
 One can float to a place by willing oneself to traverse the distance.

As we are stronger and have more powerful muscles than the Pillsbury Doughboy looking abducting entities, we are taken in REM sleep, for their self protection.

But why are our memories so ‘dreamlike’?  

Belligerent blocks in memory exist of these experiences and contain specific details too devastating for the conscious mind to recall. Post hypnotic suggestions, alien implanted prohibitions,  are carefully placed throughout the experience to impede/ erase later recall.
“You are asleep and this is only a dream.”

”Do not awaken; return to sleep.”

Also, the alien spiritual realm is foreign to the structure of the human ego-superego-psyche; the ego’s ability to understand the experience is so limited that if these events are remembered at all they usually persist in seeming to have a dreamlike quality.

These experiences force the abductee’s mind to refine itself, to evolve away from the hardest stone towards that of the finest vibrational non physical realities.

I resent and despise the aliens for abducting me, but I am grateful for the stretching of my consciousness, through the process of my interactions with them.

When a person knows beyond a certainty that such realms and other dimensions exist, it changes that person’s beliefs about what is possible.

An alien abductee may function in the outside world and yet may be completely severed from it.

To alien abductees, society’s walking around as if everything is all right, is hardly reality but is instead an imposed illusion, in itself.

If these same entities, seen the world over by people who never communicated with each other, were up to any good, why then do they abduct us and do it by skulking around so sneakily?

They descend and materialize to do allocated animal husbandry work with us.

They abduct and retrieve humans and do treat us as perfunctorily as we do with domestic wildlife :drug-sedate/take samples/tag/release.

We are ‘produce’ to them just as we perceive and roughly treat livestock in similar fashion on Earth; this has been made painfully clear to many abductees, in the frozen moment of an abduction, who howl in pain and ask;


We must embrace the idea that aliens are not here for our own good; that is clearly just sanguine wishful thinking.

We are NOT the top of the food chain as we have wrongly surmised.

Posted in


by Paul Schroeder
A tapping, delicately, on my back.
I am sitting up on a table, feeling gentle taps on my back, watching a series of images, myriad tables receding into infinity, like two mirrors facing each other.
Farmers milking cows; on each table, a person sits up and is examined by a small, slim, white, intent, fragile, large eyed creature.
Their fingers probe lightly, gently, purposely, like playing a piano.
They are milking Chakras or Kundalini nerve centers, seven along each person’s spine.
Their touches stimulate hidden DNA sequences as well as retrieve and store data and information along the length of the spinal chord, along a library of nerves.
Like ants milking aphids they spend careful time and effort, gently, delicately, fingering each spine in a long sequence of tables, like marionettes playing human harpsichords.
These manipulations of spinal nerves initiate secret, as yet unbidden DNA sequences, which dangerously age and disease and trouble the somatic body and mind of an abductee.
(After an incident my finger and toe nails had to be trimmed twice every day; early sequences causes acceleration of aging and growth of certain cells.)
There are horrible psychic and emotional results from activation of these spinal sequences too quickly, as well.
Inter dimensional leaking occurs and one senses other unworldly creatures and flirts with the beast of madness, itself.
Are we being programmed?
What is subtly being programmed, stored and retrieved In our spinal chords?
We are Manchurian candidates of stellar proportions.
Inter dimensional bleeding through into our dimension? Pranks predominate. Objects disappear to return days later in strange places, and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.
On a Tuesday afternoon in late June, I entered the back of the house, passed by enormous four foot wide, four foot tall flower pots, each weighing as much as a man, containing ten foot tall Canna plants, looking tropical in nature and in full bloom.
I opened the back door and entered the vestibule into the kitchen; I could not take another step.
Glancing backwards, over my shoulder, I saw that both enormous pots had been turned over.
The wide elephant, ear-like leaves and tall orange-red flower tops now bloomed sideways, sprawled to the ground, in a fraction of a second.
I became suddenly aware of a very untoward realization.
I would likely need entity removal and aura cleaning and protection, as in addition to this poltergeist nonsense, I was besieged with elements of telepathic attack: nightly evil nightmares, a sense of pervading anxiety and a confluence of accidents and surgeries.
And all these experiences AFTER my sightings of UFOs and recalling some abductions.
Presence of mind is our greatest weapon, the ridicule factor, is their best defense.
Who, in one’s ‘right mind’ can one even discuss these things with?
Paper, is indeed, much more patient, than people.
Why did things get worse?
In deep despair and confusion, (the plants overturned, overwhelmed me with poltergeist shock that was so sudden and so profound), I stopped and prayed aloud for a spiritual sign.
Asks for a sign from God
“God, if there is a spirit world and it is real, and I can ask for protection, send me a sign: God, send me a white bird, up close and personal, in my face, on my window, as a sign.”

I put my whole heart and soul and angst into this prayer and minutes later, busy else where, I forgot it, as it promptly receded into the recesses of my mind.
The next day, on route to work, following the same path I always drive, I made a right turn, and high over the street of cars, I saw a cloud of some one hundred gulls, hovering, wheeling, circling overhead, as if attracted by garbage or a dumpster, although none was in evidence.

As I glanced up at the raucous flock, one white gull swerved to within an inch of my windshield, glossed passed and made eye contact with me.

It lasted maybe two seconds.
Preoccupied with driving and having totally forgotten my fervent spiritual request from the night before, I drove on, momentarily startled, but dully unaware of its significance.
After a strenuous day at work I returned home, lit a prayer candle and began to voice again my special request for a sign when I remembered the morning gull.

I HAD asked for a white bird on my window, up close and personal.
Had I been given that sign the very next morning?
I decided to be skeptical but not cynical.
What would be a critical test?
I decided that If I saw any gulls in the area anywhere while in transit on the way to work for the next two weeks, I would know that it was a coincidence or a quirk of fate, not a sign that I asked for.
Repeatedly, in my minds-eye, I was haunted with an odd afterimage, a close up of the birds black beadlike eye.
Why was the black eye of that bird, which whizzed passed so fast, so fixed in my mind?

For two weeks, each day, I scanned the horizon and landscape for a sign of gulls hovering, as I believed a flock so large would certainly reappear somewhere.
I never saw one bird.
I decided that I had been given a wonderful sign and it has given me the courage and the confidence to feel protected in this fight against the unseen harassing entities.

Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict inter-dimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion




by Paul Schroeder

I force myself to not ‘look up’, anymore.

After an ensemble overhead sighting of nine

craft, I witnessed on December 1st, and after concurrent poltergeist and telepathic

disturbances and ‘nightmares’ that those ‘unseen’ critters astonishingly ‘pulled’ afterwards. .

They seemed to climb down the psychic ladder of my awe, into my house and life.

Poltergeist-like manifestations and telepathic attacks prevailed and intermittently, persist , to date.

I would hear light patter of footsteps in the attic,  while I am in bed, and soon after I

would feel strong electrical vibrations throughout my body to then see my body float out

of my body,  in an astral abduction of my spiritual essence.

experience GIF

For alien abduction purposes, this astral self retains all of one’s predilections and

discrimination, leaving one’s chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body,  now bereft of spirit,

behind in bed.

At first glance, seeing myself lifted away from my body, I had believed that I had died…

experience GIF

Out of body, I experienced conveyor- belt-like transit travels, not unlike the way ghosts


(The sheer focus on sightings’ documentation of UFOs,  mere craft-vehicles, without mention of the occupant-

pilots’ tactics and motives, seems an E.T.

Jedi-mind-trick,  to make one

wonder, if there’s intelligent life, on Earth.

Craft, however, are in themselves, astonishing inventions,

as flexibly ‘intelligent’ and as

sensitive as living colloidal tissue, far from the mechanical ” points” one might discern.)

Nightmares after sightings are almost always screen memories to muddle recollection aboard craft or insertion of

core images as a vivid-recollection- trauma, to make connections to one’s mind..

Acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks , used  and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, or make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, or vivid imagery.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional ‘door’ left open, invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world which affixes ‘attachments’ to seek to ‘clamber aboard’.

Your dreamscape scenarios recalled, is the link to such and can with metaphysics, be removed, to some extent..

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

Try to stay ‘lucid’ to interact with them in dream-scape.

The danger in studying these things, of looking up, is a jeopardy ; they can “feel” your psychic attention, focused, even from that distance,

 to climb down the ladder of your awe and your  curiosity,  from those extreme heights, right into your nighttime lap,

out ‘fishing’ for awe from anyone  who spots them, studying the skies.

(graphic: Earthfiles.com)

We are galactic psychic pawns in a telepathic-chess- game against psychic knights and bishops…

Such people who ‘notice’  these objects also  will have buried dim memory stirrings of being on-board craft, and have implants within one.

It’s NEVER an ‘accident , when one with awe and curiosity, sees craft overhead.

It’s choreographed.

To recall odd “dream” snippets that for no logical reason, linger vividly upon awakening,

play that snippet over, and over, like a tape machine until ,

what happened just before, or just after , surfaces.

How to stop, amend and blunt these kidnappings is what is truly more tantamount than resolving deeper meanings..

Spending a lifetime, recalled in snippets, with highly psychic, abducting entities, has

made my intuitive prowess mushroom.

Hazards exist and one can flirt with the beast of madness, when inter-dimensional bleed-through becomes too commonplace.

So vibrate “higher, I must needs do.

One must actively reject and vector away all  untoward thoughts of hate, mayhem, vengeance, murderous violence, malice and revenge, thoughts very often whispered, imposed and broadcast into our minds by outside,  Dark Force E.T. Entities.

Actively supplant and replace those dark thoughts with positive ones;

In so doing, one accepts more complete responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions, a contrapuntal notion to any cynic’s argument.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

I went to a presumed psychic who turned out to be a fake, and who did a cold reading, with almost nothing apropos, from him.

  I ended up by reading him, telling him that a red haired woman (who turned out to be his mother) who was sitting next to him, was unhappy about what he was doing!

He confirmed, with a photo, that his mom, a bright auburn like Lucille Ball, had passed that year, and rattled, he agreed to refund my $300.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional door, left open, usually also invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.

Like an allergy sufferer, psychics have a hyper sensitivity, to the unseen.

A cautionary tale, for sensitives, is that
watching  television, in itself, (like driving, or playing a musical instrument) puts one,

unknowingly, into a light trance  more commonly achievable by hypnosis.

Such trance ‘states’ of mind unknowingly magnify the mind’s power of a sensitive, to

receive and transmit and one’s mind
acts as a light-house beacon which can easily bring in dark spirits, who like sharks, coast in.

Sensitives need this trouble, like a submarine needs screen doors.

Are those who have a developing ‘Third-Eye’ cursed or blessed and

what if it stems from experiences with non-humans?

One technique that I use, is to internally tell myself that I wish to be “open”, and then I

relax, as I await an insight or mind’s eye picture, poised to receive, like a fat catcher behind home plate.

This worked well, and oddly also helped me, at times, to deliver an English college lesson, during a long career, when I misused this gift.

A classroom teacher’s predilection to amaze students, is always an opportunity to make

them pay more attention, as I

gesticulated World, American and English literature, to a student audience below.

I would halt the lesson, when I saw that I was boring them, by interjecting a random

‘read’ of a pupil who was markedly off day-dreaming, eyes out of the window, brain in

the hall, a pupil in a deep literature coma.

As an attention getting device or a means of embarrassment,  I would from left field give him an odd  personal detail of his private family life, a detail known only to him.

It could be as simple as mentioning that he left both a trumpet and a girlie magazine behind, on his unmade bed.

His eyes would be wide open pools of attention, for the rest of the week.

But garnering a reputation, for uncanny mind feats,  once seemed to backfire.

Just outside an English Literature classroom, I was stopped in transit in a busy college

hallway, by an unknown female college student, who grabbed my arm and blocked my

path, to class, and  said:

“Read me; I want you to read me!”

Startled and affronted, I wondered how the student grapevine knew that I would do such

things, and I became worried about my  job security if Administration also were  aware, like this rude student.

I shook my head, disapprovingly, and dismissively and told her,

“Forget it!”

But she physically half-pushed me against a wall, and I felt an almost affectionate female assault.

She insisted again.

“Read me; I want you to read me!”

I relaxed completely, annoyed, in resignation, and was suddenly flooded with the

shoreline image of a vast body of  lake water, a shore surrounded by water, and I was adrift far from shore.

This strong image was  accompanied by a vague feeling of dread stronger than my indignation.

I quickly asked her,”Why am I seeing water?”, to which she shrugged.

I asked her again.

“I’m seeing water, what does that mean, to you?”

She shrugged, again.

“I have no idea, what it means, but you perhaps do”, I prodded.

“Why, water?”

“I don’t know” , she said, again.

“Oh,” she said, “I’m on the swimming team.”

I  quickly told her,”promise me that you’ll never swim in a lake, it’s far too dangerous to

take that chance, in that you might drown,  but also promise me, now you’ll tell

 absolutely no one, about this conversation.”

She smiled and nodded, and I, late for class,  somewhat dismayed, and feeling used, hurried elsewhere,

knowing that I had been taken advantage of.

 A real problem, exists in trying to decipher precisely just what that image, or series of images, might  mean,

 a psychic muscle that all of us have, unflexed and flabby, culturally

under developed.

 Revealingly, for the many alien abductees who report such similar intuition experiences, the double edged sword of the abduction experience, cuts both ways .

Instead of elevated and angelic presences, in these spiritual experiences, predominantly untoward and impish intelligences, prevail.

Not yet able to ground myself, I often find at dusk and nighttime that I’m inundated by

unseen gate-crashers, my energies jumped upon by negative- thought- beings of many ilks, and worse,

juvenile reptilians, who like unerring persistent yellow-jacket-wasps, at a can of cola on a

picnic table, worry and buzz me with pinching and painful connections sought.

As a sensitive, I face the conundrum that hungry spirits who taunt and horrify, who

require that energy,  must at all costs be ‘ignored’,  since my energy goes where my

attention goes,  but it is as hard as walking in high heels, to force myself to focus,


After a stunningly unpleasant  inter-dimensional  alien reptilian ‘encounter’, I was  aware of their unseen inter dimensional existence and diabolical brilliance.

  Afterwards, I was loathe to ‘ask’ within, again, psychically, wary and unwilling  to ‘receive’ ANY internal daydream-like images.

Reptilians’ persistent searing psychic attacks were THAT insidious.

These winged and mean-spirited creatures have uncanny psychic prowess.

Small dark greys as well,  are quite sinister, and equipped with powerful mind-control abilities.

The more I experience “seeing” shape-shifting, involving small grey aliens, during rare

moments of clarity within abductions, the more I am convinced that it’s not  shape-

shifting, but instead telepathic control of our minds.

These beings telepathy is so strong  that they can  force us to perceive/ see what they

choose, powerfully projected into our mind’s-eye.

The spiritual/paranormal aspect in alien-human interactions, prevails:

UFO observations, though non-religious by nature, DO encompass a similarity to the

“spiritual” or semi-religious  paranormal dimension, in many tangential ways.

Part of the phenomenon  involves astral abductions; one’s body is left behind in a car, or

in bed, and one’s spiritual essences are extracted, ‘vibrated’ out of one’s body..

One reports seeing one’s body receding below, as one is ascending into, an overhead craft..

One’s astral essences do maintain all of one’s personality traits and idiosyncratic fine

judgmental qualities.

This astral theft, temporarily, of our spiritual essence, is mirrored and echoed again after

abductees’ physical death when their spirits are garnered to be recycled, bypassing

Heaven , angels and spirit helpers, an abduction again, of diabolical proportions.

And there ARE strong similarities, also, between the predatory spiritual treatment of

abductees by aliens, and the too easily dismissed ancient notions of demonic possession,

because demons and aliens both, are predators, of our spirits and of  consciousness, itself.

For years, at meetings at Bud Hopkins house in New York City, we abductees, over the

years, gleaned that ‘ we are a harvest’, a  condiment in the Universe, an echo of Rod

Serling’s Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man”, because abductees know that UFOs

reveal a reptilian god, who fancies diets of human flesh.

This truth, that humankind has always been a spiritual, as well as a tangible harvest, is

down a long hall and somewhere else, from pedestrian UFO researchers.

(At Budd Hopkins home on the upper West side of NYC, abductees met on weekends to exchange and share and I was there when I heard many echoes of abductees describing seeing human babies being jar-bred, chopped and butchered into edible parts aboard craft, strictly for reptilian diets; small greys bathed in tubs of human endocrines and a soup of body parts(sludge) and absorbed such through their skin.

This is likely the main reason that any ‘disclosure’ may be thwarted because the truth is too horrendous, that we are ‘farmed’ precisely as we ‘farm’ animals…)

“Earth”, as we call it, is a reptilian preserve and these gamekeepers, never let the

creatures within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.

I have eyeball-to-eyeball seen,  in one abduction scenario, a small dark grey , arms folded and face scowling,  telepathically

control (with broadcast TERROR)  enslaved human children ( all boys about

ten years of age) who ran to fast unload loaded conveyor belts and then fast ran to then

pile retrieved goods up, in a warehouse type setting.

Slavery of children , in   that

observed microcosm , reflects a wider predatory macrocosm interaction, with mankind,

without a doubt, to my mind..

The lower animal forms seen on Earth, as reptiles, amphibians, insects, felines, are

echoed and mirrored by the higher technological alien types seen aboard craft by

abductees, aliens who lent their DNA to this preserve eons ago, and even as a reptoid craft, engineered

 our moon’s careful placement.

 Earth is a ‘created’ shining jewel of life , comparatively, among  untold countless dead

worlds and Draco reptilian E.T.s are the best of gameskeepers, who never let the creatures within, suspect that it is , indeed, a preserve.

Many inhabited worlds of sentient beings prevail as spiritual beings, dis corporate worlds and our physical “Earth” is a rarity, by  sheer comparison.

E.T.s play at  being, God.

Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical

forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing-heart-pumping-air-breathing  amino-protein forms.

This ‘patent’, allows them to act with Godlike impunity in gathering somatic cells as well as spiritual essences, as a harvest.

“Hard facts and empirical scientific evidence”, have, to date,

failed to reveal humankind’s continued interactions

with non-human intelligence behind our human  history, and

behind our spiritual curtains.

UFO researchers, in this field,  seek only facts and become stodgy and backwards, ill equipped

to understand an environment of an elusive alien hall of mirrors, with a quicksand floor..

Seeking only proofs, counter-intuitively inhibits, rather than illuminates this elusive subject.

The public, blind to an alien agenda, reacts with

 abject ridicule  to the reality of what alien abductees face .

We humans are contrived products of their creative animal  ‘husbandry’,

simians who knot ties and ride public conveyances,

simians who, by our nature, will not believe in anything that we have

not directly experienced, ourselves and thus

 the stench of ignorance prevails,  about UFO alien pilots’ tactics and purposes.

 Psychic and telepathic powers of abductees, an odd human precipitate, in an alien

solution,  is also one which resists “hard facts and evidences”.

(mind control dreamlike core-image-attachment delusion imposed during abductions)

“Bleed-throughs” prevail

At a recent dinner, when a friend mentioned her long deceased brother, a man’s

face slowly emerged from the right side of HER face,

 like double-vision ;  they were identical, and he was a young man.

I was shocked, that he had not moved on, but had chosen instead, to jump aboard her energies and

I stared at her, fish-eyed.

I simply said,”You and he had one face, the exact, same face.”

She said, “yes;  we  looked like identical twins.”

She put down her fork and said,

“There he goes, again, saying  things he could not possibly know,  and where does he

GET those things from ?!”

I did not explain, what I had seen, horrified that he was, in truth, fully aboard her

energies, rather than having ‘crossed over’.

After my mom’s second husband died,

having a dinner at my mom’s house, she pressed cakes and cookies into a take-home bag

for me to take home and I complained that :” I didn’t want to eat such but would , if it were in the house.”

At three in the morning, that same night,watching TV, guiltily eating my mom’s

cookies, I heard her second husband’s voice.

Stanley, aloud asked in his own nasal tonal but dis-corporate voice :

” So, you LIKE your mother’s cookies!?” with a tone disapproving and sarcastic.

I almost fell off of the chair that I was sitting on,  but now  grateful for his

‘coming through’, that death is NOT the end of



I once had a woman contact me who said that she needed “help from witches, in a coven that she had left, because of harassment.”

I privately felt that she was bat nuts but didn’t tell her that, knowing nothing at that time about such things.

Several nights in a row, after some advice I gave her about discontinuing all such

endeavors, after I closed my eyes to sleep, they strongly floated in psychically, to look me

over, with curiosity: a tall thin-haired wispy woman, and a rotund short-haired woman wearing glasses.

Both perfectly fitted descriptions later supplied by the woman who had sought my assistance.
I never forgot the possible potential power of such ‘witch’ people, or  forgot  my then , dazzling


What can one discern?

Who actually micromanages us, and our intuitions, who walks behind our psychic curtains?

After encountering stunningly horrid reptilians, I suspect that E.T.

Dark ones, like gargoyles perched on one’s roof, can see down the ‘road’, far enough to

supply one with near- future happenings, but they are not remotely the elevated angelic souls,  or

ascended ones of LIGHT, that you’d hoped they’d be .

Inter- dimensional  demons and reptilians can and do cruise in like sharks, to cause extreme

psychic distress, panic attacks, nightmares, and poltergeist manifestations,  and living through such becomes wrestling with the beast of madness,   itself.

(The soul’s natural reaction to strong intrusion, psychically, is one of free-floating anxiety.)

 I write about my psychic ‘rabbit-hole’,

having gone so far down that hole, that I don’t have enough breadcrumbs, to find my way, back home.

 Alien abductions-acquired psychic prowess is nonetheless  a spiritual

gift, a gift- muscle to be  exercised and flexed, until Heaven, ready to use us for some higher

good, steps in to make sense of it all, for us.

Simple metaphysics, fighting fire with fire can be useful and the

more time spent visualizing a protective light, the more effective, it becomes.

“Seeing” electric-violet ‘around one’  successfully repels stronger types of demons

who cannot endure such purple visualized high frequencies, for long.

With practice, this visualized technique wins out in any short-lived pitched battle against

UFO beings, diabolically brilliant, insistent and predatory.

Abductees know fully well, that Earth is under invasion, one person at a time, and that

we are all alone, together…..

One must endeavor to stay afloat in goodness and moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having

first won God’s assistance and Heaven’s intervention, because

we are much closer to God, than they are.


Author’s Postscript:

Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I proscribe a required spiritual “shift” , one towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.

Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful  defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.

One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.

  For defenses to flare, one must  recognize that one is not a person having troubled alien/demonic spiritual problems, but instead an eternal spiritual soul having troubling human experiences.

From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
as spiritual fruition.

God is imbued within us as a spark and within everything all around us, to be too easily discerned, and that spark has “rights”.

 Put the Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy for

God, is real, but He has always been

down a long hall, and somewhere else..

(child aptly imitating religious pulpit body-language)



by Paul Schroeder

I force myself to not ‘look up’, anymore.

After an ensemble overhead sighting of nine

craft, I witnessed on December 1st, and after concurrent poltergeist and telepathic

disturbances and ‘nightmares’ that those ‘unseen’ critters astonishingly ‘pulled’ afterwards. .

They seemed to climb down the psychic ladder of my awe, into my house and life.

Poltergeist-like manifestations and telepathic attacks prevailed and intermittently, persist , to date.

I would hear light patter of footsteps in the attic,  while I am in bed, and soon after I

would feel strong electrical vibrations throughout my body to then see my body float out

of my body,  in an astral abduction of my spiritual essence.

experience GIF

For alien abduction purposes, this astral self retains all of one’s predilections and

discrimination, leaving one’s chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body,  now bereft of spirit,

behind in bed.

At first glance, seeing myself lifted away from my body, I had believed that I had died…

experience GIF

Out of body, I experienced conveyor- belt-like transit travels, not unlike the way ghosts


(The sheer focus on sightings’ documentation of UFOs,  mere craft-vehicles, without mention of the occupant-

pilots’ tactics and motives, seems an E.T.

Jedi-mind-trick,  to make one

wonder, if there’s intelligent life, on Earth.

Craft, however, are in themselves, astonishing inventions,

as flexibly ‘intelligent’ and as

sensitive as living colloidal tissue, far from the mechanical ” points” one might discern.)

Nightmares after sightings are almost always screen memories to muddle recollection aboard craft or insertion of

core images as a vivid-recollection- trauma, to make connections to one’s mind..

Acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks , used  and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, or make ethereal connections from

us to them by imposing traumatic, or vivid imagery.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional ‘door’ left open, invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world which affixes ‘attachments’ to seek to ‘clamber aboard’.

Your dreamscape scenarios recalled, is the link to such and can with metaphysics, be removed, to some extent..

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

Try to stay ‘lucid’ to interact with them in dream-scape.

The danger in studying these things, of looking up, is a jeopardy ; they can “feel” your psychic attention, focused, even from that distance,

 to climb down the ladder of your awe and your  curiosity,  from those extreme heights, right into your nighttime lap,

out ‘fishing’ for awe from anyone  who spots them, studying the skies.

(graphic: Earthfiles.com)

We are galactic psychic pawns in a telepathic-chess- game against psychic knights and bishops…

Such people who ‘notice’  these objects also  will have buried dim memory stirrings of being on-board craft, and have implants within one.

It’s NEVER an ‘accident , when one with awe and curiosity, sees craft overhead.

It’s choreographed.

To recall odd “dream” snippets that for no logical reason, linger vividly upon awakening,

play that snippet over, and over, like a tape machine until ,

what happened just before, or just after , surfaces.

How to stop, amend and blunt these kidnappings is what is truly more tantamount than resolving deeper meanings..

Spending a lifetime, recalled in snippets, with highly psychic, abducting entities, has

made my intuitive prowess mushroom.

Hazards exist and one can flirt with the beast of madness, when inter-dimensional bleed-through becomes too commonplace.

So vibrate “higher, I must needs do.

One must actively reject and vector away all  untoward thoughts of hate, mayhem, vengeance, murderous violence, malice and revenge, thoughts very often whispered, imposed and broadcast into our minds by outside,  Dark Force E.T. Entities.

Actively supplant and replace those dark thoughts with positive ones;

In so doing, one accepts more complete responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions, a contrapuntal notion to any cynic’s argument.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

I went to a presumed psychic who turned out to be a fake, and who did a cold reading, with almost nothing apropos, from him.

  I ended up by reading him, telling him that a red haired woman (who turned out to be his mother) who was sitting next to him, was unhappy about what he was doing!

He confirmed, with a photo, that his mom, a bright auburn like Lucille Ball, had passed that year, and rattled, he agreed to refund my $300.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional door, left open, usually also invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.

Like an allergy sufferer, psychics have a hyper sensitivity, to the unseen.

A cautionary tale, for sensitives, is that
watching  television, in itself, (like driving, or playing a musical instrument) puts one,

unknowingly, into a light trance  more commonly achievable by hypnosis.

Such trance ‘states’ of mind unknowingly magnify the mind’s power of a sensitive, to

receive and transmit and one’s mind
acts as a light-house beacon which can easily bring in dark spirits, who like sharks, coast in.

Sensitives need this trouble, like a submarine needs screen doors.

Are those who have a developing ‘Third-Eye’ cursed or blessed and

what if it stems from experiences with non-humans?

One technique that I use, is to internally tell myself that I wish to be “open”, and then I

relax, as I await an insight or mind’s eye picture, poised to receive, like a fat catcher behind home plate.

This worked well, and oddly also helped me, at times, to deliver an English college lesson, during a long career, when I misused this gift.

A classroom teacher’s predilection to amaze students, is always an opportunity to make

them pay more attention, as I

gesticulated World, American and English literature, to a student audience below.

I would halt the lesson, when I saw that I was boring them, by interjecting a random

‘read’ of a pupil who was markedly off day-dreaming, eyes out of the window, brain in

the hall, a pupil in a deep literature coma.

As an attention getting device or a means of embarrassment,  I would from left field give him an odd  personal detail of his private family life, a detail known only to him.

It could be as simple as mentioning that he left both a trumpet and a girlie magazine behind, on his unmade bed.

His eyes would be wide open pools of attention, for the rest of the week.

But garnering a reputation, for uncanny mind feats,  once seemed to backfire.

Just outside an English Literature classroom, I was stopped in transit in a busy college

hallway, by an unknown female college student, who grabbed my arm and blocked my

path, to class, and  said:

“Read me; I want you to read me!”

Startled and affronted, I wondered how the student grapevine knew that I would do such

things, and I became worried about my  job security if Administration also were  aware, like this rude student.

I shook my head, disapprovingly, and dismissively and told her,

“Forget it!”

But she physically half-pushed me against a wall, and I felt an almost affectionate female assault.

She insisted again.

“Read me; I want you to read me!”

I relaxed completely, annoyed, in resignation, and was suddenly flooded with the

shoreline image of a vast body of  lake water, a shore surrounded by water, and I was adrift far from shore.

This strong image was  accompanied by a vague feeling of dread stronger than my indignation.

I quickly asked her,”Why am I seeing water?”, to which she shrugged.

I asked her again.

“I’m seeing water, what does that mean, to you?”

She shrugged, again.

“I have no idea, what it means, but you perhaps do”, I prodded.

“Why, water?”

“I don’t know” , she said, again.

“Oh,” she said, “I’m on the swimming team.”

I  quickly told her,”promise me that you’ll never swim in a lake, it’s far too dangerous to

take that chance, in that you might drown,  but also promise me, now you’ll tell

 absolutely no one, about this conversation.”

She smiled and nodded, and I, late for class,  somewhat dismayed, and feeling used, hurried elsewhere,

knowing that I had been taken advantage of.

 A real problem, exists in trying to decipher precisely just what that image, or series of images, might  mean,

 a psychic muscle that all of us have, unflexed and flabby, culturally

under developed.

 Revealingly, for the many alien abductees who report such similar intuition experiences, the double edged sword of the abduction experience, cuts both ways .

Instead of elevated and angelic presences, in these spiritual experiences, predominantly untoward and impish intelligences, prevail.

Not yet able to ground myself, I often find at dusk and nighttime that I’m inundated by

unseen gate-crashers, my energies jumped upon by negative- thought- beings of many ilks, and worse,

juvenile reptilians, who like unerring persistent yellow-jacket-wasps, at a can of cola on a

picnic table, worry and buzz me with pinching and painful connections sought.

As a sensitive, I face the conundrum that hungry spirits who taunt and horrify, who

require that energy,  must at all costs be ‘ignored’,  since my energy goes where my

attention goes,  but it is as hard as walking in high heels, to force myself to focus,


After a stunningly unpleasant  inter-dimensional  alien reptilian ‘encounter’, I was  aware of their unseen inter dimensional existence and diabolical brilliance.

  Afterwards, I was loathe to ‘ask’ within, again, psychically, wary and unwilling  to ‘receive’ ANY internal daydream-like images.

Reptilians’ persistent searing psychic attacks were THAT insidious.

These winged and mean-spirited creatures have uncanny psychic prowess.

Small dark greys as well,  are quite sinister, and equipped with powerful mind-control abilities.

The more I experience “seeing” shape-shifting, involving small grey aliens, during rare

moments of clarity within abductions, the more I am convinced that it’s not  shape-

shifting, but instead telepathic control of our minds.

These beings telepathy is so strong  that they can  force us to perceive/ see what they

choose, powerfully projected into our mind’s-eye.

The spiritual/paranormal aspect in alien-human interactions, prevails:

UFO observations, though non-religious by nature, DO encompass a similarity to the

“spiritual” or semi-religious  paranormal dimension, in many tangential ways.

Part of the phenomenon  involves astral abductions; one’s body is left behind in a car, or

in bed, and one’s spiritual essences are extracted, ‘vibrated’ out of one’s body..

One reports seeing one’s body receding below, as one is ascending into, an overhead craft..

One’s astral essences do maintain all of one’s personality traits and idiosyncratic fine

judgmental qualities.

This astral theft, temporarily, of our spiritual essence, is mirrored and echoed again after

abductees’ physical death when their spirits are garnered to be recycled, bypassing

Heaven , angels and spirit helpers, an abduction again, of diabolical proportions.

And there ARE strong similarities, also, between the predatory spiritual treatment of

abductees by aliens, and the too easily dismissed ancient notions of demonic possession,

because demons and aliens both, are predators, of our spirits and of  consciousness, itself.

For years, at meetings at Bud Hopkins house in New York City, we abductees, over the

years, gleaned that ‘ we are a harvest’, a  condiment in the Universe, an echo of Rod

Serling’s Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man”, because abductees know that UFOs

reveal a reptilian god, who fancies diets of human flesh.

This truth, that humankind has always been a spiritual, as well as a tangible harvest, is

down a long hall and somewhere else, from pedestrian UFO researchers.

(At Budd Hopkins home on the upper West side of NYC, abductees met on weekends to exchange and share and I was there when I heard many echoes of abductees describing seeing human babies being jar-bred, chopped and butchered into edible parts aboard craft, strictly for reptilian diets; small greys bathed in tubs of human endocrines and a soup of body parts(sludge) and absorbed such through their skin.

This is likely the main reason that any ‘disclosure’ may be thwarted because the truth is too horrendous, that we are ‘farmed’ precisely as we ‘farm’ animals…)

“Earth”, as we call it, is a reptilian preserve and these gamekeepers, never let the

creatures within suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.

I have eyeball-to-eyeball seen,  in one abduction scenario, a small dark grey , arms folded and face scowling,  telepathically

control (with broadcast TERROR)  enslaved human children ( all boys about

ten years of age) who ran to fast unload loaded conveyor belts and then fast ran to then

pile retrieved goods up, in a warehouse type setting.

Slavery of children , in   that

observed microcosm , reflects a wider predatory macrocosm interaction, with mankind,

without a doubt, to my mind..

The lower animal forms seen on Earth, as reptiles, amphibians, insects, felines, are

echoed and mirrored by the higher technological alien types seen aboard craft by

abductees, aliens who lent their DNA to this preserve eons ago, and even as a reptoid craft, engineered

 our moon’s careful placement.

 Earth is a ‘created’ shining jewel of life , comparatively, among  untold countless dead

worlds and Draco reptilian E.T.s are the best of gameskeepers, who never let the creatures within, suspect that it is , indeed, a preserve.

Many inhabited worlds of sentient beings prevail as spiritual beings, dis corporate worlds and our physical “Earth” is a rarity, by  sheer comparison.

E.T.s play at  being, God.

Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical

forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing-heart-pumping-air-breathing  amino-protein forms.

This ‘patent’, allows them to act with Godlike impunity in gathering somatic cells as well as spiritual essences, as a harvest.

“Hard facts and empirical scientific evidence”, have, to date,

failed to reveal humankind’s continued interactions

with non-human intelligence behind our human  history, and

behind our spiritual curtains.

UFO researchers, in this field,  seek only facts and become stodgy and backwards, ill equipped

to understand an environment of an elusive alien hall of mirrors, with a quicksand floor..

Seeking only proofs, counter-intuitively inhibits, rather than illuminates this elusive subject.

The public, blind to an alien agenda, reacts with

 abject ridicule  to the reality of what alien abductees face .

We humans are contrived products of their creative animal  ‘husbandry’,

simians who knot ties and ride public conveyances,

simians who, by our nature, will not believe in anything that we have

not directly experienced, ourselves and thus

 the stench of ignorance prevails,  about UFO alien pilots’ tactics and purposes.

 Psychic and telepathic powers of abductees, an odd human precipitate, in an alien

solution,  is also one which resists “hard facts and evidences”.

(mind control dreamlike core-image-attachment delusion imposed during abductions)

“Bleed-throughs” prevail

At a recent dinner, when a friend mentioned her long deceased brother, a man’s

face slowly emerged from the right side of HER face,

 like double-vision ;  they were identical, and he was a young man.

I was shocked, that he had not moved on, but had chosen instead, to jump aboard her energies and

I stared at her, fish-eyed.

I simply said,”You and he had one face, the exact, same face.”

She said, “yes;  we  looked like identical twins.”

She put down her fork and said,

“There he goes, again, saying  things he could not possibly know,  and where does he

GET those things from ?!”

I did not explain, what I had seen, horrified that he was, in truth, fully aboard her

energies, rather than having ‘crossed over’.

After my mom’s second husband died,

having a dinner at my mom’s house, she pressed cakes and cookies into a take-home bag

for me to take home and I complained that :” I didn’t want to eat such but would , if it were in the house.”

At three in the morning, that same night,watching TV, guiltily eating my mom’s

cookies, I heard her second husband’s voice.

Stanley, aloud asked in his own nasal tonal but dis-corporate voice :

” So, you LIKE your mother’s cookies!?” with a tone disapproving and sarcastic.

I almost fell off of the chair that I was sitting on,  but now  grateful for his

‘coming through’, that death is NOT the end of



I once had a woman contact me who said that she needed “help from witches, in a coven that she had left, because of harassment.”

I privately felt that she was bat nuts but didn’t tell her that, knowing nothing at that time about such things.

Several nights in a row, after some advice I gave her about discontinuing all such

endeavors, after I closed my eyes to sleep, they strongly floated in psychically, to look me

over, with curiosity: a tall thin-haired wispy woman, and a rotund short-haired woman wearing glasses.

Both perfectly fitted descriptions later supplied by the woman who had sought my assistance.
I never forgot the possible potential power of such ‘witch’ people, or  forgot  my then , dazzling


What can one discern?

Who actually micromanages us, and our intuitions, who walks behind our psychic curtains?

After encountering stunningly horrid reptilians, I suspect that E.T.

Dark ones, like gargoyles perched on one’s roof, can see down the ‘road’, far enough to

supply one with near- future happenings, but they are not remotely the elevated angelic souls,  or

ascended ones of LIGHT, that you’d hoped they’d be .

Inter- dimensional  demons and reptilians can and do cruise in like sharks, to cause extreme

psychic distress, panic attacks, nightmares, and poltergeist manifestations,  and living through such becomes wrestling with the beast of madness,   itself.

(The soul’s natural reaction to strong intrusion, psychically, is one of free-floating anxiety.)

 I write about my psychic ‘rabbit-hole’,

having gone so far down that hole, that I don’t have enough breadcrumbs, to find my way, back home.

 Alien abductions-acquired psychic prowess is nonetheless  a spiritual

gift, a gift- muscle to be  exercised and flexed, until Heaven, ready to use us for some higher

good, steps in to make sense of it all, for us.

Simple metaphysics, fighting fire with fire can be useful and the

more time spent visualizing a protective light, the more effective, it becomes.

“Seeing” electric-violet ‘around one’  successfully repels stronger types of demons

who cannot endure such purple visualized high frequencies, for long.

With practice, this visualized technique wins out in any short-lived pitched battle against

UFO beings, diabolically brilliant, insistent and predatory.

Abductees know fully well, that Earth is under invasion, one person at a time, and that

we are all alone, together…..

One must endeavor to stay afloat in goodness and moral ingenuity, to prevail against them, having

first won God’s assistance and Heaven’s intervention, because

we are much closer to God, than they are.


Author’s Postscript:

Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I proscribe a required spiritual “shift” , one towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.

Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful  defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.

One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.

  For defenses to flare, one must  recognize that one is not a person having troubled alien/demonic spiritual problems, but instead an eternal spiritual soul having troubling human experiences.

From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
as spiritual fruition.

God is imbued within us as a spark and within everything all around us, to be too easily discerned, and that spark has “rights”.

 Put the Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy for

God, is real, but He has always been

down a long hall, and somewhere else..

(child aptly imitating religious pulpit body-language)

An Interview

An Interview With Paul Schroeder

Alien Abduction Defenses

I was very recently interviewed by Hayden Topperwien, an Australian filmmaker, who asked me to act as technical/consulting advisor in background research for his upcoming film about “ Psychiatry vs. Possession.“

Below are some of his questions:

Q: In your view, what is the most misrepresented aspect of this field in cinema/literature? Are there any aspects that you feel would be dangerous for public consumption?

A: The aspect of danger lies in this: Ouija boards are still commercially sold as novelty items and remain unrecognized by the general public (viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble) as objects that offer solid invitations (invocations) to dark force entities to approach directly. Television shows with conjuring themes, i.e. Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, compound the danger as they uniformly suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting.” But there is great spiritual and psychological dangers awaiting he unwitting in all of them.

These shows project a fake facade of entertainment and impart a false sense of safety.

The truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.

The Reality:

If you pay attention to the paranormal, it does indeed pay attention to you.

The truth about Dark Force entities is that even when one dabbles in the occult it can fully open to one, and demons drift in to feel that tacit unspoken permission. That occurs and then they feel that they own you.

One’s life and mind suddenly and forever become a nightmarish battleground. These television shows wrongly create a sense of harmless fascination with the Dark Side and a false sense of honest experimentation with the Occult Dark Side because such open doors invite predatory, negative, bullying entities inside., the gangster-fringe element of the spirit world.

Which “Ghost Buster” can one successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point?

One can open doors that are not easily closed again. The same inherent danger holds true for UFO sky watch group enthusiasts. A fuller understanding of the nature of the occupants of those craft would quickly cure you of sky watching.

They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens. They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…

My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead. The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.

Later, you remain unaware that you’ve been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly ‘research’.

Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky watch is imprudent; to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.

The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that demons and other negative thought entities impose into our lives go unnoticed by most people, but they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing and reflect a parasitism of one’s consciousness itself.

Why expose oneself to that risk just for excitement and fun?

I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.

Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.

After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread.

Q: What do you think would be the most positive outcome of an exploration of this field through film?

A: Darkness cannot thrive and persist where there is much light; to open and forewarn closed or naive minds to the notion that discorporate intelligence can influence them and cause disease and mental illness is to surely fore arm such unsuspecting minds.

God sends some of us into darkest corners to illuminate them for others. Your film should perhaps raise more questions in the audience’s mind than it should supply answers.

Q: Can you describe what takes place in very simple terms, in an event of demonic possession?

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If there were any physical manifestations of such an event, what form would they take?

A: One’s thoughts are suddenly not one’s own; facial ticks and muscle and appendage twitches occur as the inhabiting entity tries to assert muscular control to operate the body.

An enabling and warming sense of rage simmers under your surface; lust and sexuality blossom strongly as do cravings for alcohol, drugs, meats, sweets/candy as the negative entity asserts itself under your reactions.

You can feel disconcerted at the internal difference; you feel evilly sated rather than saddened when listening to news stories about lives lost or human suffering.

Very vivid and unsettling nightmares prevail; long lost experiences and long forgotten faces in your life manifest in worst scenario vignettes as the indwelling entity assumes access to all of your memories and your chakras energy points.

Q: In what way does a normal nightmare differ from one which represents a psychic attack?-

A: All nightmares are varying degrees of imposed psychic attacks as you are being negatively ‘milked’ ethereally for energy within raw angst, by an entity who you might have picked up in daily transit not unlike dog poo on your shoe bottoms.

The signature function of the brain during dreaming is to maintain the dream state, to incorporate extraneous outside stimuli into a dream, to ‘lie to you’, to keep you dreaming.

If a fire truck’s siren blares down your block while you are sleeping your brain will incorporate that sound into the dream scenario at hand to keep you asleep and dreaming.

The ‘convenience dream’ clearly illustrates how this works.

One’s bladder may dully pulse as full, but rather than awaken the sleeper, the brain conjures a bathroom scenario instead where you ‘dream’ that you saw the tile floor and even sat down on a toilet. One awakens much later thinking, with a fuller bladder, thinking; ‘I thought that I just WENT to the bathroom?!’

A nightmare, which awakens one, usually in great angst, violates this tacit basic rule of dreaming by awakening you. One’s rude awakening reveals that nightmare scenarios are being telepathically imposed by a parasitic, discorporate entity for its ethereal feasting. A nightmare is very rarely a self-created scenario. In possession, the entity is no longer in daily transit to torture another (phantoms fill the air around us), but has settled in and has chosen you, as a ‘host’.

The nightmares and bad dreams under a state of demonic possession seem realistic in every way compared to the intensity of waking consciousness and appear to be out of body attacks. One feels at every nighttime that one flirts with the beast of madness, itself.

Concurrent with such psychic attacks is poltergeist phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping on the walls and a general heavy unhappy creepy atmosphere envelope the house and its occupants. Pranks predominate.

Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Q: What kind of person is most vulnerable to this kind of attack? How do they become a target?

A: One who leaves one’s front door open to the street will invite in unwanted miscreants, unknown horrid people who wander in seeking mischief and unwholesomeness; so too does one who uses a Ouija board or thinks that it might be fun to have a ghost around unknowingly invites the opportunistic gangster fringe element of the spirit world in.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

M* Enhancement of Mexican ET Cell Phone Video Frame

Wolves like demons choose the weakest of the flock; young children are special nighttime targets who crawl into bed with their parents to seek protection from their energies, but there is an inverse rule also: people of strong spiritual light also bring these parasitic entities in like porch lights do bring in moths and then draw bats.

The dark side seeks to extinguish light and they attempt to do this by destroying the light in the person. Thus they will be attracted to people who shine brightly with such light.

A priest, a psychic or psychic healer, or a highly moral public figure in power are much more attractive to destroy than a mere banal person as “the trophy” is more valued.

Q: What is the worst possible outcome of such an event?

A: Murder and or sexual abuse of one’s own children, suicide, mental illness, drug addictions and self destructive habits, jail incarcerations may result.

What kind of mistakes does Western psychology make when dealing with this issue?

A: Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness; a child who hears discorporate voices and sees spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.

Many institutionalized back ward ‘psychotic’ patients are possessed not insane.

Q: What is your view of the origin/nature of these non-physical entities?

(Scotland cave photo)

A: They are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds. Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:




Cold patches in the aura


Bad dreams and nightmares

Unexplained aches and pains

Anxiety and fearfulness


Obsessive/compulsive behavior

Self mutilation

Eating Disorders

Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts

Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted’ look in the eyes

Drug addiction or alcoholism

Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

Q: Do you think the existence of these phenomena will ever be explored by science, or that it is essentially unreachable by the physical sciences?

A: Science is especially inept in its ability to calibrate the human soul or gauge a demonic possession; it is beyond their measuring capabilities and thus does not exist.

To quote a contemporary;

“A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to understand Paul’s warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toe nail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. “

Q – Do you believe there is any power in archaic protection/exorcism rituals? How do different traditions differ in their approach?

Which is, in your opinion, the best?

A: Exorcism is similar to extracting a nail from one’s tire and tossing it back into traffic where it will be picked up by someone else.

Q – In terms of public education and safety, what do you feel are the most important points to get across regarding this issue?

A: For those dubious or cynical about the’ realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

It’s sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.

Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.

Psychic Protection from Negative Thought Entities: Metaphysical Cleansing of Alien Imposed and Demonic Nightmare Images

by Paul Schroeder

Psychic Protection from Negative Thought Entities; Personal Metaphysic’s Cleansing of Alien imposed and Demonic Nightmare Images

 by Paul Schroeder

Demonologists and exorcists know full well that demons and other negative thought entities cause nightmares for a reason, and that is to actually RESIDE in them, so metaphysical removal of imagery is tantamount as revealed in private communiques to me by R. Bruce,et al , “Astral Dynamics”

“Core Image Removal

The basic core image treatment techniques involve reliving and capturing snapshot images of bad or traumatic experiences with visualizations, in the minds eye. Core images can stem from real life experiences, or from bad dreams and disturbing fantasies. “

“They can also be implanted by demons via telepathic/hypnotic attack and broadcast. This can happen in the waking state, but more usually happens during sleep.

The key to breaking demonic attachments is to unearth and destroy mental attachment points inside personal inner meta-space, the mind and aura. These attachments are rooted in core images (memory images) implanted within the mind/memory of victims.

From these core images grow the bio energy body attachment points of demonic residence and eventually possession, as is their goal. “

“The physical manifestation of these bio-points are usually identifiable, as they cause skin blemishes, i.e., lumps, moles, rough patches, irritations, infections.

The stronger demonic types of blemishes appear as gristly lumps (a kind of tumor) under the skin and these generally indicate that much stronger varieties of demonic are involved.

There are two main types of core images, natural and created. The natural types (i.e., memory images of actual experiences) are grafted onto, where the created types are specifically designed and implanted as attachment points. “

“All core images of this ilk are the types of memories that cause stress when they are relived, i.e., painful or distressing or worrying memories.

Created core image (artificial) are made by telepathically broadcasting into victims during the sleep state. This impinges on the victim’s dream mind and generates distressing images, as the signature symptom, nightmares.

The mind cannot really tell the difference between a real traumatic experience and one that it experiences in the dream state. When remembered and relived, you will find these all cause stress, i.e., anxiety, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, fear and long recollections of these nightmares, afterwards.

They will also have the effect of making you obsess about them, going over them again and again, trying to change them or to forget them.They may often appear to be meaningless, illogical fantasy scenarios

Some core images are hidden, i.e., the dream memory causing them is forgotten (as dreams are often forgotten) and they thus bury themselves deep into the subconscious mind. There are ways of digging these up, but this is more advanced and I will not go into this at this point. “Bruce continues;“Discovering Core Images: I discovered the principles of core images and their significance, after experiencing two strange, disturbing dreams, after sleeping in a badly infested house, dreams that kept bothering me for many days after having them.

I began to get suspicious of these dreams, and eventually wondered if something sinister might be behind them. During meditation, following my intuition, I relived the first dream. Again this caused mild stress symptoms, which I ignored.

Following an idea, I used my ‘awareness hands’, (astrally visualized hands in your mind’s eye) and pushed the scenario away from me, visualized it in my mind’s eye until it was less than postcard size (small envelope size).

Imaginary, visualized weapons and tools used for this, may seem ridiculous to some, but think on this: in personal inner-meta space, these weapons have just as much substance as the core images they are being used against.

They are in fact composed of a very similar substance: a mind energy substance. One could aptly call this astral matter.

The more that they are used the stronger and more ‘real’ that they become. Demons and other negative thought entities can see these tools and are fearful, as you are ‘fighting fire with fire’, using applied metaphysics in the same ethereal dimension that they frequent. (‘imagination’, is a word that should be totally removed from our language) “

No photo description available.

“The results of my first experiment were quite amazing. The next day, a large gristly lump (1/4 the size of a walnut) on the back of my neck, that I’d had for several years, disappeared, gone overnight.

Probably 50% of the negative internal urges and cravings that had been troubling me for several months vanished with this lump.

I felt lighter, had more energy, slept better, and nocturnal psychic attacks on me were reduced significantly. I also grew stronger by the day, especially in mental/psychic energy. The attachments I removed seemed to have been draining me of these.

Of note, for the first three days after removing these core images I came under significant psychic attacks nightly, as entrance again was re-sought.

But this was quite different from the usual strong attacks I had been weathering for many years. And now I had something to fight back with besides prayer and use of garlic as a successful herbal repellent, i.e. cutting and burning core images as they appeared in my mind’s eye during the attacks.

These attacks quickly reduced, but for a couple of weeks after I felt intermittently depressed, seemingly lost and empty, but nothing really major. This was followed by a period of strong positive internal growth.

Logically, I had removed something from inside of me, something that was influencing/ motivating me, and taking up some of my internal personal space. This took some getting used to, but I soon moved to fill that space within me (with more of ‘me”) thus becoming larger and stronger in the process.

Since removing these first core image attachment points, I regularly hunt more during meditation and pre-sleep for such imagery. I have worked my way through a great many real memories that could contain attachments, including early childhood memories; sometimes I find them, sometimes not. “
Bruce continues:
“Its easy to tell if a core image has nothing attached to it as it turns over easily in your ‘awareness hands’ and nothing is seen or felt underneath it.

I also worked through dream and fantasy memories; occasionally finding roots and other strange looking devices. Sometimes they look like roots, sometimes like a circuit board stuck to the back of the core image. Sometimes it will move under my Awareness Hands and reveal a black snake (typical astral snakes and spiders, classic demonic impositions).

Of note, if nothing is present on a core image, it will turn easily in your awareness hands. But if one is present, the turning can be quite difficult.

“However, easily turned images can sometimes have links attached to them that will lead to real core images. For example, you may easily turn prospective core image in your ‘Hands’, only to find a picture of some person attached to the underside.

Turning this new picture over, again easily, you find another image, and so on.

Eventually, this process leads to the real core image, which is then treated as usual, i.e., slashed and burned. “

“Floating Core Images: Negative energies generate strange patterns and faces and objects in the mind’s eye, seen most clearly during meditation and pre-sleep, where the sight center of the brain interprets demonic energies as ugly or strange floating images.

I have come to habitually attack anything strange or ugly-looking in my mind’s eye, with my sword and torch.

This helps to stop them from attaching and/or reattaching. “

“This can also break any new psychic attacks and demonic influences associated with floating core images fairly quickly, while they are at their weakest.

. Most of my patients find a baseball bat, rocket launcher and flame thrower are a good set of tools. Some prefer to use a laser gun. Myself, I used my own astral sword, plus a large, burning torch. Traditionally, these items should be blessed by the name of God and the Holy Spirit. This does help, but is not absolutely necessary. “

Core Image Treatment Instructions: Grip the image with your ‘awareness hands’ and push it away from you until it is postcard sized or smaller in your minds eye. Then turn it over with your ‘awareness hands.’ If nothing is behind it, it will turn easily. If something is behind it, it will feel solid and immovable. Lots of effort is sometimes required to turn it over.

Once it is turned over it will be broken, but will still need destroying with the meta sword and burning with the torch.

Often, when treating a spontaneous core image, this will trigger a major core image to appear, the one it is attached to. You’ll know when this happens as it’ll suddenly get serious and more difficult. When this happens, fight for all you are worth and never give up

These things cannot actually hurt you if they are uncovered and fought in an inner- meta space battlefield, in the mind’s eye. “

“Sometimes you’ll see the demonic entity behind the core images, once core images have been ripped away. Astral snakes and spiders,insects,scorpions often with ET type heads, are common. Don’t be scared, they are ugly but they can’t hurt you at this time. They are the ones vulnerable and exposed. Take advantage of this to get some payback. Call up all the anger and rage you can and slog it out and you’ll win every time.”  Not only have I found this information tantamount but have myself found that If one relives a snippet of a dream during daytime hours, if that image resurfaces, spontaneously, during one’s waking day, it is  a clear sign that an unclean one hidden or hiding within that image has either exited or is reentering.

 One must use slash/ cutting and burning of that image using an envisioned sword to sever connections between that image and its ropy connections to one’s layered psyche and then a blowtorch envisioned to burn the severed remnant stumps of vestigial connections.

This metaphysics removal of the image that spontaneously surfaced is designed to eliminate the evil one’s “Hiding place” within one’s mind.

The image of an alien’s face or a snakelike, bug like image or a skull and crossbones demon’s  representation in your mind’s eye will scurry from its now discovered and now removed previous hiding place.

Fighting (metaphysics) fire with (metaphysical) fire works perfectly as envisioned “tools” are as real in that dimension as the interloper is real.

Now, that’s something that Freud, psychiatry and psychology simply cannot ever wrap their analytically trained minds around .

If Freud’s and Jung’s models are wrong, then our mind’s embrace of that whole subject can also be wrong.

Even as a ‘jumping off place’ towards understanding the layered psych, one is awry and stiltedly wrong in one’s foundation premise .

The same holds true for Freud’s dream analysis models of  dream symbols; he was also predominately wrong about the very nature of dreaming, itself

If one hears voices that sound sinister and threatening one is certainly far more psychic than psychotic, but one could not ever be seen thus by a trained Freudian or Jungian clinician

There are dozens of such examples of unseen outside influences as a threat to the layered mind, a concept that psychoanalytically trained clinicians cannot grasp at all on any level because of their training.Bruce continues;

“One other addition I have found valuable. Once a core image has been hacked to pieces and burned, sealing the residue (the dimensional hole in your personal inner-meta space it represents) should be sealed.

Using ‘imagination’, visualize, see any holy symbol that has meaning to you, i.e., crucifix, pentagram, Start of David. Simply imagine/visualize this being placed over the hole. Repeating this last bit several times (redrawing it in your minds eye) is a good idea if you are having trouble holding the shape of the symbol in your imagination. “

“It is also a very good idea to bless this creation by saying a prayer after creating it. Ask for this hole to be sealed in the name of God (or deity of choice) forever and ever, Amen. And if you are familiar with other metaphysical magical practices, this symbol can be connected to a reliable power source.

That Empty Feeling: After successfully removing a core image, and consequentially breaking a demonic attachment, it is quite common to experience a period of emptiness, even depression. This comes from the lost influence and motivations, caused by the previously attached negative entity

An empty space has been created, vacated, by the evicted demonic.

Bruce finishes by saying;
“This empty feeling may last up to a few weeks, but eventually ones own personality and mind will grow to fill the empty space.”  Who would have ever thought that there was a true and present danger inherent in nightmares?”

For those dubious or cynical about the ‘realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware, at least, that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

Knowledge is power and in this realm, ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists and can be quite dangerous nonetheless .

Alien Manipulati​on of Chakras/ Kundalini Nerve Centers

Illustration by Matthew Whiting.

A tapping, delicately, on my back. I am sitting up on a table, feeling gentle taps on my back, watching a series of images, myriad tables receding into infinity, like two mirrors facing each other.
Farmers milking cows; on each table, a person sits up and is examined by a small, slim, white, intent, fragile, large eyed creature. Their fingers probe lightly, gently, purposely, like playing a piano.

Visual search query image

They are milking Chakras or Kundalini nerve centers, seven along each person’s spine. Their touches stimulate hidden DNA sequences as well as retrieve and store data and information along the length of the spinal chord, along a library of nerves.

Like ants milking aphids they spend careful time and effort, gently, delicately, fingering each spine in a long sequence of tables, like marionettes playing human harpsichords.
These manipulations of spinal nerves initiate secret, as yet unbidden DNA sequences, which dangerously age and disease and trouble the somatic body and mind of an abductee. (After an incident my finger and toe nails had to be trimmed twice every day; early sequences causes acceleration of aging and growth of certain cells.) 

There are horrible psychic and emotional results from activation of these spinal sequences too quickly as well. Inter dimensional leaking occurs; one senses other unworldly creatures and flirts with the beast of madness, itself.
Are we being programmed?

Illustration by Matthew Whiting.
Visual search query image

What is subtly being programmed, stored and retrieved In our spinal chords? We are Manchurian candidates of stellar proportions.
Inter dimensional bleeding through into our dimension? Pranks predominate. Objects disappear to return days later in strange places, and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

 On a Tuesday afternoon in late June, 

I entered the back of the house, passed by enormous four foot wide, four foot tall flower pots, each weighing as much as a man, containing ten foot tall Canna plants, looking tropical in nature and in full bloom.
I opened the back door and entered the vestibule into the kitchen; I could not take another step. 

Glancing backwards, over my shoulder, I saw that both enormous pots had been turned over.


The wide elephant, ear-like leaves and tall orange-red flower tops now bloomed sideways, sprawled to the ground, in a fraction of a second. 

I became suddenly aware of a very untoward realization. I would likely need entity removal and aura cleaning and protection, as in addition to this poltergeist nonsense,

 I was besieged with elements of telepathic attack: nightly evil nightmares, a sense of pervading anxiety and a confluence of accidents and surgeries.
And all these experiences AFTER my sightings of UFOs and recalling some abductions.
Presence of mind is our greatest weapon, the ridicule factor, is their best defense. 

Who, in one’s ‘right mind’ can one even discuss these things with? Paper, is indeed, much more patient, than people.

 Why did things get worse?

 In deep despair and confusion, (the plants overturned, overwhelmed me with poltergeist shock that was so sudden and so profound), I stopped and prayed aloud for a spiritual sign.
Asks for a sign from God, “God, if there is a spirit world and it is real, and I can ask for protection, send me a sign: God, send me a white bird, up close and personal, in my face, on my window, as a sign.”
I put my whole heart and soul and angst into this prayer and minutes later, busy else where, I forgot it, as it promptly receded into the recesses of my mind.


Visual search query image

The next day, on route to work, following the same path I always drive, I made a right turn, and high over the street of cars, I saw a cloud of some one hundred gulls, hovering, wheeling, circling overhead, as if attracted by garbage or a dumpster, although none was in evidence.

 As I glanced up at the raucous flock, one white gull swerved to within an inch of my windshield, glossed passed and made eye contact with me. It lasted maybe two seconds.
Preoccupied with driving and having totally forgotten my fervent spiritual request from the night before, I drove on, momentarily startled, but dully unaware of it’s significance.

After a strenuous day at work I returned home, lit a prayer candle and began to voice again my special request for a sign when I remembered the morning gull.
I HAD asked for a white bird on my window, up close and personal.
Had I been given that sign the very next morning? I decided to be skeptical but not cynical.

What would be a critical test?

I decided that If I saw any gulls in the area anywhere while in transit on the way to work for the next two weeks, I would know that it was a coincidence or a quirk of fate, not a sign that I asked for.

Repeatedly, in my minds-eye, I was haunted with an odd afterimage, a close up of the birds black beadlike eye. Why was the black eye of that bird, which whizzed passed so fast, so fixed in my mind?
For two weeks, each day, I scanned the horizon and landscape for a sign of gulls hovering, as I believed a flock so large would certainly reappear somewhere.
I never saw one bird.
I decided that I had been given a wonderful sign and it has given me the courage and the confidence to feel protected in this fight against the unseen harassing entities.

Illustration by Matthew Whiting.

Sex of The Fourth Kind: Alien-Human Sex Studies:

by Paul Schroeder

(…See Eve Lorgen’s classic book, “Alien Love Bite”, for a deeper analysis/ understanding of alien mind control of sexual behaviors of alien abductees.)P.S. 

After abductions, aliens through implants and mind control, can and do “turn up” the sexual energies of alien abductees in a purported attempt to “study” human response/coping behaviors. 

Part of  the understanding of the interaction between alien and humans on Earth is not just in understanding alien tactics and underlying alien motives. It is of a sexual nature. 

The astounding answer in part begins with the realization that we are, by nature, beyond our awareness and general understanding, inter dimensional beings.

 We contain and exude both a physical energy and a spiritual energy.

 As some of our psychic “energy” extends into other dimensions, these energies can be seen and regularly utilized by dark entities. 

Reptilian/grey aliens the pilots of UFOs, demons, and other dark astral wildlife, frequent this dark dimension. 

(graphic: Earthfiles.com)

Aliens often seek us in the same way that remora and lamprey seek denizens of the deep and for the same parasitic reasons.

 Grey-reptoid aliens can even throw demons into the nightly abduction equation to muddle things, just for spite, for those abductees who guess too closely to this or any other alien/human interaction relationship truth. 

Demon possessed or not, aliens,  just like demons, can and do to enter into our physical world, from that ethereal energy dimension which is the very same that ghosts inhabit, to prey and feast upon human beings, who they relish controlling and even sometimes, possessing. 

With a single mindedness, controlling reptilian aliens prevail with impunity; they are predatory, sinister and self justifying, the three criteria of evil. 

 We are mere mice for them to toy with; they literally feast on our ethereal energies. 

The post abduction sexual behavior of alien abductees is choreographed and micro managed; worse, aliens participate in these field experiments with humans.. 

At the very least, these unscientific, controlling alien entity’s behaviors are most revealing; this  perverse, unprofessional alien behavior in such direct sexual participation persists and all under the seeming guise of ‘testing’. 

In so many case studies of alien abductees, a key element of what is post ”alien abduction”, is often also a ‘sexual’ phenomenon.. 

From a Case of an abductee, Phyllis, a lifetime abductee with many recalls of being ‘taken ,who lives in the Philippines, from private communiques:


“Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t especially mind my sex volume knob being turned up by E.T.s implants,- there are probably millions of women, in their thirties and forties, my age group, who would kill for that opportunity!- Men too- Anyway- I’m not exactly a nymphomaniac- it seems that the only one I get that hot about is the first guy who approaches me in a bar. I will go anywhere with them to get that itch scratched. That’s a fact- so what if these grays use me?”

“I’ve learned to milk the situation too. Sometimes I have a real climax just fantasizing. It’s like a strong erotic sensation comes over me and I can’t control it or fight it off. So I just ride it out until the end. It is better sex than with the men I go with. If this comes over me and I don’t have a date I sometimes go to a bar and pick up a man instead of fantasizing it- I feel like I have to have sex right then. It can be scary sometimes. At first I suffered daily with unsatisfied desires and frustrations- it was torture. I like some parts of it, but sometimes it is too much, I get tired of feeling used.”


 Dear Phyllis,

“You insist on missing the essential point; since you are, and I am, as well, STRONGLY CONVINCED  that you are, being played like a church organ, sexually, with all the foot petals, by the very entities who I write and fight and resist and complain so much about, why would you let and allow them to constantly have their “way” with controlling  you?

Like “needing” a drink and not taking one knowing that it’s the worst reason and wrong time to take one, when you really need one, for that very reason.

 That is the precise time to deny them that imposed upon you drive to sex and the energy that they crave and feed from. 

Resistance means refusing to play their ‘game’ regardless of the pleasure you might on the moment derive, because you now know that you are simply being manipulated; aren’t you more willful and more resolute and more determined than they are? 

When one knows that ‘they’ are in one’s picture, for an abductee admittedly taken since childhood,  one must thwart them by refusing sex when you’re ‘horny’ precisely because you  know that they benefit directly from your energy; why persist in allowing them to force you to ‘feed’ them?”



However, it may be exactly what it appears to be: actual sexual manipulation by an alien race. Information voiced through the clients forms a consistent body of knowledge about the alien beings and their motivations for coming to our planet.

Dr. William Baldwin echoes what I’ve separately stumbled upon:

The alien agenda behind the sequence of close encounters, leading to abductions, and then to possession, is similar to their planetary exploits; after exploration, comes conquest.

What follows is phrased from his astounding book’s preface: 

[From a case study]

“Mona and the ET Controllers

Mona expressed dismay at her unusually high sexual appetite and her promiscuity.

This condition had existed in her life since late adolescence.

She had difficulty maintaining monogamous relationships and this caused her deep sadness and confusion. In session, she discovered an ET group experimenting with sexuality.

The ET researchers would intensify her sexual desire, like turning up the volume on a TV set, then observe her behavior and her reactions to her own behavior.

We discovered a large network of DFEs [Dark Force Entities] of various levels controlling the ETs in this activity.

This particular experimentation involved a broad segment of the human population, and Mona was just one of many people affected. The ET technicians divulged this information, and further revealed a sordid picture of the intrusion.

Some of the DFE-influenced ETs had become personally involved in human sexuality, purposely stimulating licentious and depraved sexual activities.

Not only were they distorted in their scientific observation, they were participating in the experiments.

Mona was sickened by the discovery of this information. She had known something was very wrong in her life and suspected entity influence, but had not dreamed of this kind of extensive involvement, particularly the ETs. She was deeply relieved to finally get relief from this terribly intrusive and very personal violation.

Human beings are so terribly caught up in sexual issues from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood, even old age as senility sets in.

The entire issue is compounded by the social issues regarding sex, marriage, monogamy, adultery, promiscuity, the religious taboos and imposed guilt, the very real problems of unwanted pregnancy and abortion, disease, human possessiveness and jealousy, and other issues. It is a fertile field for dark force entity influence.

These experiments on emotions and sexuality are ostensibly designed to study human feelings and behavior. The technician simply turns up the volume on some aspect of emotion or behavior and records what happens with the human subject.

This behavior or emotional outburst causes anguish in the human.

This is the desired result.

The anguish is the underlying goal of the project.

The energy emanation of the anguish of human suffering is harvested by the DFEs.

It is used as energy, sustenance, food. In most cases we have found, and other therapists report the same situation, it seems the experiment is a cover for the activity of the DFEs.

This is the true purpose of the “research” conducted by the aliens.

In most cases of ET attachment where such a group is operating, the ship captain or the base commander may be evasive, deceitful, even defiant, and refuse to remove the intrusive devices and alien beings.

They will usually divulge the information that there is a high dark being who controls their people.

A client will sometimes describe a sinister and menacing dark figure on the craft, clearly exerting powerful control, and always situated near the ship’s captain.

The ET technician is usually unaware of the dark influence.

The commander of the space craft is conscious of the dark presence in about half of such cases.

The ruling council members on the home world are aware of the dark lords in charge at various levels.

They acknowledge that they, or their predecessors in the council, struck an alliance with the dark forces long ago for the purpose of gaining personal and political power.

However, once that dark contact was established, the DFEs took power over the council.

The DFEs assumed “ownership” of the alien civilization, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

The council members, usually from three to eleven in number (though once it was reported as a senate of about 1800 members), are grateful for the assistance in separating themselves and their citizens from the DFEs.

With the assistance of many light beings, we facilitate the total removal of the dark force entities, from the lowliest DFE attached to the ET technicians, through the dark lords on the craft, to the high-level dark beings wielding power over the council members and the overseers or enforcers who lurk behind the scenes.

After the release of the DFEs from their civilization, the council gladly orders the removal of the implants, monitors, communication devices, various and assorted headbands and skullcaps, and the ET technicians.

They order the return of all the craft orbiting this world and any other, and the space stations involved in this hideous project.

A tremendous piece of work is completed in a very short time.

The effect on consciousness cannot be measured.

Clients have discovered not only these attached ET technicians and their equipment, but also unattended probes and other devices in various parts of the anatomy and in the chakras, or energy centers of the body, both on themselves and other family members.

These probes are non-physical in nature, yet connected in a way which allows for the transmission of information to the ET scientist’s location.

The probe, or connector, may also allow the ET to remotely control some aspect of the physiology or mental/emotional functioning of the person.

In an altered state, a client can visualize the probe, often a black cord, leading to the ET laboratory.

We direct the question to the alien researcher.

This communication passes directly to the ETs along the attached connector, and the surprised ET will answer through the voice mechanism of the client.

This can be surprising and distressing to the client, but with our assurance that the control is only temporary, and that many people have overcome this intrusion, most clients continue with the dialogue.”

Through hypnotic states Dr. William Baldwin has done breakthrough goodness against this invasive demon like curse on the Earth: Draco reptilian E.T.s.

So the horrid truth emerges, revealed by his book.

In summary, With a single mindedness, controlling reptilian aliens prevail with impunity in the sexual lives of alien abductees.

These entities may well be called, evil as they are predatory, sinister and self justifying, the three criteria of evil. 

We are mere mice to toy with, for them; they literally feast on our ethereal energies.

 Sexual behavior of alien abductees is choreographed and micromanaged; worse, aliens participate in these field experiments with humans..

The light of this article, of alien/human interaction is shone into darkest corners and is also recorded and further documented in more detail, in Eve Lorgen’s book, “Alien Love Bite”;.

I  write about this widely unknown phenomena, to illuminate these dark corners, for others.


Ghosts, Earthbound Spirits, Nightmares and Psychics: The Unseen World

by Paul Schroeder

The feeling of unseen human hands and their undeniable touches on my arms, back and shoulders with concurrent accompanying psychic disturbances increase, but now when I do experience these symptoms of a lost soul/ ghost who jumps on me, an energy connection is felt such that my skin burns where I am touched

At one time, in order to block these experiences, knowing that some medications did change brain chemistry to the extent as to simply put one beyond the reach of such creatures, I tried antihistamines and did indeed manage to stop it all temporarily.

I had read that on the Internet and just wanting to feel normal, again, tried it on myself. I don’t know how it works but it works….. temporarily.

But, one can’t live on Benadryl.

Other medications have specifically been developed for people who are troubled by ‘seeing things’, ‘hearing things’ and ‘feeling things’ and these were pharmacologically designed because modern medicine makes no differentiation, no distinctions between spiritual dysfunctions and psychological dysfunctions.

A modern clinician unarmed and unversed in such spiritual truths, perceives a child patient who experiences these phenomena as more psychotic than more psychic, and not ever as a young ‘sensitive’ who has not yet learned but must, how to close his energies to such entities…

I was told by others early on that what I was going through was a blessing.

I did not accept that at the time.

It has been a tough learning experience for both me and the unseen world; I once advised a spirit whose hand rested heavily on my right shoulder(I could feel the span of fingers) to “cross over to the other side”, of course meaning the other dimension that we all come from and and go to, ‘Heaven’ , and a few seconds later, it obliged my request by crossing over to my left side and good naturedly resting its hand, THERE.

I deduced that rather than it having a rarefied sense of humor, it had no idea whatsoever what I was referring to…

Of course, when none of this works, or when a demon or non juvenile reptilian cruises in, for what turns out to be an extended visit, an onset of the most awful nightmares unlike any you can imagine, vivid and terrifying ensues.

Such entities refuse rescue and delight in tormenting humans; nothing else except unholy ones could do such violence to mere dreams.

During such sieges, I am in spiritual crises and I have had to neatly d iscard any pedestrian Freudian or Jungian explanations as simply moot and seek metaphysical approaches that do, after a fashion, work.

Recently, in self defense for myself as well as in empathy and pathos for a lost soul, I counsel any such spirit who stumbles onto me with love and compassion, as one would a lost traveler.

It could very well be you or I who were so lost.

I relay this to the unseen intelligence, touching me, with a newfound lack of fear and with real pathos and as much sympathy as I can muster all the while fully aware that it is likely psychically dangerous and as much disturbed as it was when it was a person, in the body.

An unfortunate wrinkle, a major trouble is, not all negative energies ‘out there’, earthbound for a sensitive to sense are human; some are reptilian.

Like demoniacs, they exhibit the same three qualities that define evil: predatory, sinister and self-justifying

If it is still insistently hungry and topical arm and leg burning touches apprise me that connections between my energies and it are continuing and it’s still stubbornly in my face, a sprits of incensed holy water from a plant misting bottle clears the attachment feeling and the onset of mild psychic attack; one can feel their angst.

At that point, I tell them that it’s so sad and ironic that God has sent them to me for help, as there are no accidents, and that most ironically, they have been sent to me for directions, when I myself am often so helplessly lost.

I go on to tell them that touching people for energy, stealing energy from people further traps them here, in a type of inter dimensional Hell, between worlds where they are subject to bullying from other larger, fiercer predators.

I ask them to try to reach higher into their own dimension by asking for angelic help as I do the same, in mine.

I remind them that they didn’t really die when they left their body and that they cannot and won’t die if they refrain from doing without stolen human energy; that some humans look just like bright lights to them.

Some do not listen; when advised that they are dead and not in the physical body, the retort I have more than once heard in my skull was,”How do I know that YOU’RE not dead?”

Some listen. I ask my angels to work with their angels to bring a friend, a neighbor, a lover, a child, a former pet, a parent, a friend, a schoolmate, SOMEONE who they can trust, to bring them over to the Other Side.

I try to surround them in a white light and lead them to into it.

I pray FOR them, instead of for myself and my relief from them. It raises their vibrations and moves them out of the darkness and is appreciated by them and by others.

I then also try to goad them into a finer purpose of helping me.

I ask them to leave here as the’ goofy Earthbound’ spirit that they now are and that after they have traveled to the Christ light, and to Heaven, to help themselves and their Karma and me; that they RETURN to me, as purified cleansed spirits, afterwards, to assist me in rescuing others, just in the same way as they have been rescued.

What usually appeals to the ‘holdouts’ is my reminding them that nobody has spoken to them or paid attention to them for a long time, except for me.

I have bought some peace and I have done some service to the Other Side..

Image result for tumblr gifs  of  razor blades


As I have become older, I have less and less patience for energies who touch me, having found that too much darkness abounds that is unseen, and I now, contrary to all the above advice given, coldly and unsympathetically dismiss spirits, as though they were flies at my mustache.

And I Ask For Forgiveness, From The Spirit World, For My Abrupt Turn, Into Abject Hypocrisy