The escort that accompanies the Hebrew travelers is called a “pillar of a cloud” by day and a “a pillar of fire” by night.

The word pillar is translated from `ammuwd, pronounced, am-mood; a column as standing; also a stand, i.e. platform.

This means that this could either be a column or a platform that had the appearance of a cloud in the daylight and when the sun went down, it lit up.

Many UFOs seen and photographed are cylindrical, not just only saucer shaped.

And, it is staying close to our Jewish people, in other words, hovering.

When considered in light of the many other descriptions, replacing the word platform where pillar appears seems a more logical choice.

The platform comes directly between the Hebrews and the pursuing Egyptian army. (Exodus 14:19)

The platform harassed the Egyptian army. (Exodus 14:24)

The “glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud” that leads the Hebrews. (Exodus 16:10)

The lord ascended on Mount Sinai with great lights beaming into the night sky, shaking the mountain greatly and broadcasting very loud sounds with increasing volume. (Exodus 19:18 -20, 20:18)

People were fearful of the vehicle. (Exodus 20:18)

The platform/cloud descends and hovers. (Exodus 33:9, 34:5, Numbers 12:5)

The platform/cloud ascends. (Exodus 40:36)

God broadcasts his voice from the platform/cloud. (Exodus 33:9, 34:5, Psalms 99:7)

The people follow the platform wherever it led them and was always with them. (Exodus 40:36-38, Numbers 9:17-18, 10:34, Nehemiah 9:19)

The cloud provides shade and light. (Numbers 9:16)

The platform/cloud hovers above the group for days, months and even up to a year. (Numbers 9: 22)

The cloud takes off and lands. (Numbers 10:11-12)

The vehicle protects the people. (Numbers 14:14)

The platform/cloud scouts ahead for places that the Hebrews will rest. (Deuteronomy 1:33)

Thus, you see, that our whole Bible from Abraham’s experiences, to Isaiah’s, from Ezekiel’s, to Moses’ and Jacob’s were just those same little grey alien men who were, in our Bible, IN ANCIENT TIMES seen as angels and sometimes even as God himself.

This planet is a sanctuary, a wildlife preserve of Draco reptilian E.T.s and the best gamekeepers NEVER let the creatures within, suspect that it is indeed, a preserve, for DNA lower forms on Earth are echoed by the DNA of technological E.T.s seen aboard craft : reptilians, felines, amphibians, bigfoot and lepidopterous insect types.

Ark of the Covenant


by Paul Schroeder

Evolution is still touted as the Devil’s tool, debated and refused as required curriculum in science classrooms by religious fundamentalists who refute scientific findings.

Bacterial strains, now able to resist antibiotics, only fifty years in use, and malaria’s total resistance to any of the last fifteen years’ known cures, surely both illustrate and represent evolution, in its clearest sense.

Such minds assert and retort that the Devil plants dinosaur bones to confound us and that our Earth, as the Bible states, is merely 6,000 years old- Carbon 14 dating be damned- that man coexisted, lived with dinosaurs.

What can science do to deter such minds who deny the fossil record and who see, “The Flintstones”, as a documentary?

Family Of Man: Evolution and The Human Genome Project

‘Surprisingly, they may find it hard to deny DNA research findings.


Because even if they will not admit science into their classrooms or churches, they will admit it into their living rooms!

Through television crime stories, they’re well acquainted with how DNA mirrors an individual’s unique identity and now from genome research we also know it reflects how closely related we all really are to one another and to all Earth life.

The Human Genome Experiment Research Project has determined that the DNA relationships among ALL of Earth’s organisms, are almost as alike as we are to all other humans.’

Be it Old Testament God, or E.T.s in UFOs, who are our creators, we are still ‘looking up’, for divine, celestial help.

‘DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid, the building tool of living tissues and all of  their functions, has molecular codes that regulate the output of genes, the timing and extent of protein-making, and these are remarkably identical and alike in almost all aspects from the oak tree to a human being, from a whale to a worm, with only negligible differences.

Despite the fact that we LOOK different, from each other, all over the world, or seem different from a tree or a whale, we, all of life, are a family almost exactly identical in our DNA!

The genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average.

What about being a “monkey’s uncle”?

Darwin never imagined E.T.s.

(graphic: Earthfiles.com)

Was Darwin onto something?

Surprisingly, the species of African great apes, including humans, has a closer kinship bond with one another than the African apes have with orangutans or other primates.

DNA research cemented that fact.

“If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction.” Judith Hayes

The scientific surmise and prediction that was made in 1871 – that human evolution began in Africa, has been upheld by DNA research, as well.

Intelligent design theorists persist and flourish.



Because of many billions of years of constant evolution, humans share genes with each other and all living Earth organisms.

The raw percentage of genes or DNA that organisms share, records their similarities.

Of course, we share more genes with organisms that are more closely related to us, but only a smidgen more.

Today’s humans belong to the unique biological group known as Primates, and are classified with the great apes, one of the larger groups of the primate evolutionary tree.

Besides our distinct similarities in anatomy and behavior, our close biological brotherhood with other primate species is clearly indicated by DNA research evidence.

It clearly confirms that our closest living biological relatives are indeed chimpanzees with whom we share many common traits.

However,we did not evolve directly from any of the primates living today.’

Why do religious right folks use the Old Testament, so much?


Preachers, at revival meetings get, “AMEN!” when they hollar from the pulpit:

“Iff’en evolution is a happen’en, why don’cha see monkeys STILL a changin’ to people, these a days!?”

As well as common-sense scientific data ignored, larger

spiritual truths, are also widely biblical neglected.

‘DNA evidence from research clearly shows that our species and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor species that lived between 8 and 6 million years ago.

Also, the terminal, last common ancestor of monkeys and apes lived about 25 million years ago.

Our species’ almost negligible genetic DNA variation reveals a common African root for all people living today.

The movement of humans, the permanent migration dispersal to other continents, from Africa, began only a mere 60,000 years ago.’

The Bible relates an intervention of a demanding, rule-insistent “God”, whom ancient man saw “descending from the Heavens”.

‘Human beings differ widely in skin color and other facile, superficial features, but these characteristics occur as gradients, not as separate geographic clusters; the pygmy and tall Nordic basketball player are closest DNA brothers.

Research into ancient DNA reveals amazing insights about ancient forms of mankind before Homo Sapiens.

Ancient DNA has been found, recovered and analyzed in Neanderthal fossil remains.

These ancient preserved  DNA molecules disclose the status of Neanderthals as a separate species, some characteristics of Neanderthal physical appearance, their likely speech capabilities, and population structure.

One species of humankind, living worldwide, is my family of mankind,
an amazingly adaptable creature, Homo sapiens; written into our genes, and into the fossil and behavioral evidence, is our Family Story.’

Whom the truth authors of our beings are and were is still controversial.

Evolution’s rudiments, can be proved and explained remarkably easily, to any open mind: Ontology recapitulates Phylogeny. It’s that simple.

That is, the stages of development of an embryo, from a unicellular entity, to a fishlike


entity with gills, to an amphibean-like entity, to a primate with a tail, within utero,


mirror and reflect all the stages of evolution from our beginnings in the oceans, to our upright status now, as developing, evolving creatures.

I just heard you say,”Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!”

All forms of life farmed throughout the Universe may well be seen as an enormous


molecular nanotech creation by a intelligent Creator using amino- acid -thoughts, expressed mathematically.

Crick, DNA’s discoverer, perhaps, said it best:

“Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.

They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.

It did, and that’s why we’re here.

The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.

The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering.


The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.

Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called’ simple cell(s).

Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.


They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore “teach” us about ourselves, and how to progress.

(graphic: Earthfiles.com)

For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible.”


“The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.”
Conklin, Edward

Bookmark quote

“Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous.”
Ehrenreich, Barbara

“Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.”
Gilbert, W. S.

“The pre-human creature from which man evolved was unlike any other living thing in its malicious viciousness toward its own kind. Humanization was not a leap forward but a groping toward survival.”
Hoffer, Eric

“I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey.”
Twain, Mark

“We are the products of editing, rather than of authorship.”
Wald, George


(Copyright 2019, Paul Schroeder – All Rights Reserved)

(Edited by Robert D. Morningstar)


(Author’s note: Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, this judgement prescribes a required spiritual “shift”  towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
Unlearning fear, is a step by step acceptance, and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful  defenses mustered by one’s physical self.
Prayer, is fear, gone brave..

I was very recently interviewed by Hayden Topperwien, an Australian filmmaker, who asked me to act as technical/consulting adviser in background research for his upcoming film about “Psychiatry vs. Possession.“

                Below are some of his questions:

Q: In your view, what is the most misrepresented aspect of this field in cinema/literature? Are there any aspects that you feel would be dangerous for public consumption?

A: The aspect of danger lies in this: Ouija boards are still commercially sold as novelty items and remain unrecognized by the general public (viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble) as objects that offer solid invitations (invocations) to dark force entities to approach directly.

Television shows with conjuring themes, i.e. Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, The Librarians, compound the danger as they uniformly suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting.”

But there is great spiritual and psychological dangers awaiting he unwitting in all of them.

These shows project a fake facade of entertainment and impart a false sense of safety.

The truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.

                                                             The Reality:

If you pay attention to the paranormal, it does indeed pay attention to you.

A “ghost box’, however fascinating as a doorway to the unseen is a dangerous opportunity for a masquerading  evil one to enter to feast on your energies.

Ghost-hunters, like those who in rodeos and circuses , watch the abuse of the (spiritual) creatures within, with no notion of rescue for them, under the guise of paid ‘entertainment’, suffer an unrecognized obstacle, to their own spiritual evolution.

I would say that if you had a loaded gun with a hair-trigger and an often used ghost box, that the gun offers less potential jeopardy for permanent damage to you and yours.

The truth about Dark Force entities is that even when one dabbles in the occult it can fully open to one, and demons drift in to feel that tacit unspoken permission.

That occurs and then they feel that they own you.

One’s life and mind suddenly and forever become a nightmarish battleground.

These television shows wrongly create a sense of harmless fascination with the Dark Side and a false sense of honest experimentation with the Occult Dark Side because such open doors invite predatory, negative, bullying entities inside.

Which “Ghost Buster” can one successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point?

One can open doors that are not easily closed again.
The same inherent danger holds true for UFO sky watch group enthusiasts.
A fuller understanding of the nature of the occupants of those craft would quickly cure you of sky watching.

They treat us in the same perfunctory way that we treat chickens.

They can read your consciousness from great distances, hone in on it and follow you home…

My experiences of high strangeness became dramatic and even odder after I had a sighting of a flotilla of nine craft that appeared overhead.
The great danger of an innocuous sky watch organized to simply watch UFOs is that the occupants can climb down the psychic ladder of your awe.

Later, you remain unaware that you’ve been “Chosen” to become a specimen, to be (parasitically) examined, researched, meddled with, and micro managed under the guise of seemingly otherworldly ‘research’.

Just like the danger inherent in using a Ouija board in a badly infested house, a sky

watch is imprudent;to assemble anywhere seeking aliens could easily change your life for the worse.

If one objectively examines the Ten Commandments, the first four, are only focused

around, and about only HIM, and that E.T. reptilian narcissistic self- focus, reveals the

proprietary demanding aspect of the domineering masquerading entities who deluded, humanity, with such (stolen from Sumerian) Biblical “rules”.

UFO greys and overlord reptilians are astounding in their unparalleled telepathic-mind –

control,( mental image projection and impositions of delusional scenarios,) of all

humans, used as a short psychic-leash, beings uncannily canny in reading our minds, and vectoring away our minds.

The subtle life-script changes and negative influences that meddling greys, demons and

other negative thought entities impose into our lives, go unnoticed by most people, but

they are nonetheless there, sinister, menacing,   seeking  parasitism of human

consciousness, itself.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional ‘door’ left open, invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world which affixes ‘attachments’ to seek to ‘clamber aboard’.

Your dreamscape scenarios recalled, is the link to such and can with metaphysics, be removed, to some extent..

There are many abductee reported perverse and untoward sexually explicit incidents, where small dark greys( quite sinister) actively participate in orchestrated sexual acts aboard craft, with human kidnapped victims..

I have read other reports (by young women abductees) which recorded their intense rapture in sexual one-night-stand- trysts with presumed young, sexy men, who walked passed mirrors, in women’s bedrooms, to instead reveal images of masquerading small grays, an unrealized sexual entity, one whose telepathic prowess is also heart-bending, as well as mind-bending..

Why expose oneself to that risk under the guise of seeking excitement and fun?

I remind people who are UFO night watch enthusiasts that such curiosity is as dangerous as an eager, unguided person playing with a Ouija board in a badly haunted house.

(When Reptilians are accused of eating human babies they respond : “Just as you do, with lower animals forms, on Earth”.

Raising animals to slaughter for our tables is a moral impediment to galactic equanimity.)

Everyone should be alerted and forewarned that inter-dimensional doors will open that you may not be able to close again and that “what follows you home” afterwards might be more than you were ever prepared to deal with.

Some of the most disguised UFOs appear as ‘airplanes’ that have false engine sounds attached to dissuade any notice, but they move in jumps and starts and reverse flight, on a dime.

Pine Bush New York and NYC skies often have such decoys that resemble conventional aircraft, a particularly easy way to violate airspace’s without detection

If you were told that running naked in the woods would likely get you poison ivy, wouldn’t you want to know to amend your impulse to do so?

After abductions one would not look up again at a clear starry night sky in joy, but with dread.

There are highly technological, sentient alien creatures seen aboard UFO craft, by
abductees, who are eight feet tall mantids, who radiate terror and who are medical
Their mantis body shape reveals that its race, along with other
advanced alien races,( insectoid, amphibian, lepidopterous and
reptoid) donated their DNA millions of years ago to create this
preserve, that we call, “Earth”, with lower animal forms of their own DNA .
And it is always true, that the very best of games-keepers, never let
the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed , a preserve…
Our ‘truth’ as a race of beings, is down a long hall, and somewhere else.

I often ask people who want perfect proof of ETs, to look hard into their mirror, because what’s looking back at them, is no more amazing and astonishing a creature creation, than aliens, themselves are..

Q: What do you think would be the most positive outcome of an exploration of this field through film?

A: Darkness cannot thrive and persist where there is much light; to open and forewarn closed or naive minds to the notion that dis-corporate intelligence can influence them and cause disease and mental illness is to surely fore arm such unsuspecting minds.

God sends some of us into darkest corners to illuminate them for others.

Your film should perhaps raise more questions in the audience’s mind than it should supply answers.

Q: Can you describe what takes place in very simple terms, in an event of demonic possession?

If there were any physical manifestations of such an event, what form would they take?

A: One’s thoughts are suddenly not one’s own; facial ticks and muscle and appendage twitches occur as the inhabiting entity tries to assert muscular control to operate the body.

An enabling and warming sense of rage simmers under your surface; lust and sexuality blossom strongly as do cravings for alcohol, drugs, meats, sweets/candy as the negative entity asserts itself under your reactions.

You can feel disconcerted at the internal difference; you feel evilly sated rather than saddened when listening to news stories about lives lost or human suffering.

Very vivid and unsettling nightmares prevail; long lost experiences and long forgotten faces in your life manifest in worst scenario vignettes as the indwelling entity assumes access to all of your memories and your chakras energy points.

Almost all mean-spirited, spiritually-virulent, negative people have reptilian or demonic attachments, without ever gaining a self- glimmer of a hint of this truth.
They wrongly have assumed, quite naturally, all of their lives, that the horrid whispers within, are from themselves, and not ego-alien.

It is a long, almost impossible battle to realize that the “enemy” is from ‘outside’ of one’s consciousness.

Only then, can a winning fight be fought for self-actualization.

Q: In what way does a normal nightmare differ from one which represents a psychic attack?

A: All nightmares are varying degrees of imposed psychic attacks as you are being negatively ‘milked’ ethereally for energy within raw angst, by an entity who you might have picked up in daily transit not unlike dog poo on your shoe bottoms.

Nightmare imposed vivid images cement connections from the demonic to the human host’s energy fields, connections that beyond understanding, give ‘sanctuary’ scenarios for dark ones to inhabit.

The signature function of the brain during dreaming is to maintain the dream state, to incorporate extraneous outside stimuli into a dream, to ‘lie to you’, to keep you dreaming.

If a fire truck’s siren blares down your block while you are sleeping your brain will incorporate that sound into the dream scenario at hand to keep you asleep and dreaming.

The ‘convenience dream’ clearly illustrates how this works.

One’s bladder may dully pulse as full, but rather than awaken the sleeper, the brain conjures a bathroom scenario instead where one ‘dreams’ that one saw the tile floor and even sat down on a toilet.

One awakens much later thinking, with a fuller bladder, thinking; ‘I thought that I just WENT to the bathroom?!’

A nightmare, which awakens one, usually in great angst, violates this tacit basic rule of dreaming by awakening one.

One’s rude awakening instead reveals that nightmare scenarios are being telepathically imposed by a parasitic, dis-corporate entity for its ethereal feasting.

.A nightmare is very rarely a self-created scenario. In possession, the entity is no longer in daily transit to torture another (phantoms fill the air around us), but has settled in and has chosen you, as a ‘host’.

The nightmares and bad dreams under a state of demonic possession seem realistic in every way compared to the intensity of waking consciousness and appear to be out of body attacks. One feels at every nighttime that one flirts with the beast of madness, itself.

Concurrent with such psychic attacks is poltergeist phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping on the walls and a general heavy unhappy creepy atmosphere envelope the house and its occupants.

Pranks predominate.

Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Q: What kind of person is most vulnerable to this kind of attack? How do they become a target?

A: One who leaves one’s front door open to the street will invite in unwanted miscreants, unknown horrid people who wander in seeking mischief and unwholesomeness.

So, too, does one who uses a Ouija board or thinks that it might be fun to have a ghost around easily and unknowingly invites the opportunistic gangster fringe element of the spirit world in.

More so, for ghost-hunters, is the exposure to the unsuspected hazards of illness, infections, depression, anxiety attacks,
energy loss, temper explosions, cravings and poor mental health, distortion of sex habits, caused by disturbed
earthbound spirits and demonics, who can attach to one and follow one home, from badly haunted locale encounters.
To seek out such moments, to ‘hunt’ locales for dark spirits, is to put one’s head into a dirty toilet, and flush it, with the
excited thought: “Shampoo!”

The attack is telepathic in nature.

One who does not question the source of every negative thought one has, but who ignorantly and wrongly assumes that bizarre, odd and horrid negative thoughts, urges and behaviors are simply one’s own, is especially susceptible.

Wolves like demons choose the weakest of the flock; young children are special nighttime targets who crawl into bed with their parents to seek protection from their energies, but there is an inverse rule also: people of strong spiritual light also bring these parasitic entities in like porch lights do bring in moths and then draw bats.

The dark side seeks to extinguish light and they attempt to do this by destroying the light in the person.

Thus they will be attracted to people who shine brightly with such light.

A priest, a psychic or psychic healer, or a highly moral public figure in power are much more attractive to destroy than a mere banal person as “the trophy” is more valued.

Q: What is the worst possible outcome of such an event?

A: Murder and or sexual abuse of one’s own children, suicide, mental illness, drug addictions and self destructive habits, jail incarcerations may result.

Q: What kind of mistakes does Western psychology make when dealing with this issue?

A: Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness; a child who hears discorporate voices and sees spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.

Many institutionalized back ward ‘psychotic’ patients are possessed not insane.

Q: What is your view of the origin/nature of these non-physical entities?

A: They are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds. Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:

Cold patches in the aura
Bad dreams and nightmares
Unexplained aches and pains
Anxiety and fearfulness
Obsessive/compulsive behavior
Self mutilation
Eating Disorders
Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts
Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted’ look in the eyes
Drug addiction or alcoholism
Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

Q: Do you think the existence of these phenomena will ever be explored by science, or that it is essentially unreachable by the physical sciences?

A: Science is especially inept in its ability to calibrate the human soul or gauge a demonic possession; it is beyond their measuring capabilities and thus does not exist. ​

To quote an abductee contemporary;

“A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to understand Paul’s warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toe nail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. ”

Q – Do you believe there is any power in archaic protection/exorcism rituals?

How do different traditions differ in their approach?

Which is, in your opinion, the best?

A: Exorcism is similar to extracting a nail from one’s tire and tossing it back into traffic where it will be picked up by someone else.

Q – In terms of public education and safety, what do you feel are the most important points to get across regarding this issue?

A: For those dubious or cynical about the’ realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

It’s sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.

Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.

There are many very powerful unseen entities

and too often, in this  evasive realm, spirits who appear to the uninitiated as benign ‘goodness’, can be the most dangerous, cunning, and diabolical…


Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I prescribe a required spiritual “shift” towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.
One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.
For defenses to flare, one must recognize that one is not a person having troubled spiritual problems, but instead an eternal soul having troubling human experiences.

From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
as spiritual fruition.

Avoid religion’s sinful stance and put the O.T. Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy, for

God is real, but HE has always been, down a long hall, and somewhere else…



by Paul Schroeder

Ancient Egypt with its amazing pyramids of wondrous construction which still baffles
architects and engineers to this day has left many ancient writings that document
encounters with small grey-reptilian aliens.

Egypt, however, is not the only place that had been visited by Aliens in ancient times.

There is a plate called ‘The Lolladoff plate’, a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal.

It clearly shows a disk shaped UFO at the top of the picture which is very hard to see

from the photographed angle of the plate, however.

There is also a figure on the disc which looks remarkably similar to a Grey, to the right on the disc.

Notice the spiral galaxy shape as well, with the alien inside it and the UFO at the

beginning of it.

Some have claimed that this is a fraudulent item however it’s plain to see its informative purpose, nevertheless.

Galaxies commonly come in spiral shapes and this spiral shape is echoed in similar

artwork and mandalas throughout India, Egypt and Peru, as well as at other ancient sites

like Sumeria where the spiral shape is also seen.

This galaxy spiral and surrounding items suggest that ancients were very aware that

greys flew here from another galaxy; as well, the spiral shape does signify their place in our evolution.

Other researchers have suggested that the spiral could reflect their craft energy or could

symbolize their involvement with our spiritual eternity.

Other meanings attributed to these spirals are offered by Egyptian ancient tablets in

ancient hieroglyphics and by Mayan and Aztec artifact writings but every ancient culture

that coexisted with aliens and documented it in artwork seemed to have had

inexplicable and most advanced methods in astronomy and spirituality.https://badarchaeology.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/lolladoff_colour.jpg

But, reptilian (Mayan and Aztec feathered Gods) demanded religious human sacrifices also features as a token of innate alien barbarity.

The Old Testament, the best UFO text in existence, contains very accurate descriptions of

direct involvement with these superior technological beings.

In our Bible many such close encounters were seemingly accurately documented.

If Abraham’s, Isaiah’s, Ezekiel’s, and Moses’ textual Biblical experiences happened today,

they would certainly be interpreted  differently.

The Old Testament Bible is the foremost and best source for examining insidious aliens’

involvement with mankind in the ancient world .

(Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: “It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.” p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30 )

This book gives us rare insights into how reptilian aliens controlled these ancient desert

people, the Hebrews, with imposed laws and rules  recorded in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers, punishing, restrictive and harshly enforced.

Dietary laws had nothing whatsoever to do with the true nature of God of the universe,

but instead with controlling what alien’s (human) food consumed, to make ingesting

human flesh safer and less toxic.

Most revealing is the imposed and strictly enforced lethal, exclusionary entry rights into

the ‘holy of holies’ where ruling aliens resided.

Alien DNA infusion breeding experiments were done with a whole generation of ‘chosen
people’ as forty years in the desert gave rise to a whole new generation fed with ‘manna’ .
For mankind was never seen as a sentient race of beings who deserved equanimity, but
instead as a crop of simians with pig DNA , harvest-able  creatures akin to veal, seen as a
reptilian food-source, and used as slaves to be farmed throughout the Universe.

Kosher ‘laws’, and especially alien engineered “manna”, made human food tastier and safer to digest, for reptilians..

Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to eight feet tall,

scaled reptilian alien beings, with webbing between their claws, yellow/red cat-like eyes.

These upright saurian ‘monitor lizards Mothmen’,  alien reptilians were the self-same
Gods of Nordic, Sumerian, Mayan, Aztec and the ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament Bible.

Humans have long been  a source of food : greys bathe in a solution of human endocrine

fluids to absorb them as food through their skin, while reptilians eat and relish human babies and youngsters whose flesh isn’t yet inundated with drugs and chemicals.

That’s the primary logistic impediment to governmental worldwide “disclosure’: the horror factor.

 Aliens who masqueraded as God to the ancient Hebrews, who  controlled what their
human food ate, did genetic experiments on them, but O.T. God’s Bible requirement that
altar sacrifices’ blood be carefully spilled on all four corners,  reveals Draco reptilian
demonic influences, not divine holiness.
Aboard each UFO craft, in charge, is a reptilian overlord being, quite demon possessed,
filled with diabolical rage and malice.
 Juvenile reptoids, joined by other entities in supervision status, transmit down from
craft in particle beams, solely to clamber aboard human hosts and thus
UFO craft are a curse upon the Earth.

It’s a chicken-egg syndrome with psychic tampering: do reptoids and small dark greys

cause mental illness, like demons or are they attracted to those with mental illness?

Inter-dimensional and intergalactic, reptoids rule the Universe, highly technological and demented.

Imagine a city-scape where most people walking around unknowingly have juvenile

reptilians ethereally attached to their spinal cords for parasitic feasting.

It brings a new definition to the meaning of a silent invasion.
Wisdom and insight in this matter, is rare, as the stench of ignorance prevails even
within the UFO research community, itself.

Biblical evidence points to the likelihood that the Ark of the Covenant was structurally

designed to act as  an alien transmitter-capacitor/alien weapon technology,

lethal if touched, and was used to communicate with aliens posing as God  to aid

Hebrews when it was carried into battle.

“And they shall make an Ark of shittim wood, two cubits and a half shall be the length

thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.

‘And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and

shalt make upon it a crown of gold around and all about.”

One of the Gold plates is positively charged and one is negatively charged and together

they form the condenser.

If one of the cherubim’s positioned above the Mercy Seat acts as a magnet, then you have

the rudimentary requirements of a two way communication set.

The Lord even details what clothing should be worn when consulting the Ark, probably

so that no interference is encountered when talking through the device, and also in

order to limit the risk of electrocution.

Further proof of the Ark’s many functions can be found in the First Book Of Samuel,

Chapter 3:3, when the Ark directly speaks to Samuel:

“And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of God was,

and Samuel was laid to sleep.

‘That the Lord called Samuel, and he answered here am I.

‘And he ran unto Eli, and said here am I, for thou calledst me. And he said. I called not, lie

down again. And he went and lay down”.

This repeated itself on two more occasions and eventually Eli realized that the Lord was

speaking to Samuel via the Ark, and on the fourth occasion Samuel was able to converse

with “the Lord”.

The Ark was a communication set, a religious receptacle and a weapon of destruction.

The Ark did have many uses but at times of death and great destruction the Ark was invariably present.

 The self-same creatures who perverted Aztec and Mayan cultures with teachings of

human sacrifices promulgated and succeeded in insinuating a Bible to spiritually helmet the world.


spiritual  God does not contrive highly technological mechanical device weapons, for

dreams, inspirations, visions and telepathy  remain His true communications’ network

with human minds.

Religions’ original sin, is the hubris to presume to have ALL the answers, to , answer the
unanswerable concerning the mind of God.
God is  within us and within everything all around us to be seen too easily,
  down a long hallway and somewhere else, than the Old Testament’s accounts of
magical alien technology mistaken for God’s divine holiness.

 Biblical experiences, seen as clear alien encounters with grey-reptilians clearly point to

a long unbroken history chain of close encounters with these entities .

Native American Indians believe that “the Gods live in the clouds in silver canoes”.

The Ainui who live on Hokkaido the northernmost island of Japan have fair skin; unlike
the Japanese Mongoloid phenotype their eyes are round and the men have thick facial

Their special language has no written form.

Oral traditions passed from parents to children over thousands of years tell that their

ancestors came from space-“the same who now live in the clouds in flying saucers.”

On a hill in the Saru River valley on Hokkaido stands a monument to this legend.

The inscription states: “this is the place where the first Ainu came to Earth.”

If one would like to know just how ancient alien contact with our planet is, one must

examine a quote from a Nobel Prize winning scientist.

Francis Crick, the discoverer of DNA, and Nobel Prize winner published a book which

subscribed to the theory of intelligent design, that our universe was not simply the result

of a series of chemical accidents.

He states:

 “Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.
They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.

It did, and that’s why we’re here.”

‘ The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.

The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. ‘

‘The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design. Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first so-called’ simple cell(s).

Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.

They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore “teach” us about ourselves, and how to progress; for

life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible.”

The whole world remains unquestioningly accepts The Old Testament masquerade,
deluded by sinister reptilian ET aliens,  to be true  and actual accounts of interactions
with God.
Purposefully helmeted in ignorance, we yet remain in darkness, concerning God,
  confounded by  an alien deceptive religious macrocosm, echoed and mirrored by the
microcosm, of the abduction experience, itself.

One, taken during R.E.M. sleep,  is held on a short psychic leash, cocooned in a

telepathically controlled delusion, and marched around, within a craft, with only vague

memory remnants, to be later dimly recalled, as ‘dreams’.

Awakened to this masquerade, do NOT throw out the baby with the dirty bath water, and lose faith in God.
As a prime example,  the Bible’s ‘GENESIS’ gives ‘dominion’ of man over animals, a  horribly wrong concept, like slavery , also ‘God’- accepted, in this ancient text, in no sense remotely
What’s too awful to reveal?
We reside on a reptilian preserve that we call, “EARTH” and the best gamekeepers never let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve.
Reptilians delight in human dishes the way we fancy veal and the truth, is that we were NEVER the ‘top of the food chain’.
Until mankind refuses slaughtered ‘meat’, butchered (spiritual animals with souls), raised for
our tables, precisely as human babies are served, to Draco E.T. reptilians, we as a race of beings have
no moral traction to protest our predation, unless we ourselves, as a race of beings become vegetarians.
This  ‘God-given’  wholesale animal -slaughter-horror, is another example of the non-divinity of the Bible.

The Old Testament Bible has helmeted

mankind’s spirituality by mistaking miracles for E.T.  magical technology and has led

mankind away from a loving God towards religions’ ‘Sinners in the hands of an angry

God’ error, but

 we are much closer to God, than these creatures are…
The stench of ignorance concerning the presence of aliens and their involvement in
mankind’s history persists and when it comes to alien tactics and motives with mankind,
only UFO craft seen in our skies is narrowly discussed, by ‘researchers’,  a kind of an
alien-Jedi–mind-trick,  such that it makes alien
abductees wonder, if there actually is intelligent life on Earth.
“Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.” – Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20
“We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth.” – Brad Steiger, [cited in] Blue Book Files Released in Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20
“We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us.” -Terrence McKenna [from a lecture]
“A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and ‘possession.’ Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena.” – Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969; prepared under AFOSR Project Order 67-0002 and 68-0003
“UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it… the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical.” -Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 13-14
“The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon…” – John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 299
“A working knowledge of occult science…is indispensable to UFO investigation.” -Trevor James, FSR Vol. 8, No. 1, p.10
“Studies of flying saucer cults repeatedly show that they are part of a larger occult social world.” -Stupple & McNeece, 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, p. 49
“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks.” – Dr. Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, p. 13
“The symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of initiation ritual or astral voyage that is embedded in the [occult] traditions of every culture…the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals…the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries past.” -Dr. Jacques Vallee citing the extensive research of Bertrand Meheust [Science-Fiction et Soucoupes Volantes (Paris, 1978); Soucoupes Volantes et Folklore (Paris, 1985)], in Confrontations, p. 146, 159-161
“[The occultist] is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false impression they choose to impart…the demons seem permitted to do various wonders at their request.” – G.H. Pember, Earth’s Earliest Ages and Their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy (1876), p. 254
“These entities are clever enough to make Streiber think they care about him. Yet his torment by them never ceases. Whatever his relationship to the entities, and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something ‘good,’ he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they are.” – John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 21
“I became entirely given over to extreme dread. The fear was so powerful that it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate… ‘Whitley’ ceased to exist. What was left was a body and a state of raw fear so great that it swept about me like a thick, suffocating curtain, turning paralysis into a condition that seemed close to death…I died and a wild animal appeared in my place.” – Whitley Streiber, Communion, p. 25-26
“Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected… so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me…Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons …At the very least I was going stark, raving mad.” – Whitley Streiber, Transformation, p. 44-45
“I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons, if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment.” – Whitley Streiber, Transformation, p. 172
“I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn’t move, couldn’t cry out, couldn’t get away. I’d lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn’t get away.” – Whitley Streiber, Transformation, p. 181
“Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why…What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them.” – Whitley Streiber, Transformation, p. 96
 Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had: a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion. ​