by Paul Schroeder

The theory that consciousness ends with physical death, has never been proved, to me.
If one examines a plethora of diverse spiritual phenomena like, demonic possession,
OBEs, NDEs, hauntings, poltergeists, reincarnation memories through regressive
hypnosis, just to mention a few, the undeniable evidence looms as obvious as a trout in the milk.
We should all be born with lunch boxes for our stay here, in this school, is short,
compared to the eternal spark of God within us that endures.
Children see ghosts and have paranormal experiences more so than adults because they
are still close to the other side, having JUST crossed and because there’s evidence that
children see a broader spectrum of light than adults , but to me, the most interesting and
revealing aspects of listening to tapes of past life regressive hypnosis, is the time
described by clients’ narratives of interactions and experiences,  IN- BETWEEN lifetimes…
 I try rescues, every so often, fifty concentration camp sites, all over Europe, where
2,000,000 Jewish children were turned into soap,  the most haunted places imaginable,
exponentially more than any other global site where trapped souls lament.
Untold masses of tormented souls, in time’s layers, according to the transports where they
were wholesale murdered, still suffer, above and around these sites.
Over 2,000,000 children were systematically slaughtered, children separated from their
parents and families, in despair and horror and
 tossed alive into burning petrol pits by Ukrainian and Waffen S.S. hands.
Older children were dispatched by swinging them by the feet, headfirst into walls.
Focus,  on those frantic, horrified and trapped levels of ghosts, suspended in layers above
those locales, and visualize  purple light and angels rescuing them.
These souls have suffered psychological/spiritual damage, that complicates spirit rescue;
 young souls,  in extreme fright, who perished at the hands of adults,
will not approach, or trust, any rescuing medium who is an adult.
Neither will such a fevered spirit who perished in flames, approach the “LIGHT”..
Millions of trapped  child souls, who died in terror and agony,  persist there in that same
nightmarish state of mind.
Screams of children waft in the night air, audible to nearby villages, when
meteorological conditions are perfect.
These murder sites are the most haunted sites, in the ghost realm, geographically.\
Ghosthunters could care less:

They provoke, collect evidence and leave the scene in a moral turpitude, a  non- humaneness, towards trapped and stuck human souls, who suffer.

Ghost-hunters, like those who in rodeos and circuses , watch the abuse of the (spiritual) creatures within, with no notion of rescue for them, under the guise of paid ‘entertainment’, suffer an unrecognized obstacle, to their own spiritual evolution.

Dangers other than moral ones exist for  uninitiated amateurs who DO go “ghost-hunting”.
A “ghost box’,  fascinating as a doorway to the unseen, offers a dangerous opportunity
for a masquerading  evil one to enter to feast on one’s energies,
 should powerful demonics, who often trap ghosts in a locale for feasting on their
energies, also infest a  ‘haunted house’ and come into contact with ‘hunters’, who then
become the ‘prey’.
 If you had either a loaded gun with a hair-trigger, or a ghost box,  the gun would be a
safer tool to keep close,  for
 when one dabbles in the occult, it can fully open to one, and demons, more ubiquitous
than imagined , drift in to feel tacit unspoken permission,
 to  feel that they own one, and make
one’s life and mind a nightmarish battleground.
Television shows create a sense of harmless fascination and fun with the Dark Side and
deliver a false sense of safety within experimentation with the Occult Dark Side.
Ouija boards, commercially sold as novelty items, remain a threat unrecognized by the
general public, viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble, rather than
solid invitations (invocations) to Dark Force entities to approach , more directly.
Television shows with conjuring themes, like Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed,
Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, suggest to the viewing public
that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting”, but
 spiritual and psychological dangers can await the unwitting who have  received this
  false sense of safety.
 ‘Hunting’ might well open a door that one can’t close, again.
Predatory, negative, bullying entities exist : Devils (who can walk right into you), sinister
Earthbound spirits, shadow people, demons,  and diabolical alien reptilians, who  often
masquerade, as poltergeists or ghosts are phantoms who fill the air around us.
The chief goal and design of the Darkness, is to extinguish Light, in any form and thus
those who strive to profess Goodness and Godliness come under severe attack,
represented by psychic and emotional manipulations towards ‘wrongness’ and
It is an awful battle as a global macrocosm, and within each individual, as a microcosm.
Which “Ghost Buster” can you successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point,
because “what followed you home”, afterwards, was more than you were  prepared to
deal with?(classic mind’s-eye broadcast image from a demonic)
When spiritual filth follows a ghost-hunter home, the symptoms can be uniform:
-Concurrent with psychic attacks, (negative ideations and bad dreams) is poltergeist
phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping occur on the
walls occur and a general heavy, unhappy, creepy atmosphere envelops the house and
the moods of its occupants.
Electrical problems, sudden onset of flies and cockroaches, and nightmares, worst
scenario dreams, horrify and prevail.

Pranks predominate.Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s

always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Those troubled by hauntings are
 in a dilemma, for having discarded church-based organized religions, long ago, and
having put the Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy, they find themselves bereft of
spiritual guidance.
But God  has always been down a long hall, and somewhere else.
 Hopefully, if things stay spiritually pedestrian, and one runs into ghosts, during such
“hunts”, can one think how
 dreadful, it must be for them to be trapped and to have their house invaded by
strangers, who cannot see or hear their distress or their ire, for the intrusion of their
privacy, and the ignoring of their cries for help.
 The emotional chaos of a human ghost,  who dwells in the world of mind, is dreadful.
 Still human, it is now in its original spirit form: an electromagnetic conscious fog,
comprised of memories and an identity .
A paranormal tool, that hears word for word what a ghost speaks, would tremendously
assist ghost-hunters and trapped spirits:
A parabolic directional microphone, with earphone headset, will pick up voices
magnified,  to allow a direct two-way conversation.
This is a wondrous tool for giving a ghost guidance, and insight into its plight, and to
assist it in a much needed means out of its predicament.
But instead, EVPs are normally examined and discovered long after the haunt locale is
left behind, but a parabolic directional microphone allows real time interactions for
ghostly voices as sounds are heard in real time.
Ghost “hunting”  bypasses the higher purpose of spirit rescue , for the untrained
‘hunters” care only about ‘evidence gathering’,  and feel no
moral responsibility,  to rescue a trapped human ‘spirit’ always in extreme distress .
All ‘hunters’ make spiritually-trapped souls, hunting- game, their ‘prey’, and that goes
double for ‘hunting’ ghosts because
too many EVPs are heart-wrenching direct requests, ” for help”, too often patently
ignored by such callous evidence-seeking
The directional, parabolic microphone with headset earphones, bypasses the need for a
“medium”, and can also discern the graveled croaking of a reptilian- demonic;
(Sadly, charlatans prevail who charge much money,  who  masquerade as “mediums” and
one CAN perhaps call them a culinary “medium”,   because anything, “well done”, is “rare”…)

The enlightened approach of a ghost hunter  must be the same as one  who enters a cave
to find and  rescue a trapped child,
one of  a loving
humanitarian, ghost-humane stance.
Merciful love, is the strongest ‘LIGHT”
We get a sure ride to Earth from Heaven, at birth, but sadly no guarantees for a safe return trip home, at  our death.
One’s destiny chooses one, and the only important days in one’s life, are the day that one
is born, and the day that one knows, why.
  Should we, at physical death, find ourselves  trapped, stuck in ghostly form, we would
loathe to be seen as sport, by “ghost-hunters”,  who observe evidence of our sad
presence, like the enjoyment of a crowd, who applaud animals sorely abused, by rodeos
and by circuses.
Ghost-Hunters, seem to ignore or care less that ghosts are stuck, lost souls, trapped
between worlds, and as a “hunter”,  coincidentally ALSO a spirit, they are uniquely
positioned to assist ghosts’ rescue, as service, to ‘The Other Side’.
And perhaps more importantly realize, that by no longer deserting ghosts to their fate,
and releasing them, after ‘investigation’, that the soul that they rescue,  might one day,
instead be their own..

Love Heals

Casting out entities, be they ETs, spirits, demons, jinns or ghosts)only sends them to

another place to torture and trouble another person .
It’s like pulling a nail out of one’s flat tire and then casting the nail out into traffic for someone else to run into.

In all healing, do remember that God is “pure” Love and exists hidden within every cell

of your being. It is only the power of Love that heals and lifts, elevates the soul to higher planes.

Another essential self-defense rule?

Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities.

I give you the following steps to clear the negative energy:

First,  hold close that spiritual metamorphosis realization that you are a spiritual being, a tiny fragment of God’s light and love.

  1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
  2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many “Christed” Ones.
  3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat this as often as you feel it is needed.)
  4. Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
  5. Ask that your chosen  representative (I use my personal angels) arrive and take them to their perfect place and highest expression.

I often state that they be taken to the correct color light and to their proper place within that light.

  1. Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.
  2. Ask that all of their psychic bonds be severed, and that they close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

I ask that all negative karmic, sexual, known and unknown contractual bonds be severed. I augment this with a visualization of a blue flaming sword that severs black cords, in all directions.

Repeat this process until you feel clear.

There may indeed often be more than one healing to accomplish.

Remember that your spoken word is very powerful, and what is spoken, on their level, manifests instantly.

Many enlightened ones use this process before opening their energies and mind to prayers, healings, doing psychic readings of others and  angelic channeling.

Like burning sage to dissipate negative energies, this process creates a clear and safe environment and also lifts the vibrational energy of the one who is doing the healing.

Intent, the inner generator of your mind-soul, is nine-tenths of the spiritual law.

I am still becoming adept in this as a novice, but I recommend that you try to employ this loving ‘expulsion’ as it raises trapped spirit’s vibrational levels and does service to the Other Side.
Moreover, such psychic flexing of unconditional love, illustrates the God-like creative powers of the human mind.


  • Rather than a fear-based approach to Dark Force Entity safety and caution, I prescribe a required spiritual “shift” towards the equally unseen goodness of the spirit world, and away from fear.
    Unlearning fear is a step by step acceptance and assertion, of one’s spiritual ‘self’, a distance far and away from fearful defenses mustered by one’s material physical self.
    One’s longitudinal approach to any self-defense must be a spiritual one, and not a physical one.
    For defenses to flare, one must recognize that one is not a person having troubled spiritual problems, but instead an eternal soul having troubling human experiences.

    From the stance of self-recognition as an eternal spirit, one can then insist on “one’s own space’.
    as spiritual fruition.

    To rightfully disregard the Bible, causes  many to also wrongfully disregard God, to throw the baby out with the dirty bath water…

    God is imbued within us, as a spiritual ‘spark’, and within everything all around us, to be too easily discerned, as unseen, yet as blatant, as the nose on your face…

    Avoid church-based or organized religions and put the Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy for

    God, is real, but He is down a long hall, and somewhere else other than the E.T. biblical masquerade..

And The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

And The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

by Paul Schroeder
 Much truth, is certainly buried in much fiction, and this piece speaks to abductees’ personal experiences and the eventual long-term purposes , for our planet, by reptilian E.T.s, a  prediction of their conquest-stance- intent, for every planet in the past, that they have invaded.)
“To consider the earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to
assent that, in an entire field sown with millet, only one grain would grow…”
Metrodorus, Greek sage Fourth Century BC
It had been two full days since the darkness and rain had begun.
On May 11th, 700 people crammed into an auditorium that seated only five hundred.
It began to rain in torrents,

a rain unlike any other rain.

It rained streams, drenching and swelling, a deluge of rain and it rained and it never stopped raining.
It was a rain that turned rivulets into streams and streams into frozen rivers.

It molted the bushes and trees of leaves and it shrank the wet hands of men into the
shriveled claws of apes.
The rain slapped a half lit cigarette from Dr. Paul Schroeder’s hand as he entered the
hall, cupped his hands from the rain to shelter his cigarette lighter.
Dark storm clouds threatened; in the distance thunder rumbled.
Dr. Schroeder
 chain smoked cigarettes, as he paced nervously and gesticulated nervously with his
hands as he spoke.
He stood on the auditorium stage of St. John’s University Avery Hall, behind a lit lectern
with a yellow spotlight surrounding him.

As he spoke, on a large screen behind him flashed preprogrammed 35 mm slides in five second intervals, photos of UFOs and artist’s renderings of myriad alien life forms.


In the back of the auditorium, a priest in a dark double breasted suit slipped into the hall during the screen change and sat in the last row,
 twisted in the seat, topped by a  wet, yellow rain hood which hid his blue eyes.
The voice on the microphone was deep and resonant:
“The darkness and rain in America  has made the front page in every nation in the
world. “
“But, here in America, the press did not cover that at 8 o’clock, at the same moment on
the other side of the world,  a rain and gloom descended without hints of clouds
throughout Sri Lanka and all of Zanzibar.”

“UFOs were seen in the skies in both parts of the world just before the rain and the

darkness fell, in America and in Zanzibar.”

“Perhaps the fate of the Earth and the continuation of human life forms hang in the balance.”
“Although unpredictable, all sightings of UFO’s and all abduction experiences have had to too many researchers, a shared purpose:
to change human consciousness and its relationship to the world and to each other and never fully grasped, to replace mankind. “
” I  call it, “The Noah Effect.”
“We, on Earth, have been for millennia like fleas on a dog’s pelt,  convinced that  our
world has been ordained perfectly for our existence; but that theory falls apart when the
dog’s E.T. mistress gets a flea collar.”
“The human genome research  tells us that within ‘junk DNA’, the time intervals for alien
DNA manipulation were respectively 25,000, 15,000, 5,000 and 2,500 years ago.”
“What this means is that the interaction between aliens, UFOs and us is not just a 20 th
century phenomenon, but rather, one of millennia; it turns out that we are somebody’s
“They may very well have farmed us throughout the Universe.”
“There is even evidence that aliens placed our Moon to stabilize Earth’s wobble and
climatic fluctuations.”
He shook his head wistfully;
“Moses and the burning bush,  Ezekiel and Jesus’ ascension, Fatima, Abraham,
the founder of the Mormon Church,  it now appears, all simply encountered creatures known for  abduction
Image result for tumblr gifs of shape shifting aliens
“For the first time in human consciousness and human history we are now studying
something that had been studying us, but our insights and realizations of what is
happening was always vectored off.”

“We are in the proverbial corridor of mirrors with a quicksand floor.”

lsd aliens GIF
“When one hears about a string of boxcars on a railroad track that suddenly goes straight
up in the air, a little biplane that moves into fog and comes out a disc, a silent helicopter
which turns into a disc, or oil barrels in Oklahoma that rise vertically straight up, one
realizes that there is something about this phenomenon, at every level, that seems to be disguising itself.”
“And now the rains and the darkness have descended upon the Earth”
In the background the screen showed a being-type that was half reptile and half human;
a smooth lizard-skinned reptilian, eight feet tall with a saurian face.
It had a four-clawed hand with brown webbing between the fingers.

The caption underneath the picture read:

“This reptile type has cat-like eyes with gold-slit pupils.

This being is sinister and deceptive in manner.”

Schroeder’s voice loomed over the crowded auditorium:
” DNA research tells us that all races on Earth today, no matter how diverse, came from a
common ancestor, a single pair of parents who lived 128,000 years ago. ”
Adam and Eve may have been the initial ‘Earthly’ seed, by E.T.s for all of mankind, on this preserve of theirs”
“The Bible also states that God chose Noah, alone, to survive, because he was a righteous man, who
 followed God’s laws. ‘
“That was the only criteria for his and his seed’s survival .

“The blueprints,  architectural directions  to make up each dimension of the ark , appear hardly
a spiritual, divine philosophical guidance, but specific directions to build a worthy seafaring ship.”
“Everyone but Noah’s line vanished in darkness of waters and the very same thing
appears to be poised to happen, again, today.
Image result for tumblr gifs of slum

“Aliens, through exams of abductees, also now seem to be testing  for the mystery of goodness in


human beings.”

” Apparently, the rarity in the race of mankind for the propensity of goodness, is
 perhaps even a mystery to them.”
He looked towards the far end of the auditorium into the darkness .
” Why would a priest deny material wealth and sacrifice his life for helping the poor?”

“Why would a G. I. throw himself on a live grenade, to save a group of men in a trench


that he had never met ?”


Image result for tumblr gif of gi jumping on a grenade
“This strange darkness, presence of craft everywhere and the flooding rains that will not stop suggest that the human race,  may also in its present form,
 be facing its end.”
The priest stood and from the back of the auditorium, in a stentorian voice, addressed Dr. Schroeder:
“I disagree; that’s a rather childish, religious view.”
“I have lost my faith in such beliefs”

Schroeder inhaled on a cigarette and took the microphone..
“Last month,  psychics who work in the intelligence community.
  uniformly learned that a council of nine from a Galactic Trade Union, representing
some fifty worlds, will not interfere; they were told outright:
“You are a small planet of no particular significance.”
“We can’t look for help anywhere but in ourselves.
Our government policy is a confused mixture of denial and cover-ups which fuel conspiracy theories.”
“In truth, for them, this whole phenomenon is excruciating.”
“It is, after all, the business of government to protect its people.”
“Our government knew all along that if it affirmed and acknowledged that alien beings
from radar-defying craft which defied gravity and space time had long been invading
homes and abducting its citizens,  that it would cause world-wide political and religious
upheavals and  world economic upheavals.”
“So the secret stayed a secret in the name of national security ,
an oxymoron.”
By bedroom abductions, Earth has been  invaded, up to now,  one person at a time and
The traces of post-abduction are subtle: bad dreams, fast growing hair and fingernails,
there is a detectable luminous phosphorescence on abductee’s skin, detectable with black light.”
“Alien abductees are resistant to pain- killers, like Novocain and may even awaken
during surgery.”
alien abduction aliens GIF
“I’ve noticed that abductees have much higher serotonin levels than other people do;
 higher levels of serotonin may make it easier for alien entities to contact these people.”

“But the unhappy evidence suggests that most people who have entered an alien


spaceship will not remember the experience or ever know what has happened to them


except in recollections of so-called dreams or under medical hypnosis.”

ABDUCTION | Original
“But few people can remember or even examine their dreams, dreams lost, as they
struggle into consciousness each morning.”
“Throughout the world,” he said, “abduction is  a frightening experience that
many therapists would rather not acknowledge unless symptoms resulting from the
encounter require them to do so.”
“For most people it’s terrifying nightmares that they barely remember.”
He put his hands in his pockets and fished for another pack of cigarettes.
“My understanding of the alien-phenomenon has grown:
“Small, large-eyed, telepathic creatures, at the behest of Draco reptilian overlords,  are playing at Frankenstein in space suits,
genetically engineering a “new” hybrid creature, the best of both their race and
mankind’s, to replace us, who they feel are the destroyers of this planet.”

He sighed; “Like Neanderthals, who vanished mysteriously, today’s breed of mankind has
been judged and again, the verdict is annihilation.”
He suddenly grew angry.
“Doesn’t it strike you that there is an inherent burning irony?” he said.

“Although these creatures are seeking the complex, extraordinary nature of what
goodness is , they want  to turn the whole world
into a flooded Auschwitz!”
In Lynne, Oklahoma, at the Church of Martyrs diocese, Father Daniel Mahoney, a priest,
was sitting in the rectory library.
‘He possessed a fine, beatific quality delicate for all his great size and his enormous eyes,
far-looking blue circles of innocence, especially when seen against the black cloth of a
priest’s habit, were an impressive sight.’
He was surrounded by copies of daily newspapers, but his attention was captured by a
moldy, historical, manuscript and he read aloud:

“Such strangeness and such mysterious facts, those sudden shadows that fall in broad


daylight when there is neither any cloudiness nor an eclipse.

The typical case is one that occurred on December 20, 1484, in Preston, England: toward
noon, the sky became completely black, to the point that animals lay down and went to
Twenty minutes later, the sun reappeared. We know of several hundred cases of this
type, without having any explanation for them.”
It has been suggested that they are caused by thick clouds of smoke from forest fires, but
generally there has been no sign of forest fires at the time of these incidents, and when
there has been, these smoke clouds have never been observed between the spot where
the fire took place and the place where the phenomenon occurred.

The strangest of these darkening phenomena occurred in London on August 19, 1763.
The most amazing thing about this occurrence was that the shadows seemed to have
been completely impenetrable by lantern or candlelight. If this was a case of smoke so
thick it would have left traces on objects and did not.”
Outside, the rain poured like an overhead river from dark skies; the streets were ponds
and small lakes which crept steadily to cover gardens and sidewalks.
The priest took the subway home and walked upstairs to his fourth floor walk up

In the sink under a dripping, dripping, dripping faucet, were old sardine tins, cans of half


eaten food, half- smoked cigar butts and dirty dishes.

He had fallen in the kitchen after heroin ,a solace to mend a faith crisis, to assuage  the despair from a loss of faith..

kitchen parkour GIF
The room reeked of life lived too long with the windows closed.
He put on the television and sat on the end of the bed, removing his priestly vestments,
mouthing aloud the names like a holy litany:

“cassock, dalmatics, tunic, surplice, maniple, amice, alb, and cincture.”

When he desperately wanted something from God or he was in real trouble, he would
recite the words as his own private prayer.
He lit a remnant of a cigar and put the butt out on the frame of the mattress.

He swung his legs to the floor and stepped barefoot onto a large cockroach.

today infomercial GIF
White- faced, he sat on the bed again and scraped the remnants of the cockroach off of
his foot with a matchbook cover, and grinned with the deeper muscles of his face.

He took a syringe from under his pillow and stuck it in his arm.
He was dreaming the same dream again.
He was walking the crowded cobblestone streets to Golgotha; in the angry crowd that
thronged the crowded streets he saw his parents, their heads shaven, their purple gums
conversing in clicks like bushmen.

He woke with a start.

A large, potted plant across the room shook violently, incomprehensibly.

plant GIF
He stared and his jaw dropped slowly.
He felt a slight depression on the end of the bed; something feather- light and invisible
had just jumped up, catlike on the blanket.
The ancient floorboards by his bed creaked, then by his dresser, then by the window.
He was frightened by the sense that there was somebody in the room with him, he
couldn’t see .
He fought the impulse to jump up.

Then despite fear of such intensity that it caused him to shake, he lay down again on the


bed to escape his fear.

the abcs of death nightmare GIF
Overhead above the red bricked four story apartment building, a silver colored football
shaped object hovered.
In the darkness and in the pouring rain, a craft had appeared from nowhere suddenly.

It was mostly gray in color, with a bright purple light on one side and a small blinking
blue light on the other,
double-decked with two rows of lighted windows; the light coming from them was
bluish-white and phosphorescent.
The craft was about fifty feet long and maybe twenty feet thick.

Two vertical side seams in the structure and lines of rivets along the seams were lit up by
the red glow of the underside where reddish vapor was being discharged.
Yellowish vapor oozed from one of the ends and the craft settled behind a large
sycamore tree.
At that moment, the television program in the next room was completely washed out in
A beeping noise.
He rose into a waiting craft as he watched his body below, recede from view.
A wild torrent of precipitation.
Continuous waves of rain that screamed, boiled and whispered.
Then the green oceans covered the Earth.
The first wave that hit cut coastal cities off from a world that had bubbled in the direct
pour of moonlight, stiff waves, then a mountainous whistling skyscraper of a wave,
brutal, and then a row of like mountainous waves.
Sky – touched brine tsunamis of oceans, valleys of seas, cascading waves and roiling
heights, lowered a scrim over the harsh world and erased all land traces.

A planet of waves a thousand feet tall, rolled in on all the battered coasts of the world


and drowned all traces of land.

Mountains of green thunder towered onto and consumed Earth and every living thing


that could breathe air.

Deluged months of torrential oceans and then calmer years of heavy rain, continuous


waves of rain that  boiled and whispered.

A century of wild torrent, precipitation’s white fountains stiff waves, and then

 dry land emerged.

Flotillas of oval craft descended from the heavens, laden with seed, corms and fruit trees
and a newer crop :
a race of silent, hairless, thin beings walked upon the planet in quiet contemplation.
And on a Spring day in early April, the clouds cleared and rainbows were born :

The meek, had inherited the Earth.



Can God forgive the Christian world, for its assistance in killing and handing-over Jews during a continent’s wholesale butchery of a whole generation of

During the Holocaust, hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered by crowds of their countrymen in numerous towns, and cities, throughout Poland, France, Croatia, Greece, Spain, Russia, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Romania, local townspeople of Church goodness beat Jews to death, and shot them in trenches,  while German killing squads looked on, in silent affirmation,  an ancient vendetta, established by the Church , centuries before Nazis made Jewish murder legal.

The murderers of 2,000,000 Jewish babies and children, during the Holocaust were, to a man , Christian ,
as were all at attendance, at public mass executions of Jews.

One prayer, given by a rabbi,on Yom Kippur, a rabbi who had survived Auschwitz, intoned:
” God, our Jewish blood is splattered on every inch of soil and rock in the world; we have been slaughtered clutching close your Word; God, but grant us just one more Divine wish, and choose instead, another people, to be your blessed chosen ones”.

Post-Auschwitz, there IS no forgiveness, for tribal Jews who religiously killed many
self-proclaimed ‘Messiahs’, and one who was Jesus, a Jew who spoke of his own innate divinity within his certainty of God.

The Romans, baffled, called early Christians,”atheists”, because to Romans, Christians, rather than worship a Deity, instead worshiped a man.
Jesus, many are sure, knew that he was not God; he pointed to God, but the myopic faithful stared only at his finger.

” The Zen Master once stated: “The finger that points to the Moon, is not itself the Moon.”
Christ Jesus’ religion, a message of love for all God’s creatures, was later suddenly colored by Saint Paul’s precepts, far from Christ’s teaching, to create anew:

‘original sin’,

‘belief in Jesus forgives all sins’,

‘ sent by God to crucifixion’ .
Saint Paul contrived Jesus not as a teacher, but “Of the Holy Trinity” both a God, and, as well, an “only son of God’ .


—The brilliant theologian Ernest Renan, in his book Saint Paul:


“True Christianity, which will last forever, comes from the gospel words of Christ not from the epistles of Paul.
The writings of Paul have been a danger and a hidden rock, the causes of the principal defects of Christian theology.”

Long lists of Catholic theologians echo this dislike of the distortion and radical shift, from Paulian writings that altered Christianity so.”


In the definitive Christian work, “Christ or Paul?”, by  Cardinal Rev. V.A. Holmes-Gore:


“Let the reader contrast the true Christian standard with that of Paul and he will see the terrible betrayal of all that the Master taught. .
. . For the surest way to betray a great Teacher is to misrepresent his message. . . . That is what Paul and his followers did, and because the Church has followed Paul in his error it has failed lamentably to redeem the world. .

. . The teachings given by the blessed Master Christ, which the disciples John and Peter and James, the brother of the Master, tried in vain to defend and preserve intact were as utterly opposed to the Pauline Gospel as the light is opposed to the darkness.”


The famous theologian, Helmut Koester, in his The Theological Aspects of Primitive Christian Heresy:


“Paul himself stands in the twilight zone of heresy. In reading Paul, one immediately encounters a major difficulty. Whatever Jesus had preached did not become the content of the missionary proclamation of Paul. . . . Sayings of Jesus do not play a role in Paul ‘s understanding of the event of salvation. . . . Paul did not care at all what Jesus had said. . . . Had Paul been completely successful very little of the sayings of Jesus would have survived.”
… What would Jesus do, to remedy this?

His name is associated with a harsh religious group, which shows little of his love, acceptance,  and forgiveness for people outside their own intolerant stripe.


The Church reviles, gays, lesbians, transgenders, divorced people, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, adulterers, the criminally sinful and especially women, who by paternalistic rule, cannot ever become priests.


Jesus would have ministered to all of these with His love.

This was light-years apart from Jesus’ preaching and teachings, but one must honestly admit that, the image of a man tortured on a cross, is a demented center-piece, for ANY religion , but worse,

the focus of the Church on “Stations-of-the-Cross”,  Christ’s suffering from moment-to-moment, teaches an enduring hatred of all Jews that fueled the Holocaust.