How To Develop A Paranormal Mind : Twelve

by Paul Schroeder
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1-A wondrous  book, by Olga Hoyt, titled, “Exorcism”, documents
evidences required to open a mind closed to these possibilities.
Two other amazing books about demonic possession,
past life
2-recollections and clairvoyance worth reading are, “Realms of the
3-Human Consciousness”, and “Beyond the Brain”, by Stan Grof, M.D.,
who has explored human consciousness more extensively than any other researcher and
Astonishing books to digest, along the lines of open mind re-education are :
-A startling major piece of work devoted to reincarnation truths, a
1,300 page work of two-volumes that still stand as a definitive research work, by Frederic
4-Meyers, titled, ” Human Personality and its Survival After Physical Death”.
(These oddly, were published posthumously, in 1904, after Meyer’s death in 1901.)
– Demonic entities that possess humans are frighteningly written about in,
5-“Hostage to the Devil”, by Jesuit Malachi Martin, an extraordinary
exploration of five severe cases of demonic possession, a book that
almost made me abandon my own research and writing from raw fear.
follow awaits GIF
6-“Thirty Years Among the Dead”, written in 1924 illuminates the
subject of human possession by solely Earthbound spirits and is
essential grist for any worthy mind’s mill.
More essential nutritious books to digest for developing an open, healthy mind are:
7-“Life Before Life”, about the Planning Stage of our blueprints for
each incarnation, by Helen Wambach,
splendid reading about her
remarkable findings after her regression of over a thousand patients.
8-“Unseen Influences”, by Dick Sutphin, is not only fine reading, but oddly prescriptive; it
states in its introduction:”It is time to reject the unseen influences and direct your own
-Beyond prevailing clinical beliefs, E.T.s can and do affect human
beings by repeated spiritual tampering, causing ‘symptoms’ easily
misdiagnosed and misunderstood as psychological dysfunction by
an uneducated psychoanalytic community.
9-For erudition, digest a wondrous text, titled, “CE-VI: Close
Encounters of the Possession Kind”, by William J. Baldwin, M.D., PH.D. and more essentially,
10-“Encounters”, by psychologist Edith Fiore, PH.D. describes
attachments made by errant alien beings seeking retirement
sanctuary within humans.
Many psychiatrists have now begun to understand these
phenomenon and to incorporate therapy towards this previously
unrealized reality.
11–Two more essential ‘must-reads’ are,”Past Lives Therapy”, by
12-Morris Nertherton and “The Splintered Soul”, by Maryanne Clare.
These volumes of knowledge, above mentioned,
concerning spiritual illnesses of the eternal human mind / soul,  will open any closed
mind although much is currently and largely ignored by clinically trained psychiatrists,
painfully ignorant of influences from unseen, dark entities.




what happens when a psychic encounters negative-thought-beings?

When one encounters a demonic, at bedside, one knows that the expression, ‘bad

dreams’ simply doesn’t make the grade.

Reptilian aliens, much like truer demons, can deliver such telepathic attacks, during so-

called, ‘sleep’, OBE astral assaults.

The nightmares are extraordinary in clarity and vividness and cause angst,  comparable to consciousness, realistic in every way.

Demons employ a signature multi colored panoply of dancing animated images that

fascinate, keep awake and exhaust unsuspecting young minds.

These  demonics can be initially dismissed by shouting at them to depart , unlike the

prowess of Draco Reptilian telepathic attacks which are O.B.E.s after one is first brought into their dimension, beyond belief.

They begin even before one’s head hits the pillow, with eyes barely just closed,  before

one starts to dream and these vivid nightmares underline the powerful nature of an unholy one’s psychic, telepathic attack.

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Strongest demons can be seen as devils, in their ability to create negative miracles and their ability to step within us.

That morning’s, was typical of the intensity and ferocity that reptilian aliens, much like

demons, bring to the torture of the spirit and mind. My experience, follows, below:

I am drowsing over the bathroom sink, half asleep and yawning, supporting myself with my arms on both sides of the sink, eyes semi-closed, tired,  half asleep and completely naked when something gently brushes my face and loins,  just below the sink and just above  the sink.

I open my puzzled bleary eyes and clearly see an enormous conglomeration of festooned fishhooks surrounding me, suspended, hanging from the ceiling above the sink.

It is a filigree chandelier of thousands of razor sharp, hanging and connected fishhooks that I’ve stumbled into and onto stark naked and half awake.

Pinching sharp connections of fishhooks causing pain into my groin area, into my lips and into the cheeks of my face sharply apprise me, more quickly panicking now, that I’ve walked into a booby trap and I begin to be aware that I am deeply hooked in myriad places.

I force myself to think but panic rises as a gorge in my throat and I want to run from this place but am transfixed, stuck by a horror that I cannot, for now I am attached.

Because I have gently moved, I am more firmly hooked, into my genitals, and now hooks bite and pull through my lip and my cheek, as I steady myself to  weigh the moment, in growing horror.

 To move backwards, now, in shock or in a panic of flight, I realize, is to only deeply gaff myself further, in dozens of places, inextricably and beyond help.

I am attached painfully to fishhooks from my top to bottom, still awakening, sleep clouding my mind and standing at my sink!

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As I lift my right arm to gently work out one fishhook that has gently pushed against and

into  a cheek muscle, razor-thin dozens of other fishhooks, fasten against and bite into

my flesh, scaring me badly and driving my barely controlled panic  into a growing sense of desperation, deepening my frantic angst .

 As I fully awaken, more quickly now, there is a gathering sense of heart pounding panic

and helplessness, as the hook in my cheek tears deeply into my mouth and the fishhooks unseen beneath the sink, begin to bite deeper, and more painfully,  into me.

I am a marionette, impaled from face to scrotum and in  a paralyzed, frozen wild frenzy,

immobilized in pain, horror and fully panic struck!

I have wandered unknowingly into this macrame of razor blades – like thin fishhooks,

obviously on purpose, some madman and murderer fiendishly has concocted over my

sink, in my bathroom, just for me to walk into!

The slightest movement brings sharp painful reminders that I am in too many places

stuck fast, and in a growing nightmarish predicament that I realize I cannot solve.

I now begin to feel despair, unable to scream, but only to moan and mutedly, for the

hooks bite even more deeply into my facial muscles, when I open my mouth to scream

out  for help, from my wife, asleep in the other room.

Opening my mouth to yell, I feel the deeper bite of the hook into all the deeper muscles

of my body and face, and I am only able to growl and moan loudly, aware that I won’t

likely be able to reach her ears, with my low moaning for assistance!

I am becoming more entrapped with every movement and I am so full of fear, that I can

hardly breathe.

I am impaled throughout, on a monstrous wind chime of dangling fishhooks, terrified  and completely  trapped, in heart pounding horror,  fully awakened, alert and conscious, now.

My fear level climbs to near hysteria when suddenly, I awaken in a startled reflex, in bed.

It took me weeks of active banishment and many passive tools of metaphysics to

eventually deter this demonic and I have often offered prayer for those it subsequently likely attacked, after it  finally left me.

But I have never forgotten that out of body attack to my astral self, recalled as  a

powerful imposed nightmare; one  flirts with the Beast of tall, winged Reptilian Madness, in such demonic E.T.

encounters , and in this case, psychically attacked as a psychic sensitive, which happened immediately after UFO sightings.

That brought fierce reptoid beings into my very psyche.


Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.

Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.

Our spiritual powers that interest and addict inter-dimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.

They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.

Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.

These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.

Exorcism vs. Spiritual Healing and Entity Detachment (The God-like Powers of the Human Mind)

Exorcism vs. Spiritual Healing and Entity Detachment (The God-like Powers of the Human Mind)

by Paul Schroeder

  Exorcism vs. Spiritual Healing and Entity Detachment (The God-like Powers of the Human Mind)

<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>

Meditations, genetic dispositions for psychic sensitivities, Reiki healings, any opening oneself, even intense prayer, not unlike employing one’s mind in using  a OUIJA board, can spiritually be most seriously dangerous.

Opening oneself, one’s ‘third eye’, even with the best intentions, can both attract and also release spiritual dynamics and paranormal occurrences beyond the ken of one’s ability to control it.

For those dubious or cynical about the’ realities’ discussed, herein, I remind you that it’s never too late to increase your learning, now that you’re aware at least that much knowledge exists outside of your accumulated realm of learning.

It’s sadly more than probable that there are many like you who are totally unaware of the unseen, as well as the evil unseen, which makes you and them all the more vulnerable.


Knowledge is power and in this realm ignorance is hardly ever bliss.

The unseen evil world around us is as real as the nose on your face and as equally hard to see, but it exists nonetheless.

Ghost-hunters, like those who in rodeos and circuses , watch the abuse of the (spiritual) creatures within, with no notion of rescue for them, under the guise of paid ‘entertainment’, suffer an unrecognized obstacle, to their own spiritual evolution.

Western science does not differentiate between spiritual possession and clinical mental illness; a child who hears discorporate voices and who claims to see spirits/ghosts is deemed psychotic not psychic, and thus is wrongly medicated.

As mental illness permeates our society as the most ubiquitous prevalent disease,  besides diabetes, its epidemiology and causality is largely misunderstood, just as in the example, above.

Is then, mental illness largely a symptom of demonic entities, meddling and infernal, seeking semi-possession?

Many institutionalized back -ward ‘psychotic’ patients are possessed not insane.

Unseen negative-thought beings are an astonishing negation to, ”Seeing, is believing”!

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Negative thought entities, from unseen demons, unseen reptilians or hostile ghosts are inter-dimensional entities, denizens of several parallel spirit worlds.

Most people with unwanted  predatory energy attachments will have more than one of the following:

Cold patches in the aura
Bad dreams and nightmares
Unexplained aches and pains
Anxiety and fearfulness
Obsessive/compulsive behavior
Self mutilation
Eating Disorders
Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts
Lack of eye contact or a ‘haunted’ look in the eyes
Drug addiction or alcoholism
Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts

“Earworms”,  a popular term for a cyclical, obsessive melody or fragment of a song that will not go away or that returns again is a signature symptom of an intrusive entity ‘attachment’.

That revealing  melody is merely the tip of the submerged iceberg of an often highly intelligent devious astral parasite.

When I strongly psychically resisted, my inner imp would send songs whose lyrics reflected an all knowing proprietary demeanor:

”You belong, to me”, an old sixties song and the Beatles’,”Can’t you see that you’re mine, we’ve been together for a long, long time”, a sinister echoed  melody, repeatedly, inwardly, in a retort response…

it is astounding how almost universal this evil psychic symptom is; as we ride horses, we are likewise sought to be ‘ridden’, by brilliant and predatory negative thought entities towards partial possession.

The chief goal and design of the Darkness, is to extinguish Light, in any form and thus those who strive to profess Goodness and Godliness come under severe attack, represented by psychic and emotional manipulations towards ‘wrongness’ and temptations.
It is an awful battle as a global macrocosm, and within each individual, as a microcosm.

They are lampreys and remoras,  predators of consciousness, itself.

Try to dislodge it and it becomes less quiescent; sudden and persistent appetites, addictions, drug use and spontaneous unsolicited strong sexual urges blossom and prevail.

The only sure cure is a difficult one: to strengthen one’s ‘immunity” by a spiritual method.

“Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities. ”


One must self-dwell in a realization that one is NOT just a body with an inner spirit, but instead a spirit having Earthly adventures.

One must embrace the conviction that one’s body does not CONTAIN a soul, but that one IS a soul, temporarily residing in a body.

All bodies die, but the soul does not.

One is not one’s car,or clothing or body; we step out of those and remain ourselves, an undying spirit with creative God-like powers.

Within THAT spiritual realization comes authority and newfound power to repulse the evil that is unseen.

It’s a painful process for most who view themselves as mere victims in their body.

These people characteristically fear physical injury more than spiritual injury.

If one is ‘under telepathic attack’, psychically, with compulsions or nightmares, one can deter this ‘attack’  with a basic training course, a full realization of one’s spiritual existence, which extends astounding powers.

Predatory and opportunistic energies are all around us, as are many earthbound lost souls.

Are ghosts ‘lost souls’?

When ghosts are heard on EVP’s, revealingly, they generally do plead for, ask for our help.

That’s the unforgiving moral sin of ghost-hunters who seek only evidence, but who generally abandon and neglect rescue of these souls.

If one stumbles into a haunted house or if a ghost stumbles into YOUR house, or poltergeists persist after a sighting of UFOs, then there are God-like powers of our minds that we can employ to help them.

Within a fuller spiritual realization comes the ‘voice” to assert control and authority.

Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness.

You must have “Self ” – assert your authority and maintain control.

If you are experiencing negative vibrations, anxiety attacks, bad dreams or just creepy feelings, they are either thought forms, imposed limiting mental concepts, demonic reptilian aliens, contractual psychic bonds or dis incarnate entities (lost souls) ghosts,  in need of healing.

They are bound to the Earth’s vibration or to human abductions because of lower vibration attitudes and emotions.  Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.

Sometimes a demon will coast in like a Great White Shark and they like aliens, require much hard work to dislodge.

Love Heals

Casting out entities, be they ETs, spirits, demons, jinns or ghosts)only sends them to another place to torture and trouble another person .
It’s like pulling a nail out of one’s flat tire and then casting the nail out into traffic for someone else to run into.

In all healing, do remember that God is “pure” Love and exists hidden within every cell of your being. It is only the power of Love that heals and lifts, elevates the soul to higher planes.

Another essential self-defense rule?

Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities.

I give you the following steps to clear the negative energy:

First,  hold close that spiritual metamorphosis realization that you are a spiritual being, a tiny fragment of God’s light and love.

  1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
  2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many “Christed” Ones.
  3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat this as often as you feel it is needed.)
  4. Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
  5. Ask that your chosen  representative (I use my personal angels) arrive and take them to their perfect place and highest expression.

I often state that they be taken to the correct color light and to their proper place within that light.

  1. Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.
  2. Ask that all of their psychic bonds be severed, and that they close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

I ask that all negative karmic, sexual, known and unknown contractual bonds be severed. I augment this with a visualization of a blue flaming sword that severs black cords, in all directions.

Repeat this process until you feel clear.

There may indeed often be more than one healing to accomplish.

Remember that your spoken word is very powerful, and what is spoken, on their level, manifests instantly.

Many enlightened ones use this process before opening their energies and mind to prayers, healings, doing psychic readings of others and  angelic channeling.

Like burning sage to dissipate negative energies, this process creates a clear and safe environment and also lifts the vibrational energy of the one who is doing the healing.

Intent, the inner generator of your mind-soul, is nine-tenths of the spiritual law.

I am still becoming adept in this as a novice, but I recommend that you try to employ this loving ‘expulsion’ as it raises trapped spirit’s vibrational levels and does service to the Other Side.
Moreover, such psychic flexing of unconditional love, illustrates the God-like creative powers of the human mind.



By Paul Schroeder


(Author’s note:  the title is  from a Rodney Dangerfield routine..)

You have certainly heard it said, that in our lives’ destinies, “All IS WRITTEN”? 

According to  reputable and gifted psychics, our lives are carefully planned by our spirits, beforehand, that we assemble spirit helpers and spirit guides, in Heaven,  to accompany us, long  before we jump into another womb’s prenatal body,  for yet another lifetime.

Life,  they assure us, is a series of pre-programmed events staged with proscribed boons and travails, specifically designed to grow us spiritually closer towards God, a God who gives us myriad  incarnations, to hone and perfect us.

Earth is our ‘school’.

Even a ‘deja vu’, a moment haunting in its odd feeling, that we’ve ‘ been ‘there’, before’,   psychics say, is precisely such a specially pre-inserted moment, in our blueprint,  a small  odd- feeling- ‘bump’, in time, designed to remind us, unconsciously, that we are assessed perfectly aligned, with our  pre-planned spiritual lessons, in that moment.

How, then, is one to understand spates of bad luck, that stubbornly seem to follow one throughout?

For some of us, and that includes me, day after day, week after week, awful little and large things happen in  doses that nag at us, and seem to resist  greater meaning.

The title’s male comedian, once complained:

“I have the worst luck all of the time; I have no luck at all.

If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have no luck at all!”:
I miss buses and oversleep appointments lose my wallet and keys, stub my toes,  step in dog poo and bang my head underneath cabinets.

“Just yesterday, I woke up, got dressed, and a button fell off; I  reached for a closet door and the knob came off!

I grabbed my suitcase, and the handle came off;…

I was afraid,… to go to the bathroom!…”


If  it’s true, that “all is written”, how does one explain annoying and troubling
‘nothing is going right’ periods, that persist?

Many gifted psychics, privately affirm that since  ,’all IS written’, awful bad luck events happen, by no  accidents; aligned with spirit, bad luck, in a continuous line, is commonly backstage- orchestrated.

Large and small bad luck occurrences will happen everywhere, all at once, in one’s life, as a spiritual “sign”, an alert that one is sadly far from one’s prearranged spiritual path.

When one has strayed too far away from one’s Heavenly, towards God,  pre-planned ‘blueprint’, self delineated in intricate fashion,  bad luck will stubbornly continue to manifest.

Then, It’s no coincidence that you lost your wallet, spilled the coffee on the computer keyboard, stepped on the cat, had a bathroom pipe leak down onto the kitchen ceiling, got a flat tire and missed the train and that was only Tuesday!

“Nothing is going right!”, life malfunctions, reveal that something else LARGER at stake, down a long hallway, and somewhere else behind our ‘curtains’, is ALSO not right.

Bad luck in series, is the tyrannical effort of Heaven, specifically,
our spirit guides and spirit helpers, who are more than  just trying to get our attention.

I can actually, at this point hear the known cynics and pernicious doubters yet again exclaim,”Your thesis, to me, personally, is just nonsense!”

What about those people who have one good luck event, after another good luck event follow them?

When one is on one’s correct preplanned blueprint’s spiritual path, ‘everything just seems to go right’?


If we are progressing correctly, according to “plan”, then all of the little confluences and connections in our life begin to seem to work, and series of fortuitous coincidences occur like perfect magic:

We catch the bus, right on time, we meet that person we were hoping to see, we gain hope and guidance automatically, from kind strangers,  we find that misplaced thing we searched for, garner the needed finances that we sought ;

wonderful coincidences gather like flies at our mustaches.

Only when one is much too far from one’s self-set goals, does all Hell seem to break loose, everywhere and all at once, repeatedly.

Chronic and persistent ‘bad luck’ isn’t the ‘disease’ itself, but is instead an emergent ‘symptom’, of a disease.

But, can it be all that simple?

After learning this, minor constant misfortunes that never seem to end, rather than blindly depress you, will enlighten and cheer you, because it confirms that our path, is indeed a pre-planned path, and that, “Yes, Virginia, there really IS a Santa Claus,”

on ‘stage’, and ‘behind our curtains’.

Consistent negative synchronicities, are messages and bad luck events, now alert us that we are NOT up on our spiritual ‘toes’.

Ask oneself:

Am I being helpful to others or self-consumed and impish?

Am I forgiving, or nurturing grudges?

Am I consoling someone who needs consoling or am I, not wanting to ‘engage’,  avoiding them?

Am I offering charity to someone in need, or cautiously sidestepping involvement?

Am I being supportive or judgmental?

Am I being loving or impatient?

The cessation of bad luck troubles, relies and depends on one’s spiritual shift- of -perspective, a recognition that will appeal to your spirit helpers and spirit guides.

Be calm.

Listen to something emotionally releasing, like taped wholesome standup comedy; laughing can reset brain chemical imbalances from angst and is a wholesome therapy, instrumental in stopping deepening fugue, about persistent bad luck events..

Large doses of laughter can jump start and stir the cheer of one’s lagging soul .

Essentially, one must recognize those backstage  spiritual influences; a prayer for guidance and enlightenment is now tantamount.

Pray, IN THANKS to your spirit helpers and angels, who do a mostly thankless job, most often, and then, ask them for spiritual assistance.

Prayer, to be put back on the ‘right path’  will suffice, and  then all at once, as though in answer, the confluent series of ‘ bad luck’ events will suddenly abate.

Then, be sure to react with love to the situations that next present themselves, to you.

“Why me?!” is always the wrong question.

“Why NOW?” is more apt.

Bad luck in a series of repeated events means that
we have missed the inner signposts of mercy and patience and forgiveness and are indeed far from our set spiritual goals at that moment in time.

Series of bad luck incidents in our lives are NO accidents .

“All is written” may sound facile and glib, but one’s spirit helpers can and will reach from behind the curtains of Heaven and appear almost tyrannical, as they attempt to fast turn one into another direction, like adjusting a human skillet frying pan by grabbing one roughly, by the handle…..

For we are not humans having spiritual experiences, but spirits, having human experiences.

In school, we get the lesson, and then the test ; in spiritual life, we get the test, and then, the lesson..

The ‘spiritual tests’, come in many forms and are daily, weekly and monthly ‘pop-quizzes’ , life-involved, around key moments that internally/spiritually test for one’s :

charity, honesty, modesty, rescue, compassion, or.. sharing;

I usually recognize them, only in retrospect and then also decide that I likely, ‘failed’….


“Bad karma”,  emanates from spite, jealousy, anger, revenge, theft, greed and manifests in ‘unfinished spiritual lessons’ scenarios around those themes, throughout future incarnations.

THAT , is ‘bad karma’…

But, how to quickly end spates of bad luck incidents?

Prayer, with feelings only of gratitude, strongly helps to bring a message for the cessation of travails, until one’s head is re-screwed on, properly, to extend love, in all endeavors, to others..

I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm




By Paul Schroeder

Alien Abducted Correspondences
( A young woman in Dallas who reports vivid, odd dreams and UFO sightings for months, writes me, from Dallas, Texas)
“Dear Paul,

Here’s something… This guy who lives across from me -Bruce- He’s a retired homicide detective from DPD- I’ve known him now for almost 5 years- I tell you this to demonstrate that he is an intelligent, rational person- not someone given to imaginings or flights of fancy.

His skin reacts badly to the sun, and having worked at night for so many years, that’s when he’s usually awake. so he goes out late in the evenings and after dark to sit  outside on a bench on the lawn-“

“He called me night before last to ask me if I would join him there that night- there was something he wanted to show me.

Since we frequently go back and forth to each others apts. for lunch, dinner or having a drink or smoke together while watching a movie- I knew he wasn’t inviting me out there for what some may see as “obvious” reasons.”

“I hadn’t been out there with him before, because as I’ve stated before- I don’t particularly like going outside at night.
Well anyway, he said that he had been noticing an interesting object in the sky off and on lately- last couple of months.
At first he didn’t think anything about it, since we live only ten minutes from Dallas Intercontinental Airport- and see planes going back and forth day and night.

He began to notice a difference in this object, after a few times observing it in the night sky.”

“He said that he began to notice a pattern to it’s appearance- every couple of nights he would see it.

Also the erratic flight pattern it seemed to exhibit.
First of all, it was always way higher up than any of the planes flew- and consequently smaller in appearance- but emitting extremely bright oddly distributed light patterns.

 As he began to regularly watch it, he noticed that it moved in stops and starts and a wide zigzagging pattern of flight- something he’d never seen a regular plane do.”

  “Once, when looking through his binoculars, he noticed a long thin stream of some sort of emission coming from it as it swept around the sky.

About 45 minutes or so after that , he started to feel a slight dizziness and tingling in his limbs and face- then a headache coming on- so he went back inside.

Then he began to remember a couple of other times when this had occurred- he had felt fine- and would observe the UFO type object and later start to feel sick- nausea- headache so forth.

At first he didn’t connect it, when you get our age, you almost expect to have these afflictions come over you-from meds and all- you can usually find something to blame it on-

Having been in homicide investigation for over thirty years, Bruce is of a detail, clue oriented mind set- anything which seems strange or unusual, he’ll automatically try to figure out why.
He knows that this type of thing is of interest to me- so he wanted to see what I thought about it.”

“Not having observed this object for a couple of nights, he assumed that true to schedule, it would show up that night.

  Well- it did! I saw it and noticed the strange flight pattern he had mentioned- it did seem to be extremely high up in the sky too- but the lights on it were so strong that they were still easily discernible even from that height.

-they seemed to be in a triangular pattern too- not distributed in the same design as the planes…

I suggested that it might be a good idea for us to go back inside before whatever it was dropping had time to reach us– I wasn’t anxious to experience the same symptoms he had experienced before.

We haven’t definitely decided that we’ve seen a real UFO, but who knows…maybe we did- I have a feeling others have seen it too and wondered…

I’m sure that it is being tracked by the airport radar- but they won’t make anything


Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer
On display in The British Museum

“Jack says that they received hundreds of calls at the station from people all the time about strange things they saw in the skies….especially around the airport,they were usually brushed off as another plane or something…. but that this object, upon close observation didn’t resemble another airplane or weather balloon or anything like that, it probably is only noticeable at night, when the lights can be seen.

But his dreams and now mine have become so odd and strange.

So maybe not only I have seen a UFO,  seem affected and it does seem to be always nearby
Sincerely yours,


Dear Phyllis,
After the airport closes, perhaps after 1:00 A. M., these things in the sky stand out more.

They’re  capable of looking like airplane or just fuselages( beyond belief they are crafty enough to attach motor ‘sounds’ broadcasts, to make it SOUND like an airplane) but their stop and start erratic changes in direction and their sheer high elevation  give them away within a minute or two of observation.

Nightmares may be screen memories to muddle recollection aboard craft or insertion of core images as trauma, to make connections to your mind.

After abductions, the inter-dimensional ‘door’ left open, invites in the gangster fringe element of the spirit world which affixes ‘attachments’ to seek to ‘clamber aboard’.

Your dreamscape scenarios recalled, is the link to such and can with metaphysics, be removed, to some extent..

Try to stay ‘lucid’ to interact with them in dream-scape.

The danger in studying these things, of looking up, is a jeopardy most profound; they can “feel” your psychic attention, focused, even from that distance.
 They can and do climb down the ladder of your awe and your broadcast  curiosity, down from those extreme heights, right into your laps.

That’s how highly psychic they and their technology make them; they’re out ‘fishing’ for awe energy from anyone studying the skies.
Psychic waves of intent which burn with curiosity, reach far out to them and are read.
We are galactic psychic pawns in a telepathic-chess- game against psychic knights and bishops.

UFO Craft send down scrambled molecules of beings, like Star-trek’s ‘beam me up Scotty”, transporter lights, which reassemble in our attics, bedrooms and backyards to allow abductions to be stealthy with a technology beyond imagination.

UFOs from great heights send lights of white and blue tints which precede physical “beam-downs” of critters, from Bigfoot to reptilians to small greys, a technology and tactic that baffle the human mind, today, just as it did to Mayan, Sumerian, Incan and Biblical peoples, who thought and were wrongly ‘told’ outright, that it was surely,”God”..

Such people who ‘notice’  these objects also usually have buried dim memory stirrings of being on-board craft, forgotten by alien “suggestion”; he may well have implants within him.
It’s NEVER an ‘accident when one with awe and curiosity sees craft overhead.
It’s choreographed.
His nausea is evidence of that long distance psychic connection; nausea is a sign that they are communicating ( raw suggestion and very high EMF transmissions do cause such nausea) with his unconscious mind, below awareness. 

 Nausea is a reaction to any sinister psychic intrusion, any presence of evil, demonic intent, sensed by one’s soul-unconscious.

Nausea often prevails within  ‘sensitives’ who are paranormal  investigators when they are studying a badly haunted house and come across demonic beings.

Aliens, from that height, make “exchanges” to our unconscious, readily communicate with that part of our minds we are dimly aware of and cannot easily access.

As inter-dimensional creatures who travel in time and who manipulate time, itself,  their psychic prod to  satisfy their own proprietary, omnipresent need to meddle in our lives, and our consciousness.
These are the very same critters who take you when you’re in deep REM and ‘cloak’ all recall of abductions and surgical techniques with vivid scenic realistic-like “dreams”.
Those vivid strange dreams aren’t dreams at all, but are always ‘screen memories’ ; now you can see how successful and sneaky they are in what they do.
Most people marched around a craft will awaken none the wiser.
If one person hallucinates aliens, that’s his hallucination, but if millions, worldwide report the same abduction scenario, then, it is reality in every sense of the word’s meaning.
“Dreams”, vivid and troubling, reported by abductees, of alien encounters, are in fact physical and astral kidnapping.

Taken during R.E.M. sleep, by highly  psychic beings, wrapped in a dreamy cocoon of delusion, on a short psychic leash, few humans ever recall  being marched around an alien craft, and awaken in bed, in oblivion.

Time coincidences,  the psychic nudge to gaze at the clock, in a timely moment, according to cutting edge UFO research literature, is tied to alien creatures, who intimately and closely micromanage humans.
Sightings of alien craft, however, commonly occur with impunity.
Abductees rarely recall a thing, but when one does and troubled, seeks for my assistance, it’s rare  to encounter an abduction in progress.
Dear Paul,
“I saw a UFO
FROM: Diane DATE: Tue, 24 Sep 2017 21:24:02 EDT
I just wanted to tell you that I saw a UFO.
I was on line chatting when all of a sudden I had the urge to go outside and look up.
So I did, and there it was. It flew out of the sky.
It stopped and wobbled a bit.
Then it was turning around.
As it was turning around it flashed a bright red flash on its side.”
“Then a car came, and it left.
It just floated by.
It had 3 bright lights on it.
It was amazing.
It also had 2 tail lights.

Two nights later I had a dream that I was abducted.”

Please write me back and tell me what you think.
And from a recent email :
Q- “Can you assist with psychic contact with aliens? I have an issue.”

A-what precise “issue” with ETs is psychically problematic? I may be able to be helpful.

Q-“Are you telepathic or still in contact with aliens before I get to the issue?

A-Yes and no; although I have ofttimes much prowess, psychically, I have never had a meaningful conversation or an interaction that could remotely be construed as ” still in contact “, because it is always one-sided, manipulative, and controlling in their presences.

There’s only one or two people, abductees, I have met in my life who could with equanimity, stand fully in their presences, for interactions one might call “in contact with”.

I have regular and recent abduction experiences, however.
“The issue”, with communicating with them, could perhaps still be handled between you and them, directly , if you program your request to them aloud, all day long, every few minutes, during the daytime, so that at nighttime, when you’re taken in REM sleep, it will then filter into your unconscious mind and be triggered when in their presences.
 I have often tried this with different questions and  complaints about human mistreatment but have been quickly, darkly and anxiously been ‘told’  that no conversations about these things is remotely allowed.
One’s ET expectations, like mine, may well indeed exceed one’s ET grasp.
Since I speak and counsel often, those painfully inundated with demonic and unwanted E.T. harassment, who suffer deeply, with Hell’s portals which withers their bodies and weakens their mental health’s mind’s-resolve, I always agog wonder about Pollyanna, sanguine statements of  discernment :
“think how magical we are as humans and how we deal with and surpass anything negative that we experience.
That we naturally adhere to the laws of the universe when things happen to us which, by the way, are always positive and for our highest good”.\
There must, in addition, be SOME salvage recognition of those ravaged by horrid spiritual forces beyond their abilities to ‘tweak’ such into anything, resembling “goodness”, though it may well yet indeed be there, cleverly hidden from all view..

An overview word, about safety, to abductees who rage and strongly resist nighttime bedroom intruders and abductions:

“Loosh”, is an ergot expression for a quantum of raw energy that each of us is ‘milked’ for, by aliens, like ants do to aphids , and sexual energy is a feast for them, which they manipulate to endanger the human host to their depravity.

The cows who refuse to be ‘milked’ are not seen by ‘farmers’, anymore but instead the ‘butchers’ are sent in.

The best thing to do is to focus on living healthy and well, and use ONLY passive methods (garlic/sulfur/meditation/tea-tree oil sprayed onto one, to thwart their efforts.

When one pulls the tail, of an rabid alien tiger, it does not run off, but in rage turns to face you.


This being ‘taken’, is continued from one lifetime to another a sort of ownership proprietary attitude that they take towards us all.

Extremely vivid “dreams” are imparted to one’s mind during sleep to make connections to them and the best way to detach is to recall the vivid dream, turn it over in your mind and with a sword, cut connections from you to them; it’s involved metaphysics, that works, after a fashion.



As an abductee for my whole life, I have stumbled through unknowing, to suspicion,  and then resistance, and counsel to  offer rare insights and advice to detect and thwart alien soul and body tampering.
Published widely and recognized as an eloquent note in the chorus of barbaric yawps concerning experts who’ve never seen or confronted these myriad entities, personally for 45 years, I write, do radio interviews and assist filmmakers with background research.
At night, your astral body travels to realms from angelic to demonic,  spirit worlds of myriad vibrational levels and the pictures that you see on the backs of your eyelids, while you R.E.M., are not dreams but visits, souvenirs of a greater reality.
Like  goldfish who never suspect a greater world beyond the pond’s surface, the limited awareness of humankind floats beneath the surface of a greater reality, groping, mouths agape in fish ignorance.
Aliens hybridize, and  invade astrally to abduct, monitor, and possess, to entangle their energies with ours to ride the reincarnation roller coaster of our auras giving a new meaning to a silent invasion.
Earth is under invasion, one person at a time and we are all alone, together.
These are my experiences, echoed  my articles:
I  felt electric vibrations throughout my whole body while in bed and saw my body then separate and float out of my body, in astral abductions of my spiritual essence, which retained all of my predilections and discrimination, all the while leaving my chop-meat-DNA- contrived- body, bereft of spirit, behind, in bed.
photography lol GIF
At first glance, I believed that I had died!
Out of body, I had conveyor belt travels, vivid OBE sublime and terrifying experiences, at the hands of aliens, directly tied to my previously monitored thoughts, more proof of
that alien-proprietary- monitored-consciousness, suffered by abductees.


I have seen different subspecies of alien entities since I was a young child living on Shore Road in Brooklyn until my later years as a resident of Long Island, and I am convinced that many others have also struggled to assess and grasp similar indigestible  alien experiences which challenge everything we’ve ever been taught.alien gif GIF
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night.
Then, I knew that they were more interested in an essence, that I never suspected I had: a soul.



By Paul Schroeder


(Author’s note:  the title is  from a Rodney Dangerfield routine..)

You have certainly heard it said, that in our lives’ destinies, “All IS WRITTEN”? 

According to  reputable and gifted psychics, our lives are carefully planned by our spirits, beforehand, that we assemble spirit helpers and spirit guides, in Heaven,  to accompany us, long  before we jump into another womb’s prenatal body,  for yet another lifetime.

Life,  they assure us, is a series of pre-programmed events staged with proscribed boons and travails, specifically designed to grow us spiritually closer towards God, a God who gives us myriad  incarnations, to hone and perfect us.

Earth is our ‘school’.

Even a ‘deja vu’, a moment haunting in its odd feeling, that we’ve ‘ been ‘there’, before’,   psychics say, is precisely such a specially pre-inserted moment, in our blueprint,  a small  odd- feeling- ‘bump’, in time, designed to remind us, unconsciously, that we are assessed perfectly aligned, with our  pre-planned spiritual lessons, in that moment.

How, then, is one to understand spates of bad luck, that stubbornly seem to follow one throughout?

For some of us, and that includes me, day after day, week after week, awful little and large things happen in  doses that nag at us, and seem to resist  greater meaning.

The title’s male comedian, once complained:

“I have the worst luck all of the time; I have no luck at all.

If it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have no luck at all!”:
I miss buses and oversleep appointments lose my wallet and keys, stub my toes,  step in dog poo and bang my head underneath cabinets.

“Just yesterday, I woke up, got dressed, and a button fell off; I  reached for a closet door and the knob came off!

I grabbed my suitcase, and the handle came off;…

I was afraid,… to go to the bathroom!…”


If  it’s true, that “all is written”, how does one explain annoying and troubling
‘nothing is going right’ periods, that persist?

Many gifted psychics, privately affirm that since  ,’all IS written’, awful bad luck events happen, by no  accidents; aligned with spirit, bad luck, in a continuous line, is commonly backstage- orchestrated.

Large and small bad luck occurrences will happen everywhere, all at once, in one’s life, as a spiritual “sign”, an alert that one is sadly far from one’s prearranged spiritual path.

When one has strayed too far away from one’s Heavenly, towards God,  pre-planned ‘blueprint’, self delineated in intricate fashion,  bad luck will stubbornly continue to manifest.

Then, It’s no coincidence that you lost your wallet, spilled the coffee on the computer keyboard, stepped on the cat, had a bathroom pipe leak down onto the kitchen ceiling, got a flat tire and missed the train and that was only Tuesday!

“Nothing is going right!”, life malfunctions, reveal that something else LARGER at stake, down a long hallway, and somewhere else behind our ‘curtains’, is ALSO not right.

Bad luck in series, is the tyrannical effort of Heaven, specifically,
our spirit guides and spirit helpers, who are more than  just trying to get our attention.

I can actually, at this point hear the known cynics and pernicious doubters yet again exclaim,”Your thesis, to me, personally, is just nonsense!”

What about those people who have one good luck event, after another good luck event follow them?

When one is on one’s correct preplanned blueprint’s spiritual path, ‘everything just seems to go right’?


If we are progressing correctly, according to “plan”, then all of the little confluences and connections in our life begin to seem to work, and series of fortuitous coincidences occur like perfect magic:

We catch the bus, right on time, we meet that person we were hoping to see, we gain hope and guidance automatically, from kind strangers,  we find that misplaced thing we searched for, garner the needed finances that we sought ;

wonderful coincidences gather like flies at our mustaches.

Only when one is much too far from one’s self-set goals, does all Hell seem to break loose, everywhere and all at once, repeatedly.

Chronic and persistent ‘bad luck’ isn’t the ‘disease’ itself, but is instead an emergent ‘symptom’, of a disease.

But, can it be all that simple?

After learning this, minor constant misfortunes that never seem to end, rather than blindly depress you, will enlighten and cheer you, because it confirms that our path, is indeed a pre-planned path, and that, “Yes, Virginia, there really IS a Santa Claus,”

on ‘stage’, and ‘behind our curtains’.

Consistent negative synchronicities, are messages and bad luck events, now alert us that we are NOT up on our spiritual ‘toes’.

Ask oneself:

Am I being helpful to others or self-consumed and impish?

Am I forgiving, or nurturing grudges?

Am I consoling someone who needs consoling or am I, not wanting to ‘engage’,  avoiding them?

Am I offering charity to someone in need, or cautiously sidestepping involvement?

Am I being supportive or judgmental?

Am I being loving or impatient?

The cessation of bad luck troubles, relies and depends on one’s spiritual shift- of -perspective, a recognition that will appeal to your spirit helpers and spirit guides.

Be calm.

Listen to something emotionally releasing, like taped wholesome standup comedy; laughing can reset brain chemical imbalances from angst and is a wholesome therapy, instrumental in stopping deepening fugue, about persistent bad luck events..

Large doses of laughter can jump start and stir the cheer of one’s lagging soul .

Essentially, one must recognize those backstage  spiritual influences; a prayer for guidance and enlightenment is now tantamount.

Pray, IN THANKS to your spirit helpers and angels, who do a mostly thankless job, most often, and then, ask them for spiritual assistance.

Prayer, to be put back on the ‘right path’  will suffice, and  then all at once, as though in answer, the confluent series of ‘ bad luck’ events will suddenly abate.

Then, be sure to react with love to the situations that next present themselves, to you.

“Why me?!” is always the wrong question.

“Why NOW?” is more apt.

Bad luck in a series of repeated events means that
we have missed the inner signposts of mercy and patience and forgiveness and are indeed far from our set spiritual goals at that moment in time.

Series of bad luck incidents in our lives are NO accidents .

In school, we get the lesson, and then the test ; in spiritual life, we get the test, and then, the lesson..

The ‘spiritual tests’, come in many forms and are daily, weekly and monthly ‘pop-quizzes’ , life-involved, around key moments that internally/spiritually test for one’s :

charity, honesty, modesty, rescue, compassion, or.. sharing;

I usually recognize them, only in retrospect and then also decide that I likely, ‘failed’….


“Bad karma”,  emanates from spite, jealousy, anger, revenge, theft, greed and manifests in ‘unfinished spiritual lessons’ scenarios around those themes, throughout future incarnations.

THAT , is ‘bad karma’…

“All is written” may sound facile and glib, but one’s spirit helpers can and will reach from behind the curtains of Heaven and appear almost tyrannical, as they attempt to fast turn one into another direction, like adjusting a human skillet frying pan by grabbing one roughly, by the handle…..

For we are not humans having spiritual experiences, but spirits, having human experiences.

Prayer, with feelings only of gratitude, strongly helps to bring a message for the cessation of travails, until one’s head is re-screwed on, properly, to extend love, in all endeavors, to others..

I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm




by Paul Schroeder

Block Island, an oasis off the coast of Rhode Island, is where I have spent  time musing and walking.


Ghosts, seen on Block Island are only part of the paranormal show, in town.

One late September,  almost October, I and my wife stayed at the hotel 1661 INN at Old Harbor on Block Island for a week to celebrate a vacation where

we enjoyed an island off season, bereft of tourists from the mainland to watch an island gear down from summer and close up in preparation for the winter.

Only a few bird watchers clubs frequented the island then, for the weather was windy, cold, blustery and rainy,

storms which added to our desire to stay close to the inn and in each other’s close company.

One stormy and windy evening at  ten o’clock in the evening, I went out to the backyard of the inn, tacitly to watch the view of whitecaps roiling on Old Harbor and to socialize with a pair of goats, which roamed freely on the property.

Out on the harbor,  a quarter of a mile from the shore among the rolling whitecaps, I saw a flickering, blue triangular light that vanished and then reappeared a short distance from where it had been.

At first glance, it looked like the angular sail and mast of a middle sized sailing craft, a craft in distress that struggled to make headway in the stormy waters, except that this sail radiated a surreal phosphorescent light, a glow that ebbed and waned like a dying flame .

The bluish sail’s color glowed in a purplish light and then vanished completely, only to reappear another short distance from where it was last sighted.



I initially surmised it to be a flame above the waves from ignited methane from the ocean floor.

I watched in  wonder as its shifting movements  made it jump from one location to another location every few seconds; its odd flickering flame glowing in a surreal sailboat triangular form, was something I’d never seen before.

It vanished completely, after a few minutes among the stormy waves, as though it had finally capsized .

The image of that strange vessel has haunted my memory for many years,

a famous Block Island ghost ship seen often in stormy weathers, by many others before and after me.

However, not until recently, some years later,  having read “Livermore’s History of Block Island”, did I realize that the book’s description of an oddly lit and shifting Palatine Ghost Ship seen off Block Island is precisely  what I caught and observed that windy white capped and rain swept evening.

Other ghostly goings-on prevail, there.
A woman seen carrying a clock, and observed talking to herself, is another famous full bodied apparition; she seemingly ignores the greetings of a rare tourist, on a deserted stretch of road at the  far end of the island, and then, clock in hand, she suddenly vanishes.

Even odder, some Block Island ghost stories are still in the making.

(from a communique from a friend):

“I was fishing off Misquamicut Beach in Rhode Island in 1995. I was in a boat, and we watched a big cloud of smoke appear off Block Island in the distance.

What  happened was that an airplane crashed into a restaurant.”

It appears that a young child, a wife and a doctor and his mother all perished en route,

in a small aircraft just before landing at Westerly Airport on Block Island.

The small plane hit a restaurant taking an additional islander life;

one small airstrip lay 500 feet parallel to a line of three coastal restaurants.

Block Island, an off-season haunt for me, now has the addition of these ghosts,  for the dead often remain at the site of their violent death, ghostly additions to  a place already  most assuredly  haunted.

There is resident talk of ghosts seen on the island, especially those spirits restless and active at the Old Town Inn, a hotel location, geographically central to the island.

I would often prefer to stay at the Old Town Inn, inspired by the stories of its often seen ghosts.

History indeed confirms that a State Senator who lived there in the early 1800’s, faced charges that he murdered his ailing mother for his inheritance, by throwing her down the long narrow stairway, a stairway still in evidence.

I surmise that he was acquitted.

But the staircase and basement area judge fate and history differently.

The owner told me that he had seen the bare bulb in the basement often spin of its own accord; it kept him and mainland workmen away from that basement.

Most locals were too leery an ilk to spend any real, required time down there, doing some essential repairs.

When restorations had initially begun, it had been noticed that all interior doors had been removed; when the new owners had queried contractors why this had been done, a disturbing answer had been returned.

The many doors’ constant opening and closing by themselves had unnerved, distracted and unsettled the mainland workmen.

They had removed the doors, and erased these house symptoms, but touched not the disease, itself.

Guests have asked the front desk about a ghostly woman, seen from their upstairs windows,  a spectre who has walked in the deeper shadows of the garden at night, in a pink, long, flowing gown, who has carried a pink parasol.

She can be  seen in the back garden, under a full moon, late at night, when weather conditions are perfect.

I would stay here on Block Island, despite its ghosts, because it was far from  scenic views of the harbor, and from crowds of daily ferried tourists.

This central location on Block Island allowed me to be more reclusive in my wanderings, far from people, which was my nature.

I wandered among persimmon trees, apple and wild plum, across vacant meadows and fields whose scattered vestigial remnants of ancient  stone foundation fragments revealed where houses once stood.

On one such long walk, a deer froze in a field to then bolt from view and

on my return to the Inn, on that same cold, windy afternoon, I saw a cat

quickly scurry under the foundation of the hotel, a cat as orange in color as the drifting early October Maple leaves.

Only the feral cats who roam the streets of Block Island know its ghosts as permanent residents,  lost and not yet found.

Block Island’s feral cats, independent and grateful creatures, like solitary ghosts, have astonished me in the oddest ways.

Whenever New York City snow drifts high enough to seal all the doors and windows of February, I conjure an image of frozen kittens cuddling in the Rhode Island icy snow.

That image haunts me,  though I’ve never seen it.

I was informed when I inquired at the inn, that she was feral and would have to over winter on the island alone, that she belonged to no one and had recently had a litter somewhere under the cellar.

The staff, who took pity on her and who fed her, would soon leave by early November.

The hotel wouldn’t re-open until mid April; in deep winter snows, with a new litter of kittens, she would be on her own.

I was moved to go into town to buy some canned cat food and these I presented to the kitchen staff who cared for her.

I was told that I could

feed her myself, as she was just outside the kitchen, awaiting a handout..

I opened two cans and spoke to her, watched her as she fed.

I wondered aloud to the kitchen staff what fate might bring to those kittens when heavy winter snow lay against the outside of those abandoned

kitchen doors, all winter long.

Later, about ten o’clock in the evening, I heard a knock on my door that stopped my writing and upon opening the door, I found the chef outside, smiling warmly.

He asked me if I could follow him down to the kitchen.

She had, he said, been grateful to me and had brought me a ‘thank you’ gift, in eloquent cat artistry.

A large, dead marsh rat lay by the back kitchen door, fully displayed, on the welcome mat.

Puffed up and very proud, she paraded back and forth over it, purring and repeatedly making eye contact with me.

She had caught it and then she had brought it to me,  as thanks, but also as a token.

It had somewhat assuaged my anxieties about her and her broods’  chances of survival, facing an icy cruel winter, with no food,  alone on the island with only ghosts, as her company..

I recall that cat’s unflawed nature, uncomplaining and noble and hershow of gratitude and

resiliency,  unfurling her fearlessness.


Ghosts and cats who roam Block Island would wander alone in the coming ice storms,

and she, bereft of food,

with new and hungry kittens to feed,  would face a winter

of killing blizzards.


Can God forgive the Christian world, for its assistance in killing and handing-over Jews during a continent’s wholesale butchery of a whole generation of

During the Holocaust, hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered by crowds of their countrymen in numerous towns, and cities, throughout Poland, France, Croatia, Greece, Spain, Russia, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Romania, local townspeople of Church goodness beat Jews to death, and shot them in trenches,  while German killing squads looked on, in silent affirmation,  an ancient vendetta, established by the Church , centuries before Nazis made Jewish murder legal.

The murderers of 2,000,000 Jewish babies and children, during the Holocaust were, to a man , Christian ,
as were all at attendance, at public mass executions of Jews.

One prayer, given by a rabbi,on Yom Kippur, a rabbi who had survived Auschwitz, intoned:
” God, our Jewish blood is splattered on every inch of soil and rock in the world; we have been slaughtered clutching close your Word; God, but grant us just one more Divine wish, and choose instead, another people, to be your blessed chosen ones”.

Post-Auschwitz, there IS no forgiveness, for tribal Jews who religiously killed many
self-proclaimed ‘Messiahs’, and one who was Jesus, a Jew who spoke of his own innate divinity within his certainty of God.

The Romans, baffled, called early Christians,”atheists”, because to Romans, Christians, rather than worship a Deity, instead worshiped a man.
Jesus, many are sure, knew that he was not God; he pointed to God, but the myopic faithful stared only at his finger.

” The Zen Master once stated: “The finger that points to the Moon, is not itself the Moon.”
Christ Jesus’ religion, a message of love for all God’s creatures, was later suddenly colored by Saint Paul’s precepts, far from Christ’s teaching, to create anew:

‘original sin’,

‘belief in Jesus forgives all sins’,

‘ sent by God to crucifixion’ .
Saint Paul contrived Jesus not as a teacher, but “Of the Holy Trinity” both a God, and, as well, an “only son of God’ .


—The brilliant theologian Ernest Renan, in his book Saint Paul:


“True Christianity, which will last forever, comes from the gospel words of Christ not from the epistles of Paul.
The writings of Paul have been a danger and a hidden rock, the causes of the principal defects of Christian theology.”

Long lists of Catholic theologians echo this dislike of the distortion and radical shift, from Paulian writings that altered Christianity so.”


In the definitive Christian work, “Christ or Paul?”, by  Cardinal Rev. V.A. Holmes-Gore:


“Let the reader contrast the true Christian standard with that of Paul and he will see the terrible betrayal of all that the Master taught. .
. . For the surest way to betray a great Teacher is to misrepresent his message. . . . That is what Paul and his followers did, and because the Church has followed Paul in his error it has failed lamentably to redeem the world. .

. . The teachings given by the blessed Master Christ, which the disciples John and Peter and James, the brother of the Master, tried in vain to defend and preserve intact were as utterly opposed to the Pauline Gospel as the light is opposed to the darkness.”


The famous theologian, Helmut Koester, in his The Theological Aspects of Primitive Christian Heresy:


“Paul himself stands in the twilight zone of heresy. In reading Paul, one immediately encounters a major difficulty. Whatever Jesus had preached did not become the content of the missionary proclamation of Paul. . . . Sayings of Jesus do not play a role in Paul ‘s understanding of the event of salvation. . . . Paul did not care at all what Jesus had said. . . . Had Paul been completely successful very little of the sayings of Jesus would have survived.”
… What would Jesus do, to remedy this?

His name is associated with a harsh religious group, which shows little of his love, acceptance,  and forgiveness for people outside their own intolerant stripe.


The Church reviles, gays, lesbians, transgenders, divorced people, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, adulterers, the criminally sinful and especially women, who by paternalistic rule, cannot ever become priests.


Jesus would have ministered to all of these with His love.

This was light-years apart from Jesus’ preaching and teachings, but one must honestly admit that, the image of a man tortured on a cross, is a demented center-piece, for ANY religion , but worse,

the focus of the Church on “Stations-of-the-Cross”,  Christ’s suffering from moment-to-moment, teaches an enduring hatred of all Jews that fueled the Holocaust.



by Paul Schroeder
Angels are divine beings, go-betweens between human beings and God,
 another sentient creation of God, who speak only telepathically, and who are usually
depicted as splendid, most holy beings, who have varied wings.

The color and size of their wings delineate the level of their angelic status, as

the angelic realms are highly structured and have specific hierarchies; there are many

levels as well as many categories.

Angels have surely mesmerized spiritual people for millennia, who sought these beings



of their love for those with open hearts to God, beings noted for instilling a spiritual


sense of gratefulness to God.

Image result for tumblr gifs of angels
However, our soul and our spirituality, is of an essence that we, as a race of beings, are
only barely aware of. Therein lies the rub.
Angels will never or will rarely attempt to interfere in your life unless they are
specifically pleaded with to do so.

Although I have discovered that, contrary to popular belief, angels will not perform overt


miracles directly into one’s life, they will however make suggestions and help one to

avoid potential roadblocks.

We are seemingly divine enough to ask , and divine enough, to receive.

All they ask is for us  to sense that a spark within us is eternal, and thus to recognize our spirituality.

Spirituality, isn’t about religious beliefs, but it is about having direct spiritual experiences.


The impersonation, masquerade of ancient aliens as, “God”, helmeted and duped the world in the Old Testament ..
God, our true spiritual father, is much too imbued within us, and within everything all around us, to be so easily discerned.
Religion, instead is the bane, creating religious multitudes of harsh judgement and excluding beliefs.
Gandhi said : ” I very much like your Christ , but do not at all like, your Christians”.

I began my own spiritual explorations as a young boy.


I always had a burning curiosity about what bodies existed beyond the five skeletons of my physical senses for some unknown reason.
Ghost hunting is sad to me for it does not offer direct help to a trapped, lost, wandering ghost, but a ghost is still astonishing, and self-affirming that we are more than our bodies,  for we step out of our body,  just as we step out of our car, and our clothing, and that we are not our body, any more than we are our clothing, or our car.

I have since learned that the human mind, imbued by God, is part of the quantum physics of the universe.

I never learned much about angels as a youngster but after the bliss I felt in their presence, after praying long and hard,  when in a paranormal  crisis,


I  assure you that if you think about these entities long enough, you will have many joyful experiences.

I was slowly amazed at the presence of joy that these unseen loving beings brought, when I was in spiritual angst and  implored them to visit me.


When I need to, when  I find that I am again in a spiritual struggle with an impish, untoward, persistent energy,  I  call upon ‘warrior angels of light’ and ‘rescue-beings-of- light”, to assist me in removing the dark spirit troublemaker to ‘its- rightful- place- in- the- right- colored- light-towards-its-next-perfection’.

Just like a trip throughout the world can deeply change your reality perceptions, your life will metamorphose by calling in angels.


Working with these beings is another rung on the ladder and an essential part of a rich and  love oriented spiritual life.


How can one get to know angels?

Although it appears to sound really very simple, it just isn’t absolutely easy

to learn how to quiet one’s mind and  then to listen to angels who speak to one.

Amazingly,  angelic beings are merely waiting for one to give them specific permission to assist one;

if one can open one’s mind and then one’s heart to receive their astounding guidance one’s world will take on a new and exciting spiritual dimension.

Begin by spending a few minutes each day tuning in to their frequency by using

 meditation, an easy process, we wrongly make  difficult.


The easiest way to meditate is to focus on following your breathing in and out and to

 pay attention only to your breathing.

Your mind will normally speed away  with pedestrian thoughts; that’s precisely what one’s mind normally does.

To meditate, allow your mind to do its thing and think but re-focus your attention back to your breathing.

Imagine that you are standing at a terminal window at an airport.

Meditating is simply a process of standing on the tarmac and watching your ideas and thoughts fly by like arranged flights, while you merely stand there, watching the activity.

The mind screen of flying thoughts, may leak but staunch the flow.

If you however get on-board and find yourself lost in a thought, bring your attention back to your breathing.

You can relish the learning curve of  meditation if you avoid judging the process and focus on breathing.

After you have focused your attention on your breathing, internally ask an angel to arrive and to work with you and then in amazement you will feel their  loving presence as a glow of sudden happiness.

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Although they will begin to be there as soon as you do call on them,  it may take you  quite some time to sense their presence and to then begin to receive guidance.

It is comforting to work with angelic beings,  unseen and as close as the nose on your face, and represent the goodness inherent in the Universe.

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These wondrous angelic entities have always been there, just at the edges of our limited reality, waiting for us to request their presences  into our life.

Take the added time to then listen to their most  whispered ideas and to
recognize and welcome their heavenly help.

There are many religious folks who maintain that such angel summoning will only bring in demons, who are so opportunistic, that they will masquerade as angels.

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Such advice is precisely like telling someone to never go swimming because sharks coast unseen nearby where you seek to swim and will devour you if you give them half a chance.

While it may be cautious advice it is not good advice because

when one goes swimming in shark infested waters, the dangers surely outweigh the benefits of swimming.


Demons, like sharks, are dreadful, but like sharks, rare in most waters.

“Open the angelic door and demon gangsters will stalk in, so don’t do it”, is thus poor advice.

Always remember that If you feel any remote fear, the spiritual presence is not from God


if you do sense a demon the remedy is facile:

Tell God to send his Arch- angels (Raphael and Michael) to your side, and they will be there before you know it.

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Talk to your angelic Helpers and

call them, ‘ your angelic Helpers’.

Pay attention to the feeling of comfort within you when they do come in contact and

you can tell they are with you when you feel that strong urge to calm yourself.

Then doubt will leave you and you will be able to communicate with them.

Once you have achieved this feeling, you are ready to talk to them and get their help.

Talk to them as you would a respected friend or family member.

Telepathy or audible language is OK.


They will speak to you through telepathy as an understanding, or an internal conversation in which you would swear you are talking to and carrying on a conversation with, just yourself,

asking and answering your own questions.


It can be quite fast,
and you might feel completely foolish, but

listen to their first answers, and try not to second guess them.

They will always be right the first time.

There is NEVER any fear attached to talking to your angelic Helpers and

the minute you feel fear, be assured that it is no longer them.

Try then to reestablish your feeling of comfort, so as to continue listening to your angelic Helpers.


Tell your angelic helpers what it is that you need of them, and then just wait.

If you are deeply in need, remind them how desperate you are and tell them to hurry with

 confidence and thankfulness and never be afraid.

What do panic/anxiety attacks have to do with dark-force-entities?


Psychic-mediums know truths medicated patients will never learn:

When is a ‘psychiatric’ problem, an actual  ‘spiritual’ problem?

Try an “experiment’ for your or a loved one’s next ‘panic/ ‘anxiety-attack’ :

Forcible, audibly order the fear/panic away, in the name of anything you hold ‘Holy’..


The fear/panic onset is a natural reaction imposed by your spirit BECAUSE of  a psychic intrusion by an unseen intruder ; if you “Order -It-Away!” (in the name of light and love) the panic attack will instantly abate, to reveal some of what I have told you.

It will again, however surface and reappear soon, as ‘anxiety’, because these entities are persistent and intrusive.

Try that ‘experiment’..

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Maintaining that conversation, internally and feeling confidence in the subtle exchange is the tandem combination for success. Related image

We truly come from the spirit realm and we also try so hard, often just to return, so we can indeed avail ourselves of heaven’s angelic power,  in an internal talking to heaven.

You surely more than deserve to feel the presence of the love and divine guidance of these creations that always surround you,

and to instead fill your life with the magic assistance and guidance of God’s angelic beings.