An elegant refurbished gargoyle-carved-skyscraper- hotel, built in the Roaring Twenties, the downtown Raddison-Lord-Baltimore, in Maryland, is where I was forced to book a four day stay, a ghostly 1920’s restored gem, to attend a wedding of my wife’s niece.

I ran into a paranormal wall.

As soon as I walked up to the monstrous walnut desk, to ‘check-in’ in I felt the undeniable burning touches on both arms, of a spiritual attachment, something strong enough to crash my admittedly feeble defenses.

We were shown to a 18th floor corner room, a lovely small suite, but as soon as the bellboy opened the door, I was repulsed by a reek , near the window, overlooking the building’s sheer corner, a cat urine pungent smell, one of darkness, death and suicide and I announced, to my wife’s astonishment, that the room, was:

“Nope” , “Sorry”, “Unsatisfactory”.

From the frying pan into the fire, we went back down, to the haunted front desk and then back up again, in a haunted elevator, with static electricity that made my hair stand on end, to another much larger, more lovely and well appointed suite , where I sadly had persistent (over days), visions of a very young girl, in a long taffeta pale dress, screaming, with a mouth agape, a frozen- face-mask of horror…

I could not surmount my own dread and disquiet to offer solace or attempt a loving message of healing.

I had not yet advanced to try to pray FOR spirits, rather than to pray to be left free and unaware of such.

The suffering and panicked image of that young girl filled my mind and brain and would not relent.

After three sleepless nights, some replete with gangster nightmares, I was able to finally checkout and return home, from a horrid weekend, spent in a badly haunted place although the wedding affair , itself, was a joyous respite from morbid and persistent paranormal inklings.

That girl has appeared to others, as an apparition, I later learned,  a weeping young girl in a long cream colored gown has been seen playing and heard crying, by guests and staff, alike.

She broadcasted, onto the screen- template of my mind, the familiar portrait of “THE SCREAM”,

mouth agape, in raw terror, to broadcast her personal angst and horror.

I was more engaged in futile attempts to cast her off me, rather than to attempt a rescue into the light, by calling her beloved relatives to assist her.

My wife, as psychic as a rock, slept well all those nights, peacefully, like a heavy stone dropped into a deep lake.

That image, before my eyes, fully awake, prevailed and was persistent and strong, and she was both frantic and terrified.

I thought it so sad.

Ghosts almost always say, “Please help me.”

Hopefully  I will learn how to avoid being sensitive enough to be up with bad dreams all night when any lost, insistent or sinister spirits are around.

Or, even better, learn how to counsel and cross them over.

I Googled the Hotel’s name and came up with Amy’s book and wrote her and she wrote me back:

“Hi Paul, Thanks for your email. What an experience!

Here is our story about the Radisson Lord Baltimore from our book.

We’d love to use your account in future research and if we write a follow-up book.

Here’s an excerpt from my book about the hotel that you wrote me about:

The Radisson Lord Baltimore Hotel 

Another Account: 

Francesle (Fran) Carter has worked at the Radisson Lord Baltimore for many years. She currently functions in the role of captain, supervising a team of people overseeing the food, beverage, and setup needs of the hotel.

In 1998 Fran was on the 19th floor of the building preparing a small meeting room for future use. She was working at a table facing the wall with an open door to her left. She bent over the table for a few moments, absorbed in her work. Then she looked up and to her left at the doorway. A little girl wearing a long cream colored dress and black shiny shoes ran by the open doorway, bouncing a red ball before her.

Fran immediately ran outside calling after her “Little girl, are you lost?”

The hallway was completely empty. Fran, quite shaken at this point, turned around to go back to the meeting room when she saw two people walking down the hallway toward her.

The first was an older gentleman dressed in formal attire. A woman in a long ballgown accompanied him. Frank asked them if they were looking for their granddaughter because she had just run by.

She turned to point in the direction that the child had passed. When she turned her head back toward the two people, they had just vanished right before her eyes.

Fran was then so frightened that she called a security guard. He stayed there with her until she finished her work, and no more ghostly visitors appeared on the 19th floor that evening.

A few years later a guest at the hotel told Fran that she believed that her room had a ghostly visitor. She was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of a child crying. As she sat up in her bed, she saw a little girl crying and rocking herself back and forth while sitting in the window of her room. As the woman rose to go to the girl, she slowly faded away. The little girl was wearing a long cream colored dress with black shoes.

One evening a few years later, Fran was approached by a co-worker who told her that three people were standing in the dark in the ballroom of the hotel. The hotel’s ballroom is a very large room, which can accommodate 1,250 people seated at banquet tables.

Three arched ceiling length windows dominate the far wall of the room- the side of the room opposite the entrance doorway. When Fran entered the ballroom, she walked across the room in the direction of the windows.

She noticed that there indeed were three people standing there in the darkened, moonlit room. One man stood before the far left window, another stood before the far right window, and a woman stood a few feet behind the two men before the middle window.

They were all looking upward through the windows. Fran noticed that they were standing in what she described as a triangular formation.

Fran passed within 5 feet of the man standing in front of the window on the left. She noticed that he was wearing a dark, possibly blue, sport blazer with metallic buttons that gleamed in the darkness. He had an ascot tied around his throat and appeared quite the dapper gentleman. She thought that his clothing was odd, but at this point didn’t know that her visitors were out of the ordinary. She then asked them if they would like some light and walked by the man in the ascot to turn on the light switch, just a few feet from where he was standing.

Light immediately flooded the room- and the three visitors were gone! As earlier noted, the Lord Baltimore hotel has had its share of guests who were very reluctant to check out. It appears that some of them never did.


Amy “

Here’s my  original note, to Amy, the manager of the hotel:

“As a newly budding psychic, open to unseen energies, I found myself attending a wedding this past weekend, and I stayed at the Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore.

I spent two sleepless nights, inundated with nightmares, complaining all the while to my wife, about the constant touches and psychic turmoil of the unseen. I have stayed at many hotels and sensed spirits, all untoward and lost.

But this hotel, still gorgeous in its age, was positively infested. A young girl, weeping, mouths agape in horror, in a very long gown dress, startled me as a persistent image.

My wife wanted no part of any of my startling unpleasant discoveries.

I also felt spirits of ignominious sinister gangster types, which didn’t surprise me in the least: if you’re afraid to cross over, why not haunt a favorite place? What can you tell me about the history of the place that supports those “images” that I had ?  “

Paul Schroeder



By Paul Schroeder
(Copyright 2019, Paul Schroeder – All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>
Sometimes, after abductions, the inter-dimensional door, left open, invites in the “gangster fringe” element of the spirit world.
I have heard astonishing things most unverifiable about Heaven, from ribald odd psychic mediums:
Too heavy smokers retain visibly black lungs, the vain- cosmetic- surgery- addicted, sport disfigured countenances, those too rich, ornate and gaudy, appear homely and threadbare.
According to some psychics, there is an inverse relationship between our aspects, after death, in transition, in an astral world, that mirrors and reflect our damages, foolishness and wrong values, from one’s  life most recently departed.
Who could foresee or imagine such instant spiritually blatant karma-ricochets ?
To skeptics or to the religiously programmed, I assert that the theory that consciousness ends with physical death, has never been proved, to me.
If one examines diverse spiritual phenomena: demonic possession, OBEs, NDEs, hauntings, poltergeists, reincarnation memories through regressive hypnosis, just to mention a few, the undeniable evidence of a spiritual reality looms as obvious as a trout in the milk.
We should all be born with lunch boxes for our stay here, in this school, is short, compared to the eternal spark of God within us that endures.
We step out of our body when we physically die , just as we do step out of our cars and our clothing, and we are no more our bodies than we are our cars or clothing.
Psychics and mediums well know this.
Our spirits, if not stolen by demons or reptilian aliens, or stuck, Earthbound,  move on to one of the very many varied realms of Heaven.

Spirits in beginning transition,  vulnerable to being stolen by reptilian aliens to be recycled, or garnered by demons who collect souls like children do marbles, will often  linger to stay close to us.
Since only our ‘clothing’, or our body’s external shell is buried,
visiting a cemetery is moot, because the loving spirits of our dead  travel with us there, and return from there, with us.
But, Earthbound sinister dark souls, and inhuman diabolical spirits, will persist within cemeteries.
Pregnant mothers are restricted from attending cemeteries by many religions, to offer protection to the unborn, from  opportunistic sinister spirits.
Certain minerals in stones, such as ferrous, jasper, tourmaline and quartz,  carried by some sensitives, can assist, and
can act as a deterrent.
I have also gleaned that The “LIGHT”, into which we enter, to ‘cross over’, at physical death, is not outward and external, but emanates from WITHIN us, at death, a detail overlooked and  unrecognized .
But, what about trapped ghosts?
 In our natural spirit state we are ghosts:
fogs of electromagnetic energy , with memory and a sense of identity.
Ghost-hunters need a glimmer  that spirits who they document,  SHOULD BE rescued;
this lack of moral recognition, risks  “depraved indifference”, a  moral crime.
Many ghosts ask: “Help me!”
Circus or rodeo’s audiences applause,  watching  abused animals hard- beaten- perform postures unnatural to their natures , is  similarly a ‘depraved indifference’.
Circus and rodeo  lovers, like ghost-  hunters, return to their cars to  leave a chunk of their spiritual evolution, behind..
We get a sure ride to Earth, from Heaven, at birth, but no guarantees for a safe return trip home.
When my psychic prowess began to sputter on, I initially was aware of so many ghosts afoot everywhere, that it made me doubt Heaven’s very existence.
Some human spirits  trapped on this plane, oddly become somewhat animalistic,
Earthbound and lost.
1957 - Year of the Cock <br /> Computer Generated Phot... <br /> Manimals <br /> 1993 <br />
1946 - Year... <br /> Computer Ge... <br /> Manimals <br /> 1993 <br />
Trapped human spirits are ‘provoked’ by ghost-hunters to elicit evidences, and are  seen as sport, like an animal abused at a rodeo or circuses.
With ghosts, it’s the chrysalis that never emerges, the cocoon frozen and dead,  a human spirit lost in anguish between life and death,
God’s promise gone unkept,
the return dream to Heaven, deferred..
How and when did I learn that an unseen world exists all around us?
Picture - A Buddhist and Hindu temple Wat Rong Khun in Chiang Rai, Thailand  Also known as the White Temple  It was designed by Chalermchai Kositpipat. Fotosearch - Search Stock Photography, Photos, Prints, Images, and Photo Clipart
It blossomed
The feeling of unseen human hands and their undeniable touches on my arms, back and shoulders, with concurrent accompanying psychic disturbances  increased.
At restaurants, often a warm, heavy hand resides on my shoulder, for a moment, with no one observable, behind me, friendly but unsettling encounters.
I  feel symptoms of a dark one, a lost soul/ ghost, who jumps on me, and an energy connection is felt, in that my skin burns and buzzes where I am  touched and connection are made..
Sometimes that awareness crashes crystal clear:
Medusa HeadI recently had a very “odd in- your- face” encounter with a“Shadow Person.”

Sitting at my computer, writing long into the wee hours, the screen’s glow the only illumination in the room, I slowly became aware of a gradual peripheral movement alongside my right cheek, that moved forward into view, to emerge directly facing me.

A black silhouette of a face, illuminated by the neon glow of the computer screen, a side view of a profile of a slim young man, emerged which then quickly turned, to face me straight on.
A full second before I loudly exclaimed and shouted, an involuntary reaction, I could see a slim, thin human face darker than the room’s darkness, fully facing me.
As I have purposefully unlearned fear, the shout was instinctive and only awe surfaced.
But it was a “Shadow Person” up close and intimate.
At one time, in order to block these experiences, knowing that some medications did change brain chemistry to the extent,  to simply put one beyond the reach of such creatures, I tried antihistamines and did indeed manage to stop it all, temporarily.
 I had read that on the Internet and just wanting to feel normal, again, tried it on myself.
I don’t know how it works but it works … temporarily.
But, one can’t live on Benedryll.
Other medications have specifically been developed for people who are troubled by ‘seeing things’, ‘hearing things’ and ‘feeling things’ and these were
pharmacological designed because modern medicine makes no differentiation, no distinctions between spiritual dysfunctions and psychological dysfunctions.
A modern clinician  unversed in such spiritual truths, perceives a child patient who experiences these phenomena as more psychotic than  psychic, certainly not ever a young ‘sensitive’, who has not yet learned how, but must, to  close his energies, to such entities…
The chief goal and design of the Darkness, is to extinguish Light, in any form and thus
those who strive to profess Goodness and Godliness, come under severe, direct attack,
represented by psychic and emotional manipulations towards ‘wrongness’ and temptations, concurrent with intrusive psychic interference with “ear-worm” melodies within on’es head and chakra stimulation by darkness for sexual encouragement, to hopefully feed from such ‘energies’…
It is an awful battle as a global macrocosm, and within each individual, as a microcosm.
I was told by others early on that what I was going through was a blessing.   I did not accept that at the time.
  It has been a tough learning experience for both me and the unseen world.
I once advised a spirit whose hand rested heavily on my right shoulder -I could feel the weight and span of fingers- to “cross over to the other side”-  meaning that other dimension that we all come from and go to, ‘Heaven’.
  After just a few seconds, it obliged my request, by crossing over to my left side, and  good naturedly resting its hand, THERE, on my shoulder..
I deduced that rather than having a rarefied sense of humor,  it likely had no idea whatsoever, what I was referring to…
Another major problem for psychic sensitives, is that of all the spiritual energies, unseen, out there, many are NOT human; some are reptilian alien.
When a demon or juvenile reptilian cruises in, for what turns out to be an extended visit, an onset of the most awful nightmares, unlike any one can imagine, vivid and terrifying, ensue.
Such brilliant diabolical entities refuse rescue and delight in tormenting humans; nothing else except unholy ones could do such violence to mere dreams.
Scary blood with an evil halloween vampire character splattered and dripping on a white background as a spooky symbol of danger and fear as paranormal fantasy icon  Stock Photo - 21743139
During such sieges, in spiritual crises, I have had to neatly discard any classic pedestrian Freudian or Jungian explanations as misguided and moot, and instead  to seek metaphysical approaches that do, after a fashion, work.
In self defense,  with heightened empathy for an energy who jumps upon me, I counsel with love and compassion, as one would a lost traveler or lost child.  It could well be you, or me, so lost.
I used to dismiss an unseen touch as though it were a fly at my mustache, or treat it with the disgust or shock that a ghost often elicits.
Then I tried to openly complain to the spirit, that phantoms DO-  fill -the- air – around us, and that although we all come from God, one way or another, some of us  fight  hard,  to return to God.
I relay this to the unseen intelligence touching me, with a lack of fear and with  pathos, as much sympathy as I can muster.
All the while, I am fully aware that it could likely be psychically dangerous, as deeply disturbed as it had been, in its body.
If it ever HAD a body..
If it’s “sticky”, and persistent , I surround myself in a three-feet-around-me violet cloud of love, to dissuade it, in a fashion..
The worst, most predatory and harmful negative energies ‘out there’, for a sensitive to sense, are juvenile reptilians and small dark grey aliens.
They come on like gang-busters,  insistently stubborn and ‘hungry’ for my energies.
When such  painful burning touches apprise me that connections between my energies and dark energies are continuing,  a spritz of incensed holy water mixed with tea tree and camphor essential oils from a plant misting bottle clears the attachment feeling and the onset of mild psychic attack.
I tell spirits who touch me more gently, them that it’s sad and  ironic that God has sent them to me for help,  for I myself, spiritually, am  so often  helplessly lost.
I  tell them that touching people for energy, stealing energy from people,  traps them here, between worlds, where they are subject to bullying or worse, theft, by astral – fierce-predators, afoot.
I ask them to reach higher into their own dimension,  to  ask for angelic help as I do the same, in mine.
 I remind them that since they didn’t die when they left their body, that they cannot  die, and insist that they not steal human energy; humans look  like bright porch lights to them.
Some do not listen, because they still feel so, ‘alive’, though not in their physical body.
The retort I have more than once heard in my skull was:
“How do I know, that YOU’RE not dead!?”
Some, however, do listen.
I ask   rescue beings of light to work to bring  a neighbor, a lover, a child, a former pet, a parent, a friend, a schoolmate, ANYONE, SOMEONE whom they can trust, to bring them over, to the Other Side.
I try not to surround them in a white light , for negative-thought-beings can feast on white light, which is why they go initially quiescent, only to come on, again, later,  like gang-busters.
Visualized purple light, used for self-defense, can also  ‘wash off and cleanse’ the external blackness surrounding a dark spirit, who is half- willing to be rescued.
Such a ‘wash’ of purple light onto such  creatures couched in blackness, always soon reveals a tiny, faint pearl- like light within the dark one,  my proof to it, of God’s creation of it.
Then, ONLY THEN,  bereft of its outer shell of darkness,  and meanness will I send it into a tower of white light, which contains the hidden full color spectrum with gradations of each color  a different dimension of (earned) Heaven.
Some dark spirits can only freely go into red light, or orange light, to find their rightful place, towards their next perfection; all varied colored spiritual destinations, not unlike a rainbow, are contained  hidden within white light.
However, this cleansing and rescue is best and more safely done within a circle of minds, with a psychic-medium also in attendance.
  Creative metaphysics, towards rescues, using just one human mind can be dangerous  as some entities/energies out there, are quite amazingly nasty, brilliant and diabolical.
Self-defense evolved into a changed outlook:
I pray FOR them, instead of for my relief FROM them.
It raises their vibrations and moves them out of the darkness and is appreciated by them and by others, and is considered,”service to the other side’.
I also try to goad them into the finer purpose, of helping me:
I ask them to leave as ‘ Earthbound’ spirits,  travel to the Christ light, and RETURN to me, as cleansed spirits to assist me in others’ rescue.

What usually appeals to  ‘holdouts’,  is  reminding them that nobody  has spoken to them, or  paid any attention to them, for a  long time, except for me.
 With a more humane stance, rarely do they attack with projected telepathic/psychic attacks, in nightmares, or sinister poltergeist machinations .
I have bought some peace and I have done some service to the Other Side.
Ghost-hunters are the front line in this real endeavor, the rescue of ghosts, for in spiritually rescuing others, they can spiritually rescue themselves.


Love Heals

Casting out entities, be they ETs, spirits, demons, jinns or ghosts)only sends them to another place to torture and trouble another person .
It’s like pulling a nail out of one’s flat tire and then casting the nail out into traffic for someone else to run into.

In all healing, do remember that God is “pure” Love and exists hidden within every cell of your being. It is only the power of Love that heals and lifts, elevates the soul to higher planes.

Another essential self-defense rule?

Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities.

I give you the following steps to clear the negative energy:

First,  hold close that spiritual metamorphosis realization that you are a spiritual being, a tiny fragment of God’s light and love.

  1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
  2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many “Christed” Ones.
  3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat this as often as you feel it is needed.)
  4. Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
  5. Ask that your chosen  representative (I use my personal angels) arrive and take them to their perfect place and highest expression.

I often state that they be taken to the correct color light and to their proper place within that light.

  1. Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.
  2. Ask that all of their psychic bonds be severed, and that they close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

I ask that all negative karmic, sexual, known and unknown contractual bonds be severed. I augment this with a visualization of a blue flaming sword that severs black cords, in all directions.

Repeat this process until you feel clear.

There may indeed often be more than one healing to accomplish.

Remember that your spoken word is very powerful, and what is spoken, on their level, manifests instantly.

Many enlightened ones use this process before opening their energies and mind to prayers, healings, doing psychic readings of others and  angelic channeling.

Like burning sage to dissipate negative energies, this process creates a clear and safe environment and also lifts the vibrational energy of the one who is doing the healing.

Intent, the inner generator of your mind-soul, is nine-tenths of the spiritual law.

I am still becoming adept in this as a novice, but I recommend that you try to employ this

loving ‘expulsion’ as it raises trapped spirit’s vibrational levels and does service to the Other Side.
Moreover, such psychic flexing of unconditional love, illustrates the God-like creative powers of the human mind.


Ghost-hunters are the front line in this real endeavor, the rescue of ghosts, for in spiritually rescuing others, they can in fact spiritually rescue themselves.





Under the guise of technical testing, grey aliens create dithers and stress and impose raw anxiety, in abductee’s daily lives to create the juices, the endocrine stress flavors that their nighttime palates crave.

This is a most unique relationship akin to vampires of the 3rd century myths of negative, bedroom, nighttime intruders who crave bodily juices.

And yes, oddly, garlic does indeed repel them when used as an herbal repellent.

Psychic vampires from techno space?

Statue of Repto Sapien god from ancient Sumer

On display in The British Museum

Sounds like a bad B movie but most abductees are treated as though they were just alien food, ethereal and physical food.

I have eyeball-to-eyeball seen one solitary small dark grey , within a wide storage-type room on board a craft, mind-

control (with telepathic broadcast tsunami TERROR that I also then felt) a group of enslaved human children ( all boys about

ten years of age) who ran to fast unload loaded conveyor belts and then fast ran to then

pile retrieved goods onto piles on the floor, during one God-awful abduction.

Slavery of children , in  that single observed microcosm , reflects a wider predatory

macrocosm interaction, with mankind, certainly and without any doubt, to my mind..


Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing protein forms of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks.

This ‘patent’ allows them to act with impunity:

Energy is drained through implant drains and through alien controls that involve micro manipulations of almost all psychic functions.

The parallel between alien abductions and demonic possession is powerful as both show intrusive dark intentions to disrupt and control and all without any seeming conscience.

Dr William Baldwin echoes what I’ve separately stumbled upon.

The alien agenda behind the sequence of close encounters, leading to abductions, and then to possession, is similar to their planetary exploits; after exploration, comes conquest.

What follows is phrased from his astounding preface of his book:

“Through the voices of the clients in altered states of consciousness, these alien beings reveal their purposes for being here, they describe their home world civilizations, and many express the desire to go “home.”

In some cases, the ET commandant on a nearby spacecraft, and even the leader of the ruling High Council on the home world, will speak through the voice of the client.

The ETs offer many reasons for their presence here. Many are here to gather data and information on human life forms.


They are technicians and scientists.

There seems to be some kind of long-term genetic experimentation and manipulation in progress.

Some ETs may be able to help troubled humans.

A few apparently have the ability to heal physical ailments.

Some people claim to have been spiritually transformed as the result of an abduction and interaction with aliens.

In other cases the ETs announce they are here to take control, to simply take over the human race, beginning with our client.”

“They often threaten that we will be next. Such threats clearly indicate DFE (dark force entity) influence.

This channeled information could be totally fabricated by the client, consciously or unconsciously.

It may be a product of the collective unconscious mind, triggered by a subliminal mass hysteria over an urban myth of alien domination.

A more sinister possibility reflects the fears of the conspiracy theorists; the alien

abductions may involve elements of our own government who have formed some kind of alliance with ETs, beings from other worlds or other dimensions.

Equally repugnant is the possibility that the entire UFO/ET enigma might be nothing less,

nor more, than field testing of mind control technology by earth’s own intelligence agencies or military personnel.

However, it may be exactly what it appears to be: actual communication with an alien race.”

“Whatever the case, the information voiced through the clients forms a consistent body of knowledge about the alien beings and their motivations for coming to our planet.

[From a case study]

“Mona and the ET Controllers

Mona expressed dismay at her unusually high sexual appetite and her promiscuity.

This condition had existed in her life since late adolescence.

She had difficulty maintaining monogamous relationships and this caused her deep sadness and confusion. In session, she discovered an ET group experimenting with sexuality.

The ET researchers would intensify her sexual desire, like turning up the volume on a TV set, then observe her behavior and her reactions to her own behavior.

We discovered a large network of DFEs [Dark Force Entities] of various levels controlling the ETs in this activity.

This particular experimentation involved a broad segment of the human population, and

Mona was just one of many people affected.

The ET technicians divulged this information, and further revealed a sordid picture of the intrusion.

Some of the DFE-influenced ETs had become personally involved in human sexuality,

purposely stimulating licentious and depraved sexual activities.

Not only were they distorted in their scientific observation, they were participating in the experiments.

Mona was sickened by the discovery of this information.

She had known something was very wrong in her life and suspected entity influence, but

had not dreamed of this kind of extensive involvement, particularly the ETs.

She was deeply relieved to finally get relief from this terribly intrusive and very personal violation.

Human beings are so terribly caught up in sexual issues from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood, even old age as senility sets in.

The entire issue is compounded by the social issues regarding sex, marriage, monogamy,

adultery, promiscuity, the religious taboos and imposed guilt, the very real problems of

unwanted pregnancy and abortion, disease, human possessiveness and jealousy, and other issues.

It is a fertile field for dark force entity influence.

These experiments on emotions and sexuality are ostensibly designed to study human feelings and behavior.

The technician simply turns up the volume on some aspect of emotion or behavior and records what happens with the human subject.

This behavior or emotional outburst causes anguish in the human. This is the desired result.

The anguish is the underlying goal of the project.”

“The energy emanation of the anguish of human suffering is harvested by the DFEs.

It is used as energy, sustenance, food. In most cases we have found, and other therapists

report the same situation, it seems the experiment is a cover for the activity of the DFEs.

This is the true purpose of the “research” conducted by the aliens.

In most cases of ET attachment where such a group is operating, the ship captain or the

base commander may be evasive, deceitful, even defiant, and refuse to remove the intrusive devices and alien beings.

They will usually divulge the information that there is a high dark being who controls their people.

A client will sometimes describe a sinister and menacing dark figure on the craft, clearly

exerting powerful control, and always situated near the ship’s captain.

The ET technician is usually unaware of the dark influence.

The commander of the space craft is conscious of the dark presence in about half of such cases.”


“The ruling council members on the home world are aware of the dark lords in charge at

various levels. They acknowledge that they, or their predecessors in the council, struck

an alliance with the dark forces long ago for the purpose of gaining personal and political power.

However, once that dark contact was established, the DFEs took power over the council.

The DFEs assumed “ownership” of the alien civilization, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

The council members, usually from three to eleven in number (though once it was

reported as a senate of about 1800 members), are grateful for the assistance in separating themselves and their citizens from the DFEs.

With the assistance of many light beings, we facilitate the total removal of the dark force

entities, from the lowliest DFE attached to the ET technicians, through the dark lords on

the craft, to the high-level dark beings wielding power over the council members and the overseers or enforcers who lurk behind the scenes.

After the release of the DFEs from their civilization, the council gladly orders the

removal of the implants, monitors, communication devices, various and assorted

headbands and skullcaps, and the ET technicians.”

“They order the return of all the craft orbiting this world and any other, and the space stations involved in this hideous project.

A tremendous piece of work is completed in a very short time. The effect on consciousness cannot be measured.

Clients have discovered not only these attached ET technicians and their equipment, but also unattended probes and other devices in various parts of the anatomy and in the chakras, or energy centers of the body, both on themselves and other family members.

These probes are non-physical in nature, yet connected in a way which allows for the transmission of information to the ET scientist’s location.

The probe, or connector, may also allow the ET to remotely control some aspect of the physiology or mental/emotional functioning of the person.

In an altered state, a client can visualize the probe, often a black cord, leading to the ET laboratory.

We direct the question to the alien researcher.

This communication passes directly to the ETs along the attached connector, and the surprised ET will answer through the voice mechanism of the client.

This can be surprising and distressing to the client, but with our assurance that the control is only temporary, and that many people have overcome this intrusion, most clients continue with the dialogue.”

This previous excerpt, from the text’s introduction, speaks to every abductee.

One may  wonder about the abject complexity and raw goodness of such rescues,

because Dr. William Baldwin’s book shines a cosmic light into unspeakable darkness, the

proprietary nature and reality of such alien creatures, who  always and forever lurk

behind our  spiritual and dimensional curtains..

To be possessed as well as farmed, throughout the Multiverse by sinister and controlling

E.T.s , as a mere animal husbandry presence on “Earth”, is to be wrongly deprived of our spiritual rights, a denial of  equanimity as a sentient race of beings.

(At Budd Hopkins home on the upper West side of NYC, abductees met on weekends to exchange and share and I was there when I heard many echoes of abductees describing seeing human babies being jar-bred, chopped and butchered into edible parts aboard craft, strictly for reptilian diets; small greys bathed in tubs of human endocrines and a soup of body parts(sludge) and absorbed such through their skin.

This is likely the main reason that any ‘disclosure’ may be thwarted because the truth is too horrendous, that we are ‘farmed’ precisely as we ‘farm’ animals…)

Molecular engineering, at the hands of E.T.s, in ‘nano-tech’, is exemplified by the physical forms created by their designed- D.N.A. molecule, a creation of breathing protein forms of life by nanotech sequenced-storage and programming- amino-acid- building blocks and this “patent”, gives them reason to act evilly with impunity.

EARTH has been seeded with E.T. DNA to make it a jewel of a Draco reptilian preserve,

and there’s two names:” humans” and “extraterrestrials”, (Draco reptilians, amphibean E.T.s ,

small, dark greys, small slave greys,  very tall Gumby-like greys , Mantid E.T. (medical officers )are just a few

species) because we are NOT remotely them and they are NOT us.

They are the chicken-farmers who never reveal to their captive creatures, that it is,

indeed, a ‘preserve’.

.We are created, as are all physical creatures by an E.T. nano-tech DNA protein-enzyme ‘patent’, that allows spiritual and physical depredation of mankind by E.T.s .

Pollyanna, sanguine “space-brothers” , prevails as a childish delusion, even within the

UFO community; these beings satisfy the three essential rubrics of evil : predatory, sinister, and self-justifying.

These people claim that selling “fear and negativity” is wrong  and that their own sanguine experiences (mostly women) with hatred-radiating reptilians, were placid.

All of my own personal recollections reveal controlling, and fearful E.T. beings with dark agendas and uncanny telepathic prowess to control human minds.


My acquired insights sustain that ALL nightmares are varied degrees of telepathic

attacks used by and delivered from a varied collection of negative-thought-entities who

strive to ‘reside’ within such “core-images”, and at least, make ethereal connections from us to them by imposing traumatic, horrid imagery.

Post-abductions “nightmares” especially fall within this realm.

It is not insightful, to analyze such imagery nor is it wise to assume that it’s innocuous.

One must attempt to not retain such imagery, but to sever and slash at it’s recollection,

and cords behind each image, using tools of metaphysics, from swords to blow-torches, visualized removing connections.

These implanted ‘core-images allow access to our multi-layered psyche and as such,


visualized ‘black-cord connections’, must be removed regularly and repeatedly.

Source helps those, who help themselves..

Since E.T.s can travel and hide, within time, itself, they are an elusive target for

pedestrian mankind who must finally accept that much like demons, E.T.s have the same three


qualities, that define “evil” : sinister, predatory, and self-justifying…

It is far beyond time, that UFO researchers, have this needed glimmer into these parasitic E.T. time-travelers’ relationship with humankind and every other E.T. civilization they have infested.

Clock GIF



by Paul Schroeder

The theory that consciousness ends with physical death, has never been proved, to me.
If one examines a plethora of diverse spiritual phenomena like, demonic possession, OBEs, NDEs, hauntings, poltergeists, reincarnation memories through regressive hypnosis, just to mention a few, the undeniable evidence looms as obvious as a trout in the milk.
We should all be born with lunch boxes for our stay here, in this school, is short, compared to the eternal spark of God within us that endures.
Children see ghosts and have paranormal experiences more so than adults because they are still close to the other side, having JUST crossed and because there’s evidence that children see a broader spectrum of light than adults , but to me, the most interesting and revealing aspects of listening to tapes of past life regressive hypnosis, is the time described by clients’ narratives of interactions and experiences,  IN- BETWEEN lifetimes…
 I try rescues, every so often, fifty concentration camp sites, all over Europe, where 2,000,000 Jewish children were turned into soap,  the most haunted places imaginable, exponentially more than any other global site where trapped souls lament.
Untold masses of tormented souls, in time’s layers, according to the transports where they were wholesale murdered, still suffer, above and around these sites.
Over 2,000,000 children were systematically slaughtered, children separated from their parents and families, in despair and horror and
 tossed alive into burning petrol pits by Ukrainian and Waffen S.S. hands.
Older children were dispatched by swinging them by the feet, headfirst into walls.
Focus,  on those frantic, horrified and trapped levels of ghosts, suspended in layers above those locales, and visualize  purple light and angels rescuing them.
These souls have suffered psychological/spiritual damage, that complicates spirit rescue;
 young souls,  in extreme fright, who perished at the hands of adults,
will not approach, or trust, any rescuing medium who is an adult.
Neither will such a fevered spirit who perished in flames, approach the “LIGHT”..
Millions of trapped  child souls, who died in terror and agony,  persist there in that same nightmarish state of mind.
Screams of children waft in the night air, audible to nearby villages, when meteorological conditions are perfect.
These murder sites are the most haunted sites, in the ghost realm, geographically.
Ghosthunters could care less:

They provoke, collect evidence and leave the scene in a moral turpitude, a  non- humaneness, towards trapped and stuck human souls, who suffer.

Dangers other than moral ones exist for  uninitiated amateurs who DO go “ghost-hunting”.
A “ghost box’,  fascinating as a doorway to the unseen, offers a dangerous opportunity for a masquerading  evil one to enter to feast on one’s energies,
 should powerful demonics, who often trap ghosts in a locale for feasting on their energies, also infest a  ‘haunted house’ and come into contact with ‘hunters’, who then become the ‘prey’.
 If you had either a loaded gun with a hair-trigger, or a ghost box,  the gun would be a safer tool to keep close,  for
 when one dabbles in the occult, it can fully open to one, and demons, more ubiquitous than imagined , drift in to feel tacit unspoken permission,
 to  feel that they own one, and make
one’s life and mind a nightmarish battleground.
Television shows create a sense of harmless fascination and fun with the Dark Side and deliver a false sense of safety within experimentation with the Occult Dark Side.
Ouija boards, commercially sold as novelty items, remain a threat unrecognized by the general public, viewing Ouija as “a board game,” like Monopoly or Scrabble, rather than  solid invitations (invocations) to Dark Force entities to approach , more directly.
Television shows with conjuring themes, like Witch Season, Witch Hunter, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Ghost Whisperer, Bewitched, suggest to the viewing public that there is no real danger in witchcraft, wizardry and “ghost hunting”, but
 spiritual and psychological dangers can await the unwitting who have  received this
  false sense of safety.
 ‘Hunting’ might  open a door that one  can’t close, again.
Predatory, negative, bullying entities exist : Devils (who can walk right into you), sinister Earthbound spirits, shadow people, demons,  and diabolical alien reptilians, who  often masquerade, as poltergeists or ghosts are phantoms who fill the air around us.
Which “Ghost Buster” can you successfully find in the Yellow Pages, at that point, because “what followed you home”, afterwards, was more than you were  prepared to deal with?
When spiritual filth follows a ghost-hunter home, the symptoms can be uniform:
-Concurrent with psychic attacks, (negative ideations and bad dreams) is poltergeist phenomena; things move within immediate vision, knocks and tapping occur on the walls occur and a general heavy, unhappy, creepy atmosphere envelops the house and the moods of its occupants.
Electrical problems, sudden onset of flies and cockroaches, and nightmares, worst scenario dreams, horrify and prevail.

Pranks predominate.Objects disappear to return days later in strange places and there’s always a powerful sense of being watched by large eyes.

Those troubled by hauntings are in a dilemma, for having discarded church-based organized religions, long ago, and having put the Bible on the same shelf, as the Tooth Fairy, they find themselves bereft of spiritual guidance.
But God  has always been down a long hall, and somewhere else.
 Hopefully, if things stay spiritually pedestrian, and one runs into ghosts, during such  “hunts”, can one think how
 dreadful, it must be for them to have their house invaded by strangers, who cannot see or hear their distress or their ire, for the intrusion of their privacy, and the ignoring of their cries for help.
 The emotional chaos of a human ghost,  who dwells in the world of mind, is dreadful.
 Still human, it is now in its original spirit form: an electromagnetic conscious fog, comprised of memories and an identity .
A paranormal tool, that hears word for word what a ghost speaks, would tremendously assist ghost-hunters and trapped spirits:
A parabolic directional microphone, with earphone headset, will pick up voices  magnified,  to allow a direct two-way conversation.
This is a wondrous tool for giving a ghost guidance, and insight into its plight, and to assist it in a much needed means out of its predicament.
EVPs are normally examined and discovered long after the haunt locale is left behind, but a parabolic directional microphone allows real time interactions for
ghostly voices as sounds are heard in real time.
Ghost “hunting”  bypasses the higher purpose of spirit rescue , for the untrained ‘hunters” care only about ‘evidence gathering’,  and feel no
moral responsibility,  to rescue a trapped human ‘spirit’ always in extreme distress .
All ‘hunters’ make game their ‘prey’, and that goes double for ‘hunting’ ghosts..
Many EVPs are heart-wrenching direct requests for help.
The directional, parabolic microphone with headset earphones, bypasses the need for a “medium”, and can also discern the graveled croaking of a demonic;
(some who charge much money, and  masqueradeas “mediums”, are indeed,
 “mediums”,  because anything, well done, is rare.)

The enlightened approach of a ghost hunter  must be the same as one  who enters a cave to find and  rescue a trapped child: a
humanitarian, ghost-humane stance.
We get a sure ride to Earth from Heaven, at birth, but sadly no guarantees for a safe return trip home, at  our death.
One’s destiny chooses one, and the only important days in one’s life, are the day that one is born, and the day that one knows, why.
  Should we, at physical death, find ourselves  trapped, stuck in ghostly form, we would loathe to be seen as sport, by “ghost-hunters”,  who observe evidence of our sad presence, like the enjoyment of a crowd, who applaud animals sorely abused, by rodeos and by circuses.
Ghost-Hunters, remember that ghosts are stuck, lost souls, trapped between worlds, and as a “hunter”,  and coincidentally ALSO a spirit, you are uniquely positioned to assist their rescue, as service, to ‘The Other Side’ and perhaps more importantly also rescue yourselves …


How To COMBAT Demonic and Spirit Attachments
by Paul Schroeder


(Techniques and  quotes are quoted from  communiques with Robert Bruce, et al, “Astral Dynamics. com”)

“We live in metamorphosing times.

Shifting energies on Earth are increasing in vibration towards God and there is a greater dissonance between established realms of light and realms of darkness.

Newly shifted people are awakening to accept vocations as spiritual healers, psychics and mystics.

In the process, they turn up their inner spiritual porch lights wattage and voltage which attracts the ‘moths’ and then the ‘bats’, demonic bottom astral feeders of all sorts.

If one thinks that one has an earthbound spirit, entity attachment, or astral wildlife, it may be possible to help oneself.

By all means try the following before calling in professional help, however, if you are terribly fearful it is better to get assistance as fear is a powerful and delicious form of energy that directly empowers the gangster fringe element of the spirit world.

Entities who feast on consciousness itself and on our auric energies are parasites of strong spiritual light.

Thus counter-intuitively, beings of a low frequency, lost and often sinister, are attracted like moths to a flame to very devout people and to spiritual healers.

Spiritual Healers who work in other people’s auras need to be especially aware of this probability as entities will often hitchhike and ‘jump ship’ preferring the fresh and tasty energies of the healer to the tired and depleted energy of their original host.

‘For those who are intuitively sensitive and highly psychic these attachments can feel unpleasant and will cause energy depletion.’

The subject of earthbound spirits tends to get people nervous and they will move further away down the park bench a distance from those who discuss the subject.

Should we encounter a ghostly spirit it is important to remember that it is only a person, the same as you or me but simply without the outer carapace shell of the physical body.

Our true presence is indeed similarly spiritual: an electromagnetic-fog- energy field, with memory and a personality.

I often experience a lost soul-ghost who jumps on me such that my skin burns where it touches me; I counsel it with love and compassion as I would a lost traveler.

I complain to the spirit that phantoms fill the air around us and that we all come from God but it seems that we have to fight hard to return to God; I speak to it with pathos and sympathy in my heart.

If it is still insistently hungry and in my face, a spritz  of incensed holy water clears the burning attachment feeling and the onset of mild psychic attack; you can feel their angst.

I tell them that its so sad and ironic that God has sent them to me for help as there are no accidents, and that ironically, they have been sent to me for directions, when I myself am often so helplessly lost.

I tell them that touching people for energy further traps them here, in hell, between worlds.

I remind them that they didn’t really die when they left the body and that they wont die here without human energy; some listen.

I also ask them to leave as goofy earthbound spirits to the light and to RETURN to me as purified, cleansed spirits to assist me in rescuing others as they have been rescued.

What usually appeals to them is my reminding them that nobody has spoken to them for a long time, except for me.

Rarely, then, do they attack with projected nightmares or sinister machinations.

I’ve bought some peace and done service to the other side.

There is a beautiful side to evil, like native gorgeous immensely giant silk moths that cavort only at 3:00 A. M.


There are a few cases where demonic beings have assisted doctors with many diagnosis.


I do always, eventually, chide an especially persistent and annoying Dark One, a Negative Thought Entity I might have picked up, while out and about in transit, like sinister gum on my psychic shoe, to “do good, and to help people, for purely selfish reasons, to diminish their own horrid Karma, so far accumulated. ”
Many Dark Ones are sick and tired of their own evil doing and often enforced required impishness,  over-ridden by even darker, stronger ones, than they .


Sometimes, feeling genuine compassion for them, something that one cannot fake, and their ‘entrapment status’, is enough to deter them, for a while.


(from unknown source:


‘An earthbound spirit is stuck and has not made it across to the spirit realms where it belongs. There are many reasons why the crossing may not have been made and they may have been stuck for a long time.’

Lifetime emotional trauma, an inner sense of driven unfinished business, and demonic attachments usually weigh down and encumber a soul’s transit and a trapped ghost persists, as precipitate in spiritual solution..

‘This earthbound spirit is very different from the spirit guides accompanying and helping you, who are not bound to the Earth plane.’


Demonic Entities is a non specific term relating to non-human energy beings with varying levels of intelligence that may deliberately attach themselves to humans.

Some are merely impishly mischievous, but many others are absolutely brilliantly malevolent.

While I rarely address a demonic and ask,”How can I help you?” I found that each time that I did, a third eye picture of a skull and crossbones was broadcast into my mind.

I always took it to mean death, that I could help the demonic who would be happy to see me dead.

‘Astral wildlife is a general umbrella term that describes forms of energy parasites that feed off the human energy field.

Normally they aren’t especially ‘dark’, or ‘aware’, but they are hungry and more animalistic.

Consider them as similar to lampreys or remora, psychic fleas or leeches.

‘These parasitical wildlife creatures are very common, but are unlikely to be noticed unless they either grow large or numerous.

At this point the person’s energy becomes compromised and they will most likely display some of the symptoms below.

In healers experiences many assume different forms, but some are more common than others.

Healers can visualize black balls of energy that hang in the aura.( If they increase in numbers the person’s aura can look a bit like Pigpen from Peanuts cartoon.)’

In addition to being a spiritual and emotional general irritant these astral ‘wildlife’ can create gaps and holes in the aura which will cause the person to leak energy.’

(unknown source)

Like holes in the house screen which let in wasps and mosquitoes, gaps and holes in the aura will reduce the natural protective function of the aura and may let more troublesome energies in.

from unknown source:

‘Other common psychic bottom feeders include a tentacle prominent parasite that threads into the chakras to feed, a ‘slug like’ form that feeds primarily from one or more kundalini points and can grow huge, eventually draining much of the host’s vitality.

Chronic fatigue syndromes and depression then often occur.

Our energy fields are not designed to carry these parasites and even relatively inactive attachments can drain one’s energy and drag the vibratory rate of the energy field down.’

This attachment can at death create a ‘ghost’ as the spirit is encumbered at the death of the body and it cannot ascend to the proper color light and the correct level in that light.

Sometimes you may get a feeling that there is something not right’ about a house or place or person, it will seem creepy and that creepiness usually signifies that the place or a person has a spirit or entity attachment.

One must always trust one’s intuition.

Dogs and small children are especially psychically intuitive and will be much less than friendly and socially outgoing when meeting such a person or going into such a place.

How can you tell if you or a loved one is affected by entities or astral wildlife?

Here are some of the main signs and symptoms.

Most people with unwanted energy attachments will have more than one of the following:

Your intuition telling you that all is not well


(from unknown source):




Cold patches in the aura


Bad dreams and nightmares

Unexplained aches and pains

Anxiety and fearfulness


Obsessive/compulsive behavior

Circular, nagging, negative thoughts

Self mutilation

Eating Disorders

Out of character behavior, especially angry outbursts

Lack of eye contact or a haunted’ look in the eyes

Drug addiction or alcoholism

Suicidal thoughts or actual attempts’

One is especially at risk if one works with energy as a Light worker, Reiki healer or other spiritual healer.

One must keep one’s auric boundaries strong and well protected in order to help others and not catch their spiritual disease attachments.

One must be careful with pouring Reiki energy into the problem as it does not do anything but feed the entity.

The entity becomes quiescent and it becomes dormant for a while digesting the increased meal.

One needs other methods to remove it.

If you think that you have an earthbound spirit, entity attachment, or astral wildlife, it may be possible to help yourself.

By all means try the following before calling in professional help.

Avoid fear for feeling fearful directly feeds the entity, as fear is a powerful and delicious energy to bottom feeders in the astral world.

Visualize an electric blue or electric purple light around you, two feet in all directions, and it will instantly manifest in that other astral dimension to surround and repel negative thought beings.

White light makes them quiescient, only because it feeds them.

Increase your daily intake of garlic, dramatically; I have even rubbed raw garlic on my affected areas where my skin burned locally, as a successful deterrent, even as demonic attachments were being forged.

Herbal pills ingested will avoid the pungent smell if raw garlic offends you and others within your home, but raw garlic can be substituted by using a smelly camphor/ Mentholatum muscle rub on affected sites.
Folklore and superstition has some wisdom, as an vestigial element.

Garlic rubbed on the insoles and ankles (spirits make a beeline for your feet) acts as an effective herbal repellent and leaving freshly cut garlic in small pieces and placing them in small dishes near your bed and around the room acts very well to repel astral wildlife that seek attachments.
It, unfortunately, however, may also deter your spouses enough for them to seek sleeping arrangements, elsewhere, as well.

The 13th century knew more about (psychic) vampires than we do.
Again, from Bruce;

‘Put some tiger balm on your feet, inside your socks, when you head out.

Camphor and other herbs help to shield you from these types of influences, although they have a strong smell.

Put a tiny dab of this over your heart area, and on your brow center, before bed, as well as on the feet to protect these areas, which are often targeted during sleep.

Burning incense in the room you sleep in is also of great benefit. ‘

‘Visualize a Blue- Violet Flame. Step into the blue-violet fire and allow it to penetrate right through you, burning away negativity as it does so.
Take several mega-salt baths a day to remove demonic ethereal connections, as salt generates a mild electrical current that severs implants and footholds of demonic connections.”
I would add that it’s crucial to monitor your mind’s inner-working, of thoughts, images and inner dialogues, for the first time, you should be self-scrutinized.
Be aware of your internal third eye camera, at all times.

If one relives a snippet of a dream during daytime hours, if that image resurfaces, spontaneously, during one’s waking day, it is a clear sign that an unclean one hidden or hiding within that image has either exited or is reentering.
Bruce suggests that

‘one must use slash/ cutting and burning of that resurfaced image, using an envisioned sword to sever connections between that image ,and its ropy connections to one’s layered psyche, and to then blowtorch/ burn any envisioned severed, remnant, stumps of vestigial connections.’
Nightmares surface under demonic oppression, and old forgotten faces loom into dreamscape’s mind’s eye as it gains a foothold into your memory banks.

It’s actually an astral attack from demonic, where your spirit, free from our body, at night, is attacked, surely
more vivid than a mere “dream”.

The bullying entity seeks to instill fear as an astral connection to you, towards later accessing your mind and memories and then, your bodily movements, in full possession.
Twitches and ticks will emerge as it struggles to attempt to assert muscular control.
From Bruce’s gifted mind:

“Envision the “nightmare” image, and turn it away from you until it’s postcard size and try to turn it over, in your mind.

Black, ropey connections will be “seen” which you must sever with a blazing sword in your right hand.

Burn the remnants with a torch held in your left hand.

This astral severing is fighting fire with fire and will manifest in the astral world strongly.

Imagination is a word our language should abandon.

The reoccurring image in fear, a nightmare, is an attack which you can block with a little mental effort.

This metaphysics removal of the image that spontaneously surfaced is designed to eliminate the evil one’s “Hiding place” within one’s mind.

“The image of an alien’s face or a snakelike, bug like image or a skull and crossbones demon’s representation in your mind’s eye will scurry from its now discovered and now removed previous hiding place.”
I awaken from a vivid nightmare, a demonic telepathic attack, and arising, I take a shower visualizing dark energy, like ink, running from me into the drain, and visualize all connections from the dream content projected image, severed by a radiant purple sword.

Then, I find another room to sleep in knowing it’ll be Hell to pay to return to my bed and that another attack takes a couple of hours, to manifest, for the entity.

Fighting (metaphysics) fire with (metaphysical) fire, works perfectly, as envisioned “tools”, are as real in that dimension, as the interloper is real.

Freud, psychiatry and psychology simply cannot wrap their analytically trained minds around these spiritual realities .

If Freud’s and Jung’s models are wrong, then our mind’s embrace of that whole subject can be wrong.

Even as a ‘jumping off place’, towards understanding the layered psych, one formally trained, is awry and stiltedly misinformed in one’s foundation premise of the mind’s permeability .

This holds true for Freud’s dream analysis models of dream symbols; one under demonic telepathic attack has terrifying nightmares, signifying that Freud was also wrong about the nature of dreaming, itself.

Outside of Jung’s and Freud’s modality of thought, If one hears internal voices that sound sinister and threatening, one is certainly far more psychic than psychotic.
This could not be perceived or understood by a Freudian or Jungian clinician who tacitly accepts that the human mind, is a closed hydraulic system, unto itself.

There are dozens of well documented examples of unseen outside influences as threats to the multi-layered psyche-mind, a concept psychoanalytically trained clinicians would reject.

It is not enough to accept/ understand the telepathic permeability of the human mind.
One must ‘supervise’, to take the fullest responsibility for one’s thoughts by monitoring and vectoring away all negative ideas, and actively replacing these with positive ones.
That’s taking full responsibility of and for one’s mind.

It is one who lives like mad machinery, barely aware of one’s seeming thoughts, who is often most easy prey for the puppet masters.
When such a puppet master is in play, people  wrongly and privately believe that their thoughts reveal their mental illness, a dark lifetime hidden secret that they mistakenly harbor.
Only when such patients are educated to accept that perhaps an outside interloper is to blame, does healing occur rapidly with the patient assisting and joining the therapist, to remove the negative-thought-being trespasser .


For an Earthbound spirit who is NOT attacking you , lighting a tealight candle and asking for their relatives or angels to guide them to the other side helps.
Other passive techniques are to

purchase protective crystals and wearing or carrying these crystals can often help you maintain this protection.

Demonic negative thought entities/energies, from reptilian aliens, to demons generally dislike the feel of iron pyrites and black tourmaline.
Wear them as jewelry, or carry them on your person.
Red jasper is one of my old favorite stone allies.

Leave a night light on and a ceiling fan as evil ones need darkness and stillness of air to fully empower and materialize.

Strengthen your auric field and repair any damage by visualizations that become stronger and easier over time.


Visualize a strong auric boundary, such as a crystalline egg or a sphere of strong blue or gold light.
I always leave classical music on low in affected creepy areas, to sharply raise dark vibrational levels.

Spray affected rooms’ walls with salt and holy water from a plant misting bottle.

All of these are passive defenses; always avoid ‘taking on’ the entity, head on, which can be more dangerous.
Never ‘take it on’.
The more attention you pay to it in worry and fear and even prayer, feeds it, as energy goes where your attention goes.

Taking on a demon by focusing on it with your third eye, to see it , or trying to cast it out in Jesus’ name, can often inspire it to move inside you, just for spite.

Some demons crave embodiment, and so demon possession consists of demons inhabiting a human body.
Mental diseases with their erratic or even insane behavior, along with physical diseases, often accompany demon-possession for demons perversely desire to destroy even the bodies that they inhabit.

Thus, passive defenses are always preferred:
(Robert Bruce, et al Astral Dynamics)

“1. Increase the grounding to maximum. Soak your body or especially your feet in a salt bath(or a bucket)Salt water creates a mild electrical current that can expel evil ones.

2. Get as much sunlight as you can. Sunbathing. Sunlight penetrates flesh and destroys ectoplasmic implants.

For winter, get a powerful ‘grow light’ as are used for growing indoor plants. Spend at least 30 minutes a day in shorts bathing in this light.

3. Verbal and silent affirmations. ‘my shields are perfect’ ‘I am perfectly protected’ ‘I am healthy, happy and relaxed’. Do these firmly and aloud as much as possible per day.

Use driving and shower time and times you are alone. Also do silent affirmations, and particularly try to fall asleep while doing these. Key and essential here is time and energy; the more time you put into this the stronger the effect.

‘my body and mind are happy and relaxed’

‘my natural shielding is perfect’

‘my mind is perfectly shielded’
He goes on to offer:

Affirmations often work best when the actual problem you want to stop is worked around.

For example, ‘my body and mind are happy and relaxed’ tells your higher self this message.

The only way your higher self can bring this about, if you are demon troubled, is to remove the demon problem.

For example, say that a demon is causing lots of stomach gas and discomfort – very common.

The affirmation ‘my stomach is relaxed and happy’ would directly target the cause, and encourage the higher self to remove the demon.

The trick is to keep one’s mind and senses (especially the sixth sense) firmly away from what is happening. Focus on something mundane and positive.

Think about gardening, football, cooking, anything.

If prayers or mantras are thought or said, they should not express anxiety, fear or an actual need for immediate protection.

This helps avoid forming unwanted firmer connections.

Focus calmly on the words and not on the reason for their utterance.

While holding a positive focus away from supernatural possibilities, sensible countermeasures should be applied, i.e., turning on light and music, slicing some garlic.

This should be done in a matter-of-fact way to avoid forming connections that might escalate problems.

It is essential to keep the focus of one’s mind firmly away from the source of what is happening. Focus on countering the symptoms, not on their source.

A matter-of-fact attitude (the intelligent use of denial) is both protective and defusing of all such demonic problems.

If something flies off a shelf in response to your prayer, simply say; “well, these things happen”.

It also makes the best possible use of one’s natural mental shielding.

One may feel anxiety and trepidation on the inside, but one should never realize and express these feelings, mentally or vocally, during a direct psychic demonic attack”.

It’s like being in mental quicksand – the more you engage it by flailing about with your mind , the deeper and more intense the attack .”

(Bruce goes on:)

“Phrasing prayer in affirmation format, present tense, active, positive, as if what is desired has already happened, is far more effective, I have found, than asking or praying for deliverance or help.

Please put your beliefs aside for a moment and think on this. To whom or to what are you praying?

You are pure source energy, an intimate part of the universe/God.

The closest and most accessible aspect of Source/God is your own higher self.

This is inside of you, in your mind and in every cell of your body.

Therefore, your own personal direct link to Source/God and the divine is through your self, through your body and your mind.

Thus, prayer/affirmation should be directed inwards to your own higher aspects.

So, a prayer/affirmation to rid yourself of interfering entities of any nature would read something like:

‘I am clear and free of all negative influences’ or ‘I am full of light and love’ (visualizing yourself filling with light) or ‘I am happy and free’ or ‘thank you for my healing’ or ‘thank you for my liberation’

It also helps to record a CD of affirmations and to play this in the background during the day, and on very low (barely audible) while you sleep.

This helps get the message through.

In a way, this is like intensely wishing the influences to go away, present tense active positive, as if it were already so.

The more time and energy put into this the more powerful it becomes. ”

Other excellent and effective passive approaches are well known.

Smudge yourself and your home with a traditional cleansing herb. Sage, lavender and cedar smoke is one of the best combinations and it’s the quantity of smoke, not the quality that matters.


Be thorough, get into all the ‘nooks and crannies’ of your room and house.

Take sensible precautions with lighted smudge and make sure you put it out properly. Be careful using smudge if you have any breathing difficulties or you are pregnant.

Have a priest bless salt and leave a continuous line completely around the house during the daytime.

An active more confrontational approach If one is an accomplished, protected exorcist is to

focus on the entity and say;

‘I reject all known and unknown agreements and contracts with this energy; ‘I reject and banish this energy from (name of the attacked person) space’.
I add,
“All contracts and agreements, known and unknown, with dark energies and dark entities are null and void and I banish this energy from my space, having learned all the lessons I wish from other negative beings”

and this sometimes helps.
Attaching this to God or Christ or the Great Spirit can make this more effective.


A poem verse especially effective for accomplished healers is:

“May God be resurrected and His foes vanish.

As wax melts before fire,

As smoke is dispersed by the wind,

So may all who hate the Lord flee from His sight,

And the just rejoice! ”

One major tool for releasement and for spiritual evolution is, forgiveness.

Forgiveness cannot be faked, but must be felt as genuine, and it is a basic key, to freedom from depredation from psychic vampires, who know our minds better than we do.

Remove their footholds, to all your stored, lifetime negativity, by exploring all the resentment stored within you from all the very nasty experiences that you’ve had in life.

Revisit each trauma, betrayal, painful episode and FORGIVE the offenders as well as forgive yourself; both you and they are merely players, on the stage of your life ‘blueprint’.

Truly experience and impose forgiveness within every past episode of pain that you can recall; when they broadcast such reminders into your mind, remind them of this forgiveness.

This combats them as they will be powerless to reside there, in your layered psyche, as forgiveness, is the key to spiritual evolution.

To quote a religious adage:

“A factor that God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air.

Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, foul and unclean spiritual raptors and carrion-eaters, demons who attack people, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us.

It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul’s warning in Ephesian 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and that demons are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights.

As Earth’s vibrational levels ascend and mankind becomes much more enlightened we must defend ourselves against negative thought entities who are more and more attracted to our ‘Light”.

They hate us because we are becoming more like the Father and Son, and because they know that this Earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.”
Never directly confront a demonic, but use passive defenses to encourage it to seek easier feeding grounds, elsewhere.
Since your energy goes where your attention goes, actively ignore it and it begins to starve for want of horror and terror food-energy.
Some unseen beings are quite devilish and quite evil and

should you exorcise, banish or confront it with anger, fear, and panic, you pull the tail of the tiger, and diabolical malevolence’s tail pulled, does not run, but instead turns, to directly face you.


Only gifted psychic mediums and well-protected healers should attempt the following;


Love Heals
Casting out entities, be they ETs, spirits, demons, jinns or ghosts)only sends them to another place to torture and trouble another person .
It’s like pulling a nail out of one’s flat tire and then casting the nail out into traffic for someone else to run into.
In all healing, do remember that God is “pure” Love and exists hidden within every cell of your being. It is only the power of Love that heals and lifts, elevates the soul to higher planes.
Another essential self-defense rule?
Unlearn fear as fear feeds and empowers bullying negative entities.
I give you the following steps to clear the negative energy:
First,  hold close that spiritual metamorphosis realization that you are a spiritual being, a tiny fragment of God’s light and love.
1.  Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2.  Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many “Christed” Ones.
3.  Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat this as often as you feel it is needed.)
4.  Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)
5.  Ask that your chosen  representative (I use my personal angels) arrive and take them to their perfect place and highest expression.
I often state that they be taken to the correct color light and to their proper place within that light.
6.  Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.
7. Ask that all of their psychic bonds be severed, and that they close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.
I ask that all negative karmic, sexual, known and unknown contractual bonds be severed. I augment this with a visualization of a blue flaming sword that severs black cords, in all directions.
Repeat this process until you feel clear.
There may indeed often be more than one healing to accomplish.
Remember that your spoken word is very powerful, and what is spoken, on their level, manifests instantly.
Many enlightened ones use this process before opening their energies and mind to prayers, healings, doing psychic readings of others and  angelic channeling.
Like burning sage to dissipate negative energies, this process creates a clear and safe environment and also lifts the vibrational energy of the one who is doing the healing.
Intent, the inner generator of your mind-soul, is nine-tenths of the spiritual law.
I am still becoming adept in this as a novice, but I recommend that you try to employ this loving ‘expulsion’ as it raises trapped spirit’s vibrational levels and does service to the Other Side.
Moreover, such psychic flexing of unconditional love, illustrates the God-like creative powers of the human mind.




How to Recognize and Survive the Approach of a Serial Killer

by Paul Schroeder
(“There are two kinds of serial killers as far as the victim is concerned: the kind that you
don’t see before they pounce on you and the kind you see and don’t expect to pounce on
There are many more serial killers living outside the prison walls than inside.”
Pat Brown)

The expression,”serial killer”, denotes the word, ‘serial’, which means, successful killer .

Ted Bundy said that he often wore his arm in a sling to perfectly trap random

compassionate women, who traveled to his car door to assist him with his theatrical

‘struggle’ with packages.

These outgoing, caring women were brutally clubbed into his trunk for later torture.

Serial murderers who instead of passion, kill in ‘cold blood’, and  do not know their

victims, beforehand, for they kill randomly, purposefully moving from town to town, city

to city, without any remote tinge of latent regret or  accumulative  feelings of guilt.

Unlike a murder of marital or  organized crime Mafia passion, there is no plan for a pre-

dug grave or a methodical bother to dismember the corpse.

They make no attempt to hide the bodies of their victims.

They  stop on a deserted road and open the hood of their car to flag down a helpful

motorist to kill them with a gun.

Back into the victim’s stolen car, in the next town,

they  lure a child into a car by asking them to help find a lost puppy or by offering them a

kitten from a box of kittens, which disarms any child, and then  stab the child to death.

Later that night, they stop at a truck stop to pick up a prostitute to then strangle her

afterwards leaving her body on the side of the road.

They remember to be most careful to use a different method of murder, each time to

confuse police efforts from various jurisdictions, from establishing an M. O. pattern


that links random killings into a single silhouette, the  fingerprint of a singular serial murderer.

Interstate highways lend a unique anonymous isolation to the mentality that serial

killers love and use:

Truck-stops are high risk areas, as are truckers, themselves, and especially long off-

ramps are  over represented with highway murder deaths, a study of  murder statistics show.

A big, friendly, helpful smile, or a helpful assist from a total stranger, is the last thing one

will ever see and one will never see it coming, the guise of

serial killer psychopaths .

These serial killer psychopaths travel from state to state blithely killing random people,

leaving corpses on roadsides the way that we leave cigarette butts, without a single afterthought ,

psychopaths who from childhood, have had  their consciences, all of their lives, sit in the

corner, like a well trained German Shepard .



Serial killers enter

back into this harsh world without a written ‘blueprint’, without spirit helpers and

without  protecting angels and

do again return to become serial murderers, and

 they  manifest the
same three  signature traits of  Dark Force Entities:
sinister, predatory and self justifying.


It is good advice that one should avoid them, sidestep them, and never attempt to tackle them head on.

But one CAN recognize and survive an encounter with such a serial killer predator, by

taking careful notes from serial murderers who have explained their ‘trade-craft’

( from Internet unknown source):

” Trust your intuition:

Do not ignore your instincts or intuition.

You have likely recognized something indefinite that spells out danger, and your mind

has not caught up with your recognition – you do not yet perceive how to dissect it


This is intuition.

If something does not feel right, then it is not right.

Never ignore such inklings; do not be embarrassed to change your mind in front of a

stranger or have fear of being rude.

It’s better to be rude than dead.

Under no circumstances get into the Car:

Once victims get into the car, few return alive and are later found dead at a secondary

crime scene.

Whether you’re helping some stranger carry a package to the car, being offered a ride, or

having someone else near your car, they can all end with you being murdered.

The presence of a baby seat or children’s toys in the vehicle – or even children

themselves- are tools that a serial killer uses to mentally disarm victims.

The Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, once returned to a body dump site to have sex

with the corpse of one of his victims while his son slept in the vehicle.

– Serial Killer Warning Signs of Entrapment-:

A Pretended injury/weakness:

The murderer makes a huge effort to let you know that he is physically weaker than you.

He may stumble and drop packages

“Please help me carry this to my car. Ever since my spine injury, I can hardly move.”

He may wear a cast or walk with a cane in the Ted Bundy method, to trap his victim.

Too much information:

The murderer will give you too much unnecessary, detailed information:

“My sister has a sweater just like that. She was living in California but she moved home

last year. Her boyfriend gave it to her for Christmas, but afterward they broke up …”

When such a serial murderer is telling a lie, though it sounds credible to you, he often

has little confidence in his talking-trap method and will tend to add too much detail,

more than necessary to support it.

This ruse of details makes a serial murderer seem less a stranger and appear more

familiar than he really is.

The un requested promise:

“Just one drink and then I will take you home, I swear!”, when you never asked him to

promise you anything.

Sudden unsolicited promises can be a sign of an underlying sinister agenda.

Friendly authority:

The stranger projects some kind of non threatening authority:

“I’m the security guard/ the park ranger/ a police officer.”

“You didn’t see the signs; this is closed. I’ll escort/drive you out of here.”

‘You shouldn’t be alone here; we are on the lookout for a serial killer in this

neighborhood. Get in and I’ll drive you out of here.”

No law enforcement official would tell you that there was a serial killer, for

they avoid giving outside knowledge TO  ANYONE of an ongoing case for media

avoidance purposes.

Some serial killers come tricked out with police identification and police-like vehicles.

Insist that he call a uniformed backup if you did nothing wrong but are being “arrested.”

Challenging your personality:

The killer labels you, in a critical way, hoping that you will attempt to prove them wrong,

“You’re too weak to help me lift this box into the back of my van.”

“You’re not frightened of me, are you?”


Often a killer will manipulate you to “team up” with him.

You and he instantly become a “we” – “I hate drinking alone, I know a great place we can

go to up the road.”

“I’m going there too, we can get there in my car.”

This attempt to bond with you is a way to quickly establish a familiarity.

Imposed obligation:

A serial killer will impose his help on you, hoping that you will feel obligated to help him back.

“Let me help you carry that to your car” will lead to “Can you give me a lift to the corner?”

You leave your home to find your tire flat.

“Let me change that flat tire for you” will be followed by “May I come inside to wash my


But he WAS the one who punctured the tire in the first place.

Having already accepted his help, he hopes that you feel bad enough to refuse a request like that.

Once inside, you’re a murder victim.

An appeal to a feeling of being vulnerable:

“Help me find my lost puppy before it gets away too far.”

“I need to drop off this medicine to an elderly person upstairs, but I can’t legally park

here; just come and sit in my car while I run in for five minutes?”

“My little girl is missing, will you help find her?”

– Not taking,” no”, for an answer-A classic murderer’s tool.

No matter how many times you say, “That’s okay, I don’t need your help,” the stranger insists on helping you.

If you give some weak excuse or sound unsure, he will persist.

Do not be afraid to be loudly blunt and rude: “I said, NO! Go away! I do not want your


Many are loquacious and charming, but it’s only a ‘tool’ to conceal a demonic intent:

“I’m the most cold-blooded sonofabitch you’ll ever meet,”  said Ted Bundy.

“I just liked to kill, I wanted to kill.”

The signature symptom of the psychopath is his inability to see others as worthy of


Victims thus become dehumanized, “flattened into worthless objects in the murderer’s mind”.

John Gacy, who never showed an ounce of remorse, called his victims “worthless little

queers and punks,” while the “Yorkshire Ripper” Peter Sutcliffe declared that he was

“cleaning up the streets” of ‘ human trash’

All of these killings were managed with an initial charming smile, a smile carefully

contrived, before a lethal knife or hammer fell.

Would YOU have easily fallen, do you suppose, for one of these “tricks of the trade”?

Would you have been naturally leery enough to survive such tactics or would you be

clearly very prone to an evil stranger’s charm and closeness, to become yet another murder victim?

And many rare victims who survived later said, “But, he was so sweet!”

Sweetness, is not the same as being sweet.

Sweetness can be used as a deadly manipulative tool.

A charming smile can mask the most evil intentions.

Once one is alerted to these uniform techniques employed by many

incarcerated successful, serial murderers, one can teach one’s spouse, one’s children,

one’s colleagues and one’s easily duped friends, to be much less trusting, to raise their

fence higher, around themselves, to prevent them  from becoming  the next victims of

a murderer.

One must teach one’s loved ones  to be immediately suspect, of any close-hand

encounter with a stranger, who pretends a stance of authoritarianism, need, or one

warmly disarmingly charming,  widely used  tactics that serial killers rely on.

An approaching car, one that passes close by you, while you are out walking late, in an

abandoned hour, or in an empty place like a deserted parking lot, could  easily spell such an unplanned


They are everywhere and in transit through small towns; be wary, be aware, beware.

One must be taught, instead, to be poised to bolt, to be alarmed by any car’s or person’s

close proximity to one, in a lonely place and moment, and to lose one’s sense of blind

trust, of one’s presumed safety with a total stranger.

The suspicious always appears “ordinary”, until suddenly, it isn’t.

Can anything be done to change and redeem such serial killers’ dark minds and souls?

Capital punishment for such murderers is spiritually counter-intuitive, because after

physical death, they linger on this plane and join together with dark others, to

accomplish yet more evil than they ever could have done, when they were alive.


Only God can and will “shift” them, in His own time,

but until such time,

don’t talk to strangers..



Combat and Military Memory of my Father: I Could Have Told Him That I Loved Him
by Paul Schroeder
My father parachuted into Germany and was captured that same week; he and his
 company buddies were holed up in a farmhouse armed with machine
guns when a Tiger Tank rolled up to it and put its muzzle into a window and fired.
He recalled his ferocious gnawing hunger and told me that at the prisoner of war camp
at night, when he slept, mice would creep into his buttoned shirt vest pocket to steal the
few crumbs of bread he had hidden there before he could awaken and slap his pocket.
He weighed eighty-eight pounds when he was liberated.
At another time, on a work detail outside and beyond the barbed wire fence, he saw a
skeletal group of Jews, literally walking skeletons, and in abject pity he threw a piece of
his bread over a fence to them, which they all frantically scrambled for.
The supervising German sergeant of those doomed Jews saw him do this and walked
over to him and put a Luger into my father’s mouth and pulled the trigger.
The gun misfired.
His mind and lifelong emotional mental state were never the same after that incident,
and for the rest of his life he remained tortured, an unhappy and mostly unpleasant
He would, many years later, angrily retrieve moldy bread and brown wilted lettuce from
the trash, raging about ,’wasted food’, and we all learned that for our peace of mind, food
garbage had to be thrown into the incinerator, long before he came home, from work.
He told me that he witnessed the killings of women who had assisted anti-Nazi resistance
fighters, women who were hung from piano wires in a slow strangulation that delighted
and entertained the German Waffen S.S.
But he seemed calm telling me that it took some over an hour to die, in this fashion, from
this form of German murder, for the the slimmest, most lightweight women who were
hanged, struggled longer against their nooses.
The prisoner of war camp’s confinement had chafed his soul.
Even long after the war he could escape the inglorious restraints and confinements of
marriage and work , to seek the open ocean to fish for striped bass and bluefish.
He loved fishing more than anything or anyone, in his life, and ached for fishing, to be
free and alone on a landscape of waves, with only gulls for company.
He spent all of his spare time, nights and weekends, alone on the open Atlantic ocean, a
peaceful landscape of land escape, far from dangerous and murderous distant coastlines.
When he thought that I was old enough to be of assistance to him, he brought me into his
escapist world of fishing solitude, and far out on the waters of the Atlantic, far from any
constricting shore, told me his memories, of a horrific war. .
When I was young, eight, nine and ten years of age, my father woke me every Friday
night at 2:00 A.M. and by three fifteen A.M. we were out in the waters of Long Island, in
his boat, fishing for striped bass and bluefish until the sun came up and fish stopped
feeding and taking lures.
We watched the gulls; wherever they were raucous and feeding, we caught many large
fish, as schools were underneath, forcing the bait to the surface, which attracted the
birds. It was a foolproof technique.
After the sun came up, we sat and jigged the bottom for fluke and flounders, languid
bottom feeders, while we sat under the shade of the Marine Parkway Bridge.
Bereft of the engine’s roar and the slap of the waves against a speeding hull, we sat, and
he would speak to me of the horrors he had seen.
Every weekend of my youth was spent this way, catching large fish.
I was agog and seasick for days afterwards.
The pitched sickness of the waves, the sharp sour stink of fish, the stench of gasoline
from the engine, the foul pungent odor of the, ‘piss-can’ and his poignant recollections of
the horrors that he had seen during the war, combined to make me deathly ill, each time
that we fished together..
I envisioned deep trenches in the furrows of the waves, filled with sobbing, and doomed
families of Jews, as German Waffen S.S. driven bulldozers, pushed tons of soil atop them,
to bury them, alive.
Once, after listening to such tales, told in his low, monotone voice, I eventually noticed
that each time I netted and landed a fish into the boat, the water would swirl and splash
a few seconds afterwards, and I asked my father the cause of this bizarre occurrence.
He blithely told me, casting a lure from the boat, that the fish’s mate would break the
water, seeking his lost mate, following after, in a futile search.
In that moment, with the boat at my feet filled with flopping fish, jaws gaping in airy
suffocation, the horrors in his stories resurfaced:
dead children in the streets, who resembled dolls, their jaws and eyes open,
skeletal Jews with pleading eyes,
children murdered before their parents’ eyes,
of a Waffen S.S. who used his machine pistol to separate a close knit family, and of their
wails of separation, which years later, would ring in my father’s head.
I suddenly realized, in horror, that each swirl and splash of water, after I had pulled one
fish into the boat, was a mate and thus a broken heart, that fish were individuals, with
feelings, and not just mere products!
The horror of fish, dead and dying at my feet, of loved ones’ final, forceful separation, in
a frozen moment, broke my young heart, and I found and resolved, that I could no longer
bear to catch, or to ever again, eat fish.
May be an image of 4 people and people standing
Recalling these memories is not a freeing and therapeutic catharsis, instead I feel a sad
nostalgia, a morbid whimsy .
As a writer, it is difficult to capture the strained, forced familiarity of families’ troubled
interactions, governed by fruits of traumas, into words.
I have carefully locked the vault door against the worst recollections, the horrors of
living with him; he had absorbed the repeated brutality of his experiences.
Throughout life, he radiated the same heavy-handed violence to those all around him,
using fists, where a word, instead, might suffice.
Those recollections, if unlocked behind my mind’s protective vault doors, would make
these experiences, herein, pale, by comparison.
When I can hazard to open those vault doors, doors made of three feet of steel,
therapeutic and freeing might then ensue.
Debriefing combat troops, is still nonexistent; one arrives fresh from combat to San
Diego Airport or Kennedy International Airport.
The injuries that our most recent troops have sustained in Iraq and Afghanistan, unseen
and unmeasured injuries, are deep and painful scars on their souls;
many, after drug and alcohol addiction fails to assuage their grief, take their own lives, in
suicides suffering from combat angst beyond words.
I recall General Patton coming under criticism for slapping the face of and calling a
coward, a young soldier, in a field hospital, who was trembling, with severe shell shock.
Even the military fails to understand what happens to America’s young men who have
been taught all of their lives,”Thou shalt not kill”, after they are trained to be killing
machines and then aptly fill the job description for a tour of duty.
Americans must unite to reluctantly resolve to fight a broader world war with ISIS, for
though America does NOT want war, WAR wants America.
America, is NOT at war, for America is busy shopping in malls; our military, however, IS
at war.
Their souls are forever tainted, degraded and crippled by official legal murders.
How is one to understand?
Rather than wrongly judging that my father wallowed in these memories, he instead was
surely drowning, within a deeper struggle, far removed from self pity.
Though he never once told me, within the recollections of the circle of my life, that he
loved me, I found that I instead should have told him then, and often, that I loved him .
Just before he died, at eighty-four, after a lifetime of no contact with him, I visited him at
the Saint Albans Veterans Hospital Facility.
How I learned that he was there, is a paranormal story beyond belief, but one reserved
for another time.
Even after a stroke and a heart attack, confined to a wheelchair, his bristling aggression
and smoldering anger had still radiated.
He had angrily cursed God, when I did mention God, to him; he had repeatedly cursed
God, saying that there was no God and as proof, offered me what he had seen, of the long
ago mass murders of Jewish infants and children, by Ukrainians and Nazi Waffen S.S.
He had repeated that because of raw evil allowed to run rampant, he was thus an atheist,
one who didn’t believe a single word about God and then, he had openly cursed God,
I had chided him by saying that although God WAS all loving, that even God, might get
annoyed, to be cursed so.
As for wholesale murder of innocents I reminded him:
‘Church taught hatred of Jews, as murderers of Jesus Christ, fueled the Holocaust, the
Inquisition, pogroms, ghettos, and rabid antisemitism and NOBODY hates the Church,
more than Jews, nobody…’
Slowly, I had realized a more positive note, an element of rescue,  a spiritual coup de’
I had been driven by unseen forces, after twenty-five years of no contact,  to bring along
to his bedside, a spiritual message to deliver to him.
I said that he was wrong; that the proof of God only seemed so invisible because it was
too merged within our consciousness and within everything all around us, to be too
easily detected.
I had told him that I had, over years of learning, away from him, become psychic enough
to glean more:
that we are NOT people, having spiritual/ paranormal experiences, but are  undying
spirits, within a DNA nanotech-contrived housing, instead, having human experiences.
That we ‘step out of’ our bodies at death, as we do our cars and our clothing, in physical
And we are no more our bodies, I had said, than we are our clothing, or our vehicles.
I had assured him that I had learned that our consciousness actually reincarnated often,
to learn spiritual lessons, that God gives us many lifetimes to refine our souls and to
learn lessons that we set out for ourselves.
With some pride, I had reminded him that his lifetime’s recollections of horrid war
experiences, revealed a braver and nobler inner spirit, than most, to have chosen such
harsh and horrid lessons.
He quietly listened, with no vague inkling of acceptance.
A week later, preparing to visit him, again, I got a phone call from the hospital that he
had passed in the night from a second and final heart attack.
Some months later, while I was playing my bass guitar, (playing music, much like sleep,
or hypnotic television watching seems to suppress my left brain’s blocking aspect, and
paranormal experiences occur) in my living room, his face suddenly loomed into my
mind’s eye and I suddenly felt his closeness.
Instead of an accompanying sad heaviness, his energy radiated a youthful joyous
Stunned, I psychically acknowledged him, with love, but also with great worry; I
cautiously admonished him for hazarding to linger so on this plane, and asked him to
quickly jump into the Light.
His accompanying joy, a mixture of freedom from worry, from bed-worn immobility,
from war-time sadness, with an element of love and thanks, thrilled me.
Perhaps, I had I had been sought to deliver that message, to him, in much needed time.



“Sex is not the answer.

Sex is the question.
The answer, is ‘YES’!”
(Woody Allen)
Since sex is less than five or ten percent of a marriage, those who marry just for sex, find imposing reasons later on in the relationship, to not confine sex, within the parameters of their marriage, but remain as faithful, as their options and opportunities.
After all, man DOES need woman for the artistry and complexity of friendship, for filial fun, cute socializing, profound partnering, and deep soul intimacy, but they may not ALL BE with the SAME woman.
Women wander sexually, as well, as statistics reveal, that every other wife strays to another’s arms, for love making.
I often thought that women had it better ; if I were a woman, without any love, I’d be down at the docks,  no underwear, waiting for the fleet to come in, with my skirt pulled over my head.
But these days, older and more jaded,  I’m a cheap date, for myself, and even after sexy-self-love, I don’t even take myself out to dinner or to a movie..
There surely HAS to be some more dignified way of expressing desire and passionate love for another human being, because the human body is a sad marvel, with its waste disposal plant, immediately adjoining its amusement park.
Sex, is forever something that parents are loathe to discuss with their children; when I was a child of seven, they mentioned the fearful danger of sex, saying, “not to play around with sex, because it was,”playing with fire.”
At seven years old, I recall thinking,
“Well, I HAVE a hose…
But one who marries, just for sex, is buying a 747 jet, just for the little bag of peanuts. Surely, there’s other ways to get peanuts, if that’s all that you really want.
Yes, men are shallower than one would imagine, and will as soon marry for breasts, as an inkling of love, an idea so shallow and childish, that it takes much head shaking, to comprehend.
Yet when men themselves, in later life themselves develop breasts, they chafe ingloriously,  upset about those fatty unmanly acquisitions.
Are men more juvenile in their primitive sexual drives and emotional makeup, and are women, indeed, far better human beings than men, providential, sensitive, charitable, strong and beautiful?
This DNA primate difference can be demonstrated, at a very young age: if you place a group of five-year-old girls, in a room together, they sit, talk and relate to each other with civil chatter, sharing, and with often surprising wisdom.
 But, if instead, you place a group of five-year-old boys, in a room together, they will soon roll all over the floor, like shaved gorillas, lost in individual combative power fantasies.
Nevertheless, our lingering social notion is that men are more important, more apt and more likely to be leaders,  a hard social prejudice to quell.
Equality,  in passion, is immediately easy to demonstrate:
When a cop on the beat encounters a young couple making love in the tall grass, in a park, he does NOT tap their shoes with his nightstick to angrily demand:
” All right, now, WHO’S in charge, here ?!”
Progress is being made and HIStory, will eventually become HERstory..
But, in emotional and spiritual essence, marked hormonal differences loom: women generally speaking, need love, and are willing to give sex to achieve love, but men want sex, and are willing to give love, to achieve sex.
But women are still naive, and are not the least bit aware of men’s glandular functioning concepts towards women:
When men view a woman’s public, licentious exaggerated undulations, in dance, consummated sexual fantasies unfurl:
deep within men’s psyches, visualized fantasies/daydreams dominate, of private encounters, with these licentious, and actively lithe women.
For women, seen by men, rarely grasp that their public dancing, is clearly nothing but overt symbolic sex.
Is this why is it still a man’s world, and so much easier, in society, to BE a man?
We equate physical beauty with inner goodness, which has allowed nice-featured  and handsome psychopaths like Ted Bundy and Jefferey Dalmer to serial (successful) murder so many duped women and duped so many gay men .
Men are suckers for a pretty (merely perfectly symmetrical) face and will sacrifice marriage, family and children for a dalliance with one..
But, it’s easier to BE a man because, as a man:
Each solitary, individual feature on your face always stays its birth shade and original color.
(Methinks, that If men wore makeup, most would be disconcertingly prettier than many women.)
If a man chooses, he might, perhaps, consider a cosmetic shave, but ONLY to some parts of his face and neck.
You, as a man,  can always wear shorts despite how awful your legs do look.
Your last name, regardless of marital -legal battles, stays put.
People do not ever stare at your breasts and your nipples when you’re happily chatting with them.
You are genetically and socially blind to any but the biggest wrinkles in your clothing.
Calorie intake and belly size are never a crucial consideration.
You always have the consummate and total freedom of choice about the growing of a mustache.
You don’t have to remove all of your clothes just to pee.
You can wake up just as attractive as you were when you went to bed, rather than have your beauty somehow deteriorate, during the night.
You can more easily, socially, defend your space, with knee-jerk displays of violence.
Woman, as the pretty sex, is a relatively new idea.
Pirates who wore the perfumes, jewelry, silks and frills echoed this olden concept of male beauty; a classical nude in statue, was almost ALWAYS male, historically, in ancient Greece and Rome.
This classic maleness model of beauty oddly reversed itself in the eighteenth century and women became the “pretty sex”, instead.
Throughout the animal world, whether it flies or swims, the male is STILL the colorful sex, the female, the drab one.
But since the eighteenth century, sexual and cultural reversals have oddly persisted in human affairs, and women instead have become the pretty sex.
Today, women who carry a few extra pounds, live longer than the men, who mention it…
Straight men, do not adorn themselves towards being highly polished- exceptions exist for politicians, actors, sports-stars, head gangsters, and police detectives, for within these men, narcissism, a sinful sense of entitlement, and monumental ego all loom.
In those megalomaniac ‘types’ , highly-polished self-preening is also accompanied by bullying.
But the question remains, for the sake of guile and deceit: how curried and airbrushed is too curried and airbrushed?
The first thing I look at, when I see a polished, curried woman, is her eyebrows; if they’re natural, it’s a blast of honest sexuality that curls my toes.
If they’ve been removed and severe Groucho-Klingon brows, of crayola, or worse,  tattooed eyebrows, I experience an anxious ‘turn off’  and a social warning of duplicity, and then, all of my antenna are up, and waving..
But, why are so many women who look like floss, patina and veneer, the very shallow types, who a man has to pay, for an intelligent conversation?
It is, In truth, because they have long cared ONLY about their outsides, and not ever about, their ‘insides’.
‘Beauty’ television commercials and ‘beauty’ magazine ads feature graphics of highly curried women extolling Western society’s virtues of vacuous, narcissistic women, who gaze back at us, made over into a man’s surreal vision of what ‘beauty’ should look like..
In Maine, at a lobster restaurant, I went to the register to pay and behind the counter, opening the register, was a tall, strikingly handsome, buxom woman, in a formal ballgown who sported a large handlebar mustache.
Her startling visage has stayed with me, for many years, resplendent and role indigestible..
It’s a cultural facade and mirage of the sadly discarded true value of beauty, which always comes from within.
 A man in our culture says,”You’re beautiful”, before he says, “I love you”, and thus a woman is wrongly taught , that if beauty fades, then love must also fade.
Poorly informed, desperately seeking love, she runs scared to the beauty parlor, nail salon, hair stylist, cosmetic facial and breast implant surgeons, willing to suffer to maintain an airbrushed, curried, artificial “beauty” , so that “love” will not also vanish.
Men perpetrate this hoax until they themselves believe it.
Men admit that they LOVE women who look hot and who act hot;  homespun, often unwilling women, by comparison, are like radiators, men have to keep touching, to see if the heat’s coming up.
Yes, men are more shallow than one would imagine, more vain than women and more duplicitous in satisfying their hormonal drive.
Thus, using men’s sex drive, women, culturally, have been taught guile and deceit from a tender age, to ‘trap a man’, by using their physical, sexual allure:
They shave armpits,
shave legs and mustaches,
dye their hair,
use eye-liner,
mascara and false eyelashes,
face makeup,
(“Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy”)
face foundation,
tints of rouge blush,
sport uplift brassieres,
apply perfumes,
apply lipstick,
go for Botox or plastic surgery to erase facial wrinkles,
surgery for the installation of silicone fake breasts,
wear high heels,
designer fingernails,
contact lenses,
  paint fingers and toes.
They put on things, to make them look bigger, and things that make them look smaller;
then, they meet a man, and  they want, “honesty”!
Man, refuses to accept that makeup glamour fools the eye and deludes the heart, until he awakens after the wedding to see his bride without any makeup, and in shock thinks, “WHO is THAT?!”
Can such preoccupation with sexual camouflage avoid extra-marital diversion , and allow longevity and truthfulness towards a meaningful marriage?
Many couples who have lasted together forever, don’t have to work hard  to get along  in marriage.
“When you work too hard to make the business of marriage work, you get tired, and when you’re tired , you get annoyed, and  arguments start, and when arguments start… you’re out of business ..'”
(George Burns)
I remember being stopped and asked once, at Disneyland, by a graying and aged couple to photograph them, for they admitted that it was none other than their fiftieth anniversary.
I saw the way he held her hand and how they hugged and kissed as I struggled to find and frame the picture.
I wondered what wisdom and marital advice they might share, for too  many, marriages end in divorce.
Marriage, for too many men,  is just like a tornado: in the beginning, there’s sucking and blowing , and later on … you lose the house.
Whatever happened to the woman and to the man who could not live, without each other?
He went East, and she went West, and they both lived.
My wife went over to speak with his wife to comment on how sweet they looked together.
I returned the camera when he slowly made his way to me and I asked him the $500,000 lulu question:
“What’s the secret to being married, so successfully, for so long?”
He looked confidential and wise and peeked to see if his wife was engaged in conversation before he spoke:
“You gotta cheat”, he whispered.
Men are like linoleum floors. Lay ’em right and you can walk all over them for thirty years. ~ Betsy Salkind