by Paul Schroeder

Translation trip- ups, are screw-ups, mistakes that can alter reality.


President Carter visited Poland, in 1977.


Through an inexperienced translator, Carter said,” for your desires in the future”, which
instead was wrongly translated as,”your lusts for the future”, and said,
“When I left the United States”, which came out as,”when I abandoned the United States”,
mistakes that the press found amusing.
Nikita Khrushchev, gave a speech, at the U.N., during the Cold War, in which he said a
phrase, interpreted wrongly in Russian,” We will bury you!”,
which gave cause for alarm to NSA and CIA, when the more accurate meaning was
“We will outlast you!”

 One’s personal destiny, much like history, is also affected by such screw-ups in



I had the same interpretive conundrum trying  futilely to communicate with angelic
beings, spirit helpers and my Higher Self,

for I desperately needed spiritual help, protection against untoward, unpleasant and


unwanted paranormal experiences.



 I felt that perhaps I could also be able to assist myself, because I  knew fully well that

the human mind, in itself, has Godlike  powers, to alter reality.

The mind, the conscious soul, by sheer force of  will, is able to  alter our  predetermined
and programmed  ‘reality’,

 our life- scenarios,  pre-arranged in a blueprint.


This blueprint,  carefully pre-planned by us, our spirit helpers, and guides,  before our


birth, is for spiritual learning, within this school, that we call, “Earth”..


Whenever I attempted “to create my own creation”, I was

always in dreamscape told ” LET IT BE” and was aware of

my blueprint being read( You wouldn’t imagine by what type of creature) atoning :


which always astounded my awareness of pre-planned

destiny and previous alignments that should be adhered to,

as well as depressed me, at my seeming inability to ‘create

my own creation’, while in midstream of that “blueprint’s” rapid’s


So vibrate “higher, I must needs do, I wisely surmised.


But the more that I fervently prayed, with angst, to Heaven to  cease and desist


paranormal untoward horrid experiences , the more things got worse.



 I had close encounter sightings of overhead UFOs and  then suffered subsequent


abductions by, brilliantly diabolical reptilians, ceiling-tall who radiated hatred and who

imposed vivid, nightmares.

My prayers, I thought, all my life heard and responded to,  now failed to elicit  spiritual help.


My mind also failed to translate its power to tell ‘reality’,  to stop paranormal encounters
that loomed as dreadful.

I discovered that fearful pleading to Heaven for respite and relief did NOT mean that one had the language to effectively communicate.


Why did things get worse, after  desperately fervent prayer?


Why were my experiences worsening and  my intense requests lost, in translation?


I felt an electric mortal terror of  persistent , nighttime bedroom alien critters.


After abductions, I felt harmed, threatened and  wounded.

 My fervent prayers to Heaven’s Hosts for  protective relief  were ignored.

When I experienced panic attacks , it was long before I suspected that I was a “sensitive” and that


free-floating-panic, was simply the soul’s reaction, to ‘intrusion’ psychically.


I needed access to a more correct language, to reach Heaven’s ears, the spiritual software
in spirituality to reprogram my blueprint, while still submerged  in life’s midstream .

But instead,  my  suffering  expressed in focused prayers, made all Hell break loose:


Ghosts, demons, shadow people, poltergeist phenomena, dreadful , vivid nightmares, Out


of Body Experiences, and aliens in overhead craft who abducted me.


  I was flirting with an onslaught of inter dimensional bleed-throughs,  and face to face
with The Beasts of Inter-dimensional Madness.​

I  agonized over my thwarted  spiritual rights  to demand cessation, seek

balance, grounding and  protection, from my angels, my guides, God and my Higher Self.

 But, the more that I worried, petitioned and implored, in despair, to Heaven, to end


bizarre encounters, the more that unholy creatures carrying butter knives, pranced


naked, into my bedroom’s nightmares.


The uninvited fully devoured me, at night.

Why does the buttered slice of bread always fall butter side down?


It’s not the weight of the butter.
I herein share a mystic’s revelation,  that took me ten years to discover.

Fearful worrying,  negative energy, manifests those very things, that keep you up at


night, worrying about.

Since your energy goes where your attention goes, chronic fearful worry, only brings


more wolves, to all of your doors.

Though we are not ever alone in this life, we may as well be, for our Higher Self, spirit
helpers, angels and spirit guides, do NOT use the King’s English, in the same way as we do.
Communication from you to them  is interpreted,

not by  words, but by the inner focus of the mind’s emotional energy.


It’s a translation problem, that makes things that you desperately seek cessation from, to
continue to manifest in your direct path.
Lost in translation, the spirit world  naturally and wrongly  assumes, that  horrid events,
are precisely what you are asking for: praying for relief from ‘wolves at the door’,
counter-intuitively, only brings MORE ‘wolves to the door’.
Like trying to avoid a dangerous road obstruction, just ahead, in front of you, while you
are driving, your  fearful focused gaze directed at it, only helps you, to hit it.

The translation software apparatus that works  requires that  you never despair, or resign yourself to grief.


Like a weary survivor lost at sea, tired of swimming , in terror, that he will drown, who
decides to end his suffering agony, by

 inhaling a merciful  lungful of water, exemplifies how  negative fear and worry bring


about ruination.


The  spiritual translation software instead  requires the  swimmer to relax and float,
expectantly grateful,
with relief , certain of a wondrous rescue.
However counter-intuitive this may feel, then spiritual help will begin on its way.
 The  translation- language, to reach  those, ‘behind one’s curtains’,  requires one  to

 feel GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, and JOYFUL, as though full relief  has already been afforded you.


This  translation program,  however oblique and counter-intuitive, is an emotional
software language  which works.
                                   Program translation RULE
Stay positive.
Shift  from the negative
unhappiness expressed in :
“Oh, MY DEAR God!,  I beg you, PLEASE help me with——–!”, with angst
“THANK YOU, GOD, for your wondrous help in successfully keeping all traces of——–
forever far away from me!”, with
 an inner emotional stance of





  Like magic,  I was finally able to communicate passed translation bottlenecks, using


emotional relief and deep gratitude, regarding my travails.


Rather than send  more wolves, Heaven instead began to perfect a remedy for me.

A spiritual technophobe, slow to learn,  it took me ten years to figure this out.
A prayer request using RELIEF combined with GRATEFULNESS,   gains and re-adjusts
‘the ear’ of our Higher Selves, angels and spirit helpers, who manifest reality for us,
according to the emotional energy focus, of our heart and  mind.

Paranormal inter- dimensional untoward bleed-through experiences  have  diminished,


in ferocity and incidence, as a direct result of this ‘language’ software shift in demeanor,




lend a new meaning, to the expression, “from your lips to God’s ears” .
As one reader commented:
 “One must keep a positive energy when communicating to the Creator (God). Just as
when you are floating on the water.. you remain relaxed and at peace, the water and you
are performing a sort of “dance” ..a partnership in your communication between the
water and you.
The same is true when communicating with the Creator. Stay calm, confident, peaceful,
and relaxed.
Be thankful and serene as you SHARE in your petitions to the Creator.. “




God is real, but down a long hall, but somewhere else other than world religions’


wrongness,  about the ‘vengeful’ nature of God, for God has a natural of love for




  1. You are absolutely correct. One must keep a positive energy when communicating to the Creator (God). Just as when you are floating on the water.. you remain relaxed and at peace, the water and you are performing a sort of “dance” ..a partnership in your communication between the water and you. The same is true when communicating with the Creator. Stay calm, confident, peaceful, and relaxed. Be thankful and serene as you SHARE in your petitions to the Creator.. whether you are asking for something (such as for help) or if you are acknowledging your surroundings and appreciating the beauty of it, or simply giving thanks.

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